Best practices for similar RBAC schemas? - reactjs

I all, I'm writing a boilerplate for future projects. Composition is as follows:
Prisma 2,
JWT Auth (Access token in memory, Refresh in cookie)
I'm writing an RBAC schema, and have successfully written express middlewares to determine if a user is logged in, and for if a user has a specific permission on their role.
If you've ever used any of the minecraft server permission plugins, I'm trying to emulate the common pattern used there.
Users have role(s)
Roles have permissions
Roles can inherit permissions from one or more roles
Roles have a "nextRole" field to determine what role to give when the "promote" event is triggered.
Everything works fine on the server side.
What I'm wondering about is, how should I go about copying the middlewares (login, permissions) to the client side, and how should I determine whether a user has permission to do something?
What I've looked at:
Creating a "hasPermission" endpoint wouldn't be very good as I'd need to make an API call every time a permission check is needed.
Eager loading all roles and permissions from the api when logging in and returning them in the response (I can't eager load the recursive role inheritance/nextRole as far as I know)
Returning ONLY the user without roles and permissions for the JWT/login bit and getting roles/permissions from their own endpoints (again, needs to be recursive to get all inheritance and said permissions from inheritance)
Has anyone created an RBAC schema like this, and how did you go about checking permissions on the client side without being too redundant/using too much memory/too many api calls?

This is a good question, here's my answer to it.
An app is normally protected by the auth info, which means it could be blocked if a user is not permitted. If this is a server application, it can be easily done, because the session can be used to find out the current user info including roles.
However if this is a client app, it's a bit tricky. Say we can protect a route (page or section of page) once the user log in.
if (!user.authenticated) return null
We can use the above line to block private or public user. Or other information you can grab from the user to protect more.
if (user.role !== 'Admin') return null
We could wrap in these into a component, such as
<Allow role="admin" render={...} />
I believe you get the point. However there's something which is very unique about the client approach. The entire user info is returned back, and only the user info, not the user type or permission type.
So to follow your plan, do we need to share a permission or role type to the client side? This is a million dollar question.
In practice, the UI never needs the complete info, why? because UI normally reshapes the permission a bit. That doesn't mean you can't share the complete info from the backend. Doing that may make the UI job easy or more complicated. Nobody knows.
The reason is what I explained above, the UI is writing a if statement (could be hidden) anyway. Either this if is true or false, most of the front-end code is already loaded. It's very different than the backend version, which can entirely block the deliver of the content.


Salesforce Server-to-Server integration without any user involved

I am working on a integration with Salesforce using REST APIs and, as part of the project, I need to send updates to Salesforce and these updates are not user triggered, they are system triggered.
Because of that, what I expect to see on Salesforce Field History is not a user name but the name of our Connected App (the app that made the update).
What I see today is the user name because the way the integration was made initially using OAuth Authorization Code flow.
To change that part of the project, I followed the link (OAuth 2.0 JWT Bearer Flow for Server-to-Server Integration):
Making that, I was expeting to generate a token for a System, not for a User, but that's not what happened: when I used the token generate from the JWT Bearer Flow and ran the update, the Field History still shows the user name.
What could I do then?
Which are the options in Salesforce to achieve the behavior I'm expecting?
The most important, in my opinion, is to have a Token for our system, not for a user.
Everybody is an user in Salesforce. Even if you access unauthenticated pages (some contact us form? case or lead capture) - it gets tracked under special Guest User.
It sounds stupid but gives you unified interface to control permissions (Profiles/Permission sets). You want guests to access only FAQ articles and make cases? Sure thing, do it in profile, don't get paranoid about people trying to guess right URLs. You think an app was hacked? You can terminate the session just like any other "user". Want to allow login only in certain hours and from certain IP? Sure.
An app connecting with JWT will still need username (main difference being it's "just" certificate for signing the request instead of password).
Your best bet is to create dedicated "Mr System", "SystemX integration" account. It sounds like waste of license but in the long run saves you questions "why did you edit my account at 1 am" and you could even use it as backup account if you use SSO and it ever fails...

User Roles / Permissions on Frontend - React / GraphQL / Apollo Client

Recently started working with React / Apollo Client / Auth0 / Hasura and have some questions on handling frontend permissions. I'm using Auth0 to handle my authorization on whether a user is logged in and have my backend setup to check as well when handling mutations / queries. My question is now how to handle it on the front end.
A user can create a team that will store the info in my "teams" table and also create a record in my "team_staff" table as either a manager or coach. That was all straight forward. What I'm looking to do now is when a user visits, for example: to check if the user exists in the "team_staff" table and if not show them an error message or even a redirect. Also looking to hide certain buttons when viewing a team based on whether they are a staff member or not.
Should I handle this at the login and do a query for all the teams that user is a staff member on and store in a session / cookie or have a query / check inside that component each time it's called? Or am I way off and should do it another way?
Hopefully this question makes sense. Thanks!
This question makes sense, I believe many developers would have some similar problems.
Make API request in componentDidMount to get the right permissions (after signed in of course).
For this question, we have many solutions, and which is the best, depends on your infrastructure, your team and so on. Basically you need to call API to check the permission because your permission stored in the backend. Never store permission on the frontend storage like session, cookie, etc.
I can give some approaches.
First, call API right after signed in to get permission information, for example:
Get list of permitted routes, then, whenever user browse to a specific route, check to make sure that route in list of permitted routes.
Get list of permitted team like array of team ids, then in each route, get team id, check if that that team exist in above list.
But I'm sure you will realize they're almost the same, just different the data you get and how to process them. And two solutions totally depends on you.
All API request should be placed in componentDidMount of page component, because you will want to make sure the permission should be applied correctly as soon as the backend has changes.
Happy coding!

Salesforce: How to automate report extraction as JSON/CSV

I am new to Salesforce, but am an experienced developer. I am provided a link to a Salesforce report, which mostly has the right filters (query). I would like to use an REST API to pull that information as CSV or JSON so that I can do further processing on it.
Here are my questions:
Do I need special permissions to make API calls? What are they?
Do I need to create an "app" with client-key & secret? Does my admin need to grant me permission for this too?
There are a lot of REST APIs from Salesforce, which one do I need to get the info from the report? Analytics?
How do I authenticate in code?
You'd have to work with the System Administrator on the security pieces. Anybody who knows how the company works, can all users see everything, is there Single Sign-On in place, how likely is the report to change...
You will need an user account to pull the data. You need to decide if it'll be some "system account" (you know username and password and have them stored in your app) or can it run for any user in this org. It might not matter much but reports are "fun". If there will be data visibility issues 6 months from now, you'll be asked to make sure the report shows only French data to French users etc... you can make it in report filters or have multiple reports - or you can just use current users access and then it's the sysadmin that has to set the sharing rules right. (would you ever think about packaging what you did and reusing in another SF instance? Making a mobile app out of it? Things like that, they may sound stupid now but will help you decide on best path)
The user (whether it'll be system account or human) needs Profile permissions like "API Enabled" + whatever else you'd need normally ("Run Reports" etc). If you're leaning towards doing it with system user - you might want to look at Password Policies and maybe set password to Never Expires. Now this is bit dangerous so there would be other things you might want to read up about: "API only user" (can't login to website), maybe even locking down the account so it can login only from certain IP ranges or at certain times when the job's supposed to be scheduled...
Connected App and OAUth2 stuff - it's a good idea to create one, yes. Technically you don't have to, you could use SOAP API to call login, get session id... But it's bit weak, OAuth2 would give you more control over security. If you have sandboxes - there's little-known trick. You can make connected app in production (or even totally unrelated Developer Edition) and use client id & secret from it to login to sandboxes. If you create app in sandbox and you refresh it - keys stop working.
(back to security piece - in connected app you can let any user allow/deny access or sysadmin would allow only say these 3 users to connect, "pre-authorize". Could be handy)
Login - there are few REST API ways to login. Depends on your decision. if you have 1 dedicated user you'll probably go with "web server flow". I've added example if you don't have a ready SF connection library in your programming language.
If you'll let users login with their own credentials there will be typical OAuth "dance" of going to the target page (Google login, LinkedIn, Twitter...) and back to your app on success. This even works if client has Single Sign-On enabled. Or you could let people type in their username and pass into your app but that's not a great solution.
Pull the actual report already
Once you have session id. Official way would be to use Reporting API, for example
A quick & dirty and officially not supported thing is to mimic what happens when user clicks the report export in UI. Craft a GET request with right cookie and you're golden. See No idea if this will work if you went with dedicated account and "API access only" permission.

Can the client modify react component state?

I'm building an admin page for an application and have a state value 'authenticated' that flips from 'false' to 'true' after a successful login (which is authenticated on the server) which then shows the actual admin panel.
Are component state values safe from tampering by the client? Basically, if the client can modify my 'authenticated' state value to 'true', they can skip the login and go straight to the admin panel (which I obviously don't want).
I read that React Dev Tools allows the client to modify values yet everyone says "validate on the server" but I am validating on the server and updating my state accordingly, if the user is approved. If it is not wise to have a state value manage this, what is the right way to conditionally show the admin page after a successful, server-side authenticated login?
I think this is an important question since tampering with state values in a React app can have huge negative consequences on data integrity within an app/database.
TL;DR: Either require an authentication token with every request or require authentication through a session.
Never trust users always. One potentially big issue is if you "hide" admin actions behind the admins page without requiring authentication.
For example, assume the backend server uses a REST API to accept commands. In the admin panel you get links to administrative actions like a button 'Delete Everything' that sends a DELETE request to without requiring any authentication. If you're a user, you can find that in the code potentially and then send a DELETE request to that address from anywhere without any repercussions.
We'd never give administrative privileges to anyone who would want to delete everything... Because we'll never untrust someone. Right?
Worse, someone might find the server and fuzz some inputs to it, and oops! They manage to delete everything (or even worse, GET everything stored in the database). This wouldn't be hard to do, especially if the server you use to authenticate is the same server you use to issue commands. History has proven "security through obscurity" to be a very bad paradigm. Every action should be authenticated, even if it seems like the actions will be hard to find.
Generally, providing a JSON web token or some other form of authentication token and having the user send that with every request is a good start at least, especially if it has an expiration date. The token would be provided through a separate request with valid credentials.
Sending a token with every single request obviously isn't ideal. There are a couple of other things to try. For servers using PHP, you can probably trust sessions (though very many people who know more than me would probably disagree). In more modern cases, you could try to use Web Sockets, requiring the token after connection. Then only after authentication with the token do you allow the user to make administrative requests.
That way, even if a user knows the exact command they can send to perform any action, the server won't let them without a current session or token. Unfortunately, unless you're already using Web Sockets or depending on a session, it will likely require a lot of changes. I'd consider this to be critical though.
It is always possible to tamper values in the front-end, there is no way you can rely solely on the front end to ensure security.
Your best approach is to implement some form of authentication and authorization on your backend. In this way, even is some users pretend to be admin, they will be blocked when you do the next request to the server.
Perhaps if you can send more information regarding your problem, we can think of a more specific solution.

ADFS not issuing claims from custom attribute stores to some users

I'm trying to work out why some of our users aren't issued claims by our custom attribute stores.
Our main attribute store for authentication is Active Directory, but we are using two custom attribute stores to issue several custom claims to users, and also to perform some logging of claims issued. When an affected user logs in, they are authenticated successfully by AD, but have no more claims added. According to the logging in our attribute stores, the BeginExecuteQuery is never called.
I can't see anything to link the affected users, but they mainly seem to be new users, or users that have not logged into the system in a long time. Restarting ADFS sometimes clears the problem, but whether it does or not seems to be random.
I'm trying to understand why an attribute store would be ignored by ADFS on logon for certain users, when it works fine for others. If there is a quick guaranteed temporary fix to get users' claims issued correctly, that would be useful too!
For security reasons, I don't have access to the ADFS Debug tracing.
This was eventually solved with a longs string of calls to Microsoft's AD FS support team. The problem was traced to a piece of our claims rule language which was using the lastLogon and lastLogonTimestamp AD attributes without understanding how they actually behaved. This meant that for some users the condition to grant the custom claims was never met.
