In the e2e Flink SQL tutorial the source table is defined as a Kafka-sourced table with timestamp column upon which watermarking is enabled
CREATE TABLE user_behavior (
user_id BIGINT,
item_id BIGINT,
category_id BIGINT,
behavior STRING,
proctime AS PROCTIME(), -- generates processing-time attribute using computed column
WATERMARK FOR ts AS ts - INTERVAL '5' SECOND -- defines watermark on ts column, marks ts as event-time attribute
) WITH (
'connector' = 'kafka', -- using kafka connector
'topic' = 'user_behavior', -- kafka topic
'scan.startup.mode' = 'earliest-offset', -- reading from the beginning
'properties.bootstrap.servers' = 'kafka:9094', -- kafka broker address
'format' = 'json' -- the data format is json
As long as GROUP BY is made by a TUMBLE upon ts field, it seems natural (since Flink knows when to trigger / eject the windows) but in the middle of the tutorial we see the following expression
INSERT INTO cumulative_uv
SELECT date_str, MAX(time_str), COUNT(DISTINCT user_id) as uv
DATE_FORMAT(ts, 'yyyy-MM-dd') as date_str,
SUBSTR(DATE_FORMAT(ts, 'HH:mm'),1,4) || '0' as time_str,
FROM user_behavior)
GROUP BY date_str;
Here we see that GROUP BY is made on derivative date_str field, but how does watermarking works here? How does Flink decides when to "close" date_str bucket? Since date_str is some function over ts, it must somehow understand how the watermark update for ts would translate into waterlevel for date_str field which seems unfeasable to me. How does it work internally, does Flink stores all encountered records in it's state?
Perhaps you can refer to the link below to learn about the generation and delivery of Watermarks, especially "How Operators Process Watermarks"
In this example, the watermark is generated from the ts of the source operator, and the downstream operator will only process the watermark, which has nothing to do with the date_str field.
public class TimestampsAndWatermarksOperator<T> extends AbstractStreamOperator<T>
implements OneInputStreamOperator<T, T>, ProcessingTimeCallback {
public void open() throws Exception {;
timestampAssigner = watermarkStrategy.createTimestampAssigner(this::getMetricGroup);
watermarkGenerator =
? watermarkStrategy.createWatermarkGenerator(this::getMetricGroup)
: new NoWatermarksGenerator<>();
wmOutput = new WatermarkEmitter(output);
watermarkInterval = getExecutionConfig().getAutoWatermarkInterval();
if (watermarkInterval > 0 && emitProgressiveWatermarks) {
final long now = getProcessingTimeService().getCurrentProcessingTime();
getProcessingTimeService().registerTimer(now + watermarkInterval, this);
public void processElement(final StreamRecord<T> element) throws Exception {
final T event = element.getValue();
final long previousTimestamp =
element.hasTimestamp() ? element.getTimestamp() : Long.MIN_VALUE;
final long newTimestamp = timestampAssigner.extractTimestamp(event, previousTimestamp);
watermarkGenerator.onEvent(event, newTimestamp, wmOutput);
public void processWatermark(org.apache.flink.streaming.api.watermark.Watermark mark)
throws Exception {
// if we receive a Long.MAX_VALUE watermark we forward it since it is used
// to signal the end of input and to not block watermark progress downstream
if (mark.getTimestamp() == Long.MAX_VALUE) {
I'm trying to use Flink to consume the change event log produced by Debezium. The JSON was this:
And I've tried two ways to declare the input schema.
The first way was directly parse the JSON data :
create table team_config_source (
`payload` ROW <
`after` ROW <
team_config_create_date timestamp(3),
team_config_update_date timestamp(3),
) WITH (
'connector' = 'kafka',
'format' = 'json'
But Flink would throw an error org.apache.flink.formats.json.JsonToRowDataConverters$JsonParseException: Fail to deserialize at field: team_config_create_date caused by java.time.format.DateTimeParseException: Text '1670724933000' could not be parsed at index 0. Doesn't Flink support timestamp in this format?
I've also tried another way, using the built-in debezium format:
create table team_config_source (
team_config_create_id int,
) WITH (
'connector' = 'kafka',
'format' = 'debezium-json'
But Flink come up with another error Corrupt Debezium JSON message caused by java.lang.NullPointerException. I found somebody said that update event shouldn't has null as before value, but this message was a create event.
Could anyone help to check my DDL?
I am an a Flink expert but TIMESTAMP in Flink is not Epoch time, it is in datetime format.
In this case you can define table like:
team_config_create_bigint BIGINT,
team_config_update_bigint BIGINT,
team_config_create_date as TO_TIMESTAMP(FROM_UNIXTIME(team_config_create_bigint)),
team_config_update_date as TO_TIMESTAMP(FROM_UNIXTIME(team_config_update_bigint))
I have a Flink job that consumes from a kafka topic and tries to create windows based on few columns like eventId and eventName. Kafka topic has eventTimestamp as the timestamp field with timestamp populated in millis
DataStreamSource kafkaStream = env.fromSource(
kafkaSource, //kafkaSource is the KafkaSource builder
WatermarkStrategy.forBoundedOutOfOrderness(Duration.ofSeconds(20)), "KafkaSource");
// Doing some transformations to map to POJO class.
Table kafkaTable = tableEnv.fromDataStream(
.columnByExpression("proc_time", "PROCTIME()")
// eventTimestamp is in millis
.columnByExpression("event_time", "TO_TIMESTAMP_LTZ(eventTimestamp, 3)")
.watermark("event_time", "event_time - INTERVAL '20' SECOND")
The Tumble_End window query returns rows when proc_time is used, but doesn't return anything when I use event_time.
FROM kafkaTable GROUP BY TUMBLE(event_time, INTERVAL '1' MINUTE)"
-- This query gives some results
FROM kafkaTable GROUP BY TUMBLE(proc_time, INTERVAL '1' MINUTE)"
I tried to set env.setStreamTimeCharacteristic(TimeCharacteristic.EventTime); but this is deprecated as I'm using 1.14.4 stable version.
I tried adding custom WatermarkStrategy as well, but nothing worked. I'm not able to identify this behaviour. Can someone help on this?
David - Here is the code I'm using.
main() {
val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment()
val tableEnv = StreamTableEnvironment.create(env)
val kafkaSource = KafkaSource.builder<String>()
val kafkaStream = env.fromSource(kafkaSource,
WatermarkStrategy.forBoundedOutOfOrderness(Duration.ofSeconds(20)), "KafkaSource")
val kafkaRowMapper =
val finalTable = tableEnv.fromDataStream(kafkaRowMapper,
.columnByExpression("proc_time", "PROCTIME()")
.columnByExpression("event_time", "TO_TIMESTAMP_LTZ(f2, 3)")
.watermark("event_time", "event_time - INTERVAL '20' SECOND")
tableEnv.createTemporaryView("finalTable", finalTable)
val sqlQuery = "SELECT eventId, eventName, TUMBLE_END(event_time, INTERVAL '1' MINUTE) AS event_time_new, " +
"LAST_VALUE(eventValue) AS eventValue FROM finalTable " +
"GROUP BY eventId, eventName, TUMBLE(event_time, INTERVAL '1' MINUTE)"
val resultTable = tableEnv.sqlQuery(sqlQuery)
class RowMapper: MapFunction<String, Tuple4<String, String, Long, Float>> {
override fun map(value: String): Tuple4<String, String, Long, Float> {
val lineArray = value.split(",")
return Tuple4 (lineArray[0], lineArray[1], lineArray[2].toLong(), lineArray[3].toFloat())
Kafka topic has values like this
I have added the below line after creating table environment and then I'm able to create windows using event_time
tableEnv.config.configuration.setString("table.exec.source.idle-timeout", "5000 ms")
I see examples that convert a Flink Table object to a DataStream and run StreamExecutionEnvironment.execute.
how would I code + run a continuous query that writes to a Streaming Sink with the table API without converting to a DataStream.
It seems this must be possible, because otherwise what is the purpose of specifying streaming sink Table Connectors?
The Table API docs list continuous queries and dynamic tables, yet most of the actual Java APIs and code examples seem to only use the table API for batch.
EDIT: To show David Anderson what I'm trying, here are the three Flink SQL CREATE TABLE statements on top of analogous Derby SQL tables.
I see the JDBC table connector sink supports streaming, but am I not configuring this correctly? I don't see anything that I'm overlooking.
FYI, when I get my toy example working, I am planning on using Kafka in production for input/output stream-like data and JDBC/SQL for the lookup table.
CREATE TABLE LookupTableFlink (
`lookup_key` STRING NOT NULL,
`lookup_value` STRING NOT NULL,
) WITH (
'connector' = 'jdbc',
'url' = 'jdbc:derby:memory:myDB;create=false',
'table-name' = 'LookupTable'
CREATE TABLE IncomingEventsFlink (
`field_to_use_as_lookup_key` STRING NOT NULL,
`extra_field` INTEGER NOT NULL,
`proctime` AS PROCTIME()
) WITH (
'connector' = 'jdbc',
'url' = 'jdbc:derby:memory:myDB;create=false',
'table-name' = 'IncomingEvents'
), jdbcUrl);
CREATE TABLE TransformedEventsFlink (
`field_to_use_as_lookup_key` STRING,
`extra_field` INTEGER,
`lookup_key` STRING,
`lookup_value` STRING
) WITH (
'connector' = 'jdbc',
'url' = 'jdbc:derby:memory:myDB;create=false',
'table-name' = 'TransformedEvents'
), jdbcUrl);
String sqlQuery =
"SELECT\n" +
" IncomingEventsFlink.field_to_use_as_lookup_key, IncomingEventsFlink.extra_field,\n" +
" LookupTableFlink.lookup_key, LookupTableFlink.lookup_value\n" +
"FROM IncomingEventsFlink\n" +
"LEFT JOIN LookupTableFlink FOR SYSTEM_TIME AS OF IncomingEventsFlink.proctime\n" +
"ON (IncomingEventsFlink.field_to_use_as_lookup_key = LookupTableFlink.lookup_key)\n";
Table joinQuery = tableEnv.sqlQuery(sqlQuery);
// This seems to run, return, and complete and doesn't seem to run in continuous/streaming mode.
TableResult tableResult = joinQuery.executeInsert(TransformedEventsFlink);
You can write to a dynamic table by using executeInsert, as in
Table orders = tableEnv.from("Orders");
The documentation is here.
It's explained here.
code example can be found here:
// get StreamTableEnvironment.
StreamTableEnvironment tableEnv = ...; // see "Create a TableEnvironment" section
// Table with two fields (String name, Integer age)
Table table = ...
// convert the Table into an append DataStream of Row by specifying the class
DataStream<Row> dsRow = tableEnv.toAppendStream(table, Row.class);
// convert the Table into an append DataStream of Tuple2<String, Integer>
// via a TypeInformation
TupleTypeInfo<Tuple2<String, Integer>> tupleType = new TupleTypeInfo<>(
DataStream<Tuple2<String, Integer>> dsTuple =
tableEnv.toAppendStream(table, tupleType);
// convert the Table into a retract DataStream of Row.
// A retract stream of type X is a DataStream<Tuple2<Boolean, X>>.
// The boolean field indicates the type of the change.
// True is INSERT, false is DELETE.
DataStream<Tuple2<Boolean, Row>> retractStream =
tableEnv.toRetractStream(table, Row.class);
I am using Flink 1.12. I want to read a csv, and does tumble window group by based on processing time.
The code is as follows, but there is no output the query sql_tubmle_window, I would like to know where the problem is
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.scala._
import org.apache.flink.table.api.bridge.scala._
import org.apache.flink.types.Row
object Sql017_ProcessTimeAttributeDDLTest {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment
val tenv = StreamTableEnvironment.create(env)
val ddl =
create table sourceTable(
price DOUBLE,
pt as PROCTIME() ---processing time
) with (
'connector' = 'filesystem',
'path' = 'D:/stock_id_price.csv',
'format' = 'csv'
""".stripMargin(' ')
//Create the source table
//NOTE: The following query produces correct result
tenv.sqlQuery("select key, price, pt from sourceTable").toAppendStream[Row].print()
//there is no output for the tumble group by query
val sql_tumble_window =
TUMBLE_START(pt, INTERVAL '4' second),
TUMBLE_END(pt, INTERVAL '4' second),
FROM sourceTable
""".stripMargin(' ')
println("=" * 20)
println("=" * 20)
//There is no output for this sql query
Thread.sleep(20 * 1000)
The problem is that the job runs to completion before the window has a chance to fire.
When a Flink streaming job is run with a bounded input (such as a file), the job ends once it has fully consumed and processed the input. Meanwhile, the 4-second-long processing time window will be triggered whenever the time of day happens to be an exact multiple of 4 seconds since the epoch -- which is unlikely to occur unless the CSV file is very long.
You might expect the 20-second-long sleep to take care of this. But the sleep is happening in the Flink client after it submits the job to the cluster. This does not affect the execution of the streaming job itself.
My requirement is to process or build some logic around the result of sql query in flink. For simplicity lets say I have two sql query they are running on different window size and one event stream. My question is
a) how I will know for which query result is this
b) how I will know how many rows are the result of executed query? I need this info as I have to build a notification message with list of event those are part of the query result.
DataStream<Event> ds = ...
String query = "select id, key" +
" from eventTable GROUP BY TUMBLE(rowTime, INTERVAL '10' SECOND), id, key ";
String query1 = "select id, key" +
" from eventTable GROUP BY TUMBLE(rowTime, INTERVAL '1' DAY), id, key ";
List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
tabEnv.createTemporaryView("eventTable", ds, $("id"), $("timeLong"), $("key"),$("rowTime").rowtime());
for(int i =0; i< list.size(); i++ ){
Table result = tabEnv.sqlQuery(list.get(i));
DataStream<Tuple2<Boolean, Row>> dsRow = tabEnv.toRetractStream(result, Row.class);
dsRow.process(new ProcessFunction<Tuple2<Boolean, Row>, Object>() {
List<Row> listRow = new ArrayList<>();
public void processElement(Tuple2<Boolean, Row> booleanRowTuple2, Context context, Collector<Object> collector) throws Exception {
Appreciate your help. thanks Ashutosh
To sort out which results are from which query, you could include an identifier for each query in the queries themselves, e.g.,
SELECT '10sec', id, key FROM eventTable GROUP BY TUMBLE(rowTime, INTERVAL '10' SECOND), id, key
Determining the number of rows in the result table is trickier. One issue is that there is no final answer to the number of results from a streaming query. But where you are processing the results, it seems like you could count the number of rows.
Or, and I haven't tried this, but maybe you could use something like row_number() over(order by tumble_rowtime(rowTime, interval '10' second)) to annotate each row of the result with a counter.