Multi-tenant access to the same instance of enterprise apps - azure-active-directory

My customer is in process of migrating some of the their uses from the current tenant(tenant A) to new tenant(tenant B) and wants to know if the users from the tenant B can connect to the same SaaS-based apps & instances in tenant A using their tenant B environment credentials during and after the tenant migration.

Yes Multitenant can use their SAAS based app and Instances with any of their tenant credentials.
Software as a Service (SaaS) application - You can configure your application to accept sign-ins from any Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) tenant. This configuration is called making your application multi-tenant. Users in any Azure AD tenant will be able to sign in to your application after consenting to use their account with your application.
Multi-tenant applications need to be provisioned in each directory where they will be used, which requires user or administrator consent to register them.
This consent process starts when an application has been registered in the directory and is given access to the Graph API or perhaps another web API. When a user or administrator from a different organization signs up to use the application, they are presented with a dialog that displays the permissions the application requires. The user or administrator can then consent to the application, which gives the application access to the stated data, and finally registers the application in their directory
Multi tenant Reference -
AAD Consent Framework -


Error AADSTS650052 - Apps service principal access

I am getting the below error message when my Application (A) is trying to access another application (B) which is hosted in a different Tenant. Both applications have been registered to support multi-tenant access (i.e Accounts in any identity provider or organizational directory (for authenticating users with user flows) within their respective tenant. The microsoft outlook account I am using is associated with both tenants. What am I missing?
'AADSTS650052: The app is trying to access a service 'xxx-xxxx-xxxx' that your organization 'xxx-xxx-xxx' lacks a service principal for. Contact your IT Admin to review the configuration of your service subscriptions or consent to the application in order to create the required service principal.
In order for an application to authenticate with a tenant, a service principal representing it must exist in that tenant. For multi-tenant apps this is created when you go through authentication to that app on the target tenant. So you need to do a login against your app with the target tenant as the authority.

How to Use Microsoft Graph in a Multi-Tenant environment?

I have an ASP.NET web application which has multitenancy supported in it . I have a requirement to integrate microsoft graph to access and write to outlook calendars.My question is , will every Tenant have its own application id and secret key ? Or will one secret key and application Id be common to all tenants ? Please provide me details of what needs to be changed as this is somehow misleading and vague.
Thanks in advance.
This is discussed in the docs under Step 4 of Register an application with the Microsoft identity platform:
Supported account types - Select which accounts you would like your application to support.
Accounts in this organizational directory only - Select this option if you're building a line-of-business (LOB) application. This option is not available if you're not registering the application in a directory.
This option maps to Azure AD only single-tenant.
This is the default option unless you're registering the app outside of a directory. In cases where the app is registered outside of a directory, the default is Azure AD multi-tenant and personal Microsoft accounts.
Accounts in any organizational directory - Select this option if you would like to target all business and educational customers.
This option maps to an Azure AD only multi-tenant.
If you registered the app as Azure AD only single-tenant, you can update it to be Azure AD multi-tenant and back to single-tenant through the Authentication blade.
Accounts in any organizational directory and personal Microsoft accounts - Select this option to target the widest set of customers.
This option maps to Azure AD multi-tenant and personal Microsoft accounts.
If you registered the app as Azure AD multi-tenant and personal Microsoft accounts, you cannot change this in the UI. Instead, you must use the application manifest editor to change the supported account types.

Giving access to third party application

I am a developer working on an application that will access O365 data via the Graph API. I have registered an application under my company account. I have authentication working on a per-user basis. Now I am trying to get it to work so that a tenant administrator can grant permission to my application for data access on an organization-wide basis. I have this working as well - I used the /adminconsent endpoint to bring the administrator to a page where he granted the consent.
What I am wondering about is the line in the documentation that says "You can rely on an administrator to grant the permissions your app needs at the Azure portal". I am trying to figure out what that procedure is so I can document it for admin users. I thought perhaps it was to go to App Registrations - there I see an option to create a new registration. But this has it's own Client Id. Don't I somehow have to give it the Client Id of my own application? Or is the idea that the tenant admin will supply the Client Id of his app to my app? Or am I in the wrong area altogether?
BTW in case it is relevant, I am not using any authentication library, just making direct http calls from a C++ program running on the Windows desktop.
Per my understanding, your application is an multi-tenant application. Only you or the administrators in your tenant can grant the permissions to your application. The administrators from other tenants can grant consent to use your application, but they can not control the permissions.
You can grant admin consent by calling admin consent endpoint.
If you want to grant admin consent via Azure portal. The application must already been provisioned in your tenant. For example, an app could be provisioned in your tenant if at least one user has already consented to the application.

Why access token does not contain all permissions after updating Office 365 application permissions in Azure AD?

I registered multi tenant Office 365 application in Azure AD admin center and configured required permissions that this application asks for. Also I created web service that uses this application.
My web service had been working for half a year and at some point I extended functionality of my web service and now it requires several new permissions. Also I realized that some permissions are not required for my web service any more.
So I added extra permissions and removed those that I don't need in Azure AD, saved the permissions and clicked "Grant permissions" button.
In my web service I perform re-authentication flow in order to update access token for working with created Office 365 application and use extra permissions. But when I get access token using my web service and decoded the token on this site I don't see that extra permissions were provisioned. Also I see that my web service gets token with those permissions granted that I removed from my application. So even after re-authentication user from another tenant that use my web service gets token with "old" permissions set.
Why so? How can I provision all the application permissions I previously set up for my Office 365 application in Azure AD to the tenant that uses my service? I just need the permission set in the token be up to date with those I configured in Azure AD.

Azure B2C. User account does not exist in tenant 'xxx' and cannot access application

We get the following error when trying to access an AAD application, which is connected to Azure B2C.
User account '' from identity provider '' does not exist in tenant 'xxxxxxxx' and cannot access the application 'xxxxxxxxxxx' in that tenant. The account needs to be added as an external user in the tenant first. Sign out and sign in again with a different Azure Active Directory user account.
The live account shows up in both the B2C and AAD as a user. Manually created accounts can log in. Yet when logging in from a B2C account, I get the above error.
How can I solve this problem?
If your requirement is to accept both personal accounts in addition to corporate accounts, then you should not be using ADAL. ADAL/ADAL.JS is designed only to accept corporate accounts and use the so called Azure AD 'v1' endpoint.
Here are your options:
AppSource only requires corporate accounts sign-ins. If you only need AppSource certification, you can keep using adal.js to sign-in corporate accounts. Then what you need to do is to set your application to be multi-tenant in Azure Portal, so you don't need to add guest accounts. But, again, this option only accepts corporate account sign-ins.
If your requirement is to also accept personal accounts, then you need to use msal.js instead of adal.js - and then register your application in the new portal . This new application is known as converged application and uses the Azure AD v2 endpoint. To get started use this guide as a starting point to sign-in users using msal.js.
