Is there a Dart/Flutter equivalent of Django's database abstraction layer? It's more convenient to deal with objects than manual SQL queries.
I guess what you are referring to is Django's ORM.
There are ORMs for Dart, but none does currently is as complete as Django (which has been in development for 16 years already).
That being said, there are quite a few ORM packages on Dart ( search for ORM).
Beware that:
Some are abandoned but some are maintained.
Not all work outside of mobile (no desktop or web support)
Not all are null-safe (though this applies mostly to the abandoned ones).
Most only work with SQLite
You may want to look at (I have no direct experience with those):
drift, works for SQLite and has experimental PostgreSQL support.
sqfentity has an API similar to Django Managers (the .objects thing). Also SQLite
The current lack of ORMs for server based databases (mariadb, postgresql, ...) maybe due to the fact that Dart is not that much used in the backend (this may change as flutter gains popularity).
Regardless, if you want something similar to Django always search for ORM, not database abstraction.
I am looking to dip my hands into the world of Multi-Model DBMS, I have no particular use cases, just want to start learning.
I find that there are two prominent ones - OrientDB vs ArangoDB, but was unable to find any meaningful comparison, unopinionated between them. Can someone shed some light on the difference in features between the two, and any caveats in using one over the other? If I learn one would I be able to easily transition to the other?
(I tagged FoundationDB as well, but it is proprietary and I probably won't consider it)
This question asks for a general comparison between OrientDB vs ArangoDB for someone looking to learn about Multi-model DBMS, and not an opinionated answer about which is better.
Disclaimer: I would no longer recommend OrientDB, see my comments below.
I can provide a slightly less biased opinion, having used both ArangoDB and OrientDB. It's still biased as I'm the author of OrientDB's node.js driver - oriento but I don't have a vested interest in either company or product, I've just necessarily used OrientDB more.
ArangoDB and OrientDB are both targeting a similar market and have a lot of similarities:
Both are multi-model, you can use them to store documents, graphs and simple key / values.
Both have support for Gremlin, but it's firmly a second class citizen compared to their own preferred query languages.
Both support server-side "stored procedures" in JavaScript. In both systems this comes via a slightly less than idiomatic JavaScript API, although ArangoDB's is a lot better. This is getting fixed in a forthcoming version of OrientDB.
Both offer REST APIs, both aim to be usable as an "API Server" via JavaScript request handlers. This is a lot more practical in ArangoDB than OrientDB.
Both are distributed under a permissive license.
Both are ACID and have transaction support, but in both the transactions are server-side operations - they're more like atomic batches of commands rather than the kinds of transactions you might be used to in a traditional RDBMS.
However, there are a lot of differences:
ArangoDB has no concept of "links", which are a very useful feature in OrientDB. They allow unidirectional relationships (just like a hyperlink on the web), without the overhead of edges.
ArangoDB is written in C++ (and JavaScript), whereas OrientDB is written in Java. Both have their advantages:
Being written in C++ means ArangoDB uses V8, the same high performance JavaScript engine that powers node.js and Google Chrome. Whereas being written in Java means OrientDB uses Nashorn, which is still fast but not the fastest. This means that ArangoDB can offer a greater level of compatibility with the node.js ecosystem compared to OrientDB.
Being written in Java means that OrientDB runs on more platforms, including e.g. Raspberry PI. It also means that OrientDB can leverage a lot of other technologies written in Java, e.g. OrientDB has superb full text / geospatial search support via Lucene, which is not available to ArangoDB.
OrientDB uses a dialect of SQL as its query language, whereas ArangoDB uses its own custom language called AQL. In theory, AQL is better because it's designed explicitly for the problem, in practise though it feels quite similar to SQL but with different keywords, and is yet another language to learn while OrientDB's implementation feels a lot more comfortable if you're used to SQL. SQL is declarative whereas AQL is imperative - YMMV here.
ArangoDB is a "mostly-memory" database, it works best when most of your data fits in RAM. This may or may not be suitable for your needs. OrientDB doesn't have this restriction (but also loves RAM).
OrientDB is fully object oriented - it supports classes with properties and inheritance. This is exceptionally useful because it means that your database structure can map 1-1 to your application structure, with no need for ugly hacks like ActiveRecord. ArangoDB supports something fairly similar via models in Foxx, but it's more like an optional addon rather than a core part of how the database works.
ArangoDB offers a lot of flexibility via Foxx, but it has not been designed by people with strong server-side JS backgrounds and reinvents the wheel a lot of the time. Rather than leveraging frameworks like express for their request handling, they created their own clone of Sinatra, which of course makes it almost the same as express (express is also a Sinatra clone), but subtly different, and means that none of express's middleware or plugins can be reused. Similarly, they embed V8, but not libuv, which means they do not offer the same non blocking APIs as node.js and therefore users cannot be sure about whether a given npm module will work there. This means that non trivial applications cannot use ArangoDB as a replacement for the backend, which negates a lot of the potential usefulness of Foxx.
OrientDB supports first class property level and database level indices. You can query and insert into specific indexes directly for maximum efficiency. I've not seen support for this in ArangoDB.
OrientDB is the more established option, with many high profile users. ArangoDB is newer, less well known, but growing fast.
ArangoDB's documentation is excellent, and they offer official drivers for many different programming languages. OrientDB's documentation is not quite as good, and while there are drivers for most platforms, they're community powered and therefore not always kept up to date with bleeding edge OrientDB features.
If you're using Java (or a Java bridge), you can embed OrientDB directly within your application, as a library. This use case is not possible in ArangoDB.
OrientDB has the concept of users and roles, as well as Record Level Security. This may be a killer feature for you, it is for me. It also supports token based authentication, so it's possible to use OrientDB as your primary means of authorizing/authenticating users. OrientDB also has LDAP integration. In contrast, ArangoDB support only a very simple auth option.
Both systems have their own advantages, so choosing between them comes down to your own situation:
If you're building a small application, and you're a web developer optimizing for developer productivity, it will probably be easier to get up and running quickly with ArangoDB.
If you're building a larger application, which could potentially store many gigabytes or terabytes of data, or have many thousands of concurrent users, or have "enterprise" use cases, or need fine grained security controls, OrientDB is the one for you.
If you're storing RDF or similarly structured linked data, choose OrientDB.
If you're using Java, just choose OrientDB.
Note: This is (my opinion of) the state of play today, things change quickly and I would not underestimate the ruthless efficiency of the awesome team behind ArangoDB, I just think that it's not quite there yet :)
Charles Pick (
There are different systems (for different environments, languages) which helps to map schema to data structures in code, in databases, and do automatic glue code between them - ORM, etc.
Is there any common name/abbreviation (like ORM) for systems that in addition do mapping to user interface (in automatic/semi-automatic ways)?
Are there such systems? Of course it would require to select GUI templates for different parts of schema, maybe add a little logic at some places (declarative approach is preferable).
I remember that something similar was available at MS Access - it could automatically create UI Forms from schema or even queries. But I wonder if there are similar systems? (doesn't matter if it web GUI or desktop GUI).
I guess there can be library/framework for do this (Python, C#, Java, C++, PHP, etc), or stand-alone apps like MS Access.
You seem to be talking about scaffolding. Scaffolding is a way to display a very basic user interfaces (GUI) normally based on a database structure. Depending on the language, framework and implementation it may also provide basic Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD) actions on the GUI.
It is often frowned upon for anything other than a very rapid prototype. In fact, 99% of the time you will save more time and be better off learning a framework and doing things "properly".
Having said that, web frameworks seem to be the kings of scaffolding.
Ruby on Rails
My advice would be to pick a well supported framework which favours convention over configuration and follow through some tutorials. You'll most likely end up in a better place.
The database for one the application that I am working on is not confirmed yet by the business.
Best guess is Oracle and DB2.
What I've heard is initially the project will go live with DB2 V9 and then to Oracle 11g.
We are using Spring 3.0.5, Hibernate 3.5, JPA2 and JBoss 5 for this project
So what are the best practices here going into the build phase and test phase?
Shall I build using DB2 first and worry about Oracle later (this
doesn't sound right)?
Or, shall I write using JPA (Hibernate) and
then generate the database schema?
Or something else?
PS: I've no control over the choice of the DB, what and when, as these are strategic decision made by people sitting in nice rooms getting fat cheques and big bonuses.
Obviously you are loosing the access to specific features of the database if you are writing your application database agnostic. The database is, except for automatic optimizations done by JPA and Hibernate, reduced to common features. You have to set some things to automatic and trust JPA/Hibernate to do it right that you could set specifically if you knew the database (e.g. id generator strategies).
But it seems that the specific developer features of the database are not relevant for the decision so they can't be relevant to the application. What other reasons may influence the decision (like price, money, cash, personal relations, management tools, hardware requirements, existing knowledge and personell) can only be speculated about.
So IMHO you don't have a choice. Strictly avoid anything database specific. That includes letting the JPA/Hibernate generate the schema (your point #2). In this project setup you shouldn't tinker with the database manually.
Well... sadly there ARE some hidden traps in JPA/Hibernate developement that make it database dependent (e.g. logarithmic functions are not mapped consistenly). So you should run all your tests against all possible databases from day one. As you write "Best guess is..." you should just grab any database available and test against it. Should be easly setup with the given stack.
And you should try to accelerate the decision about the database used, if possible.
Just "write using JPA (Hibernate)" develop it to be de database agnostic. Put all you business logic in java code not stored procedures.
If you are using spring you don't need jboss you could use just tomcat, about a quarter of the foot print, and much simpler imho.
Spring vs Jboss and jboss represents all that is bad, while spring represents all that is good in Java enterprise development
We have add this issue and had to migrate late in the project, leading to a lot of extra works, frustrations and delays.
My advise is to define an abstract layer. Go to the point you may have a data model without any database, say with tables or text files.
Then when you have to switch to some database, you can optimize for it, while staying free to continue application development on any already developped model. So you don't delay the developpers on the app while one is tuning the DB2 layer. When everything is duly validated, the team can switch on it.
I will disagree with the currently accepted answer suggesting avoiding database specific things. From a performance perspective, that would be a pity, and it's definitely doable.
JPA/Hibernate and also jOOQ can abstract over a lot of things and if you're using the query builder APIs of either technology (criteria query in JPA, or jOOQ for more advanced SQL), you can get very far in a vendor agnostic way without removing all the vendor specific stuff. For example, you can easily create a vendor specific predicate like this:
.where(oracle ? oracleCondition() : db2Condition())
What you should do from the very beginning of such a project, once you know you'll have to support both dialects is to run integration tests on both database products. For this, I recommend testcontainers, which makes running such tests quite simple. If you have to add support for another dialect, and if you're using one of the above abstractions, you can simply add another testcontainers configuration, check if your application still works, tweak 2-3 things, and you're set.
Disclaimer: I work for the company behind jOOQ.
I have a project for a class which requires that if a database is used, options exist for the user to pick a database to use which could be of a different type. So while I can use e.g. MySQL for development, in the final version of the project, the user must be able to choose a database (Oracle, MySQL, SQLite, etc.) upon installation. What's the easiest way to go about this, if there is an easy way?
The language used is up to me as long as it's supported by the department's Linux machines, so it could be Java, PHP, Perl, etc. I've been researching and found info on ODBC, JDBC, and SQLJ (such as this) but I'm quite new to databases so I'm having a hard time figuring out what would be best for my needs. It's also possible there may not be a simple enough way to do this; the professor admitted he's not a database guy either and he seemed to think it would be easy without having a clear idea of what it would take.
This is for a web app, but it ought to be fairly straight forward, using for example HTML and Javascript on the client side and Java with a MySQL database on the server side. No mention has been made of frameworks so I think they're too much. I have the option of using Tomcat or Apache if necessary but the overall idea is to keep things simple, and everything used should be able to be installed/changed/configured with just user level access. So something like having to recompile PHP to use ODBC would be out, I think.
Within these limitations, what would be the best way (if any) to be able to interact with an arbitrary database?
The issue I think you will have here is that SQL is not truely standard. What I mean is that vendors (Oracle, MySQL etc) have included types and features that are not SQL standard in order to "tie you in" to their DB, such as Oracle's VARCHAR2 and so on.
When I was at university, my final year project was to create an application that allowed users to create relational databases using JDBC with a Java front-end.
The use of JDBC was very simple but the issue was finding enough SQL features/types that all the vendors have in common. So they could switch between them without any issues. A way round this is to implement modules to deal with vendor specific issues and write ways to translate between them. So for example you may develop a database for MySQL with lots of MySQL specific code in that, but then you may want to use Oracle and then there are issues, which you would need to resolve.
I would spend some time looking at what core SQL standard all the vendors implement and then code for these features. But I think the technology you use wouldn't be the issue but rather the SQL you create.
Hope this helps, apologies if its not helpful!
Well, you can go two ways (in Java):
You can develop your own classes to work with different databases and load their drivers in JDBC. This way you will create a data access layer for yourself, which takes some time.
You can use Hibernate (or other ORMs). This way Hibernate will take care of things for you and you only have to know how to use Hibernate. Learning Hibernate may take some time, but when you get used to it, it can be very useful for your future projects.
If you want to stick Java there Hibernate (which wouldn't require a framework). Hibernate is fairly easy to use. You write HQL which gets translated to the SQL needed for the database you're using.
Maybe use an object relational mapper (ORM) or database abstraction layer (DAL). They are designed to provide a standard API to multiple database backends, making it possible to switch between different backends with minimal or no changes to your code. In Python, for example, a popular ORM is SQLAlchemy, and an excellent DAL is the web2py DAL (it's part of the web2py framework but can be used as a standalone DAL outside the framework as well). There are many other options in other languages as well.
use a framework with database abstraction layer and orm . try symfony or rails
There are a lot of Object relational database frameworks, unless you prefer jdbc. For simple/small applications this should work fine.
With the rising of non-sql database usage in high traffic website, I'm interested to use it for my project. Now I've heard several names like Voldermort, MongoDB and CouchDB. But which are among these NonSQL database that is production ready? I've seen the download pages and it seems that none of them is production ready because is not version 1.0 yet. Is there any other names other than these 3 that is recommendable to be used in production?
What do you mean by production ready? As far as I know, all of them are being used on live systems.
You should make your choice based on how the features they provide fit your needs.
You can also add Tokyo Cabinet to the list as well as the mnesia database provided by the Erlang VM.
I think you need to start out from your project requirements to see what kind of database you really need. There are many non-relational DBMS:s out there and they differ a lot in what kind of problems they are good at solving. I think the article Should you go Beyond Relational Databases? by Martin Kleppmann is a good starting point for finding out what you need. There's also a lot of stackoverflow threads on similar topics, these are my favorites:
The Next-gen Databases
Non-Relational Database Design
When shouldn’t you use a relational
Good reasons NOT to use a relational
When you have narrowed down what you actually need you can take a deeper look into the alternatives to see which DBMS are production ready for your use case. Production readiness isn't a yes/no thing: people may successfully deploy some solution that for example lacks in tool support - in another project this could be a no-go.
As for version numbers different projects have a different take on this, so you can't just compare the version numbers. I'm involved in the graph database project Neo4j and even if it has been in production use for 5+ years by now we still haven't released a version 1.0 final yet.
I'm tempted to answer "use SIRA_PRISE".
It's definitely non-SQL.
And its current version is 1.2, meaning that someone like you must definitely assume it's "production-ready".
But perhaps I shouldn't be answering at all.
Nice article comparing rdbms with 'next gen' and listing some providers:
Is the Relational Database Doomed?
I will suggest you to use Arangodb.
ArangoDB is a multi-model mostly-memory database with a flexible data model for documents and graphs. It is designed as a “general purpose database”, offering all the features you typically need for modern web applications.
ArangoDB is supposed to grow with the application—the project may start as a simple single-server prototype, nothing you couldn’t do with a relational database equally well. After some time, some geo-location features are needed and a shopping cart requires transactions. ArangoDB’s graph data model is useful for the recommendation system. The smartphone app needs a lean API to the back-end—this is where Foxx, ArangoDB’s integrated Javascript application framework, comes into play.
Another unique feature is ArangoDB’s query language AQL — it makes querying powerful and convenient. AQL enables you to describe complex filter conditions and joins in a readable format, much in the same way as SQL.
You can model your data in several ways:
in key/value pairs
as collections of documents
as graphs with nodes, edges, and properties for both
You can access data in ArangoDB:
using the general HTTP REST API via curl/wget, or your browser
via the ArangoDB shell (“arangosh”)
using a programming language specific client library
Server requirements for ArangoDB:
ArangoDB runs on Linux, OS X and Microsoft Windows.
It runs on 32bit and 64bit systems, though using a 32bit system will limit you to using only approximately 2 to 3 GB of data with ArangoDB.