Can't access Content-Disposition in axios - reactjs

I have a React JS application where I send a GET request with axios. In the browser, in the Response Headers section, when I send the request I get Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="image123.pdf", but when I try to get this in React, I don't get any field with this name. So when I try to access the response.headers['content-disposition'], I don't get anything.
Is it possible to read this header key using React JS using axios?


AXIOS post request - missing url param

I set a react webpage that has is structured as follow:
I'm using axios from to perform a post for a contact form that will send data thru my backend/nodemailer.
Using Postman to verify the post status, the post method is NOT working from and it works correctly for localhost:3000/api/contact and localhost:5000/api/contact.
How could I fix this Request failed with status code 404 from
HOST: localhost:3000
SERVER: app.use('/api,...)
One solution could be to just use the base URL and send the POST request to from any page.
So even if the user is on, it still sends the request to
A quick way to get it is using window.location.hostname.
Another way is just putting a / in the beginning of the URL you're putting in your POST request'/api/contact', ...) and it should send it directly to ${baseURL}/api/contact from any page

Headers with same key like cache-control gets combined in a single line

I am developing a Server-side rendering app using Express, NextJS and React and for API calls I am using Axios. I am developing it using Typescript. So using Axios with Typescript. I have a requirement where I have to append some headers in my SSR page response (ctx.res) based on some API response. I am able to achieve this and is able to set headers received from one API to my final SSR page. Though there is one issue I am facing which is related to the combination of cache-control header.
The actual API response I get from wget --save-headers <endpoint> is :
Cache-Control: public,max-age=3600
Cache-Control: s-maxage=34871
I have 2 cache-control keys in separate lines and I want it to be appended same way in my SSR page response header.
When I do console of response.headers just after the API call (via Axios) my same header is printed as below and so in my SSR page response, only one cache-control header is appending.
'cache-control': 'public,max-age=3600, s-maxage=34871'
I am not sure where this combination of cache-control header is taking place. How I can resolve this so that I am able to send my headers same way I received from the API (When I did wget).
Is it Axios combining the headers?

REST API endpoint returns no response with axios in react, but works fine in browser

I created a simple REST API with express and bodyParser which returns a json object on a GET request to the base url. Works fine in the browser and returns what's expected:
API Endpoint:
Then I setup a basic react app to consume this API by sending a GET request with axios. But on calling the API endpoint above, I get no response. Trying to catch the error.request object, I don't see anything that's clearly incorrect in the headers. The error object itself says 'Network Error'. Not sure why, when the API works as expected in a browser.
Note: When I replace my API url with another one, which is expected to send a similar response, things work great.
The one that works:
I haven't created that one, but used it to model my json object.
React Code:
I've tried investigating from several angles but no luck. What am I missing here? Do I need to set some headers in the request? Is this a CORS issue?
Yes, it turned out to be a CORS issue. Had to apply header in the API end-point before sending response. res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*").

Laravel Passport works with PostMan but not APP?

I have a route that needs a token. When I make my Axios call inside of the react app, it returns 401. However, when I grab the parsed header inside of the Network tab it shows:
Bearer ${correctToken}
I grab that entire string, Bearer ${token} and throw it into PostMan and I get the correct object, no 401.
I have tried all the fixes and am now on page 3 of google, the dark abyss.
Any idea how to fix this?

Get request to Json does it need jsonp

I am using Angular v1.2.15 to GET a URL to retrieve JSON results.
I need to send a custom AUTHENTICATION Header with the request.
the url will send back Json.
So far I can only get both $resource and $http to even send the request
if I use JSONP type of request. However when I do this it does not send
my CUSTOM HEADER. Can I retrieve JSON content using a normal GET request?
The problem was the Ripple Emulator for Cordova apps was running the proxy on a different port. The the emulator was actually not allowing the http request.
