convert string array to float MEL - maya

I having a trouble with a code in MAYA 2020.
I want to create a new expression into a default value of a Arnold aiUserDataInt
I need the default value of a aiUserDataInt = attribute from a geometry that I crate name "ID"
so, my code looks like this:
string $Selected[] = `ls -selection`;
for ($node in $Selected)
aiUserDataInt1.default = $;
but I have these error:
// Error: Line 2.37: Cannot cast data of type string[] to float. //
So, I suppose default value do not accept arrays
my question would be: is there a way to convert array into float?
or what am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance

Unfortunately that's not how mel works. You can do:
string $Selected[] = `ls -selection`;
for ($node in $Selected)
int $id = getAttr($node + ".id");
setAttr("aiUserDataInt1.default", $id);
Didn't test it, but it should work like this. You get and set attributes with getAttr() and setAttr().


Ordering when using scala.collection.Searching

I have an Array of [Long, Q] and would like to make a binary search on it. I tried below :
import scala.collection.Searching._
class Q (val b:Double, val a:Double)
val myArray = Array(5L -> new Q(1,2), 6L-> new Q(6,9), 7L-> new Q(7,6))
val i =
but had this error
No implicit Ordering defined for Any
Unspecified value parameter ord.
I understand that I need to specify an odering rule for this collection Array[(Long,Q)] but can't figure this out myself.
Please help
Signature of search is search[B >: A](elem: B)(implicit ord: Ordering[B]). You've got an array of type [Long, Q]. So in order for the compiler to infer Ordering correctly, you'd have to invoke search like that:> q/*Q(6,9)*/)( //ordering by the first value in a tuple.
and what you're doing is: If I understand correctly what you're trying to do, it's probably to find both value and position in the array.
You could solve it by using two separate data structures:
keys could be stored in the array, like this:
val myArray = Array(5L, 6L, 7L).toList
and if you'd need values, you could use map which would work as a dictionary:
val dictionary = Map(
5L -> new Q(1,2),
6L-> new Q(6,9),
7L-> new Q(7,6)
Actually, I noticed something like that would work:
val dummy = new Q(0,0) //any instance of Q> dummy)( //1
It works since for lookup of the insertion point Ordering is used and no equality test is performed.

Ruby: convert string to array

a = IO.readlines('uniqID.txt')
puts id = a[0]
id = ["Gh089k" , "HG987"] #getting value from txt file
id.class #String
How to convert the above string into array. so that I use method like push. Here id is string looks like an array
Error: undefined method `push' for "[\"Gh089k\", \"HG987\"]":String (NoMethodError)
It looks like a JSON string. You can parse json string to get the desired result.
require 'json'
JSON.parse("[\"Gh089k\", \"HG987\"]") # => ["Gh089k", "HG987"]
id = JSON.parse(a[0])
Hope it helps !

Scala Converting Each Array Element to String and Splitting

I have an array loaded in, and been playing around in the REPL but can't seem to get this to work.
My array looks like this:
When I run my command:
for(i <- 0 until schema.length){
val convert = schema(i).toString;
It won't drop anything. It also is not splitting it on the |
Strings are immutable, and so split and drop don't mutate the string - they return a new one.
You need to capture the result in a new val
val split = convert.split('|').drop(2);
println(split.mkString(" "));
Consider also defining a lambda function for mapping each item in the array, where intermediate results are passed on with the function,
val res = => s.toString.split('|').drop(2))

Converting a CSV list into an array

I have a variable that is a csv list and i am trying to convert it into an array using array_map but for some reason it keeps giving me the following error:
Warning: array_map(): Argument #2 should be an array in
$list1 = 1,7,15,16,18,18;
$shortArray = array_map('str_getcsv', $list1);
Does anyone know how to get this to work or is there another way to convert a csv list into an array?
I am using php 5.5.0.
$list1 = array(1,7,15,16,18,18);
$shortArray = array_map('str_getcsv', $list1);
$list1 = "1,7,15,16,18,18"; // or the line from your CVS file
$shortArray = explode(",", $list1);

How can I add strings to array in javascript

I wanna create an array in javascript which looks like this:
My problem is that I don't know how to add the opening and closing square brackets to the start and the end of the output string.
here's my code:
game = new Array();
document.getElementById('name2').value = name;
I tried a few things, but they didn't seem to work and all I got were errors or this output:
How could I add them? Is there a simple array method that I missed and would solve my problem?
Thanks in advance!
It looks like you are trying to set the value of an HTML element to the format you described in your question. However, you are not setting the value of that HTML element to an Array - you are setting it to a string. the .join function outputs a string. If indeed you want the value to be set to a string formatted in the way you described, then you could take advantage of .join, but have to do a little bit in addition to what you are doing:
game = new Array();
game[row]= "[" + matrix[row].join(',') + "]";
document.getElementById('name2').value = name;
If you are using join to create the string, then why not just manually add the brackets?
For example:
document.getElementById('jsvalue').value= '[' + game.join('],[') + ']';
