Hackerrank problem (Post Transition) (C) What's causing this seg fault? - c

I've been trying to solve this problem on hackerrank
but my code seems to yield a segmentation fault when I try to run it.
I've gone over it a couple dozen times already and have compared it to other people's solution and I still can't wrap my head around what I might be doing wrong.
Here is the error message I'm getting :
Reading symbols from Solution...done.
[New LWP 1602418]
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libthread_db.so.1".
Core was generated by `./Solution'.
Program terminated with signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
#0 send_all_acceptable_packages (source=source#entry=0x16eeec8,
source_office_index=0, target=target#entry=0x16eeee0,
target_office_index=<optimized out>) at Solution.c:58
58 int src_pk_count = (source->offices[source_office_index].packages_count);
Here is my code
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
struct package
char* id;
int weight;
typedef struct package package;
struct post_office
int min_weight;
int max_weight;
package* packages;
int packages_count;
typedef struct post_office post_office;
struct town
char* name;
post_office* offices;
int offices_count;
typedef struct town town;
void print_all_packages(town t)
//offices loop
for(int i=0;i<t.offices_count;i++)
//packages loop
for(int j=0;j<t.offices[i].packages_count;j++)
{printf("\t\t%s\n", t.offices[i].packages[j].id);}
void send_all_acceptable_packages
(town* source, int source_office_index, town* target, int target_office_index)
int trg_pk_count = (target->offices[target_office_index].packages_count);
int src_pk_count = (source->offices[source_office_index].packages_count);
//weight condition
int min_w = (target->offices[target_office_index].min_weight);
int max_w = (target->offices[target_office_index].max_weight);
for(int i=0;i<src_pk_count;i++)
int pckg_w = (source->offices[source_office_index].packages[i].weight);
if ((pckg_w >= min_w) && (pckg_w <= max_w))
target->offices[target_office_index].packages = realloc (target->offices[target_office_index].packages, sizeof(package)* (trg_pk_count+1));
target->offices[target_office_index].packages[(trg_pk_count)]= source->offices[source_office_index].packages[i];
for(int x=0; x<(src_pk_count-1);x++)
source->offices[source_office_index].packages[i+x] = source->offices [source_office_index].packages[i+x+1] ;
source->offices[source_office_index].packages= realloc(source->offices [source_office_index].packages, sizeof(package)*((source->offices [source_office_index].packages_count)));
town town_with_most_packages(town* towns, int towns_count)
int town_pkcount[towns_count];
for(int i=0;i<towns_count;i++)
int sum=0;
for(int j=0;j<towns[i].offices_count;j++)
sum+= towns[i].offices[j].packages_count;
//find max
int max=-1 , max_index;
for(int i=0; i<towns_count;i++)
if (town_pkcount[i]>max)
max = town_pkcount[i];
return towns[max_index];
town* find_town(town* towns, int towns_count, char* name)
int town_index=-1;
for(int i=0; i<towns_count; i++)
{town_index = i;}
int main()
int towns_count;
scanf("%d", &towns_count);
town* towns = malloc(sizeof(town)*towns_count);
for (int i = 0; i < towns_count; i++) {
towns[i].name = malloc(sizeof(char) * MAX_STRING_LENGTH);
scanf("%s", towns[i].name);
scanf("%d", &towns[i].offices_count);
towns[i].offices = malloc(sizeof(post_office)*towns[i].offices_count);
for (int j = 0; j < towns[i].offices_count; j++) {
scanf("%d%d%d", &towns[i].offices[j].packages_count, &towns[i].offices[j].min_weight, &towns[i].offices[j].max_weight);
towns[i].offices[j].packages = malloc(sizeof(package)*towns[i].offices[j].packages_count);
for (int k = 0; k < towns[i].offices[j].packages_count; k++) {
towns[i].offices[j].packages[k].id = malloc(sizeof(char) * MAX_STRING_LENGTH);
scanf("%s", towns[i].offices[j].packages[k].id);
scanf("%d", &towns[i].offices[j].packages[k].weight);
int queries;
scanf("%d", &queries);
char town_name[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
while (queries--) {
int type;
scanf("%d", &type);
switch (type) {
case 1:
scanf("%s", town_name);
town* t = find_town(towns, towns_count, town_name);
case 2:
scanf("%s", town_name);
town* source = find_town(towns, towns_count, town_name);
int source_index;
scanf("%d", &source_index);
scanf("%s", town_name);
town* target = find_town(towns, towns_count, town_name);
int target_index;
scanf("%d", &target_index);
send_all_acceptable_packages(source, source_index, target, target_index);
case 3:
printf("Town with the most number of packages is %s\n", town_with_most_packages(towns, towns_count).name);
return 0;
keep in mind that the structs and the main function were already pre-written
The seg fault seems to have something to do with the send_all_acceptable_packages function
Also keep in mind that the seg fault happens after entering this line of input
2 B 0 A 1
which triggers case 2 in main
case 2:
scanf("%s", town_name);
town* source = find_town(towns, towns_count, town_name);
int source_index;
scanf("%d", &source_index);
scanf("%s", town_name);
town* target = find_town(towns, towns_count, town_name);
int target_index;
scanf("%d", &target_index);
send_all_acceptable_packages(source, source_index, target, target_index);
where you can see that the return value from the find_town function is used as input for the send_all_acceptable_packages function which leads me to believe the fault lies within one of these two functions
Please help me identify the issue here, I'd appreciate your input.

The loop in the following will never iterate:
town* find_town(town* towns, int towns_count, char* name)
int town_index=-1;
int i = 0;
for(i=0; i < towns_count; i++)<-warning points here (i++)
{ town_index = i;}
break;<- cause of warning
I see the following warning from my debugger:
150, 31 warning: will never be executed
The break statement guarantees the loop will never iterate.
You probably intended for it to be inside the if() statement
town* find_town(town* towns, int towns_count, char* name)
int town_index=-1;
int i = 0;
for(i=0; i < towns_count; i++)
town_index = i;
A few additional items to look at:
int main(void); is the minimum prototype for the main function in C ( not int main())
code does not check the returns of function(s) that should always be checked (eg scanf()).
It would be better to limit the input length for the calls to scanf() to prevent overflows, i.e. with #define MAX_STRING_LENGTH 6, the user is limit to some very short names, but if city is entered as "Dallas" scanf("%s", towns[i].name); program will overflow. Write it as scanf("%(MAX_STRING_LENGTH-1)s", towns[i].name); to limit user input to a legal length.
Suggest changing #define MAX_STRING_LENGTH 6 to a more realistic value.
Memory leaks. Code frees none of the memory created. Use call to free() once for each call to malloc()
use printf() prior to each scanf() to list instructions for user input. (eg: printf("enter town name\n"); )


My c program keeps crashing and I do not know why

I am writing a program like hangman in c and I am trying to run it .The problem is that it's working fine until I give it a letter to quess the word but then it crashes with -1073741819 (0xC0000005). Can someone help me solve this, I think its something really small that I cant
see . Thank you for helping me!
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
void Rules(void);
void maskWord (char starword[], int size);
int playRound(char starword[], char answer[]);
void updateStarWord(char starword[], char answer[], char userguess);
int occurancesInWord(char userguess, char answer[]);
int c=0;
char answer[128];
int N;
int main()
int ch,size;
char starword[1000];
printf("---Welcome to Hangman!---\n");
printf("1.Start Game\n2.Instructions\n3.Exit\n");
if(ch>0&& ch<4)
case 1:
case 2:
return 0;
void Rules(void)
printf("\nThe word to guess is represented by a row of dashes representing each letter of the word.");
printf("\nRules may permit or forbid proper nouns, such as names, places, brands, or slang.");
printf("\nIf the guessing player suggests a letter which occurs in the word, the other player writes it in all its correct positions.");
printf("\nIf the suggested letter does not occur in the word, the other player draws one element of a hanged stick figure as a tally mark.\n");
void maskWord (char starword[], int size)
printf("Enter word to guess: ");
scanf(" %s", answer);
int N = strlen(answer);
int mask[N];
for (int i=0; i < N; ++i)
mask[i] = 0;
int playRound(char starword[], char answer[])
// Loop over each round of guessing
int gameover = 0;
while (! gameover)
// Print word with *s for unguessed letters
printf("The word is : ");
for(int j=0; j < answer; ++j)
if (starword[j])
printf("%c", answer[j]);
// Get player's next guess
char guess;
printf("\nGive a letter: ");
scanf(" %c", &guess);
void updateStarWord(char starword[], char answer[], char userguess)
// Mark true all mask positions corresponding to guess
int k;
for(k=0; k < answer; ++k)
if ((answer[k]) ==(userguess))
starword[k] = 1;
Your for loop doesn't make sense because the condition for terminating it is k < answer. You are comparing an integer (k) to a pointer (answer). The compiler should have warned you about this, so make sure your compiler warnings are turned on and you are paying attention to them. Pointers and integers are different things, and comparing them is almost never what you want to do.
If answer is null-terminated, you could probably replace that condition with answer[k]. Or maybe updateStarWord needs to take an argument that indicates the length of answer, and then the condition would be k < answer_length.

Compiling C file is fine, but exe file displays nothing

I've been trying to figure out what's going on, but it's driving me nuts. I have this script here, it compiles fine (I'm using GCC), but when I try to run the compiled exe, the terminal just pauses for a brief moment and exits. I have no clue what's going on, any help would be appreciated.
// not sure what's on
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "extra.h"
int RanNum(int StartNum, int StopNum);
int main() {
int magicNum, guess, choice;
do {
printf("Guess the right number: ");
scanf("%d", &choice);
guess = 1;
magicNum = RanNum(3,10);
if (choice == magicNum){
printf("You win! \n");
} else {
int rem = (3 - guess);
printf("\nYou have %d tries remaining \n", rem);
} while (guess <= 3);
if (guess > 3) {
printf("You lost... We can try again...\n");
return 0;
int RanNum(int StartNum, int StopNum){
int *list;
int Divided;
int range = StartNum - StopNum;
int RandArray[range];
for (int i=StartNum; i<StopNum; i++) {
for (int j=0; j<range+1; j++) {
RandArray[j] = i;
list = RandArray;
Divided = (StartNum+StopNum)/range;
return list[Divided];
RanNum runs into UB (undefined behavior) and a silent exit is one possible manifestation of UB.
int RanNum(int StartNum, int StopNum){ // <---- called with StartNum = 3, StopNum = 10
int *list;
int Divided;
int range = StartNum - StopNum; // <---- range = 3 - 10 = -7
int RandArray[range]; // <---- array of negative size *** UB
for (int i=StartNum; i<StopNum; i++) {
for (int j=0; j<range+1; j++) { // <---- after 'range' is fixed to be > 0
RandArray[j] = i; // <---- the last iteration j = range
} // <---- overruns the array bound *** UB
// ...
Once the first problems are fixed, there is another one with the main loop.
int magicNum, guess, choice; // <---- 'guess' is defined but not initialized
do {
printf("Guess the right number: ");
scanf("%d", &choice);
guess = 1; // <---- 'guess' is initialized to '1` in each iteration
/* code that does not change or use 'guess' */
guess++; // <---- 'guess' was '1' and is now incremented to '2'
} while (guess <= 3); // <---- always true, so loop continues until number guessed

Stack around the variable was corrupted with pointer arithmetics

With the code below, I'd always run into "Stack around the variable 'UserCode' was corrupted.
If I'm not mistaken, when I do userCode = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*N);, shouldn't it create an "array" with size of char*n ? I'm guessing my issue is either with my declaration of an array, or my pointer arithmetic.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <math.h>
int userPrompt1() {
int numOfAlphabets = 0;
printf("Please enter a number from 1 to 8 to choose how many alphabets you want\n");
scanf_s(" %d", &numOfAlphabets);
if (numOfAlphabets > 8 || numOfAlphabets < 0) {
printf("Sorry! Invalid number entered. Try again. \n");
numOfAlphabets = userPrompt1();
return numOfAlphabets;
int userPrompt2() {
int numOfLetters = 0;
printf("Please enter the number of letters you want to guess\n");
scanf_s(" %d", &numOfLetters);
if (numOfLetters < 0) {
printf("Sorry! Invalid number entered. Try again. \n");
numOfLetters = userPrompt2;
return numOfLetters;
int tryCalculator(int K, int N) {
int tries = 0;
tries = 1 + ceil(N * log2(K));
return tries;
void codeGenerator(char codeGuessIn[], char letters[], int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
int rando = rand() % size;
codeGuessIn[i] = letters[rando];
printf(" %c", codeGuessIn[i]);
void codeChecker(char codeGuessIn[], char generatedCode[], int size) {
int correctAlphabets = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (codeGuessIn[i] == generatedCode[i]) {
printf(" %d in correct place \n", correctAlphabets);
void getUserCode(int size, char *userCode[]) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
printf("Please enter letter #%d \n", i+1);
scanf_s(" %c", &userCode[i]);
int main(void)
char letters[8] = { 'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H' };
char *generatedCode; //array to hold generated code
char *userCode; // array to hold generated code.
int K = userPrompt1(); //how many different alphabets in code
int N = userPrompt2(); //how many letters in code
int tries = tryCalculator(K, N);
//int gameEnd = 1;
userCode = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*N);
generatedCode = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*N);
codeGenerator(generatedCode, letters, N);
getUserCode(N, &userCode);
//codeChecker(userCode, generatedCode, N);
return 0;
void getUserCode(int size, char *userCode[]) {
scanf_s(" %c", &userCode[i]);
Here, userCode[i] is a char * (pointer-to-char), &userCode[i] is a char ** (pointer-to-pointer-to-char), and scanf("%c") expects a char *. A good compiler would warn about that.
I think what you meant to do here is something like:
void getUserCode(int size, char *userCode) {
scanf_s(" %c", &userCode[i]);
int main(void) {
char *userCode = malloc(N);
getUserCode(N, userCode);
The printf(), getchar(), scanf() combination here reeks of the bad habits created by scanf: you're discarding the first character entered by the user because you're relying on an extra character in the input buffer.
See http://c-faq.com/stdio/scanfprobs.html and read full lines of input with fgets() instead of using scanf().
int userPrompt2() {
int numOfLetters = 0;
numOfLetters = userPrompt2;
You're assigning a function pointer to an int. (A normal compiler should warn about this.) If the idea here is to call the function again to repeat the prompt in case the user enters something silly, it's probably a better idea to use a loop instead of a recursive call anyway.

Segmentation fault in C? Arrays, pointers, functions

Hi due to my lack of knowledge in C (second year in college). Compiler ate my code and built the app. But after accepting first value - numOfIntegers it stops working and debugging tells that the segmentation has been failed. SIGSEGV.
How to fix that?
There is the code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <conio.h>
/* -----------------------------------------
Program: Question 1
Author: Maggot #9
Email: maggot99999#gmail.com
ID: B00076450
Date: 16 September 2015
Purpose: Who knows?
------------------------------------------ */
void wait(int);
void controlMenu(int, int[]);
int sumOfIntegers(int, int[]);
int avgOfIntegers(int, int[]);
int prodOfIntegers(int, int[]);
int minInteger(int, int[]);
int maxInteger(int, int[]);
const char * getName (int value)
static char * arrayName[] = {"first","second","third", "fourth",
"fifth","sixth", "seventh", "eighth", "ninth", "tenth"};
static char badValue[] = "unknown";
if (value<10 && value>=0)
return arrayName[value];
return badValue;
int getValue(int numOfInteger)
int value;
printf("Please enter %s the value:", getName(numOfInteger));
return value;
void prepare(int * numOfIntegers)
printf("Hey again that C stupid lang\n\n");
printf("Please enter how many values you want to put: ");
void initialize(int numOfIntegers,int* arrayNum[])
int i;
for(i=0; i<(numOfIntegers); i++)
arrayNum[i] = getValue(i);
printf("\nPlease enter press any button to continue");
int main()
int numOfIntegers;
int arrayNum[numOfIntegers];
initialize(numOfIntegers, &arrayNum[numOfIntegers]);
controlMenu(numOfIntegers, &arrayNum[numOfIntegers]);
return 0;
void controlMenu(int numOfIntegers, int arrayNum[])
int i;
char chooseNum;
printf("Please choose any of the following:\n\n1. The integers accepted\n2. The sum of the integers\n3. The average of the integers\n4. The product of the integers\n5. The smallest integer\n6. The largest integer\n0. Exit menu\n");
chooseNum = getch();
case '0':
case '1':
printf("\n>>> The integers are:");
for(i=0; i<(numOfIntegers); i++)
printf("\n>>> The %s is %d", getName((i+1)), arrayNum[i]);
case '2':
printf("\n>>> The sum of integers is: %d", sumOfIntegers(numOfIntegers, &arrayNum[numOfIntegers]));
case '3':
printf("\n>>> The average of integers is: %d", avgOfIntegers(numOfIntegers, &arrayNum[numOfIntegers]));
case '4':
printf("\n>>> The product of integers is: %d", prodOfIntegers(numOfIntegers, &arrayNum[numOfIntegers]));
case '5':
printf("\n>>> The smallest integer is: %d", minInteger(numOfIntegers, &arrayNum[numOfIntegers]));
case '6':
printf("\n>>> The largest integer is: %d", maxInteger(numOfIntegers, &arrayNum[numOfIntegers]));
int sumOfIntegers(int numOfIntegers,int arrayNum[])
int sum=0;
for(int i=0; i<(numOfIntegers); i++)
sum += arrayNum[i];
return sum;
int avgOfIntegers(int numOfIntegers, int arrayNum[])
int average=0;
average = sumOfIntegers(numOfIntegers, arrayNum[numOfIntegers])/numOfIntegers;
return average;
int prodOfIntegers(int numOfIntegers, int arrayNum[])
int i,product=0;
for(i=0; i<(numOfIntegers); i++)
product *= arrayNum[i];
return product;
int minInteger(int numOfIntegers, int arrayNum[])
int i,smallest=0;
smallest = arrayNum[0];
for(i=1; i<(numOfIntegers); i++)
return smallest;
int maxInteger(int numOfIntegers, int arrayNum[])
int i,largest=0;
largest = arrayNum[0];
for(i=1; i<(numOfIntegers); i++)
return largest;
void wait(int ms)
I can see this fault in getName() which will access memory beyond the array bounds
if (value>10 || value<1)
return arrayName[value];
I believe you are using the wrong test, try
if (value <= 10 && value > 0)
return arrayName[value-1];
assuming value is in the range 1..10 as the textual array implies.
2) a fault in GetValue where you input into numOfInteger but return value, which is uninitialised.
3) in prepare the statement
will not pass the input value back to the caller. You should have either passed a pointer to the variable, or returned the value input.
But there might be a lot else wrong. Build your program step by step, checking and trying to break it as you go (with absurd input). Pay attention to compiler warnings - the second fault I listed will generate one.
EDIT okay... let's examine function prepare which after removing noise is
void prepare(int numOfIntegers)
This inputs a value to the function parameter that was passed. This is legal, since you can use a function argument in the same way you can a local variable (perhaps subject to const qualification).
Although it's not a coding error, it does not achieve anything. 1) you usually pass an argument like this to be used by the function in some way, perhaps in its limits and/or in its prompt. 2) Altering the argument like this will not find its way back to the caller.
Here are two ways to deal with this.
A) the function returns the input value
int prepare(void)
int value;
scanf("%d", &value); // the address of value
return value;
int input = prepare();
printf("%d\n", input);
B) the function takes a pointer argument
void prepare(int *value)
scanf("%d", value); // value is already a pointer
int input;
printf("%d\n", input);

Expression must have class type error

I'm working on a homework assignment and I've hit a brick wall. I think I have all of the code that I need, I just need to get the program to compile. The object of the assignment is
Create a structure to hold student names and averages. The structure should contain a first name, last name and an integer grade average.
Write a program that will do the following:
1.) Create an array of pointers to these student structures.
2.) Prompt the user for names and averages.
3.) After you get the student’s information use malloc to provide the memory to store the information.
4.) Place the address of the student, returned by malloc, into the pointer array.
5.) AFTER the user indicates there are no more students:
Search the data entered and find the highest and lowest grade
a)Print the name and grade for the highest grade
b)Print the name and grade for the lowest grade
c)Print the average of all grades entered
Here is my code:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define SIZE 25
int enterStudents (int ePointArray[SIZE]);
void searchData (int *sPointArray, int *sHigh, int *sLow);
int calculateAvg (int, int *avgPointArray);
void printData (int, int *pHigh, int *pLow);
struct student
char firstName[20];
char lastName[20];
int average;
int main()
int pointArray[SIZE], high[3], low[3];
int i = 0, studentCounter, avgGrade;
for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
pointArray[i] = 0;
studentCounter = enterStudents(pointArray);
searchData(pointArray, high, low);
avgGrade = calculateAvg(studentCounter, pointArray);
printData(avgGrade, high, low);
return 0;
int enterStudents (int ePointArray[SIZE])
char tempFname[20], tempLname[20], yesNo[2] = "y";
int tempAvg, counter = 0;
int *studPtr;
struct student aStud={"\0", "\0", 0};
while( counter < SIZE && strcmp(yesNo, "y")==0)
printf(" Enter first name: ");
scanf("%s", tempFname);
printf(" Enter last name: ");
scanf("%s", tempLname);
printf(" Enter grade average:");
scanf("%d", tempAvg);
strcpy(aStud.firstName, tempFname);
strcpy(aStud.lastName, tempLname);
aStud.average = tempAvg;
studPtr = malloc(sizeof(struct student));
ePointArray[counter] = *studPtr;
printf(" Do you have more students? yes or no:");
scanf("%s", yesNo);
return counter;
void searchData (int sPointArray[SIZE], int sHigh[3], int sLow[3])
int searchCounter = 0;
while( searchCounter = 0)
if( *sPointArray[searchCounter].average > *sPointArray[searchCounter+1].average)
sHigh[0] = &sPointArray[searchCounter].firstName;
sHigh[1] = &sPointArray[searchCounter].lastName;
sHigh[2] = &sPointArray[searchCounter].average;
if( *sPointArray[searchCounter].average < *sPointArray[searchCounter+1].average)
sLow[0] = &sPointArray[searchCounter].firstName;
sLow[1] = &sPointArray[searchCounter].lastName;
sLow[3] = &sPointArray[searchCounter].average;
int calculateAvg( int totalStudents, int avgPointArray[SIZE])
int sum = 0;
int avgCounter;
double overallAvg;
for( avgCounter = 0; avgCounter < totalStudents; avgCounter++)
sum = sum + *avgPointArray[avgCounter].average;
overallAvg = sum/totalStudents;
return overallAvg;
void printData (int pAverage, int pHigh[3], int pLow[3])
printf(" Highest Grade: %s %s %d", pHigh[0], pHigh[1], pHigh[3]);
printf(" Lowest Grade: %s %s %d", pLow[0], pLow[2], pLow[3]);
printf(" Average Grade: %d",pAverage);
The main chunk of problems come from the searchData function. In the if statements, every occurrence of *sPointArray and &sPointArray is underlined in red and the error reads
"Error: expression must have class type"
The same thing also happens in the calculateAvg function with *avgPointArray in the for loop. I know that the error is a fairly common problem for noobie C programmers (i.e myself) and that it generally has to do with writing the code as a function instead of a statement or something like that, but I can't for the life of me find where I have went wrong. Any help would be highly appreciated. I've been working at this for so long my vision is blurring.
Also, for anyone who solves this in like two seconds and wants proof that I'm a true idiot, there is an error in the enterStudents function where it says StudPtr = malloc(sizeof...). The error shows under the assignment symbol and says
"Error: a value of type "void*" cannot be assigned to an entity of type "int*".
I understand this concept in theory, but some advice for how to fix it would be highly appreciated.
Thank you in advance for any help.
You declare the sPointArray as an array of integers, but use it as an array of structures.
