Snowflake 403 error using Google as Identity Provider IdP - snowflake-cloud-data-platform

I'm trying to configure google IdP on my Snowflake following this tutorial from Snowflake community:
After the whole configuration is complete when I click on the SSO button on the login page
SSO Screen
I receive the following error:
Error Message
I have already double-checked the SAML configuration on both platforms
SAML Configurations
And APP configuration on Google seems correct
Google Snowflake App configurations
Google Snowflake App configurations
But the 403 error still persists.
How can I identify exactly where is the problem (Snowflake or Google) and how to fix it?
Is there any log I should be checking or any configuration missing?

We ran into this error as well, but fortunately the solution was rather simple in our case:
Either use incognito mode
Or log out & back in to the Google account
Afterwards, it works flawlessly! 👌

I found this article from Google Support:
403 app_not_configured_for_user To resolve the 403
app_not_configured_for_user error:
Verify that the value in the saml:Issuer tag in the SAMLRequest
matches the Entity ID value configured in the SAML Service Provider
Details section in the Admin console. This value is case-sensitive.


Azure/Gsuite connector authentication issues, Server Error & Invalid Email

The problem: I'm getting errors from Google while attempting SSO through Azure AD and can't even begin to guess why or how to go about debugging the issue.
The story:
My org is looking at leveraging Microsoft's nonprofit benefits by setting up Azure for web hosting and Sharepoint to start with, which also entails using Active Directory. As it stands right now, we've successfully gotten our website running and accessible to the world on our custom domain, and our AD is populated with a copy of what's in our Google Workspace directory so we can use Active Directory as our authoritative directory.
We've been trying to implement SSO with the Azure/Gsuite connector, to have them auth with their Azure credentials to get into GMail, Docs, Drive, etc, but Google Workspace seems to choke. I have gone over the setup instructions repeatedly, ensured we're using all of the proper URLs in the Connector's SAML settings and in Workspace's "SSO with third party IDPs" settings, the proper certificate is in place... Provisioning is set up but not active, and I have successfully provision-on-demanded my account and an unprivileged test account.
Here are my settings in Azure:
Here are my settings in Google:
And to test this here's what I've done:
I open up a fresh InPrivate/Incognito window.
I go to and am prompted to login. I use my unprivileged test account credentials.
Upon auth I click on the Connector app to attempt to go to my Gmail inbox.
After a wait on a white screen, I get a Google error screen with "Invalid Email - We are unable to process your request at this time, please try again later."
If I disable the SSO settings for my org in Google Admin, I'm able to log into the account just fine with Google, get to the gmail inbox, etc.
Conversely, if I attempt the same steps with my admin account, I get a similar page with a slightly different message, "Server Error - We are unable to process your request at this time, please try again later."
I have been bashing my head against this for two whole nights and can't make any headway. What gives? I can't even figure out how to debug these errors.
Somebody (me) failed their perception check repeatedly because the problem was that the Unique User Identifier SAML claim in Azure was set to user.mail instead of user.userprincipalname as it should have been as per the tutorial.
I'll see myself out now.

GCP - Can't access Datastore

I've logged into the Google Cloud Platform console today and I can no longer see or create any entities in GCP Datastore. I don't use this interface very regularly, but I'm sure that I used to be able to see a list of the entities in the datastore, and be able to manually edit them. Today I'm seeing no entities, and I get the following error message :
"Request had invalid authentication credentials. Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or other valid authentication credential. See"
The link seems to point me off to a page that talks about integrating Google Sign-in into my web application - that doesn;t seem relevant to me at the moment - I'm just trying to use the GCP console itself
Moving details from comments section to full answer
The correct URL to access Cloud Console is and then you select Datastore from the drop down menu on the left
OP was using an old url - https://console.*developers*
To Access any component in the GCP including datastore. You need to pass valid credential(key) or your pipeline should be processing using correct GCP credentials.

Azure AD App Registration error: The reply URL specified in the request does not match the reply URLs configured for the application

Sorry that my question might be repetitive but none of the solutions provided in other links have resolved my issue. Below is my situation
We have ASP.NET Core 3.1 Web application to which we are trying to use Azure AD so that users can login with our Enterprise Credentials. We started with ASP.CRORE MVC default template and enabled to Use Organization credentials and Authentication is working in our Local environment. We are now trying to deploy this app to other internal environments. So we have deployed this to two of our internal servers and configured IIS to refer this website with http IP's assigned. I was able to create Azure App registry for this application and was able to add the http IP's through Manifest, added the clientId to the appsettings.json file and the authentication is working if we refer the website using the http IP's. I have also tried by assigning https IP's assigned to the same websites and added them to Azure App Registry and again the authentication is still working if we refer the website with either of the 2 https IP's.
Now we have decided to create URL something like which resolves to either of the http IP's using F5 Load balancer. I was able to add the URL to the azure app registry and using the same clientId in appsettings.json in the same way how the app is working with http or https IPs. But somehow when we refer the website URL we are getting the error as mentioned in the title of the question and I did observed after I hit the URL, its getting redirected as redirect_uri=httpXXXX instead of https which I thought may be the reason of the issue but unable to resolve. I have googled it and tried with various solutions but none resolved and so I am posing it again hoping for a luck if someone can provide me a solution.
Following are the links which appeared close to my situation but didn't work for me
Thanks in advance.
I looked at the sample you provided, and it does not provide the redirect_ url key in appsettings.json. So, based on my experience, it should have a built-in redirect_ url. Otherwise, the aadsts50011 error will not be reported.
To deal with this kind of problem, you can try a general solution:
When you visit the application url , you will be redirected to the login page. Decode the authorization request url, you will find redirect_url, copy the value of redirect_url and paste it into the azure portal, and try again.
For the redirect URL, it should start with https, if you need to start with http, you must configure it as http://localhost.

500 Server Error after User Signup Through Google App Engine using hotmail account

I have an application deployed to Google App Engine.
The application relies on App Engine User API to login and signup. However I noticed that if user signup using hotmail account, after verify the account through OpenID option. App Engine tries to direct the browser to the following URL:, where / is used in UserService.createLoginURL("/") to create the login URL.
At this step I am getting 500 Server Error as the following. When I check my server log, I couldn't find any request to Please help.
Error: Server Error
The server encountered an error and could not complete your request.
If the problem persists, please report your problem and mention this error message and the query that caused it.
I got this error when logging in 4 accounts.
It works on logging in 3 accounts.
We can not control the number of accounts a user login at the same time.
I think it is a critical bug in the implementation of Google.
Conclusion, Users API is not usable. The only way is to use OAuth.

ADFS 2.0 - How can I Debug "401 - Unauthorized"

I setup a test Server 2008 box with Active Directory and ADFS 2.0. I have an ASP.NET app which uses WIF to federate identity. ADFS is configured to use Active Directory for identity info. I used WIF to configure the client app to use the ADFS endpoint.
When I attempt to load the ASP.NET app as a user from the browser I am redirected to the ADFS endpoint and am prompted for credentials. I have attempted to login with several users accounts, even resetting passwords but the credentials never seem to be correct and a 401 Unauthorized is returned. I can login to other systems successfully with the same credentials.
I have enabled debug trace in verbose mode and enabled auditing in verbose mode but I can't find any errors or info to help me figure out the issue.
How can I get more info to narrow down the problem?
I found that this issue is caused by my testing environment. My dev machine is on our corporate domain ( I created two 2008R2 VMs for a test Domain Controller ( and Web Server.
If I attempt to access the website from a computer on the domain the error described above occurs. If I attempt to access the website from a computer on the domain it works.
What can I do to access the website from a computer on the domain?
Apparently this was caused by the Extended Protection feature built into ADFS. In trying to troubleshoot this issue I had Fiddler running to track the requests/responses but at one point I swear I turned it off to test as well but it still didn't work. Apparently I didn't fully remove the Fiddler proxy because after a IE reboot and with Fiddler not running it worked in IE but found it still didn't work in Firefox or Chrome. This led me to a TechNet article which described the behavior I've been seeing in conjuction with using Fiddler.
In my experience, every sign-in failure in IIS (including AD FS) is logged in the 'Security' event log as an 'Audit Failure' event, which contains more details. So I would search in the event viewer on the AD FS system, and see what those events have to say. Also in the event viewer, check the 'Applications and Services Logs' -> 'AD FS 2.0' -> Admin event log.
It looks like you did try to look at the HTTP traffic, e.g., using Fiddler. That's good. I presume the problem also occurs when Fiddler is not used?
(Do you perhaps have the problem of a repeated sign-in form, after you entered correct user name and password? Then look at the following answer: ADFS authentication - IE8 works, Chrome fails.)
(I have also seen a case where the initial authentication was successful, resulting in 'Audit Success' events, and then a 401 resulted from a later redirect. Also in this case the event logs on the AD FS system helped.)
