How to add a number to an existing array in redux react - reactjs

I want to update Array
const initialState = { name:'a', arrNames:[1,2,3,4]}
const userRuducer = createReducer(initialState,(builder)=>{
// how to add ' 12' in the arraay
<Button onClick={() =>dispatch({type:'UPDATE_ARRAY',payload:12}) } variant='contained'>update Array</Button>
arrNames:[1,2,3,4, 12]

You are using redux-toolkits so it basically just push the new item to the object:
builder.addCase("UPDATE_ARRAY", (state, action) => {
Because redux-toolkits already included with immerjs

builder.addCase("UPDATE_ARRAY", (state, action) => {
return {
here the state is immutable and conceded as better practice


Add an object to an array using redux toolkit

everyone. I want to store an Object into an array using redux toolkit. Unfortunately, it is the case that a new object is not added, but simply replaced. How can I change this behavior ?
import { createSlice } from "#reduxjs/toolkit";
const initialState = {
warenkorb: [],
preis: 0,
bewertung: 0,
export const produktSlice = createSlice({
name: "produkt",
reducers: {
hinzufügen: (state, action) => {
// Also not work
// state.warenkorb.push(action.payload);
state.warenkorb.push([...state.warenkorb, action.payload]);
state.preis += action.payload.preis * action.payload.anzahl;
entfernen: (state, action) => {
if (state.warenkorb.includes(action.payload)) {
state.warenkorb.findIndex((id) => id === action.payload),
bewerten: (state, action) => {
state.bewertung = action.payload.bewertung;
export const { hinzufügen, entfernen, bewerten } = produktSlice.actions;
export default produktSlice.reducer;
As you can see, a new call is started each time with the new object
And if I look at it with the help of the debugger, I get to see this. Why the first two objects and why do they look like this?
You should not push into the state you should replace the current state with a whole new state to ensure state updates
The code should be:
hinzufügen: (state, action) => {
state.warenkorb = [...state.warenkorb, action.payload];
I made this sandbox for the total working example

How do I update a nested Item in a different reducer (slice) with redux toolkit in a React app

I have the following code (I deleted most of it to make it easier to understand - but everything works):
"role" reducer:
// some async thunks
const rolesSlice = createSlice({
name: "role",
reducers: { // some reducers here },
extraReducers: {
// a bunch of extraReducers
[deleteRole.fulfilled]: (state, { payload }) => {
state.roles = state.roles.filter((role) => role._id !==;
state.loading = false;
state.hasErrors = false;
export const rolesSelector = (state) => state.roles;
export default rolesSlice.reducer;
"scene" reducer:
// some async thunks
const scenesSlice = createSlice({
name: "scene",
reducers: {},
extraReducers: {
[fetchScenes.fulfilled]: (state, { payload }) => {
state.scenes = => scene);
state.loading = false;
state.scenesFetched = true;
export const scenesSelector = (state) => state.scenes;
export default scenesSlice.reducer;
a component with a button and a handleDelete function:
// a react functional component
function handleDelete(role) {
// some confirmation code
My scene model (and store state) looks like this:
number: 1,
roles: [role1, role2]
number: 2,
roles: [role3, role5]
What I am trying to achieve is, when a role gets deleted, the state.scenes gets updated (map over the scenes and filter out every occurrence of the deleted role).
So my question is, how can I update the state without calling two different actions from my component (which is the recommended way for that?)
Thanks in advance!
You can use the extraReducers property of createSlice to respond to actions which are defined in another slice, or which are defined outside of the slice as they are here.
You want to iterate over every scene and remove the deleted role from the roles array. If you simply replace every single array with its filtered version that's the easiest to write. But it will cause unnecessary re-renders because some of the arrays that you are replacing are unchanged. Instead we can use .findIndex() and .splice(), similar to this example.
extraReducers: {
[fetchScenes.fulfilled]: (state, { payload }) => { ... }
[deleteRole.fulfilled]: (state, { payload }) => {
state.scenes.forEach( scene => {
// find the index of the deleted role id in an array of ids
const i = scene.roles.findIndex( id => id === );
// if the array contains the deleted role
if ( i !== -1 ) {
// remove one element starting from that position
scene.roles.splice( i, 1 )

React Redux - Check if ID exists in state at Reducer

I am trying to prevent duplicate messages from being pushed into the state. Below is my messagesReducer.
const initialState = List([]);
const messagesReducer = {
[actionTypes.ADD_NEW_RESPONSE_MESSAGE]: (state, { text }) => state.push(createNewMessage(text, MESSAGE_SENDER.RESPONSE)),
export default (state = initialState, action) => createReducer(messsagesReducer, state, action);
You can check the array for duplicates using the higher order function 'some'. Also currently your reducer returns the length of the array, because that is how .push works, which is probably not what you want.
In the code below I assume that the id of the message is saved in the attribute 'id' inside the message object.
const initialState = [];
const messagesReducer = {
[actionTypes.ADD_NEW_RESPONSE_MESSAGE]: (state, { text }) => {
if (!state.some(m => === MESSAGE_SENDER.RESPONSE)) return [...state, (createNewMessage(text, MESSAGE_SENDER.RESPONSE))];
return state;
export default (state = initialState, action) => createReducer(messsagesReducer, state, action);
Considering you are working with a list and you want to check if Id exists before pushing,
i would the following approach:
//Returns a True or False depending on if it finds the item or not
let find_status = !!state.find(item => ===

Modifying state for specific item in array in redux reducer

I can't quite wrap my head around the boilerplate of redux. I looked up common patterns for immutable modifying of state but issue is, all these patterns simply push towards the end and not for a specific index.
Before I'll go into actual code, here's what the structure of the state looks like for better imagination (pseudo-code):
state = {
quizMenu: {...},
quizEditor: Array<Question>,
> type Question = {
id: number,
question: string,
questionOptions: Array<QuestionOption>,
> type QuestionOption = {
id: number,
optionText: string,
isValid: boolean,
Hopefully it makes sense. I have created an action for adding questions, which works fine. Now I'm trying to create an action for adding option to an already existing question, but I can't wrap my head around how to in the nested arrays of objects.
Here's how my action in question is defined:
* #param questionId - ID of the question we're accesssing in quizEditor array
* #param id - id of the option we're adding (handled in component)
const actionAddQuestionOption = createAction(
(questionId: number, id: number) => ({
payload: {
optionText: 'New option',
isValid: false,
Now my reducer is the following way:
const reducer = createReducer({//...}, {
[actionAddQuestionOption.type]: (state, action) => ({
quizEditor: [...state.quizEditor][action.payload.questionId].questionOptions.push({
optionText: action.payload.optionText,
isValid: action.payload.isValid,
This just ends up in this monster type-error:
But I'm pretty sure I'm accessing the Array inside the array of objects incorrectly.
quizEditor: [...state.quizEditor][action.payload.questionId].questionOptions
Does anyone know what would be the proper way of going about accessing it? Much appreciated!
Since you are using redux-toolkit which has immer built in you can just mutate the state directly and it will transform it into an immutable update internally
const reducer = createReducer({
[actionAddQuestionOption.type]: (state, { payload: { questionId, ...option }}) => {
const question = state.questionquizEditor(question => === questionId)
The way to make it an immuable update is like this
const reducer = createReducer({
[actionAddQuestionOption.type]: (state, { payload: { questionId, ...option } }) => ({
quizEditor: =>
( === questionId
? {
questionOptions: [...question.questionOptions, option],
: question)),
the push method of Array returns the new length of the array not the array itself. What you can do is just concat the new object to the array which in turn will return the new array with the new question option.
optionText: action.payload.optionText,
isValid: action.payload.isValid,
Furthermore, we have to modify only that property in the state with our new array:
const reducer = createReducer({
//...}, {
[actionAddQuestionOption.type]: (state, action) => {
const quizEditor = [...state.quizEditor];
quizEditor[action.payload.questionId].questionOptions = quizEditor[
optionText: action.payload.optionText,
isValid: action.payload.isValid
return {
Thanks to immer in redux toolkit we can make it more readable:
const reducer = createReducer({
//...}, {
[actionAddQuestionOption.type]: (state, action) => {
const question = state.quizEditor[action.payload.questionId];
question.questionOptions = [
optionText: action.payload.optionText,
isValid: action.payload.isValid
return state;

React Native Flatlist extraData not working redux data changed

I have array in redux. I am showing datas on Flatlist. However, When I edited array data , flatlist not re-render. How can i solve this problem? I checked my redux and is working fine
color: JSON.stringify(BgColor),
date: this.state.fullDate.toString(),
note: this.state.noteText,
name: this.state.noteName,
type: "note",
Flatlist code;
ref={(list) => this.myFlatList = list}
renderItem={({item, index})=>(
mapStateToProps on same page with Flatlist
const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
const { notes } = state
return { notes }
const notes = [];
const notesReducer = (state = notes, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case 'editNotes':
return state = action.payload;
return state
export default notesReducer;
The reason it's not updating is because you're not returning a new array. The reference is same.
Return the updated state like return [...state,action.payload]
The reason it's not updating the data correctly is because the mutation.
The problematic code is this part.
color: JSON.stringify(BgColor),
date: this.state.fullDate.toString(),
note: this.state.noteText,
name: this.state.noteName,
type: "note",
It should be in this way
const { notes, editNotes } = this.props;
const newNotes = [...notes];
const { index } = this.state;
newNotes[index] = {
//update data
You can fix the issue in many ways but the wrong part I see in your code is Reducer. As per the standard, your reducer should be a Pure Function and the state should not mutate.
const notes = [];
const notesReducer = (state = notes, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case 'editNotes':
return {
return state
export default notesReducer;
This should resolve your issue.
Try to create a nested hierarchy in redux like
const initialState = {
notes: [],
const notesReducer = (state = initialState, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case 'editNotes':
return {
notes: [
return state
export default notesReducer;
