Label in BarChart? - reactjs

Is it anyhow possible to set the label into the bar chart?
Like this example:
I couldnt find an example on the official page: Official example page
Later I had other problems, but I was able to solve them by switching to Nivo Charts. Nivo Charts

You could do this using label options in this way:
options: {
scales: {
xAxes: [
ticks: {
autoSkip: false,
maxRotation: 90,
minRotation: 90,
padding: -110
The result is:
This is a codesandbox example.

You can use the LabelList component with a custom render, here is the link of the documentation:
also you can use the position property to center it inside the bar , here is an example of a customized LabelList :


React / High chart / Stacked bar label for each block

I am trying to have stacked bar with different color as below.
I could achive bar as below however looking for -
1. label under each block and count.
2. On click on one of the block, color for rest of the blocks should be changed (should be same as hover behaviour)
Any suggestion and help would be appreciated.
You can use stacked bar chart with enabled data labels:
plotOptions: {
bar: {
stacking: 'normal',
dataLabels: {
color: 'black',
enabled: true,
y: 80
Live demo:
API Reference:

react-chart-js-2 units on y axis

I'm using react-chart-js-2 and I want to add units to the y-axis. There doesn't seem to be much documentation about the full range of options and the tutorials I found don't seem to be working. I want to add a £ sign to every value on the y axis of my line chart? I should just be able to use a callback function and add £ to the value string?
const options = {
scales: {
xAxes: [{
scaleLabel: {
display: true,
labelString: 'Years'
yAxes: [{
ticks: {
beginAtZero: true,
callback: value => `£${formatNumberDecimal(value)}`
This doesn't work, and when I dynamically change the input data, it crashes. How do I change the units?
I hope it's not too late!
I don't know much about chart.js api, but i think you can't use ES6 arrow functions inside that callback, try with something like:
callback: function (value) {
return `£${value}k`;
Here is a working codesandbox example.

How to get a foreground colour on a pivot object

I have a row of pivot buttons which I use for my spfx form in a web part. I need to be able to give a grey background when users hover over the control. so at the moment my control looks like this :
So the blue bar changes on select but I want a grey hover over so the users know where to click.
Thanks in advance.
I have written this code to get the style but I cannot add the style into the component:
const styler = {
root: [
selectors: {
':hover': {
background: '#2C3539'
In this codepen you can see how you can pass styles to the correct style areas for Pivot control.
link: [
!rootIsTabs && {
selectors: {
':hover': {
backgroundColor: palette.neutralLighter,
color: palette.neutralDark
':active': {
backgroundColor: palette.neutralLight
To mention also, is that the styles I demo will be default styles in the next major release (Fabric v7), so you can have this in your code until we have an official release (within a few weeks) and when you have the ability to upgrade you can remove it and have it backed in into the component.
P.S.: the animation is another bonus that comes with this new major release.

How to change the background to gradient using Rgraph open source tool

Anyone have an example of how to set the background to appear as a gradient in Rgraph? Something like this :
This was answered in the RGraph forum today:
[Formerly there was just a link, but here's some sample code instead]
new RGraph.Bar({
id: 'cvs',
data: [6,8,6],
options: {
colors: ['#888'],
backgroundColor: 'Gradient(white:purple)',
backgroundGrid: false,
marginInner: 80

Pie Chart - Labels In and out

Labels on the pie chart are fine to me.
Labels outside of the pie chart are not, I would like to make these disappear since on Iphone or a screen that size, labels pop out of the pie chart and are out of the screen most of the time.
I did not find anything in Sencha Architect that allowed me to overide this mechanism for labels. Would someone have an idea?
You have to extend Ext.chart.series.sprite.PieSlice and override the method sliceContainsLabel:
Ext.define('yourNamespase.CustomPieSlice', {
alias: 'sprite.custompieslice',
extend: 'Ext.chart.series.sprite.PieSlice',
inheritableStatics: {
def: {
defaults: {
doCallout: false,
rotateLabels: false,
label: '',
labelOverflowPadding: 10,
renderer: null
sliceContainsLabel: function () {
return 1;
And so the labels will be always inside the pie chart.
