Bootstrap component not working with react app - reactjs

I have created a React Application and copied navbar from bootstrap component. I also added cdn files at index.html file. Also changed changed class to className but still but when run I get error with failed to compile and cursor is placed on data-toggle="colapse". upon removing this line it moves to next one. but its not working. .

working with bootstrap in react is not simple, it is easier to use React-bootstrap.
you then just download the npm package and import the buttons and other options you want.
If you want to go about doing it this way, then you would need to use <button className="bootstrapclass">hello</button>
or specifically
<button className="btn btn-secondary">hello</button>
outside of that, there is no way to use bootstrap.
it is advisable that you share your code, so people can see what the mistake is.

The error was because of attaching cdn at outside the body. I resolved this by placing cdn of CSS and JS at just before the closing body tag.


How can I get the Flowbite modal work with react?

I want to use the regular Flowbite CSS code inside my React app.
I added the following code inside my react file:
I added the CSS in the header:
And include the following JavaScript file before the end of the body element:
When I include the mentioned code ( ), the modal just do not work.
How come this happens, can I fix it somehow?
And also, I do not want to use the Flowbite-react library as it does not have any documentation, and also do not have a lot of templates available.
I tried to add the mentioned steps and experimented, but I did not get the modal running with react

Use bootstrap's CSS for single react-bootstrap component rather than across the whole project

I'm working on a project that's using the Carousel from react-bootstrap. This only works if I import "bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css"; in the app. The issue is that doing so changes the CSS for the entire app, which has lots of existing UI that I would then need to rework. Is there a way to use the bootstrap CSS for the carousel component only, leaving the rest of my React app alone?
I've tried importing bootstrap.min.css in the file where the carousel component is used rather than in App.js. This doesn't seem to make a difference though.
Solution 1:
Bootstrap provides the option to include components selectively with scss. This requires you to have a build setup that handles scss for you, e.g. webpack, rollup or node-sass itself.
Edit: added minimal set of required scss classes. bootstrap 4.5
#import "../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/functions";
#import "../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/_variables";
#import "../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/_mixins";
#import "~bootstrap/scss/_carousel.scss";
The code snippet shows the main part which is required for styling the carousel. But if you have a look at the carousel.scss there are various dependencies to bootstrap functions you would have to import as well. With that it is possible to have a minimal bootstrap configuration with your required styles.
Solution 2: You might scope the component and its styles within a web component. That way the bootstrap.min.css is not leaking styles out of the carousel web component. This approach goes beyond the question and does not consider how the carousel works together with the rest of your application, as also events and JS interactions would be scoped.

How can I use Material UI with Electron React Boilerplate?

New electron user here. I just cloned and installed the recommended React + Electron repo:
Now I want to use Material-UI. So I thought I just follow the instructions here:
After I did this, the app doesn't show me anything from Material-UI. I created a Component with a simple App Bar. But it does show nothing.
So I found out that there is another package.json in the folder /app/package.json
I cd'd into it and redid the installation. Restart the dev server but still nothing shows up (no appbar, just white screen).
Here is a screenshot:
Also according to the docs I should add a link for the roboto font to the html file. Where is this supposed to go? I put it into the only html file I found in app/app.html.
How can one set up Material-UI with Electron or rather this specific boilerplate?
I couldn't find anything up to date for this question.
I found the error. Turns out I imported MenuIcon but material doesn't export it. So when I get rid of it, the appbar renders correctly.

React Styled Components stripped out from production build

I use Styled Components as CSS alternative for my React App. In development everything works fine (first screenshot), but when I run a production build (npm build), styles within style tags are stripped out (second screenshot). As a result, there're no styles in the production build.
Here is the production version:
Here is the source code:
I had a similar issue with empty style tags in production. I'm using a headless browser for server-side rendering and this issue caused the server-side rendered pages to appear with no styles before JS assets are loaded.
After a lot of searching around, I finally found out the reason. The Styled Components library uses something called the "Speedy mode" to inject styles on production. This makes the styles bypass the DOM` and be injected directly inside the CSSOM, thus, appearing in the inspector, but totally invisible on the DOM.
Fortunately, Styled Components 4.1.0 came with a fix for this issue! Now you can set a global variable called SC_DISABLE_SPEEDY to true in order to disable the Speedy mode and get the styles to appear on Production as well. Keep in mind that you should do it at the very beginning of your application's entry file, before importing any styled component, otherwise it will not work.
The way I did it is by creating a new file called globals.js that contains global.SC_DISABLE_SPEEDY = true
and importing it as the very first thing in my index.js.
For the Create React App folks out there you can add a .env file in your root and add:
I was able to replicate your issue and it looks like when the application is in production, it can't select html elements within a styled component (the styles don't apply to the element). Instead, you'll need to create additional stylized components for input and button.
Working example:
I refactored your application to simplify its structure. Please read the README for instructions on how to run it in development and in production (DO NOT use the above repository for production, as it's highly unnecessary to have an express backend -- I only did this so that you can run a local production build).
What I changed:
Moved any styled components to the components folder for modularity
Any sort of global stylization was put into a styles folder
Moved assets to images and imported them into the styled component that needed them (eliminating the need to use require('../path/to/image'))
Simplified the App.js file. Children are controlled by state and class methods. Most importantly, turned your form into a controlled component, fixed the getWeather method to: Not allow an empty submission, if the AJAX calls fails, it'll catch the error (instead of breaking your app), and reset the form inputs on successful submission.
Added prop-types to ensure props were consistent in declaration (string remains a string, number remains a number, and so on).

Detecting swipe events in Appgyver app

Are there any directives to detect swipe events? If not, how can I use something like angular-touch?
An example case is i want to hide a modal on swipe up.
I have just used angular-touch on an app and it seems to work well.
Simply download angular-touch.js from the web or use NPM install angular-touch and it will download a node module. I did this and then copied angular-touch.js into my scripts folder with my app.js file. I then added a script link to the file and then declared the module in my app includes [ngTouch].
To use, all you have to do in the container div in the page is add ng-swipe-left="function()" or ng-swipe-right="function". Remember, the function must be written in your controller for the action to actually happen.
Hope this helps.
