Combine references to create new reference like ${var${randnum}} - odk

I am trying to create a new reference containing another reference as in ${var${randnum}}.
Ultimately, I want to create a variable which refers to a two times two randomized set of variables.
As the above approach did not work, I developed it further with below result.
In the calculate field I write
concat('$','{','trust',${rand_no2},'_' ,${rand_no3_1},'}')
Which should result in
and respective combinations.
Without line 11 (name=ref2) the file compiles and I can start it in ODK Collect (v.2.4) on my phone. When I reach line 10 (in ODK Collect), however, I receive the message:
"Error Occured
Dependency cycle in s; recursion limit exceeded!!"
(I included line 11 to show what I want to do in the end.)
I am writing the file in Excel and compile it with ODK xlsform offline. (For testing I transfer it via cable to my phone.)
The xls file for reproduction can be found here:
Thank you very much in advance!

You're mixing up some things related to the ${q} syntax, question names and question values.
Note that ODK Collect does not actually understand the ${q} syntax (which is XLSForm-only). It's helpful to look at the actual form format that ODK collect understands which is called XForm, an XML format that XLSForm converts into. However, even if ODK Collect understood the ${q} syntax, your approach still wouldn't work since you're creating a string value for the ref question (using concat). This wouldn't magically be evaluated as a reference / formula. You cannot dynamically create a reference or formula.
At the moment (until ODK supports something like the local-name() function), maybe the best approach is to use position and put the calculated values inside a group. Something like //group/calc[number(${pos})] perhaps. Note that positions are 1-based (so the first item is position 1) and casting the position to a number or integer is required.


How to create an Array (IDataHolder) in Thinkscript? (Thinkorswim)

I am trying to create an irregular volume scanner on Thinkorswim using Thinkscript. I want to create an array of volume's in past periods so that I can compare them to the current period's volume (using fold or recursion). However, while the Thinkorswim documentation details what is called an IDataHolder datatype, which is an array of data, I cannot find how one can actually create one, as opposed to just referencing the historical data held by Thinkorswim. Here is the documentation:
I have tried coding something as simple as this to initialize an array:
def array = [];
This throws an error. I have tried different types of brackets, changing any possible syntax issues, etc.
Is this possible in the Thinkscript language? If not, are there any workarounds? If not even that, is there a third party programming interface that I could use to pull data from Thinkorswim and get a scanner that way? Thanks for any help.
IDataHolder represents data such as close, open, volume, etc, that is held across multiple bars or ticks. You can reference one of these pre-defined data series, or you can create your own using variables: def openPlus5cents = open + 0.05, say, would be an IDataHolder type value.
There's no way to create an array in the usual programming sense, as you've found, so you'll have to be a little creative. Perhaps, say, you could do the comparison within the fold? volume[1] > volume, or the like? Maybe post another question with an example of the comparison you're trying to do?

How can I read a parameter array from excel so that its values are available when stocks are initialized?

The problem:
I need to read a row of values from an excel spreadsheet into a parameter array and use these values to set the initial values of stocks.
The specifics:
a. I can successfully set the scalar parameters default values from excel using ExcelControlName.getCellNumericValue("ExcelSheetName", RowNumber, ColumnNumber).
b. Trying to set default values for array parameters with ExcelControlName.readHyperArray(DestinationArrayName,"ExcelSheetName",RowNumber, ColumnNumber, false) returns a "Cannot return a void result" error on build.
c. I can read the parameter arrays from a function called from the Agent actions "On startup:" section using ExcelControlName.readHyperArray(DestinationArrayName,"ExcelSheetName",RowNumber, ColumnNumber, false).
d. Stocks with their initial values set to the parameter array that was successfully loaded by the function are all zero even though the parameter array shows values (when run). Initial value: ParameterArrayName.
e. When I set the parameter array values through the value editor the stocks initialize correctly.
My suspicion:
I'm thinking that the issue has something to do with the internal timing within the entrails of the model generated by Anylogic such that the function to load the parameters is executed after the stocks get initial values - but that could just be the delirium caused by repeatedly smashing my forehead into the wall. But, if this is indeed the case, how can I sneak the function in earlier or, better yet, how would someone who actually knows what they're doing accomplish this?
What I'm trying to accomplish:
As a septuagenarian with lots of time on my hands and a vague recollection of dynamic modeling using Dynamo from a Systems Science program in the early seventies (and not used since), I thought I'd take a whack at age-based modeling of the COVID-19 pandemic. I wanted to see, among other things, whether establishing elder-prisons (in now vacant Club-Meds, Sandals... I'm sure) would be an economically advantageous strategy. Getting there requires dis-aggregating classic SIR approaches into age-specific chains of causality. So far, I'm at 27 age-specific parameters for eight age-groups and 24 scalar parameters. As much as I'd like to type and retype... all this data I'm really hoping there is a better way.
I must say that I am amazed at how far modeling has come in only 50 or so years and I am enthralled with Anylogic's application - even though it's a bit java-ish for me.
Thank you ever so much,
Carl Cottrell
Equivalent parameter arrays - one with values entered in edit the other read from excel file through a function
Not sure if I understand but here it goes:
I understand that you have the following structure:
and you want to initialize the stock as follows.
To do that, on the initial value of your parameter use a function that returns an HyperParameter:
the function getInitialValue should return an HyperParameter and I think this code should work for you (you have to choose RowNumber according to whatever is on your excelfile, MyDimension is the name of your dimension, and ExcelControlName is the excel in which you hold the values of the initial values of the stock)
HyperArray x=new HyperArray(MyDimension);
for(int i=0;i<=numColumns;i++){
x.set(ExcelControlName.getCellNumericValue("ExcelSheetName", RowNumber, i), i);
return x;

MATLAB strings in arrays

I know that I am pretty confused about arrays and strings and have tried a bunch of things but I am still stumped. I have groups of data that I am pulling into various arrays. For example I have site locations coming from one source. Numerous cores can be at a single location. The cores can have multiple depths. So I am pulling all this data together in various ways and pushing it out into a single excel file for each core. I create a filename based on location id and core name and year the core was sampled. So it might look like ‘ID_14_CORE_Bu-2-MT-1991.xlsx’ and I am storing it to use with a xlswrite statement in a variable called “filename.” This is all working fine.
But now I want to keep track of what files I have created and when I created them in another EXCEL file. So I was trying to store the location, filename and the date it was processed into some sort of array so that I can use the xlswrite statement to push it all out after I have processed all the locations/cores/layers that might occur in the original input files.
As I start the program and look in the original input files I can figure out how many cores I have so I wanted to create some sort of array to hold the location, filename and the date together. I have tried to use a cell array (a = cell(numcores,3)) but that does not seem to work. I think I am understanding that the filename is actually a string array so each of the letters is trying to be assigned to a separate cell instead of just the cell in the second column.
I also have had problems trying to push the three values out to the summary EXCEL file as each core is being processed but MATLAB tends to treat single dimensional arrays as a row rather than a column so I am kind of confused there.
Below is what I want an array to end up like…but since I am developing the filename on the fly this seems to be more challenging.
ArraytoExcel = [“14”, “ID_14_CORE_Bu-2-MT-1991.xlsx”,”1/1/2018”;
“14”, “ID_14_CORE_Bu-3-MT-1991.xlsx”,”1/1/2018”;
“13”, “ID_13_CORE_Tail_33-1992.xlsx”,”1/1/2018”;]
Maybe I am just going about this the wrong way. Any suggestions would help.
Your question is a little confusing but I think you want to do something like the following. The variables inside of my example are static but from your question it sounds like you already have these figured out somehow.
numcores = 5; %.. Or however, you determine what you are procesing
ArraytoExcel = cell(numcores ,3);
for ii = 1:numcores
%These 3 things will need to determined by you in the loop
% and not be static like in this example.
coreID = '14';
filename = 'ID_14_CORE_Bu-2-MT-1991.xlsx'; %
dataProc = datestr(now,'mm/dd/yyyy');
ArraytoExcel(ii,:) = {coreID,filename,dataProc};

Array parameters in FMI 2.0

In FMI 2.0, array parameters are serialized to scalar variables.
Importing tools can display them as arrays, but their size is fixed and their handling is inefficient.
Better array support is currently in development by a working group of the FMI project, but I would like to know about workarounds how to handle array parameters in the meantime.
Ideas are to
hard code them (disadvantage: the are no paramters any more ...)
put them in a CSV file in the resources folder and read them at the start of the simulation (disadvantage: no parameter mask support, complicated)
put them in a string parameter and parse it at simulation start (disadvantage: limited length of strings, complicated)
Are there other ideas / workarounds? Thanks in advance.
Combinations of the ideas outlined in your question are also possible.
Hard code with selector parameter
Here the idea is to hard code several variants of your array and allow the user to select one with a parameter.
I did this in a recent project where a user needed to choose between different spatially resolved initial conditions (e.g. temperature profiles). We used a model to generate more than 100 different sets of spatially resolved initial conditions (each representing a different "history" of the modeled object), hard coded them as FORTRAN arrays (the inner core of the FMU was in FORTRAN), and used a single integer parameter to select which profile he wanted to use.
It worked very well and the user has no way of breaking it.
Shorten the array and interpolate
If the data in your array is smooth, you might be able to dramatically reduce the number of values you actually need to pass to your simulation - which would make serialization into scalar parameters less painful.
Within the FMU, interpolate to get the resolution you need.
String parameter to select csv file
You can use a string parameter to provide the path to a user-provided csv-file. I would not recommend this, because the user will most likely break it.

Modelica Flexible Array Size - Error: Failed to expand the variable

I still have problems when using arrays with undifined size in Modelica.
It would be really helpful to understand what is the underlying problem.
I read a lot of stuff (known size at compile time, functions, constructor and destructor, records and so on) but I'm still not sure what is the proper way to use flexible arrays in Modelica.
Can somebody give a good explanation, maybe using the following example?
Given data:
x y
1 7
2 1
3 1
4 7
Modelica model which works fine:
model Test_FixedMatrix
parameter Real A[4,2] = [1,7;2,1;3,1;4,7];
parameter Integer nA = size(A,1);
parameter Integer iA[:] = Modelica.Math.BooleanVectors.index( {A[i,2] == 1 for i in 1:nA});
parameter Real Aslice[:,:] = A[iA,:];
end Test_FixedMatrix;
The array iA[:] gives the indices of all rows having an y = 1 and Aslice[:,:] includes all this rows in one matrix.
Now instead of using a given matrix, I want to read the data from a file. Using the Modelica library ExternData ( it is possible to read the data from an xlsx-file:
model Test_MatrixFromFile
ExternData.XLSXFile xlsxfile(fileName="data/ExampleData.xlsx");
parameter Real B[:,:] = xlsxfile.getRealArray2D("A2","Tabelle1",4,2);
parameter Integer nB = size(B,1);
parameter Integer iB[:] = Modelica.Math.BooleanVectors.index( {B[i,2] == 1 for i in 1:nB});
parameter Real Bslice[:,:] = B[iB,:];
end Test_MatrixFromFile;
The xlsx-file looks like this:
It's exatly the same code, but this time I get the error message:
(If I delete the two lines with iB and Bsliece then it works, so the problem is not the xlsxfile.getRealArray2D function)
Application example and further questions:
It would be really nice to be able to just read a data file into Modelica and then prepare the data directly within the Modelica code without using any other software. Of course I can prepare all the data using e.g. a Python script and then use TimeTable components... but sometimes this is not really comfortable.
Is there another way to read in data (txt or csv) without specifying the size of the table in it?
How would it look like, if I want to read-in data from different files e.g. every 10 seconds?
I also found the Modelica functions readFile and countLines in Modelica.Utilities.Streams. Is it maybe only possible to do this using external functions?
I assume the fundamental issue is, that Modelica.Math.BooleanVectors.index returns a vector of variable size. The size depends on the input of the function which in the given case is the xlsx file. Therefore the size of iB depends on the content of the xlsx file which can change independently of the model itself. Therefore the problem you originally stated "known size at compile time" is problematic, as the size of iB is dependent on a non-parameter.
Another thing that I learned from my experience with Dymola is that it behaves differently if functions like ExternData.XLSXFile are translated before usage. This means that you need to open the function in Dymola (double-clicking it in the package browser) and press the translate button (or F9). This will generate the respective .exe file in your working directory and make Dymola more "confident" in outputs of the function being parameters rather than variables. I don't know the details of the implementations and therefore can't give exact details, but it is worth a try.
