id auto_inc column, but no primary key? - database

I apologize for the bad title, but I wasn't sure how else to phrase it.
Let's imagine for a moment that I wanted to create a us_states table as follow:
create table us_states
id serial,
name varchar(256) not null constraint us_states_pk primary key,
code varchar(256) not null
What tangible benefits, if any, are there to having an auto incremental id column in a db_table if I don't plan on leveraging it as the primary key for said db_table?

There is zero value in adding an auto-incremented numerical column if it isn't a primary key or unique constraint.
If you have a unique column like name in your case, there are only two considerations not to use it as primary key:
storing a number instead of the name in tables that reference this one will save space
it is painful and should be avoided to modify primary key columns, so if the names change as part of the normal operation, it makes sense to use a different column as primary key


What should happen with a column after the primary key constraint was removed?

I am talking about the normalization of a primary key. So let's say my primary key column is of type nvarchar, which violates the rules of normalization. After removing the primary key constraint and the identity specification from the desired column. I need to create a new column which will be the new primary key of that table.
My question is, what should happen with the previous primary key?
I've got an answer that sounds like: "the column should became a semantic key", but i can't understand this answer.
It's not unusual when designing a database schema to use a SURROGATE primary key. The idea is to give each record a unique and permanent identifier so it can be easily referenced by applications and foreign keys. This key has no meaning. Knowing the surrogate key gives you no information about the content of the record. The user of your application would never see this value.
On the other hand, your record may have a SEMANTIC primary key. This is a unique value that identifies this data to that makes sense to the user.
For example, let's say you have a table of Employees. The employer assigns each employee a unique Employee ID Number. Let's say you store this value as a string. To the user that value serves as the unique identifier that refers to that employee. Meanwhile, your table may have a numeric column that serves as the unique identifier for that record.
create table Employee ( EmployeeRecordID int identity(1,1) primary key,
EmployerAssignedID nvarchar(12),
EmployeeName nvarchar(60),
Salary money )
insert into Employee ( EmployerAssignedID, EmployeeName, Salary ) values
( '#ABC100', 'Fred', 25000.12 ),
( '#AZZ314', 'Mary', 37700.00 ),
( '#MAA719', 'Fran', 34444.04 ),
( '#MZA977', 'Mary', 36000.00 )
As each record is added, SQL Server generates a unique EmployeeRecordID for each record, starting with 1. This is the SURROGATE key. Within your database and within your application, you would use this value to reference the record.
But when your application is communicating with the users, you would use the EmployerAssignedID. This is the SEMANTIC primary key. It makes sense to your users to use this value to search for a particular employee.
A primary key is no more than a unique index which can't have NULL value as a key. Like any of indexes it can be clustered or nonclustered.
Deleting a clustered index makes table become a heap with changes in structure and behaviour. Deleting a nonclustered index is just deallocation its space and does not affect that table and other indexes on the table as well.
So after deleting you just have a column(s) with unique values and you are able to consider them as a semantic key until some duplicate values are inserted.

Composite primary key in sql server

I am trying to create a composite primary key in Sql server.
The syntax I have tried is:
create table Installment_details
constraint P_key primary key(Account_No,month),
Account_No int not null,
foreign key (Account_No) references Account_details(Account_no) on delete cascade,
Month char(15) not null,
D#te date,
Receipt_no varchar(15),
Amount_received int,
Amount_left int,
Amount_receiver char(50),
As far as I know it should create column with column name P_key for primary key but whenever I make a entry in table it doesn't show this column.
You are confused about the terms you're using. It's not the same a Primary Key and a Column. For example, you're creating a Primary Key based on two existing columns, and the name P_Key it's the name of the Primary Key, which is the way SQL SERVER (in this case) can identify a row in the Table (it cannot be two rows with the same values on those two columns).
I hope this clarifies a little bit the issue.
I think you are getting it wrong P_key in your code is constraint's name not a column name.
Also composite key is not a column, it is used when you don't have a column with unique values. So you take combination of two or more column as primary key so that we can uniquely identify a row.

H2 Composite Primary Key (fields get unique but not primary key)

I have a problem with a composite primary key in my h2 database table.
This is the create statement of the table:
(TTName is the name of the table for the columns, so its the same for each column of the table, but each column is unique in a table so its an composite key)
If i fill this table with data, i get the following exception
rg.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Eindeutiger Index oder Primärschlüssel verletzt: "CONSTRAINT_INDEX_E8 ON PUBLIC.TTCOLUMN(TTNAME) VALUES ('KIBLCOVI', 1)"
Unique index or primary key violation: "CONSTRAINT_INDEX_E8 ON PUBLIC.TTCOLUMN(TTNAME) VALUES ('KIBLCOVI', 1)"; SQL statement:
INSERT INTO TTColumn (Name,TTName,Type,Length,Position,IsDBLogType) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?) [23505-189]
As you can see the column "Name" is not part of the primary key anymore, like i defined in the create statement and i dont know why.
I have this problem in other tables too and adding the primary with alter table, after creating it, resolves in the same problem. When "Name" is the first column in the primary key, it gets the only column in the primary key, so the last entrys get removed.
I know, one solution would be to use id's, but I want to use a composite primary key, because i hate to add id's when its not necessary.
Is there something wrong with my create statement or do you have any other hints?
P.s. i tried the Version 1.4.189 and Version 1.3.176 as .jar (no server)
Hmm, following the output from show columns:
Somehow the column Name and TTName are UNI (Unique) but not a primary key.
if i change the order in the primary key declaration, the column TTName becomes a primary key field, but Name stays unique.

PRIMARY KEYs vs. UNIQUE Constraints

In an Alexander Kuznetsov article, he presents the follow code snippet:
CREATE TABLE dbo.Vehicles(
CONSTRAINT Vehicles_CHK_ValidTypes CHECK([Type] IN ('Car', 'Truck'))
This snippet raises a few questions for me.
Why is it necessary to include both ID and Type in the unique constraint? If just ID is unique, then the combination of the two columns will always be unique as well.
Also, I know how to set a primary key and specify if it unique in SSMS. But how would I specify a primary key on one column, and make a unique constraint on a combination of columns? Does this create two indexes?
This came up because I'm trying to implement similar code, which does not create a composite primary key, and I get the following error. So I'm trying to understand this code better.
The columns in table 'MyTable' do not match an existing primary key or UNIQUE constraint.
I was able to get this working by simply creating a composite primary key in MyTable. The actual table definition is shown below. Again, this works. But it is not the same as the code quoted above. And I'm not sure if it would be better if I did it the other way.
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[MessageThread](
[Id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[MessageThreadType] [int] NOT NULL,
[Id] ASC,
[MessageThreadType] ASC
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[MessageThread] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [CK_MessageThread_ValidType] CHECK (([MessageThreadType]=(2) OR [MessageThreadType]=(1)))
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[MessageThread] CHECK CONSTRAINT [CK_MessageThread_ValidType]
1 : I am not sure of the specific purpose of the given schema. But note that a unique constraint can be applied for multiple reasons, most commonly: (a) to enforce uniqueness and (b) to provide the optimizer with more information to base decisions.
2 : A unique constraint does not create two indexes. It creates a single index with one of the columns as the leading key column. It enforces uniqueness on both. So a unique constraint on a,b could have:
a b
---- ----
1 1
1 2
2 1
2 2
Notice that neither of the columns enforce uniqueness individually. I am not a big fan of using the table designer in SSMS (it has tons of bugs and doesn't support all functionality) but here is how to do it:
a) right-click the grid and choose Indexes/Keys...
b) choose multiple columns using the [...] button in the Columns grid
c) change Type to Unique Key
d) change the Name if desired
Here's an example of a table that already has a primary key. I could add one or more unique indexes if I wanted to:
In my understanding, the reason for unique constraint on ID,[Type] is let detail tables to refer ID,[Type] as foreign key. Usually parent table is required to have unique constraint on columns used for foreign key. For instance, the table in the question can have 2 detail tables:
vehicle_id INT NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT CAR_FK_VEHICLE FOREIGN KEY (vehicle_id,[Type]) REFERENCES Vehincle(id,[Type]));
vehicle_id INT NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT CAR_FK_VEHICLE FOREIGN KEY (vehicle_id,[Type]) REFERENCES Vehincle(id,[Type]));
This way Cars will have details only about Car type, whereas TRUCKS only about Truck.
Such design is used to avoid polymorphic relationship, for instance
ref_id INT NOT NULL,
-- PK of 'master' table
ref_name VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
-- here we put 'truck' or 'car', so we virtually have 2 parents;
-- in this case we cannot use FK constraint, the only thing that may
-- somehow enforce the logical constraint is writing a trigger
Your updated table definition looks good to me. I guess the sample table was initially designed for Oracle and then ported to SQLServer. In Oracle, that unique constraint and primary key can use the same index, so there is no penalty for having both PK and Unique constraint.
Good question. Theoretically you're right; there is no reason, a record can always be uniquely identified by its PK and the unique constraint will always be satisfied as long as this is true. However, if ID and Type have some relationship outside the bounds of the data layer (maybe this table is the data model for an Enum?), then it's unlikely that there would be two different IDs with the same Type because the uniqueness of Type is enforced elsewhere. The constraint also sets up an index that includes both ID and Type, making the table relatively efficient to be queried by that combination of columns.
You set up a unique constraint using the "Manage Indexes and Keys" option. Yes, this will create an index and unique constraint for the primary key, and an index and unique constraint for the combination of PK and Type.
I suspect the reason for having both columns in the UNIQUE constraint is related to the error message you mentioned. SQL Server (in common with other SQL DBMSs) has a limitation that a FOREIGN KEY constraint can only reference exactly the set of columns defined by a uniqueness constraint. So if a FOREIGN KEY constraint references two columns then those two columns must have a uniqueness constraint on them - even if other constraints already guarantee uniqueness. This is a pointless limitation but it is part of standard SQL.
The following example is quite similar and explains why a composite foreign key and nested uniqueness constraints can be useful.
Here you go:
Cars and trucks have different attributes, so they do not belong in one table. This is why I have two tables, Cars and Trucks.
Yet cars and trucks share some attributes, such as VIN (vehicle idenification number). More to the point, VIN is unique. This is why I need a table Vehicles. A vehicle cannot be both a car and a truck, so I must make sure it is not possible to enter both (VIN=123456789, Type=Car) and (VIN=123456789, Type=Truck). This is why I have a PK on VIN only.
I must ensure that a vehicle cannot have corresponding rows in both Cars and Trucks tables. This is why I have Type column in Cars and Trucks, and this is why I want (VIN, Type) in child tables Cars and Trucks refer to the parent table Vehicles. The only reason why I need an additional unique constraint on (VIN, Type) is this: it is referred by FK constraints from child tables.
BTW, you could leave a comment on the blog - in that case sqlblog would send me a message. It is a coincidence that I noticed your question here; I was supposed to go skiing, only there is no snow.

To show correctly PRIMARY KEY in Postgres

Which one of the following ways would you use in declaring Primary Keys by Postgres?
user_id PRIMARY KEY,
user_id NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT user_pk PRIMARY KEY(user_id);
I would use method #1.
The indication of which column is the primary key is kept closer to the actual column definition
You don't have to think up a name for the constraint; a name will be automatically generated
One reason to use method #2 is if your primary key were to span more than one column. In that case, method #1 won't work because it only supports a single column primary key.
