Scrollbar in Vega-Lite for Gantt-Chart - Data Studio - google-data-studio

I'm using Vega-Lite for Data Studio and I've created an interactive Gantt-Chart
Like in the image below :
[gantt-chart sample]
However, I have a lot of data and my chart is limited by fixed height and width. Like this :
So my question is, how can I add a vertical scrollbar ? Or do I have the possibility to zoom-in/out on y-axis ?
I've already setup the possibility to interact with data (drag, zoom-in/out) by using "selection interval" parameter. I would like to do the same with "tasks" (see example below)
For the example, I've fixed the height to illustrate the fact that my data are tightly packed together.
"$schema": "",
"description": "Gantt Chart.",
"background" : "#fbfbfb",
"height" : 80,
"data": {
"values": [
{"task": "A", "start": "2021-01-01", "end": "2021-05-01", "landing": "2021-04-01", "metric" : 1},
{"task": "B", "start": "2021-03-01", "end": "2021-08-01", "landing": "2021-06-01", "metric" : 0.5},
{"task": "C", "start": "2021-05-01", "end": "2021-07-01", "landing": "2021-04-01", "metric" : 0.7},
{"task": "D", "start": "2021-02-01", "end": "2021-05-01", "landing": "2021-06-01", "metric" : 0.3},
{"task": "E", "start": "2021-07-01", "end": "2021-03-01", "landing": "2021-04-01", "metric" : 0.2},
{"task": "F", "start": "2021-08-01", "end": "2021-05-01", "landing": "2021-06-01", "metric" : 0.1},
{"task": "G", "start": "2021-01-01", "end": "2021-03-01", "landing": "2021-04-01", "metric" : 0},
{"task": "H", "start": "2021-02-01", "end": "2021-05-01", "landing": "2021-06-01", "metric" : 0.5},
{"task": "I", "start": "2021-01-01", "end": "2021-03-01", "landing": "2021-04-01", "metric" : 0.8},
{"task": "J", "start": "2021-02-01", "end": "2021-05-01", "landing": "2021-06-01", "metric" : 0.9},
{"task": "K", "start": "2021-01-01", "end": "2021-03-01", "landing": "2021-04-01", "metric" : 1},
{"task": "L", "start": "2021-02-01", "end": "2021-05-01", "landing": "2021-06-01", "metric" : 0.4},
{"task": "M", "start": "2021-01-01", "end": "2021-03-01", "landing": "2021-04-01", "metric" : 0.3},
{"task": "N", "start": "2021-02-01", "end": "2021-05-01", "landing": "2021-06-01", "metric" : 0.2},
{"task": "O", "start": "2021-01-01", "end": "2021-03-01", "landing": "2021-04-01", "metric" : 0},
{"task": "P", "start": "2021-02-01", "end": "2021-05-01", "landing": "2021-06-01", "metric" : 1},
{"task": "Q", "start": "2021-01-01", "end": "2021-05-01", "landing": "2021-04-01", "metric" : 1},
{"task": "R", "start": "2021-03-01", "end": "2021-08-01", "landing": "2021-06-01", "metric" : 0.5},
{"task": "S", "start": "2021-05-01", "end": "2021-07-01", "landing": "2021-04-01", "metric" : 0.7},
{"task": "T", "start": "2021-02-01", "end": "2021-05-01", "landing": "2021-06-01", "metric" : 0.3},
{"task": "U", "start": "2021-07-01", "end": "2021-03-01", "landing": "2021-04-01", "metric" : 0.2},
{"task": "V", "start": "2021-08-01", "end": "2021-05-01", "landing": "2021-06-01", "metric" : 0.1},
{"task": "W", "start": "2021-01-01", "end": "2021-03-01", "landing": "2021-04-01", "metric" : 0},
{"task": "X", "start": "2021-02-01", "end": "2021-05-01", "landing": "2021-06-01", "metric" : 0.5},
{"task": "Y", "start": "2021-01-01", "end": "2021-03-01", "landing": "2021-04-01", "metric" : 0.8},
{"task": "Z", "start": "2021-02-01", "end": "2021-05-01", "landing": "2021-06-01", "metric" : 0.9},
{"task": "ZA", "start": "2021-01-01", "end": "2021-03-01", "landing": "2021-04-01", "metric" : 1},
{"task": "ZB", "start": "2021-02-01", "end": "2021-05-01", "landing": "2021-06-01", "metric" : 0.4},
{"task": "ZC", "start": "2021-01-01", "end": "2021-03-01", "landing": "2021-04-01", "metric" : 0.3},
{"task": "ZD", "start": "2021-02-01", "end": "2021-05-01", "landing": "2021-06-01", "metric" : 0.2},
{"task": "ZE", "start": "2021-01-01", "end": "2021-03-01", "landing": "2021-04-01", "metric" : 0},
{"task": "ZF", "start": "2021-02-01", "end": "2021-05-01", "landing": "2021-06-01", "metric" : 1}
"layer": [
"mark": {"type": "bar", "tooltip": true},
"encoding": {
"y": {
"field": "task",
"type": "nominal"
"x": {
"timeUnit": "yearmonthdate",
"field": "start",
"type" : "temporal",
"axis": {
"tickCount": 12,
"labelAlign": "left",
"labelExpr": "[timeFormat(datum.value, '%d %b'), timeFormat(datum.value, '%m') == '01' ? timeFormat(datum.value, '%Y') : '']",
"labelOffset": 4,
"labelPadding": -24,
"tickSize": 30,
"gridDash": {
"condition": {
"test": {"field": "value", "timeUnit": "month", "equal": 1},
"value": []
"value": [2, 2]
"tickDash": {
"condition": {
"test": {"field": "value", "timeUnit": "month", "equal": 1},
"value": []
"value": [2, 2]
"x2": {
"timeUnit": "yearmonthdate",
"field": "end",
"type" : "temporal",
"axis": {
"tickCount": 12,
"labelAlign": "left",
"labelExpr": "[timeFormat(datum.value, '%d %b'), timeFormat(datum.value, '%m') == '01' ? timeFormat(datum.value, '%Y') : '']",
"labelOffset": 4,
"labelPadding": -24,
"tickSize": 30,
"gridDash": {
"condition": {
"test": {"field": "value", "timeUnit": "month", "equal": 1},
"value": []
"value": [2, 2]
"tickDash": {
"condition": {
"test": {"field": "value", "timeUnit": "month", "equal": 1},
"value": []
"value": [2, 2]
"color": {
"aggregate": "sum",
"field": "metric",
"type": "quantitative",
"format" : ".2%",
"range": [
"domain": [0,1]
"values" : [0,1],
"legend": {"labelExpr": "[datum.label]*100+\"%\""},
"condition": [
"selection": "hover",
"value": "#17c5e8"
"selection": {
"hover": {
"type": "single",
"empty": "none",
"on": "mouseover",
"clear": "mouseout"
"grid": {
"type": "interval",
"bind": "scales"
"mark": {
"type": "rule",
"color": "red",
"size": 1,
"tooltip" : true
"transform": [
"calculate": "now()",
"as": "Today"
"encoding": {
"x": {
"field": "Today",
"type": "temporal"
EDIT : I tried the following config, but it doesn't work correctly...
"$schema": "",
"description": "Gantt Chart.",
"background" : "#fbfbfb",
"data": {
"values": [
{"task": "A", "start": "2021-01-01", "end": "2021-05-01", "landing": "2021-04-01", "metric" : 1},
{"task": "B", "start": "2021-03-01", "end": "2021-08-01", "landing": "2021-06-01", "metric" : 0.5},
{"task": "C", "start": "2021-05-01", "end": "2021-07-01", "landing": "2021-04-01", "metric" : 0.7},
{"task": "D", "start": "2021-02-01", "end": "2021-05-01", "landing": "2021-06-01", "metric" : 0.3},
{"task": "E", "start": "2021-07-01", "end": "2021-03-01", "landing": "2021-04-01", "metric" : 0.2},
{"task": "F", "start": "2021-08-01", "end": "2021-05-01", "landing": "2021-06-01", "metric" : 0.1},
{"task": "G", "start": "2021-01-01", "end": "2021-03-01", "landing": "2021-04-01", "metric" : 0},
{"task": "H", "start": "2021-02-01", "end": "2021-05-01", "landing": "2021-06-01", "metric" : 0.5},
{"task": "I", "start": "2021-01-01", "end": "2021-03-01", "landing": "2021-04-01", "metric" : 0.8},
{"task": "J", "start": "2021-02-01", "end": "2021-05-01", "landing": "2021-06-01", "metric" : 0.9},
{"task": "K", "start": "2021-01-01", "end": "2021-03-01", "landing": "2021-04-01", "metric" : 1},
{"task": "L", "start": "2021-02-01", "end": "2021-05-01", "landing": "2021-06-01", "metric" : 0.4},
{"task": "M", "start": "2021-01-01", "end": "2021-03-01", "landing": "2021-04-01", "metric" : 0.3},
{"task": "N", "start": "2021-02-01", "end": "2021-05-01", "landing": "2021-06-01", "metric" : 0.2},
{"task": "O", "start": "2021-01-01", "end": "2021-03-01", "landing": "2021-04-01", "metric" : 0},
{"task": "P", "start": "2021-02-01", "end": "2021-05-01", "landing": "2021-06-01", "metric" : 1},
{"task": "Q", "start": "2021-01-01", "end": "2021-05-01", "landing": "2021-04-01", "metric" : 1},
{"task": "R", "start": "2021-03-01", "end": "2021-08-01", "landing": "2021-06-01", "metric" : 0.5},
{"task": "S", "start": "2021-05-01", "end": "2021-07-01", "landing": "2021-04-01", "metric" : 0.7},
{"task": "T", "start": "2021-02-01", "end": "2021-05-01", "landing": "2021-06-01", "metric" : 0.3},
{"task": "U", "start": "2021-07-01", "end": "2021-03-01", "landing": "2021-04-01", "metric" : 0.2},
{"task": "V", "start": "2021-08-01", "end": "2021-05-01", "landing": "2021-06-01", "metric" : 0.1},
{"task": "W", "start": "2021-01-01", "end": "2021-03-01", "landing": "2021-04-01", "metric" : 0},
{"task": "X", "start": "2021-02-01", "end": "2021-05-01", "landing": "2021-06-01", "metric" : 0.5},
{"task": "Y", "start": "2021-01-01", "end": "2021-03-01", "landing": "2021-04-01", "metric" : 0.8},
{"task": "Z", "start": "2021-02-01", "end": "2021-05-01", "landing": "2021-06-01", "metric" : 0.9},
{"task": "ZA", "start": "2021-01-01", "end": "2021-03-01", "landing": "2021-04-01", "metric" : 1},
{"task": "ZB", "start": "2021-02-01", "end": "2021-05-01", "landing": "2021-06-01", "metric" : 0.4},
{"task": "ZC", "start": "2021-01-01", "end": "2021-03-01", "landing": "2021-04-01", "metric" : 0.3},
{"task": "ZD", "start": "2021-02-01", "end": "2021-05-01", "landing": "2021-06-01", "metric" : 0.2},
{"task": "ZE", "start": "2021-01-01", "end": "2021-03-01", "landing": "2021-04-01", "metric" : 0},
{"task": "ZF", "start": "2021-02-01", "end": "2021-05-01", "landing": "2021-06-01", "metric" : 1},
{"task": "ZG", "start": "2021-01-01", "end": "2021-03-01", "landing": "2021-04-01", "metric" : 0},
{"task": "ZH", "start": "2021-02-01", "end": "2021-05-01", "landing": "2021-06-01", "metric" : 0.5},
{"task": "ZI", "start": "2021-01-01", "end": "2021-03-01", "landing": "2021-04-01", "metric" : 0.8},
{"task": "ZJ", "start": "2021-02-01", "end": "2021-05-01", "landing": "2021-06-01", "metric" : 0.9},
{"task": "ZK", "start": "2021-01-01", "end": "2021-03-01", "landing": "2021-04-01", "metric" : 1},
{"task": "ZL", "start": "2021-02-01", "end": "2021-05-01", "landing": "2021-06-01", "metric" : 0.4},
{"task": "ZM", "start": "2021-01-01", "end": "2021-03-01", "landing": "2021-04-01", "metric" : 0.3},
{"task": "ZN", "start": "2021-02-01", "end": "2021-05-01", "landing": "2021-06-01", "metric" : 0.2},
{"task": "ZO", "start": "2021-01-01", "end": "2021-03-01", "landing": "2021-04-01", "metric" : 0},
{"task": "ZP", "start": "2021-02-01", "end": "2021-05-01", "landing": "2021-06-01", "metric" : 1},
{"task": "ZQ", "start": "2021-01-01", "end": "2021-05-01", "landing": "2021-04-01", "metric" : 1},
{"task": "ZR", "start": "2021-03-01", "end": "2021-08-01", "landing": "2021-06-01", "metric" : 0.5},
{"task": "ZS", "start": "2021-05-01", "end": "2021-07-01", "landing": "2021-04-01", "metric" : 0.7},
{"task": "ZT", "start": "2021-02-01", "end": "2021-05-01", "landing": "2021-06-01", "metric" : 0.3},
{"task": "ZU", "start": "2021-07-01", "end": "2021-03-01", "landing": "2021-04-01", "metric" : 0.2},
{"task": "ZV", "start": "2021-08-01", "end": "2021-05-01", "landing": "2021-06-01", "metric" : 0.1},
{"task": "ZW", "start": "2021-01-01", "end": "2021-03-01", "landing": "2021-04-01", "metric" : 0},
{"task": "ZX", "start": "2021-02-01", "end": "2021-05-01", "landing": "2021-06-01", "metric" : 0.5},
{"task": "ZY", "start": "2021-01-01", "end": "2021-03-01", "landing": "2021-04-01", "metric" : 0.8},
{"task": "ZZ", "start": "2021-02-01", "end": "2021-05-01", "landing": "2021-06-01", "metric" : 0.9},
{"task": "ZZA", "start": "2021-01-01", "end": "2021-03-01", "landing": "2021-04-01", "metric" : 1},
{"task": "ZZB", "start": "2021-02-01", "end": "2021-05-01", "landing": "2021-06-01", "metric" : 0.4},
{"task": "ZZC", "start": "2021-01-01", "end": "2021-03-01", "landing": "2021-04-01", "metric" : 0.3},
{"task": "ZZD", "start": "2021-02-01", "end": "2021-05-01", "landing": "2021-06-01", "metric" : 0.2},
{"task": "ZZE", "start": "2021-01-01", "end": "2021-03-01", "landing": "2021-04-01", "metric" : 0},
{"task": "ZZF", "start": "2021-02-01", "end": "2021-05-01", "landing": "2021-06-01", "metric" : 1}
"hconcat": [
"width" : 50,
"height" : 150,
"mark": {"type": "bar", "fill": "lightgray"},
"params": [
"name": "brush",
"select": {
"type": "interval",
"encodings": ["y"]
"encoding": {
"y": {"field": "task", "type": "nominal"},
"x": {
"field": "start",
"type": "temporal",
"axis": {"tickCount": 3, "grid": false}
"x2": {
"field": "end",
"type": "temporal"
"width" : 300,
"height" : 150,
"mark": {"type" : "bar", "tooltip" : true},
"encoding": {
"y": {
"field": "task",
"scale": {"domain": {"param": "brush"}},
"axis": {"title": ""}
"x": {
"timeUnit": "yearmonthdate",
"field": "start",
"type" : "temporal",
"axis": {
"tickCount": 12,
"labelAlign": "left",
"labelExpr": "[timeFormat(datum.value, '%d %b'), timeFormat(datum.value, '%m') == '01' ? timeFormat(datum.value, '%Y') : '']",
"labelOffset": 4,
"labelPadding": -24,
"tickSize": 30,
"gridDash": {
"condition": {
"test": {"field": "value", "timeUnit": "month", "equal": 1},
"value": []
"value": [2, 2]
"tickDash": {
"condition": {
"test": {"field": "value", "timeUnit": "month", "equal": 1},
"value": []
"value": [2, 2]
"x2": {
"timeUnit": "yearmonthdate",
"field": "end",
"type" : "temporal",
"axis": {
"tickCount": 12,
"labelAlign": "left",
"labelExpr": "[timeFormat(datum.value, '%d %b'), timeFormat(datum.value, '%m') == '01' ? timeFormat(datum.value, '%Y') : '']",
"labelOffset": 4,
"labelPadding": -24,
"tickSize": 30,
"gridDash": {
"condition": {
"test": {"field": "value", "timeUnit": "month", "equal": 1},
"value": []
"value": [2, 2]
"tickDash": {
"condition": {
"test": {"field": "value", "timeUnit": "month", "equal": 1},
"value": []
"value": [2, 2]
"color": {
"aggregate": "sum",
"field": "metric",
"type": "quantitative",
"format" : ".2%",
"range": [
"domain": [0,1]
"values" : [0,1],
"legend": {"labelExpr": "[datum.label]*100+\"%\""},
"condition": [
"selection": "hover",
"value": "#17c5e8"
"selection": {
"hover": {
"type": "single",
"empty": "none",
"on": "mouseover",
"clear": "mouseout"
"grid": {
"type": "interval",
"bind": "scales"
As the picture in the link below shows, there're overlaping bars...

Instead of using scale with param, you can provide filter transform and use the params to filter out the 2nd chart data.
Refer the below code or editor:
"$schema": "",
"description": "Gantt Chart.",
"background": "#fbfbfb",
"data": {
"values": [
"task": "A",
"start": "2021-01-01",
"end": "2021-05-01",
"landing": "2021-04-01",
"metric": 1
"task": "B",
"start": "2021-03-01",
"end": "2021-08-01",
"landing": "2021-06-01",
"metric": 0.5
"task": "C",
"start": "2021-05-01",
"end": "2021-07-01",
"landing": "2021-04-01",
"metric": 0.7
"task": "D",
"start": "2021-02-01",
"end": "2021-05-01",
"landing": "2021-06-01",
"metric": 0.3
"task": "E",
"start": "2021-07-01",
"end": "2021-03-01",
"landing": "2021-04-01",
"metric": 0.2
"task": "F",
"start": "2021-08-01",
"end": "2021-05-01",
"landing": "2021-06-01",
"metric": 0.1
"task": "G",
"start": "2021-01-01",
"end": "2021-03-01",
"landing": "2021-04-01",
"metric": 0
"task": "H",
"start": "2021-02-01",
"end": "2021-05-01",
"landing": "2021-06-01",
"metric": 0.5
"task": "I",
"start": "2021-01-01",
"end": "2021-03-01",
"landing": "2021-04-01",
"metric": 0.8
"task": "J",
"start": "2021-02-01",
"end": "2021-05-01",
"landing": "2021-06-01",
"metric": 0.9
"task": "K",
"start": "2021-01-01",
"end": "2021-03-01",
"landing": "2021-04-01",
"metric": 1
"task": "L",
"start": "2021-02-01",
"end": "2021-05-01",
"landing": "2021-06-01",
"metric": 0.4
"task": "M",
"start": "2021-01-01",
"end": "2021-03-01",
"landing": "2021-04-01",
"metric": 0.3
"task": "N",
"start": "2021-02-01",
"end": "2021-05-01",
"landing": "2021-06-01",
"metric": 0.2
"task": "O",
"start": "2021-01-01",
"end": "2021-03-01",
"landing": "2021-04-01",
"metric": 0
"task": "P",
"start": "2021-02-01",
"end": "2021-05-01",
"landing": "2021-06-01",
"metric": 1
"task": "Q",
"start": "2021-01-01",
"end": "2021-05-01",
"landing": "2021-04-01",
"metric": 1
"task": "R",
"start": "2021-03-01",
"end": "2021-08-01",
"landing": "2021-06-01",
"metric": 0.5
"task": "S",
"start": "2021-05-01",
"end": "2021-07-01",
"landing": "2021-04-01",
"metric": 0.7
"task": "T",
"start": "2021-02-01",
"end": "2021-05-01",
"landing": "2021-06-01",
"metric": 0.3
"task": "U",
"start": "2021-07-01",
"end": "2021-03-01",
"landing": "2021-04-01",
"metric": 0.2
"task": "V",
"start": "2021-08-01",
"end": "2021-05-01",
"landing": "2021-06-01",
"metric": 0.1
"task": "W",
"start": "2021-01-01",
"end": "2021-03-01",
"landing": "2021-04-01",
"metric": 0
"task": "X",
"start": "2021-02-01",
"end": "2021-05-01",
"landing": "2021-06-01",
"metric": 0.5
"task": "Y",
"start": "2021-01-01",
"end": "2021-03-01",
"landing": "2021-04-01",
"metric": 0.8
"task": "Z",
"start": "2021-02-01",
"end": "2021-05-01",
"landing": "2021-06-01",
"metric": 0.9
"task": "ZA",
"start": "2021-01-01",
"end": "2021-03-01",
"landing": "2021-04-01",
"metric": 1
"task": "ZB",
"start": "2021-02-01",
"end": "2021-05-01",
"landing": "2021-06-01",
"metric": 0.4
"task": "ZC",
"start": "2021-01-01",
"end": "2021-03-01",
"landing": "2021-04-01",
"metric": 0.3
"task": "ZD",
"start": "2021-02-01",
"end": "2021-05-01",
"landing": "2021-06-01",
"metric": 0.2
"task": "ZE",
"start": "2021-01-01",
"end": "2021-03-01",
"landing": "2021-04-01",
"metric": 0
"task": "ZF",
"start": "2021-02-01",
"end": "2021-05-01",
"landing": "2021-06-01",
"metric": 1
"task": "ZG",
"start": "2021-01-01",
"end": "2021-03-01",
"landing": "2021-04-01",
"metric": 0
"task": "ZH",
"start": "2021-02-01",
"end": "2021-05-01",
"landing": "2021-06-01",
"metric": 0.5
"task": "ZI",
"start": "2021-01-01",
"end": "2021-03-01",
"landing": "2021-04-01",
"metric": 0.8
"task": "ZJ",
"start": "2021-02-01",
"end": "2021-05-01",
"landing": "2021-06-01",
"metric": 0.9
"task": "ZK",
"start": "2021-01-01",
"end": "2021-03-01",
"landing": "2021-04-01",
"metric": 1
"task": "ZL",
"start": "2021-02-01",
"end": "2021-05-01",
"landing": "2021-06-01",
"metric": 0.4
"task": "ZM",
"start": "2021-01-01",
"end": "2021-03-01",
"landing": "2021-04-01",
"metric": 0.3
"task": "ZN",
"start": "2021-02-01",
"end": "2021-05-01",
"landing": "2021-06-01",
"metric": 0.2
"task": "ZO",
"start": "2021-01-01",
"end": "2021-03-01",
"landing": "2021-04-01",
"metric": 0
"task": "ZP",
"start": "2021-02-01",
"end": "2021-05-01",
"landing": "2021-06-01",
"metric": 1
"task": "ZQ",
"start": "2021-01-01",
"end": "2021-05-01",
"landing": "2021-04-01",
"metric": 1
"task": "ZR",
"start": "2021-03-01",
"end": "2021-08-01",
"landing": "2021-06-01",
"metric": 0.5
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"start": "2021-05-01",
"end": "2021-07-01",
"landing": "2021-04-01",
"metric": 0.7
"task": "ZT",
"start": "2021-02-01",
"end": "2021-05-01",
"landing": "2021-06-01",
"metric": 0.3
"task": "ZU",
"start": "2021-07-01",
"end": "2021-03-01",
"landing": "2021-04-01",
"metric": 0.2
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"end": "2021-05-01",
"landing": "2021-06-01",
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"start": "2021-01-01",
"end": "2021-03-01",
"landing": "2021-04-01",
"metric": 0
"task": "ZX",
"start": "2021-02-01",
"end": "2021-05-01",
"landing": "2021-06-01",
"metric": 0.5
"task": "ZY",
"start": "2021-01-01",
"end": "2021-03-01",
"landing": "2021-04-01",
"metric": 0.8
"task": "ZZ",
"start": "2021-02-01",
"end": "2021-05-01",
"landing": "2021-06-01",
"metric": 0.9
"task": "ZZA",
"start": "2021-01-01",
"end": "2021-03-01",
"landing": "2021-04-01",
"metric": 1
"task": "ZZB",
"start": "2021-02-01",
"end": "2021-05-01",
"landing": "2021-06-01",
"metric": 0.4
"task": "ZZC",
"start": "2021-01-01",
"end": "2021-03-01",
"landing": "2021-04-01",
"metric": 0.3
"task": "ZZD",
"start": "2021-02-01",
"end": "2021-05-01",
"landing": "2021-06-01",
"metric": 0.2
"task": "ZZE",
"start": "2021-01-01",
"end": "2021-03-01",
"landing": "2021-04-01",
"metric": 0
"task": "ZZF",
"start": "2021-02-01",
"end": "2021-05-01",
"landing": "2021-06-01",
"metric": 1
"transform": [
{"window": [{"field": "task", "op": "row_number", "as": "taskRow"}]}
"hconcat": [
"width": 50,
"height": 150,
"mark": {"type": "bar", "fill": "lightgray"},
"params": [
{"name": "brush", "select": {"type": "interval", "encodings": ["y"]}}
"encoding": {
"y": {"field": "task", "type": "nominal"},
"x": {
"field": "start",
"type": "temporal",
"axis": {"tickCount": 3, "grid": false}
"x2": {"field": "end", "type": "temporal"}
"width": 300,
"height": 150,
"mark": {"type": "bar", "tooltip": true},
"transform": [
"filter": "brush.task ? indexof(slice(brush.task,0,5), datum.task) > -1 : datum.taskRow < 6"
"encoding": {
"y": {"field": "task", "axis": {"title": ""}},
"x": {
"timeUnit": "yearmonthdate",
"field": "start",
"type": "temporal",
"axis": {
"tickCount": 12,
"labelAlign": "left",
"labelExpr": "[timeFormat(datum.value, '%d %b'), timeFormat(datum.value, '%m') == '01' ? timeFormat(datum.value, '%Y') : '']",
"labelOffset": 4,
"labelPadding": -24,
"tickSize": 30,
"gridDash": {
"condition": {
"test": {"field": "value", "timeUnit": "month", "equal": 1},
"value": []
"value": [2, 2]
"tickDash": {
"condition": {
"test": {"field": "value", "timeUnit": "month", "equal": 1},
"value": []
"value": [2, 2]
"x2": {
"timeUnit": "yearmonthdate",
"field": "end",
"type": "temporal",
"axis": {
"tickCount": 12,
"labelAlign": "left",
"labelExpr": "[timeFormat(datum.value, '%d %b'), timeFormat(datum.value, '%m') == '01' ? timeFormat(datum.value, '%Y') : '']",
"labelOffset": 4,
"labelPadding": -24,
"tickSize": 30,
"gridDash": {
"condition": {
"test": {"field": "value", "timeUnit": "month", "equal": 1},
"value": []
"value": [2, 2]
"tickDash": {
"condition": {
"test": {"field": "value", "timeUnit": "month", "equal": 1},
"value": []
"value": [2, 2]
"color": {
"aggregate": "sum",
"field": "metric",
"type": "quantitative",
"format": ".2%",
"title": ["metric"],
"scale": {
"range": ["#e57373", "#ffd54f", "#81c784"],
"domain": [0, 1]
"values": [0, 1],
"legend": {"labelExpr": "[datum.label]*100+\"%\""},
"condition": [{"selection": "hover", "value": "#17c5e8"}]
"selection": {
"hover": {
"type": "single",
"empty": "none",
"on": "mouseover",
"clear": "mouseout"
"grid": {"type": "interval", "bind": "scales"}
If 5 selections are not required then change the filter to:
"filter": "brush.task ? indexof(brush.task, datum.task) > -1 : datum.taskRow < 6"


PowerShell --- Get Unique Values from PSCustomObject Array

"UserDisplayName": "Test1 User1",
"UserPrincipalName": "",
"License": "Basic",
"UserEmail": "",
"UserDisplayName": "Test1 User1",
"UserPrincipalName": "",
"License": "Basic",
"UserEmail": "",
"UserDisplayName": "Test2 User2",
"UserPrincipalName": "",
"License": "Basic",
"UserEmail": "",
"UserDisplayName": "Test3 User3",
"UserPrincipalName": "",
"License": "Basic",
"UserEmail": "",
"UserDisplayName": "Test1 User1",
"UserPrincipalName": "",
"License": "Basic",
"UserEmail": "",
"UserDisplayName": "Test1 User1",
"UserPrincipalName": "",
"License": "Basic",
"UserEmail": "",
"UserDisplayName": "Test2 User2",
"UserPrincipalName": "",
"License": "Basic",
"UserEmail": "",
"UserDisplayName": "Test3 User3",
"UserPrincipalName": "",
"License": "Basic",
"UserEmail": "",
"UserDisplayName": "Test2 User2",
"UserPrincipalName": "",
"License": "Basic",
"UserEmail": "",
"UserDisplayName": "Test1 User1",
"UserPrincipalName": "",
"License": "Basic",
"UserEmail": "",
Here the PSCustomObject array and i want to get list of unique objects in PSCustomObject array, can any one helpme on this?
Here is my expected Output
"UserDisplayName": "Test1 User1",
"UserPrincipalName": "",
"License": "Basic",
"UserEmail": "",
"UserDisplayName": "Test2 User2",
"UserPrincipalName": "",
"License": "Basic",
"UserEmail": "",
"UserDisplayName": "Test3 User3",
"UserPrincipalName": "",
"License": "Basic",
"UserEmail": "",
You can use Sort-Object -Unique to sort the data according to some property and only keep objects with distinct values (for that property):
$sortedUnique = $array |Sort-Object UserPrincipalName -Unique

Nx shared asset library

I want my React app in my Nx monorepo to retrieve all the assets in my asset library called common-assets.
I managed to do it with my NextJS app like so :
project.json of my NextJS app
"$schema": "../../node_modules/nx/schemas/project-schema.json",
"sourceRoot": "apps/clients",
"projectType": "application",
"implicitDependencies": ["common-assets"],
"targets": {
"build": {
"executor": "#nrwl/next:build",
"outputs": ["{options.outputPath}"],
"defaultConfiguration": "production",
"options": {
"root": "apps/clients",
"outputPath": "dist/apps/clients",
"assets": [
"input": "libs/common/assets/src/lib",
"glob": "**/*",
"output": "assets"
I tried to do the exact same thing for my react App by modifying the asset key in the project.json
project.json of my React app :
"$schema": "../../node_modules/nx/schemas/project-schema.json",
"sourceRoot": "apps/sellers/src",
"projectType": "application",
"implicitDependencies": ["common-assets"],
"targets": {
"build": {
"executor": "#nrwl/web:webpack",
"outputs": ["{options.outputPath}"],
"defaultConfiguration": "production",
"options": {
"compiler": "babel",
"outputPath": "dist/apps/sellers",
"index": "apps/sellers/src/index.html",
"baseHref": "/",
"main": "apps/sellers/src/main.tsx",
"polyfills": "apps/sellers/src/polyfills.ts",
"tsConfig": "apps/sellers/",
"assets": [
"input": "libs/common/assets/src/lib",
"glob": "**/*",
"output": "src/assets"
"styles": ["apps/sellers/src/styles.scss"],
"scripts": [],
"webpackConfig": "#nrwl/react/plugins/webpack"
"configurations": {
"development": {
"extractLicenses": false,
"optimization": false,
"sourceMap": true,
"vendorChunk": true
"production": {
"fileReplacements": [
"replace": "apps/sellers/src/environments/environment.ts",
"with": "apps/sellers/src/environments/"
"optimization": true,
"outputHashing": "all",
"sourceMap": false,
"namedChunks": false,
"extractLicenses": true,
"vendorChunk": false
"serve": {
"executor": "#nrwl/web:dev-server",
"defaultConfiguration": "development",
"options": {
"buildTarget": "sellers:build",
"hmr": true
"configurations": {
"development": {
"buildTarget": "sellers:build:development"
"production": {
"buildTarget": "sellers:build:production",
"hmr": false
"lint": {
"executor": "#nrwl/linter:eslint",
"outputs": ["{options.outputFile}"],
"options": {
"lintFilePatterns": ["apps/sellers/**/*.{ts,tsx,js,jsx}"]
"test": {
"executor": "#nrwl/jest:jest",
"outputs": ["coverage/apps/sellers"],
"options": {
"jestConfig": "apps/sellers/jest.config.ts",
"passWithNoTests": true
"tags": []
But it's not working...
I kept assets into image folder and
"assets": [
"input": "libs/common-assets/assets/src/lib/images",
"glob": "**/*",
"output": "assets"
I'm able to use it into other project as well
<img alt="logo" src="/assets/logo.png" />
Do this:
"input": "./libs/common-assets/src/lib/images",
"glob": "**/*",
"output": "/assets/"
Then access it with:
<img alt="logo" src="assets/logo.png" />

expo build failed ENOENT

Facing this error after calling expo build:android.
Can anyone check what's the issue ? I'm using windows 8 OS and yarn.
"expo": {
"name": "GTechApp",
"slug": "GTechApp",
"version": "1.0.0",
"icon": "./assets/images/icons/logo.png",
"platforms": [
"assetBundlePatterns": [
"ios": {
"bundleIdentifier": "com.gtech.gtechapp",
"buildNumber": "1.0.0",
"android": {
"package": "com.gtech.gtechapp",
"versionCode": 1,
"icon": "./assets/images/icons/logo.png"
Thanks for the help.

Split large json file by arrays

I have a large JSON file aprox 30 GB, the schema can be observed below.
"AdresseList": {
"type": "array",
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"type": "object",
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I would like to split this large document into a file for each array but I couldn't find a method, I tried to make a bash script using jq but with no succes, the script can also be seen below
for f in $(jq -r 'keys[]') ; do
jq ".[\"$f\"]" < input.json > "$f.json"
done < input.json
Does somebody know a way for spliting the file with bash or any other methods?
You can use a simple python3 script:
import json
json_file = open('file.json')
parsed = json.load(json_file)
for key, value in parsed.items():
new_json = open(key + '.json', 'a')

Chrome-debugger requires authorization after launching

I used create-react-app to create new react application. I have not changed absolutely anything except for adding configuration "Chrome-launch" into launch.json. After debug launching it always requires some authorization. According to chrome.debugger documentation I added to manifest.json this:
"permissions": [ "debugger"]
But it did not help. Now I have no idea how to get through it. Please, could someone give me a hint how to launch chrome-debugger without any authorization?
I have used this debugger many times in the past and it never required authorization, I have no idea what has changed.
Behaviour in the browser:
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