Jmeter Pacing between thread group Iterations - timer

In Jmeter (5.4.1), I have the below thread group with 1 thread. I am controlling the frequency of the transaction using the constant timer. The constant timer_pacing in the image has the required pacing. I see that during execution, the constant timer is applied for each sample request in the particular thread group.
I am expecting all the samples before the contant timer_pacing to be executed one after the other immediately.What am I doing wrong here. Please advice.
alternatively similiar setup seems to works as expected for another thread group.

If you want to add a delay between each iteration of each thread add a Flow Control Action Sampler as the first sampler and set the delay in the controller
If you want to add a random delay consider using JMeter function Random ${__Random(1000,5000,)}

All JMeter timers obey JMeter Scoping Rules so if you have Timers at the same level as Samplers - all the timers will be applied to all the Samplers
As per Timers documentation:
Note that timers are processed before each sampler in the scope in which they are found
So if you want to add a delay between defaultPhotoUrl and Submit requests you need to add a Constant Timer as a child of the "Submit" request


JMeter in combination constant throughput timer and constant timer

I use JMeter for web testing.
Actually I use a constant throughput timer to keep the frequency constant. However, in one case I need an additional constant timer because I need to wait a certain time between two requests.
The constant throughput timer delays the request to ensure that JMeter does not perform more requests than specified. However, I am not sure how JMeter handles the situation when there is an additional constant timer after a request.
Can anyone explains this?
What kind of "explanation" you're looking for?
Timers are executed before each Sampler in their scope
Timers are executed upside down one by one
Constant Throughput Timer will try to slow down JMeter's throughput to the defined value by sleeping for the period of time before executing the Sampler if needed
So everything depends on:
Application response time
Order of the timers
How exactly you configured the Constant Throughput Timer (there are 5 items in the "Calculate throughput based on" dropdown
If you want to "wait a certain time between two requests" the most straightforward option is using Flow Control Action sampler

Think time in JMeter per controller

How to user wait time in JMeter Test Plan, so it will wait after every transaction controller?
When adding constant timer/uniform random timer or any other timer, every sampler in the transaction controller are affected.
You can add Flow Control Action with Pause Action instead
I will executed only once for every controller
The Flow Control Action sampler is a sampler that is intended for use in a conditional controller. Rather than generate a sample, the test element either pauses or stops the selected target.

how to create delay between groups of requests in jmeter?

I'm trying to implement the following in jmeter: send 100 identical requests, wait for 1 minute, send the same requests again...for 30 min. I can't add delay/waiter/pause between groups of requests in jmeter. Timers don't work since they introduce those pauses between requests, not groups of requests. Any ideas?
Add Test Action sampler and configure it like:
Add Synchronizing Timer as a child of the Test Action sampler and configure it as follows:
The synchronizing timer will act as a "rendezvous" point when all threads will "meet" and wait together for 60 seconds prior to moving on.
Timers obey JMeter's Scoping rules:
Some elements in the test trees are strictly hierarchical (Listeners, Config Elements, Post-Processors, Pre-Processors, Assertions, Timers)
You need to put Timer under Flow Control Action (was: Test Action )
Which will be after 100 requests
For variable delays, set the pause time to zero, and add a Timer as a child.

Test Fragment not executing Timers or Sample Timeout

I add in JMeter Test Fragment with Sample Timeout and Timers but without any Samplers.
I add a Module controller using this Test Fragment in Thread Group with Samplers in same hierarchy (before and after, also HTTP samplers).
I expected that the Timers and Sample Timeout will work on every Sample in scope but no timeout/delay is been done,
Also I notice that Sampler can be a child of Module controller but it won't be executed (or Timers).
It seems like a bug, but maybe there are scoping rules I missed?
Other Pre Processor as User Parameters are working so I wonder why timeout is ignored.
Your issue is indeed due to scoping rules.
Your Test Fragment is like a Controller, all elements it contains are applied to its scope.
Since it doesn't contain any sampler here, neither the timer nor the other pre/post processor run.
Note that ability of adding such useless elements will be removed in upcoming 4.0 version:

Activiti / Camunda change boundary timer with variable

I got a special question regarding timer boundary events on a user task in Activiti/Camunda:
When starting the process I set the timer duration with a process variable and use expressions in the boundary definition to resolve the variable. The boundary event is defined on a user task.
<bpmn2:timerEventDefinition id="_TimerEventDefinition_11">
<bpmn2:timeDuration xsi:type="bpmn2:tFormalExpression">${hurry}</bpmn2:timeDuration>
In some cases, when the timer is already running it can occur, that the deadline (dueDate) should be extended because the asignee has requested more time. For this purpose i want to change the value of the process variable defining the deadline.
As it happens, the variable is already resolved at the process-start and set to the boundary event.
Any further changes of the variable do not affect the dueDate of the boundary timer because it is stored in the database and is not updated when the value of the variable changes.
I know how to update the dueDate of the job element via the Java API, but i want to provide a generic approach like setting it with changing the value of the variable.
The most common use case for extending the deadline will be when the boundary timer is already running.
Any ideas how to cope with this problem?
Any tips are very apprechiated.
Cheers Chris
After some time of thinking I came up with a workaround like that:
I start the process with two variables. "hurry" is evaluated for the boundary timer. And "extendDeadline" is initialized with false. If the timer triggers and the process advances to the exclusive gateway, the value of "extendDeadline" is evaluated.
If a user has changed the value of "extendDeadline" to true during the the timer was running the process returns to the user task again where the boundary timer is set to the value of "hurry".
If the "extendDeadline" is still set to false, the process can proceed.
If the timer is running you can change dueDate of the timer by executing a signal. If a assginee requested more time, set new value of hurry and execute the signal. The old timer will be canceled and the new timer will be created with new due date.
runtimeService.setVariable(execution.getId(), "hurry", newDueDate);
runtimeService.signalEventReceived(signalName, execution.getId());
Solution is to have 2 out going sequence flow, one should be from boundary timer on task and another one should be from task it self, as shown in diagram added by #theFriedC. See following image also.
Then you can use some exclusive gateway on 2nd sequence flow and reroute that back to same task with a new timer value.
