Where is Kafka header for it's messages stored? - database

I am using Kafka headers to pass correlation id for Logging purpose, which is then used by Kafka interceptor to put in MDC. My question is where is the header information stored exactly, my postgres DB does not have any column for storing message header information, so where does kafka store this information? which datastore it uses?
Following are the column names of my kafka_message table. None of the columns store the header information.

Headers are part of the record, as bytes, not a specific "datastore"
You'd need to check the code for this process you're using to write data to Postgres to see if headers are even "supported" since they are a relatively new feature to Kafka protocol


Kafka Consumer to ingest data without querying DB for every message

We have a Kafka consumer service to ingest data into our DB. Whenever we receive the message from the topic we will compose an insert statement to insert this message into DB. We use DB connection pool to handle the insertion and so far so good.
Currently, we need to add a filter to select only the related message from Kafka and do the insert. There are two options in my mind to do this.
Option 1: Create a config table in the DB to define our filtering condition.
No need to make code changes or redeploy services
Just insert new filters to config table, service will pick them the next run
eed to query the DB every time we receive new messages.
Say we received 100k new messages daily and need to filter out 50k. So totally we only need to run 50k INSERT commands, while need to run 100K SELECT queries to check the filter condition for every single Kafka message.
Option 2: Use a hardcoded config file to define those filters.
Only need to read the filters once when the consumer start running
Has no burden on the DB layer
This is not a scalable way since we are planning to add a lot of filters, everytime we need to make code changes on the config file and redeploy the consumer.
My question is, is there a better option to achieve the goal? Find the filters without using hardcoded config file or without increasing the concurrency of DB queries.
Your filters could be in another Kafka topic.
Start your app and read the topic until the end, and only then start doing database inserts. Store each consumed record in some local structure such as ConcurrentHashmap, SQLite, RocksDB (provided by Kafka Streams), or DuckDB is popular recently...
When you add a new filter, your consumer would need to temporarily pause your database operations
If you use Kafka Streams, then you could lookup data from the incoming topic against your filters "table" statestore using Processor API and drop the records from the stream
This way, you separate your database reads and writes once you start inserting 50k+ records, and your app wouldn't be blocked trying to read any "external config"
You could also use Zookeeper, as that's one of its use cases

Periodically refreshing static data in Apache Flink?

I have an application that receives much of its input from a stream, but some of its data comes from both a RDBMS and also a series of static files.
The stream will continuously emit events so the flink job will never end, but how do you periodically refresh the RDBMS data and the static file to capture any updates to those sources?
I am currently using the JDBCInputFormat to read data from the database.
Below is a rough schematic of what I am trying to do:
For each of your two sources that might change (RDBMS and files), create a Flink source that uses a broadcast stream to send updates to the Flink operators that are processing the data from Kafka. Broadcast streams send each Object to each task/instance of the receiving operator.
For each of your sources, files and RDBMS, you can create a snapshot in HDFS or in a storage periodically(example at every 6 hours) and calculate the difference between to snapshots.The result will be push to Kafka. This solution works when you can not modify the database and files structure and an extra information(ex in RDBMS - a column named last_update).
Another solution is to add a column named last_update used to filter data that has changed between to queries and push the data to Kafka.

Save measurement data into Database or Filesystem

We are currently developing a tool to count wildlife passing through defined areas. The gadget that automatically counts the animals will be sending data (weather, # of animals passing etc.) in a 5 minute interval via HTTP to our API. There will be hundreds of these measurement stations and it should be scalable.
Now the question arised whether to use a filesystem or a RDBMS to save this data.
Pro DB
save exact time and date when the entry was created
directly related to area# via indexed key
Pro Filesystem
Collecting data is not as resource intensive since for every API call only 1 line will be appended to the file
Properties of the data:
only related to 1 DB entry (the area #)
the measurement stations are in remote areas we have to account for outages
What will be done with the data
Give a overview over timeperiods per area#
act as a early warning system if the # of animals is surprisingly low/high
Probably by using a cronjob and comparing to simliar data
We are thinking to chose a RDBMS to save the data but I am worried that after millions of entries the DB will slow down and eventually stop working. This question was asked here where 360M entries is not really considered "big data" so I'm not quite sure about my task either.
Should we chose these recommended techniques (MongoDB ...) or can this task be handled by PostgreSQL or MySQL?
I have created such a system for marine boyes. The devices sends data over GPRS / iridum using HTTP or raw tcp sockets (to minimize bandwidth).
The recieving server stores the data in a db-table, with data provided and timestamp.
The data is then parsed and records are created in another table.
The devices can also request UTC-time from the server, thus not needing a RTC.
Before any storage is made to the "raw" table, a row is appended to a text-file. This is puerely for logging or being able to recover from database downtime.
As for database type, I'd recommend regular RDBMS. Define markers for your data. We use 4-digit codes that gives headroom for 10000 types of measure values.

Compressing headers

We're using NServiceBus 4.6 with SQL Server transport (2012). The SQL Server database is set up for high availability using Availability Groups.
Our DBAs are complaining about the amount of "churn"a we have happening in the transport database, and especially the load that this is placing on our WAN.
We are currently using XML Serialization, so I started looking at the other serialization options that are available to us (would probably favour JSON so that it's still readable). However, in starting to look into this, I've realised that our message bodies are typically between 600 and 1000 bytes, whereas our message headers are regularly in the range of 1200 - 1800 bytes1. So, even if I achieve a great saving in terms of body sizes, it's not going to produce the large scale improvements that I'm looking for.
The Question
Given, as I understand it, that the headers don't have to be readable when the messages are stored in the SQL Server database, is there any way that I can compress them?
Or other strategies to reduce the amount of data that we're adding and deleting from this database? (Whilst staying on NSB 4.6 for now)
1We are adding a few custom headers ourselves for metadata that really doesn't belong in the message classes.
aSince every message at least goes into a queue table, then is removed from that table and is placed in the audit table, before we later remove older audit entries, and we've got a lot of messages, we're putting a lot in the SQL Server transaction log.
You can compress and decompress the messages content via a Mutator. The mutator example actually is based on compressing a message, so should be an easy solution for that part:
You can probably add some code that will do the same with the headers, compressing your custom attributes before writing them and decompressing them before reading them.

What is a good way to send large data sets to a client through API requests?

A client's system will connect to our system via an API for a data pull. For now this data will be stored in a data mart, and say 50,000 records per request.
I would like to know the most efficient way of delivering the payload which originates in a SQL Azure database.
The API request will be a RESTful. After the request is received, I was thinking that the payload would be retrieved from the database, converted to JSON, and GZIP encoded/transferred over HTTP back to the client.
I'm concerned about processing this may take with many clients connected pulling a lot of data.
Would it be best to just return the straight results in clear text to the client?
Suggestions welcome.
-- UPDATE --
To clarify, this is not a web client that is connecting. The connection is made by another application to receive a one-time, daily data dump, so no pagination.
The data consists primarily of text with one binary field.
First of all : do not optimize prematurely! that means : dont sacrifice simplicity and maintainability of your code for gain you dont event know.
Lets see. 50000 records does not really say anything without specifying size of the record. I would advise you start from basic implementation and optimize when needed. So try this
Implement simple JSON response with that 50000 records, and try to call it from consumer app. Measure size of data and response time - evaluate carefully, if this is really a problem for once a day operation
If yes, turn on compression for that JSON response - this is usually HUGE change with JSON because of lots of repetitive text. One tip here: set content type header to "application/javascript" - Azure have dynamic compression enabled by default for this content type. Again - try it, evaluate if size of data or reponse time is problem
If it is still problem, maybe it is time for some serialization optimization after all, but i would strogly recommend something standard and proved here (no custom CSV mess), for example Google Protocol Buffers : https://code.google.com/p/protobuf-net/
This is a bit long for a comment, so ...
The best method may well be one of those "it depends" answers.
Is the just the database on azure, or is your whole entire hosting on azure. Never did any production on Azure myself.
What are you trying to optimize for -- total round response time, total server CPU time, or perhaps sometime else?
For example, if you database server is azure and but but you web server is local perhaps you can simply optimize the database request and depend on scaling via multiple web servers if needed.
If data the changes with each request, you should never compress it if you are trying to optimize server CPU load, but you should compress it if you are trying to optimize bandwidth usage -- either can be your bottleneck / expensive resource.
For 50K records, even JSON might be a bit verbose. If you data is a single table, you might have significant data savings by using something like CSV (including the 1st row as a record header for a sanity check if nothing else). If your result is a result of joining multiple table, i.e., hierarchical, using JSON would be recommended simply to avoid the complexity of rolling your own heirarchical representation.
Are you using a SSL or your webserver, if so SSL could be your bottleneck (unless this is handled via other hardware)
What is the nature of the data you are sending? Is is mostly text, numbers, images? Text usually compress well, numbers less so, and images poorly (usually). Since you suggest JSON, I would expect that you have little if any binary data though.
If compressing JSON, it can be a very efficient format since the repeated field name mostly compress out of your result. XML likewise (but less so this the tags come in pairs)
If you know what the client will be fetching before hand and can prepare the packet data in advance, by all means do so (unless storing the prepared data is an issue). You could run this at off peak hours, create it as a static .gz file and let IIS serve it directly when needed. Your API could simply be in 2 parts 1) retrieve a list of static .gz files available to the client 2) Confirm processing of said files so you can delete them.
Presumably you know that JSON & XML are not as fragile as CSV, i.e., added or deleting fields from your API is usually simple. So, if you can compress the files, you should definitely use JSON or XML -- XML is easier for some clients to parse, and to be honest if you use the Json.NET or similar tools you can generate either one from the same set of definitions and information, so it is nice to be flexible. Personally, I like Json.NET quite a lot, simple and fast.
Normally what happens with such large requests is pagination, so included in the JSON response is a URL to request the next lot of information.
Now the next question is what is your client? e.g. a Browser or a behind the scenes application.
If it is a browser there are limitations as shown here:
If it is an application then your current approach of 50,000 requests in a single JSON call would be acceptable, the only thing you need to watch here is the load on the DB pulling the records, especially if you have many clients.
If you are willing to use a third-party library, you can try Heavy-HTTP which solves this problem out of the box. (I'm the author of the library)
