Can not deploy create-react-app with token - reactjs

I have been trying to deploy create-react-app, but got an error
fatal: repository '' not found
then I created a token and tried to deploy with that,
git remote add origin https://<TOKEN>
again got an error;
Deleted repository, created again and tried to deploy, again got the same error
fatal: repository '' not found
What did I do wrong? or, is there something wrong with my homepage in packages.json?
"homepage": "",
I cant deploy from any other of my repositories too.
What should I do now.

You are new comer in Git/GitHub tools, I hope you can done this task.
Your remote repository URL is
Solution 1:
Create a new repository on the command line
echo "# Portfolio-React" >>
git init
git add
git commit -m "first commit"
git branch -M main
git remote add origin
git push -u origin main
Solution 2: (I think you will prefer this solution, because your source code is exist).
Push an existing repository from the command line
git remote add origin
git branch -M main
git push -u origin main
Let's follow the guide what you see likes this
P/S: Sometime, you need
git add .
git commit -m"foo"
git push -v
or you see any guide on your console screen, let's follow guide what you see.

Your repository is probably private.
Try this: git remote set-url origin
Or use an ssh key.


git push -u origin main not responding and not working

I created a React app project on Visual Studio and when I try to push it to GitHub it doesn't do anything.
I wrote the following lines one by one:
git init
git add .
git commit -m "first commit"
git branch -M main
git remote add origin
git push -u origin main
The last push command is not giving any results, not even errors.
See the following screenshot:
I looks like it works. There are commits to the main branch in your repo at around the time you asked the question. (The first commit isn't 'First commit', but I'm not sure you posted real commands).

Why didn't the client folder from my project get uploaded on gitHub?

I wanted to upload a project on github repository so I can send it to my instructor and it’s my first time. All the folders’ content got uploaded except client folder and its icon looks different. Why did that happen?
I used these commands in the terminal
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "First commit"
$ git remote add origin remote repository URL
$ git remote -v
$ git push -u origin master
Edit: my client folder is a reactjs app
You would have to be a bit more specific.
One possible answer: There is a .gitignore file (hidden file) that prevents the client folder from being pushed.
Another: You simply didn't stage the client folder. Try git add ./client and then commit and push again.
In my case, Gatsby had created a .git folder in client which prevented it from being added to the repo.
rm -rf client/.git
After doing git add . check if the files are staged inside the client folder by doing git status.It may be the problem of .gitignore file which ignores specific files that are not to be committed. If client is not on .gitignore the files inside it should be staged. And if it is not staged after doing git add . you can see the individual files that are not staged after doing git status and individually add the files to staging area.

Is it possible to integrate Zeppelin notes with git?

Is it possible to integrate Zeppelin notes with git? One can set the repository location but how to set that to a remote git repository.
This functionality is however, available on Amazon EMR
Yes. It's possible
I use following way.
Create a github repo and push all note book. like
git clone
cd zeppelin-notebooks
cp -rf ../zeppelin/notebook/* .
git add -A
git commit -m "init"
git push
Delete notebook directory
cd zeppelin
rm -rf notebook
Clone github repo to notebook.
cd zeppelin
git clone notebook
While I still need push to github manually
It would be great if zeppelin can connect a github repo directly

Push changes to bitbucket using atom

I am using the text editor Atom and it should be possible to upload directly to bitbucket from atom. I found a thread here on stackoverflow someone asked for this and someone recommended git-plus package. I did download this package but it tells me i need to edit and variable in gitconfig file. But it doesnt say anywhere where i can find this gitconfig file. I found a few config files but none of them have these variables. Is this gitconfig file in my .git folder in my project or is it somewhere in atom? I hope someone here can help me with this
Set up git in your shell to use bitbucket as the remote repo.
You will first need to sort that basic Git config thing about the emails:
$ git config --global --get
Your Name Here
$ git config --global --get
If you don't have these values already added, then simply add them. Put your current directory someplace under the root of your atom repository (or, if you want to use the --global parameters [recommended]), then anywhere will do, really so long as it's your login you're working with.)
$ git config [--global] "Your Name"
$ git config [--global] ""
First set up your ssh key so you don't have to type your password on every command. Once that's done, then go to the Git repo you set up for your Atom project. Most likely that's in the top level of my project. Go there and...
$ git remote -v
$ git remote add origin
Now try it from the shell to make sure all is working:
$ git push
It's very likely you'll get a message similar to:
fatal: The current branch master has no upstream branch.
To push the current branch and set the remote as upstream, use
git push --set-upstream origin master
Follow the advice given, then, if you're feeling particularly paranoid, make a change to any file in the repo -- using atom if you like, doesn't matter -- and try it all again:
$ git add -u
$ git commit [-v]
$ git push
This time, it should go off without a hitch.
Now back to atom...
If you've configured things there so that atom can access your Git repo locally, there should now be a Fetch widget in the lower right corner:
If you make a change now in atom, you'll see this change to Push... with the functionality to match.
The GitHub widget still doesn't do anything -- which is mildly annoying -- but I believe you might be able to find an atom package out there that does similar things.

push changes to github using batch file with username and password

I have the following running in a batch file
cd c:/dirtogithubrepo
git config --global "my name"
git config --global ""
git init
git status
git add data.js
git commit -m "Add data.js"
git remote -v
git push
which does push the file up to git hub. my problem is that it asks me for my username and password every time it runs. Is there a way to add these in the process? or can anyone think of a work around
You should be using an SSH key to connect to your repository, this allows for you to not have to use a password - please see here for instructions
The basic steps are to:
Generate your Keys
Upload your Public Key to Github (Settings > SSH Keys)
Set up Git to use these keys
The link above talks you through this!
