abp io AbpDataFilterOptions - abp

i am trying to configure new data filter for IMayHaveCreator. I saw example for ISoftDelete and did the same thing.
in MyAppEntityFrameworkCoreModule ive added another configure method for Filter but it does not work
public class SimplyAirEntityFrameworkCoreModule : AbpModule
public override void PreConfigureServices(ServiceConfigurationContext context)
public override void ConfigureServices(ServiceConfigurationContext context)
context.Services.AddAbpDbContext<SimplyAirDbContext>(options =>
/* Remove "includeAllEntities: true" to create
* default repositories only for aggregate roots */
options.AddDefaultRepositories(includeAllEntities: true);
Configure<AbpDbContextOptions>(options =>
/* The main point to change your DBMS.
* See also SimplyAirMigrationsDbContextFactory for EF Core tooling. */
Configure<AbpDataFilterOptions>(options =>
options.DefaultStates[typeof(IMayHaveCreator)] = new DataFilterState(isEnabled: true);
am i doing something wrong

I've managed to implement it. solution was to add override for CreateFilterExpression and ShouldFilterEntity methods in dbContext for that interface


Data Acces Objects Factory Design Pattern in React?

I'm currently going through some tutorial about React Design Patterns, subject: Custom Hooks.
While the concept feels awesome and seems familiar to me, the solution below provided by the tutor made me question how to deal with different data sources.
Is there something like the above mentioned DAO Factory Pattern, you can find in Frameworks like J2E?
Or how is the common approach to handle this challenges in React to make the code maintainable?
My first intension woulda be throwing the stuff into a Factory Component and having implementations for the specific providers, basically like it is shown in the two other Code snippets bewlow.
Is this the regular wayt to do it?
Any help, tips, additional sources to learn this would be highly appreciated.
Here's the solution, with the both possible implementations thrown into the React Form Component:
import axios from 'axios';
import { useDataSource } from './useDataSource';
import { useResource } from './useResource';
import { useUser } from './useUser';
const serverResource = resourceUrl => async () => {
const response = await axios.get(resourceUrl);
return response.data;
const localStorageResource = key => () => {
return localStorage.getItem(key);
export const UserInfo = ({ userId }) => {
// const user = useResource(`/users/${userId}`);
const user = useDataSource(serverResource(`/users/${userId}`));
const message = useDataSource(localStorageResource('message'));
const { name, age, hairColor, hobbies } = user || {};
return user ? (
<p>Age: {age} years</p>
<p>Hair Color: {hairColor}</p>
{hobbies.map(hobby => <li key={hobby}>{hobby}</li>)}
) : <p>Loading...</p>;
And here's the DAO Factory Pattern example provided by Oracle:
src: https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/dataaccessobject.html
// Abstract class DAO Factory
public abstract class DAOFactory {
// List of DAO types supported by the factory
public static final int CLOUDSCAPE = 1;
public static final int ORACLE = 2;
public static final int SYBASE = 3;
// There will be a method for each DAO that can be
// created. The concrete factories will have to
// implement these methods.
public abstract CustomerDAO getCustomerDAO();
public abstract AccountDAO getAccountDAO();
public abstract OrderDAO getOrderDAO();
public static DAOFactory getDAOFactory(
int whichFactory) {
switch (whichFactory) {
return new CloudscapeDAOFactory();
case ORACLE :
return new OracleDAOFactory();
case SYBASE :
return new SybaseDAOFactory();
default :
return null;
...with a concrete implementation:
// Cloudscape concrete DAO Factory implementation
import java.sql.*;
public class CloudscapeDAOFactory extends DAOFactory {
public static final String DRIVER=
public static final String DBURL=
// method to create Cloudscape connections
public static Connection createConnection() {
// Use DRIVER and DBURL to create a connection
// Recommend connection pool implementation/usage
public CustomerDAO getCustomerDAO() {
// CloudscapeCustomerDAO implements CustomerDAO
return new CloudscapeCustomerDAO();
public AccountDAO getAccountDAO() {
// CloudscapeAccountDAO implements AccountDAO
return new CloudscapeAccountDAO();
public OrderDAO getOrderDAO() {
// CloudscapeOrderDAO implements OrderDAO
return new CloudscapeOrderDAO();
how is the common approach to handle this challenges in React to make the code maintainable?
sure you can. As design patterns do not depend on programming language.
If you are using TypeScript, then you can use Abstract class
If you are using plain JavaScript, then you can use the following approach
An example of using Factory in React can be seen here.

About load supported cultures from DB in .NET CORE

I have a Language entity with all supported languages in my db, each language has a culture string attribute. I want to load supported cultures from DB.
In my service initializer I have it:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// ... previous configuration not shown
opts =>
var supportedCultures = new List<CultureInfo>
new CultureInfo("en-GB"),
new CultureInfo("en-US"),
new CultureInfo("en"),
new CultureInfo("fr-FR"),
new CultureInfo("fr"),
opts.DefaultRequestCulture = new RequestCulture("en-GB");
// Formatting numbers, dates, etc.
opts.SupportedCultures = supportedCultures;
// UI strings that we have localized.
opts.SupportedUICultures = supportedCultures;
How I can access my DB context inside it?
There is any other better way to do it?
I don't think there's an out of the box solution for this.
However, you can implement your own middleware that achieves this by using ASP.Net's RequestLocalizationMiddleware:
public class CustomRequestLocalizationMiddleware
private readonly RequestDelegate next;
private readonly ILoggerFactory loggerFactory;
public CustomRequestLocalizationMiddleware(RequestDelegate next, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
this.next = next;
this.loggerFactory = loggerFactory;
public async Task Invoke(HttpContext context /* You can inject services here, such as DbContext or IDbConnection*/)
// You can search your database for your supported and/or default languages here
// This query will execute for all requests, so consider using caching
var cultures = await Task.FromResult(new[] { "en" });
var defaultCulture = await Task.FromResult("en");
// You can configure the options here as you would do by calling services.Configure<RequestLocalizationOptions>()
var options = new RequestLocalizationOptions()
// Finally, we instantiate ASP.Net's default RequestLocalizationMiddleware and call it
var defaultImplementation = new RequestLocalizationMiddleware(next, Options.Create(options), loggerFactory);
await defaultImplementation.Invoke(context);
Then, we inject the required services and use the custom middleware in Startup.cs or Program.cs as follows:
/* ... */
Do not call app.UseRequestLocalization(), because this would call ASP.Net's RequestLocalizationMiddleware again with the default options, and override the culture that has been resolved previously.

Identity Server 4 AddOidcStateDataFormatterCache does not apply to AddGoogle

When using the AddOidcStateDataFormatterCache method via:
It only applies to providers which are added using
Is there a way to apply the distributedCacheFormatter when using
Google is also an OpenId Provider and can be added using .AddOpenIdConnect or .AddGoogle, but using .AddGoogle doesn't use the state data formatter. I confirmed this by checking the redis cache (used as the underlying implementation of IDistributedCache) and saw a key created "DistributedCacheStateDataFormatter..." when using .AddOpenIdConnect, but nothing is created when using .AddGoogle.
I'm thinking this might be because .AddGoogle might use a different authentication handler which doesn't get picked up automatically by AddOidcStateDataFormatterCache
This is because the GoogleOptions class inherits from OAuthOptions and not OpenIdConnectOptions but they both have a ISecureDataFormat<AuthenticationProperties> StateDataFormat so you could re-use the DistributedCacheStateDataFormatter provided by identityserver4
The post-configure class:
internal class ConfigureGoogleOptions : IPostConfigureOptions<GoogleOptions>
private string[] _schemes;
private readonly IHttpContextAccessor _httpContextAccessor;
public ConfigureGoogleOptions(string[] schemes, IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor)
_schemes = schemes ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(schemes));
_httpContextAccessor = httpContextAccessor ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(httpContextAccessor));
public void PostConfigure(string name, GoogleOptions options)
// no schemes means configure them all
if (_schemes.Length == 0 || _schemes.Contains(name))
options.StateDataFormat = new DistributedCacheStateDataFormatter(_httpContextAccessor, name);
And the registration helper (add this to your own static class):
public static IServiceCollection AddGoogleStateDataFormatterCache(this IServiceCollection services, params string[] schemes)
svcs => new ConfigureGoogleOptions(
return services;

Nancy testing GetModel<T> throws KeyNotFoundException

I'm trying to test that the model returned from my Nancy application is as expected. I have followed the docs here but whenever I call the GetModel<T> extension method it throws a KeyNotFoundException.
System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
I know what the error means but I'm failing to see why it's being thrown.
Here's my module
public class SanityModule : NancyModule
public SanityModule()
Get["sanity-check"] = _ => Negotiate.WithModel(new SanityViewModel { Id = 1 })
my view model
public class SanityViewModel
public int Id { get; set; }
and here's my test
public class SanityModuleTests
public void Sanity_Check()
// Arrange
var browser = new Browser(with =>
// Act
var result = browser.Get("/sanity-check", with =>
with.Header("accept", "application/json");
var model = result.GetModel<SanityViewModel>();
// Asset
Debugging this test shows that the module is hit and completes just fine. Running the application shows that the response is as expected.
Can anyone shed some light on this?
Thanks to the lovely guys, albertjan and the.fringe.ninja, in the Nancy Jabbr room we've got an explanation as to what's going on here.
TL;DR It makes sense for this to not work but the error message should be more descriptive. There is a workaround below.
The issue here is that I am requesting the response as application/json whilst using TestingViewFactory.
Let's take a look at the implementation of GetModel<T>();
public static TType GetModel<TType>(this BrowserResponse response)
return (TType)response.Context.Items[TestingViewContextKeys.VIEWMODEL];
This is simply grabbing the view model from the NancyContext and casting it to your type. This is where the error is thrown, as there is no view model in NancyContext. This is because the view model is added to NancyContext in the RenderView method of TestingViewFactory.
public Response RenderView(string viewName, dynamic model, ViewLocationContext viewLocationContext)
// Intercept and store interesting stuff
viewLocationContext.Context.Items[TestingViewContextKeys.VIEWMODEL] = model;
viewLocationContext.Context.Items[TestingViewContextKeys.VIEWNAME] = viewName;
viewLocationContext.Context.Items[TestingViewContextKeys.MODULENAME] = viewLocationContext.ModuleName;
viewLocationContext.Context.Items[TestingViewContextKeys.MODULEPATH] = viewLocationContext.ModulePath;
return this.decoratedViewFactory.RenderView(viewName, model, viewLocationContext);
My test is requesting json so RenderView will not be called. This means you can only use GetModel<T> if you use a html request.
My application is an api so I do not have any views so changing the line
with.Header("accept", "application/json");
with.Header("accept", "text/html");
will throw a ViewNotFoundException. To avoid this I need to implement my own IViewFactory. (this comes from the.fringe.ninja)
public class TestViewFactory : IViewFactory
#region IViewFactory Members
public Nancy.Response RenderView(string viewName, dynamic model, ViewLocationContext viewLocationContext)
viewLocationContext.Context.Items[Fixtures.SystemUnderTest.ViewModelKey] = model;
return new HtmlResponse();
Then it is simply a case of updating
Now GetModel<T> should work without needing a view.

Register Specific Module Constructor

I would like to inject different strings into each of my module's contructors. I register a factory method which constructs the module. I can then call container.Resolve<T>() and all is well. For some reason though when Nancy tries to resolve my module it throws the error
Nancy.TinyIoc.TinyIoCResolutionException: Unable to resolve type:
Plugin.HomeModule ---> Nancy.TinyIoc.TinyIoCResolutionException:
Unable to resolve type: System.String
public class HomeModule : NancyModule
public HomeModule(string text)
protected override void ConfigureApplicationContainer(TinyIoCContainer container)
container.Register<HomeModule>((ctr, param) => { return new HomeModule("text"); });
HomeModule module = container.Resolve<HomeModule>();
I have also tried doing the registration in ConfigureRequestContainer() with the same results. I have tried container.Register<HomeModule>(new HomeModule("some text")); as well as AsSingleton(). I can register an implementation to the string type with container.Register<string>("text"), but this would inject the same string into all modules.
How can I register a module constructor so that Nancy can resolve it?
Modules are obtained through the INancyModuleCatalog, which is normally implemented by the bootstrapper, you'd have to create a custom variation of that - if you're using the default bootstrapper then this is the current implementation:
The best approach for this would be to not pass in a primitive into your module, but us something richer, or perhaps a factory. The container can resolve those dependencies. Passing a plain string into the module is a sign of a problem somewhere else and a hint that your architecture probably needs rethinking
I have implemented a custom catalog that registeres only Modules of a specific namespace, but I don't know where to register this.
public CustomModuleCatalog()
// The license type is read from db in Global.ascx.
// So I want to register a module based on a namespace.
// The namespace is the same like the license name.
if(WebApiApplication.LicenseType == LicenseType.RouteOne)
var assemblyTypes = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes();
var modules = assemblyTypes.Where(t => t.Namespace != null && t.Namespace.EndsWith("MyCustomNamespace"));
var nancy = modules.Where(t => t.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(INancyModule)));
foreach (var type in nancy)
var nancyType = (INancyModule)type;
_modules.Add(type, (INancyModule)Activator.CreateInstance(type));
public IEnumerable<INancyModule> GetAllModules(NancyContext context)
return _modules?.Values;
public INancyModule GetModule(Type moduleType, NancyContext context)
if (_modules != null && _modules.ContainsKey(moduleType))
return _modules[moduleType];
return null;
