Dynamically Add a User Control - wpf

I'm trying to add user controls to an ItemsControl dynamically with a button press. The user control has a view model associated with it. The UI is updating with the values that the view model is being instantiated with.
My property is defined as such:
private ObservableCollection<StageControlViewModel> _stages = new ObservableCollection<StageControlViewModel>();
public ObservableCollection<StageControlViewModel> Stages
get => _stages;
set => SetProperty(ref _stages, value);
I have the binding in the xaml setup with the following:
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Stages}">
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type viewModels:StageControlViewModel}">
I add it with this function:
private void AddStage()
StageControlViewModel viewModel = new StageControlViewModel
Name = ("Stage " + (_stages.Count + 1)),
TimeToNextStage = 106
The user control's binding is setup with the following code:
The view models inherit from ObservableObject.
Now the issue I have is that when I add the control the binding for the values aren't working. IE - Name and TimeToNextStage are not updating the UI. Not sure what I'm doing wrong here and help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Remove the DataContext assignment from the UserControl's XAML:
When you write
the DataContext value of the StageControl is supposed to be inherited from the item container, a ContentPresenter which applies the DataTemplate. The inherited DataContext holds a reference to the associated element of the ItemsSource collection.
When you explicitly assign the UserControl's DataContext, the inheritance is broken and the control does not bind to an ItemsSource collection element.


MVVM way to use different controls for editing different objects

I need to design a form with a treeview in the left and a container for some other control in the remaining area. Whenever user selects an item in the treeview some custom control appears on the right. For example, let's say that the treeview contains values "Audio settings" and "Video settings", and I have two controls that can be bound to these settings and I want to display them on the form when needed.
Now, from what I've read about MVVM, I shouldn't have properties that will return UserControls or DataTemplates, am I right? It will be messing with "VM shouldn't know implementation details of the view" as I see it. So, how do I handle this situation properly in terms of MVVM? Should I maybe use converters for this and if so, how would it look?
I can't provide any code at the moment (mostly because there isn't any), but I will try to clarify the problem if needed.
Thanks in advance.
This is where the WPF templating system helps out.
The main idea is to have a ContentControl display the appropriate view depending on the selected value in the TreeView.
<Window x:Class="WpfApplication1.MainWindow"
Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
<ListBox DockPanel.Dock="Left" ItemsSource="{Binding Editors}" SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedEditor}" />
<ContentControl Content="{Binding SelectedEditor}">
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type l:VideoViewModel}">
<l:VideoView />
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type l:AudioViewModel}">
<l:AudioView />
AudioView and VideoView are UserControls.
As you can see, the ContentControl's content is bound to the SelectedEditor property in the ViewModel, which is also bound to the SelectedItem of the Listbox.
So the ViewModel for the main view looks like this.
public class MainWindowViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
public IEnumerable<object> Editors
yield return new VideoViewModel();
yield return new AudioViewModel();
private object selectedEditor;
public object SelectedEditor
get { return selectedEditor; }
if (selectedEditor == value)
selectedEditor = value;
So you can see that the main ViewModel has no GUI data in it.
To handle hooking up a TreeView to a SelectedItem property in a ViewModel see Data binding to SelectedItem in a WPF Treeview
You can implement it throw two properties: ShowAudioSettings and ShowVideoSettings in ViewModel and bind it on Visibility of your controls.
Also, you can make it with VisualStateManager.

wpf binding from a FindAncestor to Dependency Property of custom control

I've got a custom WPF control with a DependencyProperty MyString
I'm using the control within an ItemsControl on my View and want to fish a value out from the ViewModel.
As the DataContext of the control becomes each Item in the ItemsSource of the ItemsControl I thought I'd just be able to use FindAncestor but it dosnt seem to work ... can anyone see where I'm going wrong please?
Heres the XAML on the View ...
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding MyItems}" >
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Name="myStack">
<ImportExceptions:ControlStrip MyString="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Mode=FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type ItemsControl}}, Path=DataContext.MyStringOnViewModel}" />
and heres the code behind my custom control where I've set up my dependency property ...
public partial class ControlStrip
public ControlStrip()
public string MyString
return GetValue(MyStringProperty).ToString();
SetValue(MyStringProperty, value);
public static readonly DependencyProperty MyStringProperty =
DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("MyString", typeof (string), typeof (ControlStrip));
The DataContext of the control doesn't change - the DataContext for the ImportExceptions:ControlStrip will be (unless explicitly specified) the next DataContext available as its goes 'up' the visual tree...
I infer from your code that you have set the DataContext of the View to a ViewModel with properties 'MyItems' and 'MyStringOnViewModel' - you should be able to simply bind the MyString property directly to the ViewModel, like
<ImportExceptions:ControlStrip MyString="{Binding Path=MyStringOnViewModel}" />
Your code looks fine. Probably you have made an error in the DataContext reference. In all likeliness the DataContext of the the ItemsControl already is MyStringOnViewModel. So, omit the .MystringOnViewModel after the DataContext in the Path attribute. If not can you give some more code, ore post a simplification of it that mimicks how the DataCon,text(s) is/are set?

Can I apply a ContextMenu to a ContextMenuViewModel using a DataTemplate?

I have a ViewModel (AbstractContextMenu) that represents my context menu (IContextMenu), and I bind a real ContextMenu to it with a DataTemplate:
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local:AbstractContextMenu}">
<ContextMenu x:Name="contextMenu"
ItemsSource="{Binding Path=(local:IContextMenu.Items)}"
IsEnabled="{Binding Path=(local:IContextMenu.IsEnabled)}"/>
Then I have a dummy ConcreteContextMenu for testing that just inherits from AbstractContextMenu. AbstractContextMenu just implements this interface:
public interface IContextMenu : IExtension
IEnumerable<IMenuItem> Items { get; set; }
bool IsEnabled { get; set; }
I'm using it as a property of another ViewModel object:
public IContextMenu ContextMenu
return m_ContextMenu;
protected set
if (m_ContextMenu != value)
m_ContextMenu = value;
private IContextMenu m_ContextMenu = new ConcreteContextMenu();
static readonly PropertyChangedEventArgs m_ContextMenuArgs =
NotifyPropertyChangedHelper.CreateArgs<AbstractSolutionItem>(o => o.ContextMenu);
Then I bind a StackPanel to that ViewModel and bind the ContextMenu property on the StackPanel to the ContextMenu property of the ViewModel:
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"
ContextMenu="{Binding Path=(local:AbstractSolutionItem.ContextMenu)}"
<!-- stuff goes in here -->
When I run this, the ContextMenuOpening event on the StackPanel is fired, but the ContextMenu is never displayed. I'm not sure if I can even do this (apply a ContextMenu to a ContextMenu ViewModel using a DataTemplate). Anyone know?
What is the type of AbstractSolutionItem.ContextMenu? If it corresponds to the ContextMenu property in your question, then the problem could be that the type is wrong. The ContextMenu property of FrameworkElement is expecting an actual ContextMenu, not an IContextMenu. Try checking the output window while debugging your app - you might get an error message stating that this is the problem.
Instead of using a DataTemplate to define your ContextMenu, just put the contents of the template StackPanel.ContextMenu:
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"
ContextMenu="{Binding Path=(local:AbstractSolutionItem.ContextMenu)}"
<StackPanel.ContextMenu DataContext="{Binding Path=(local:AbstractSolutionItem.ContextMenu)}">
<ContextMenu x:Name="contextMenu"
ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Items}"
IsEnabled="{Binding Path=IsEnabled}"/>
<!-- stuff goes in here -->
That should get you most of the way there. However, there is still a problem since the ContextMenu does not know how to create a MenuItem from an IMenuItem. To solve this, create an ItemTemplate for the ContextMenu, which binds members of IMenuItem to `MenuItem.
Could you shed some light on the syntax used in the ItemsSource property in the DataTemplate ? Using parentheses usually means an attached property. And Items does not seem to be an attached property defined by IContextMenu (as an interface cannot define such a property).
The DataTemplate is linked to an object of type AbstractContextMenu which has a property called Items. So, the DataTemplate could simply reference it like this:
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local:AbstractContextMenu}">
<ContextMenu x:Name="contextMenu"
ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Items)}"
IsEnabled="{Binding Path=IsEnabled}"/>
If the AbstractSolutionItem class is the VM of the StackPanel, you could bind it like this:
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"
ContextMenu="{Binding Path=ContextMenu}"
<!-- stuff goes in here -->
Of course, the DataTemplate must be "accessible" from the StackPanel.
Bind the ContextMenu property of your view (StackPanel in this scenario) to the ContextMenu property of your ViewModel and provide a IValueConverter to the binding that will create the ContextMenu object and set the IContextMenu to it's DataContext.

MVVM ListBox controlling a Content Control

I've been going round in circles with this for a couple of days, and I'm hoping a WPF guru can see where I'm going wrong.
I'm setting CurrentViewModel in code. The Selected item of my ListBox and the Content of my ContentControl bind correctly. But when changing the selected item in the Listbox via the UI the CurrentViewModel is being set but the Content Control is not being updated.
I'm using a data template to map my Views and View Models.
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type ViewModel:MyViewModel}">
<View:MyView />
I have a ListBox which is bound to an observable collection of ViewModels. The Selected Item is bound to the current view model.
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding MyViewModelCollection}" DisplayMemberPath="DisplayName" SelectedItem="{Binding CurrentViewModel, Mode=TwoWay}"/>
I also have a content control that is also bound to the CurrentView Model
<ContentControl Content="{Binding CurrentViewModel, Mode=TwoWay}"/>
This is the property that they are both bound to
public MyViewModel CurrentViewModel
return _currentViewModel;
if (_currentViewModel== value) return;
_currentViewModel= value;
I've edited the names for clarity and removed formatting information.
Any help greatly appreciated.
EDIT: Came across the link How can I debug WPF bindings?. I set a break point on the Content binding and it does indeed only get called once when the binding is first set.
You should not be setting TwoWay as the mode on your ContentControl:
<ContentControl Content="{Binding CurrentViewModel, Mode=OneWay}"/>
This is because you intend your ContentControl to read the value, but never write it.
As an aside, you can also bind the ContentControl to the currently selected item in the collection, rather than to that property by doing this:
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding MyViewModelCollection}"
<ContentControl Content="{Binding MyViewModelCollection/}"/>
The "slash" (/) at the end of the collection indicates the current item selected in the collection and setting that current item property is as simple as setting the IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem equal to true.
A lot of times I find with this combination, I really don't need the extra property on my view model.
Anyway, I hope this helps.

XAML does not load UserControl from ViewModel object

I have a XAML code that should load my UserControl inside the TabControl.
If I put this XAML code:
<DataTemplate x:Key="WorkspacesTemplate">
ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Gui}"
ItemTemplate="{StaticResource ClosableTabItemTemplate}"
I have absolutly nothing appear in the windows (Gui property is inside the ViewModel class and return a UserControl).
But if I put his XAML code instead of the previous one:
<DataTemplate x:Key="WorkspacesTemplate">
ItemTemplate="{StaticResource ClosableTabItemTemplate}"
I have the ViewModel Object loading:
(source: clip2net.com)
Here is a piece of code of the TextBoxInputViewModel that has the property Gui that should be binded to be able to get the Visual (usercontrol):
private UserControl gui;
public UserControl Gui
if (this.gui == null)
this.gui = new SimpleTextBoxInputControl();//Xaml User Control
this.gui.DataContext = this;//Bind the Visual and ViewModel
return this.gui;
Any idea how that I can get the UserControl instead of this object reference text?
The problem is that ItemSource is a collection, where as you're binding it to a property that is just one value. The error in the Output window that you're seeing is likely related to this.
Instead of returning a UserControl directly from your View Model, it would be better to return another View Model that represents the contents of the tab, and use templates to display that content. If you need it to be more dynamic than choosing the template based on the Type of the View Model, look into setting TabControl.ContentTemplateSelector. This needs to be set to a class that derives from DataTemplateSelector. You can use this class to decide which template to load based on the object bound to that tab.
you should create a template for your viewmodel in your app.xaml file like this
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type simpleModel:TextBoxInputViewModel}">
<myView:TextBoxInputControl />
where simpleModel is the namespace of TextBoxInputViewModel, and TextBoxInputControl is the user control you want to show and myView is the namespace of that user control.
