Extract motion vectors from versatile video coding - video-processing

How do I go about extracting motion vector into a .txt or .xml file from VVC VTM reference software. I managed to extract the motion vectors to a text file but I don't have a proper index indicating which motion vector belongs where. If anyone could guide me on getting proper index along with motion vectors, that would be very helpful.

Are you doing it at the encoder side?
If so, I suggest that you move to the decoder side and do this:
Encode the sequence from which you want to extract MVs.
Modify the decoder so it prints the MV of each coding unit, if any (e.g. not intra). To do so, you may go to CABAC Reader.cpp file, somewhere inside coding_unit() function, and find the place where MV is parsed. There, in addition to the parsed MV, you have access to coordinates of the ongoing CU.
Decode your encoded bitstream with the modified VTM decoder and print what you wanted to be printed.

As Mosen's answer, I recommend you to extract any information(include MVs) from the decoder.
If you just want to extract MVs to file, you may utilize traverseCU().
VTM's picture class has CodingStructure class which traverses all CUs in picture(even CTU or CU can be treated as CodingStructure class, so you can use traverseCU() at block level too).
So I suggest you to
Access picture class(its name might be different, e.g., m_pcPic at DecLib.cpp) at the decoder side(insert you code before/after execute loop filters).
Iterate each CUs in picutre by using traverseCU().
Extract MVs from every CU you accessed, and save those information(MVs, indices, etc.)
Although there might be better ways to answer your question, i hope this answer helps you.


Meshroom: how to access the final camera parameters?

I am trying to write a script which loads the camera parameters from Meshroom and imports them into a CAD program. My first understanding was that these parameters (position, rotation matrix, focal length etc.) are contained in the JSON-file cameras.sfm in the StructureFromMotion-subdirectory.
After importing these parameters into Rhino3D and comparing the resulting views onto the 3D-mesh with the undistorted photographs in the PrepareDenseScene-directory, I find surprising large discrepancies. The mesh which was the result of the run was good, so I think that the deviation is because of the parameters in cameras.sfm being not the final ones. This assumption is also supported by the fact that the file only contains the focal length as read from the input images' EXIF information and no refined values. So my question is:
How can I access the final camera parameters from the output of Meshroom?
Knowing this would help me a lot for re-building a photogrammetry/CAD pipeline I had previously implemented for VisualSFM + CMPMVS.
Many thanks!
EDIT: As this is my first post, I am not able to create a new tag for Meshroom. Perhaps this could be added by someone else? Thanks!

Images and Filters in OpenCL

Lets say I have an image called Test.jpg.
I just figured out how to bring an image into the project by the following line:
FILE *infile = fopen("Stonehenge.jpg", "rb");
Now that I have the file, do I need to convert this file into a bmp image in order to apply a filter to it?
I have never worked with images before, let alone OpenCl so there is a lot that is going over my head.
I need further clarification on this part for my own understanding
Does this bmp image also need to be stored in an array in order to have a filter applied to it? I have seen a sliding window technique be used a couple of times in other examples. Is the bmp image pretty much split up into RGB values (0-255)? If someone can provide a link on this item that should help me understand this a lot better.
I know this may seem like a basic question to most but I do not have a mentor on this subject in my workplace.
Now that I have the file, do I need to convert this file into a bmp image in order to apply a filter to it?
Not exactly. bmp is a very specific image serialization format and actually a quite complicated one (implementing a BMP file parser that deals with all the corner cases correctly is actually rather difficult).
However what you have there so far is not even file content data. What you have there is a C stdio FILE handle and that's it. So far you did not even check if the file could be opened. That's not really useful.
JPEG is a lossy compressed image format. What you need to be able to "work" with it is a pixel value array. Either an array of component tuples, or a number of arrays, one for each component (depending on your application either format may perform better).
Now implementing image format decoders becomes tedious. It's not exactly difficult but also not something you can write down on a single evening. Of course the devil is in the details and writing an implementation that is high quality, covers all corner cases and is fast is a major effort. That's why for every image (and video and audio) format out there you usually can find only a small number of encoder and decoder implementations. The de-facto standard codec library for JPEG are libjpeg and libjpeg-turbo. If your aim is to read just JPEG files, then these libraries would be the go-to implementation. However you also may want to support PNG files, and then maybe EXR and so on and then things become tedious again. So there are meta-libraries which wrap all those format specific libraries and offer them through a universal API.
In the OpenGL wiki there's a dedicated page on the current state of image loader libraries: https://www.opengl.org/wiki/Image_Libraries
Does this bmp image also need to be stored in an array in order to have a filter applied to it?
That actually depends on the kind of filter you want to apply. A simple threshold filter for example does not take a pixel's surroundings into account. If you were to perform scanline signal processing (e.g. when processing old analogue television signals) you may require only a single row of pixels at a time.
The universal solution of course to keep the whole image in memory, but then some pictures are so HUGE that no average computer's RAM can hold them. There are image processing libraries like VIPS that implement processing graphs that can operate on small subregions of an image at a time and can be executed independently.
Is the bmp image pretty much split up into RGB values (0-255)? If someone can provide a link on this item that should help me understand this a lot better.
In case you mean "pixel array" instead of BMP (remember, BMP is a specific data structure), then no. Pixel component values may be of any scalar type and value range. And there are in fact colour spaces in which there are value regions which are mathematically necessary but do not denote actually sensible colours.
When it comes down to pixel data, an image is just a n-dimensional array of scalar component tuples where each component's value lies in a given range of values. It doesn't get more specific for that. Only when you introduce colour spaces (RGB, CMYK, YUV, CIE-Lab, CIE-XYZ, etc.) you give those values specific colour-meaning. And the choice of data type is more or less arbitrary. You can either use 8 bits per component RGB (0..255), 10 bits (0..1024) or floating point (0.0 .. 1.0); the choice is yours.

Simple Multi-Blob Detection of a Binary Image?

If there is a given 2d array of an image, where threshold has been done and now is in binary information.
Is there any particular way to process this image to that I get multiple blob's coordinates on the image?
I can't use openCV because this process needs to run simultaneously on 10+ simulated robots on a custom simulator in C.
I need the blobs xy coordinates, but first I need to find those multiple blobs first.
Simplest criteria of pixel group size should be enough. But I don't have any clue how to start the coding.
PS: Single blob should be no problem. Problem is multiple blobs.
Just a head start ?
Have a look at QuickBlob which is a small, standalone C library that sounds perfectly suited for your needs.
QuickBlob comes with a small command-line tool (csv-blobs) that outputs the position and size of each blob found within the input image:
./csv-blobs white image.png
Here's an example (output image is produced thanks to the show-blobs.py tiny Python utility that comes with QuickBlob):
You can go through the binary image labeling the connected parts with an algorithm like the following:
Create a 2D array of ints, labelArray, that will hold the labels of the connected regions and initiate it to all zeros.
Iterate over each binary pixel, p, row by row
A. If p is true and the corresponding value for this position in the labelArray is 0 (unlabeled), assign it to a new label and do a breadth-first search that will add all surrounding binary pixels that are also true to that same label.
The only issue now is if you have multiple blobs that are touching each other. Because you know the size of the blobs, you should be able to figure out how many blobs are in a given connected region. This is the tricky part. You can try doing a k-means clustering at this point. You can also try other methods like using binary dilation.
I know that I am very late to the party, but I am just adding this for the benefipeople who are researching this problem.
Here is a nice description that might fit your needs.

Cut a jpg file in C, (NOT crop)

i would like to know how can i cut a jpg file using a coordinates i want to retrieve using artoolkit and opencv, see:
Blob Detection
i want to retrieve coordinates of the white sheet and then use those coordinates to cut a jpg file I'm took before.
Find this but how can this help?
How to slice/cut an image into pieces
If you already have the coordinates, you might want to deskew the image first:
This post uses cv::warpPerspective() to achieve that effect.
The references above use the C++ interface of OpenCV, but I'm sure you are capable of converting between the two.
Second, cutting a particular area of an image is known as extracting a Region Of Interest (ROI). The general procedure is: create a CvRect to define your ROI and then call cvSetImageROI() followed by cvSaveImage() to save it on the disk.
This post shares C code to achieve this task.

Understanding parsing SVG file format

First off, gist here
Map.svg in the gist is the original Map I'm working with, got it off wikimedia commons.
Now, there is a land mass off the eastern cost of Texas in that original svg. I removed it using Inkscape, and it re-wrote the path in a strange new way. The diff is included in the gist.
Now this new way of writing the path blows up my parser logic, and I'm trying to understand what happened. I'm hoping someone here knows more about the SVG file format that I do. I will admit I have not read through the entire SVG standard spec, however the parts of it I did read didn't mention anything about missing commands or relative coordinates. Then again I may have been looking at the incorrect spec, not sure.
The way I understood it, SVG path data was very straight forward, something like this:
(M,L,C)[point{n}] .... [Z] then repeat ad-nauseum
Now the part I'm trying to understand is this new Inkscape has written out what seems like relative coordinates, without commands like L, or L being implied somehow. My gut is telling me what has happened here is obvious to someone. For what it's worth I'm doing my parsing in C.
If you're parsing SVG, why not look at the SVG specification?
Start a new sub-path at the given (x,y) coordinate. M (uppercase) indicates that absolute coordinates will follow; m (lowercase) indicates that relative coordinates will follow. If a moveto is followed by multiple pairs of coordinates, the subsequent pairs are treated as implicit lineto commands.
From: http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/REC-SVG11-20110816/paths.html#PathDataMovetoCommands
You said,
The way I understood it, SVG path data was very straight forward, something like this: (M,L,C)[point{n}] .... [Z]
I don't know where you got that information. Stop getting your information from that source.
I will admit I have not read through the entire SVG standard spec...
Nobody reads the entire spec. Just focus on the part you're implementing at the moment. You could also start with SVG Tiny, and work with that subset for now.
Path Grammar is where you should start when writing a parser. If you can't read it, then buy a book on compilers.
Path grammar: http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/REC-SVG11-20110816/paths.html#PathDataBNF
