How searching a million keys organized as B-tree will need 114 comparisons? - database

Please explain how it will take 114 comparisons. The following is the screenshot taken from my book (Page 350, Data Structures Using C, 2nd Ed. Reema Thareja, Oxford Univ. Press). My reasoning is that in worst case each node will have just minimum number of children (i.e. 5), so I took log base 5 of a million, and it comes to 9. So assuming at each level of the tree we search minimum number of keys (i.e. 4), it comes to somewhere like 36 comparisons, nowhere near 114.
Consider a situation in which we have to search an un-indexed and
unsorted database that contains n key values. The worst case running
time to perform this operation would be O(n). In contrast, if the data
in the database is indexed with a B tree, the same search operation
will run in O(log n). For example, searching for a single key on a set
of one million keys will at most require 1,000,000 comparisons. But if
the same data is indexed with a B tree of order 10, then only 114
comparisons will be required in the worst case.
Page 350, Data Structures Using C, 2nd Ed. Reema Thareja, Oxford Univ. Press

The worst case tree has the minimum number of keys everywhere except on the path you're searching.
If the size of each internal node is in [5,10), then in the worst case, a tree with a million items will be about 10 levels deep, when most nodes have 5 keys.
The worst case path to a node, however, might have 10 keys in each node. The statement seems to assume that you'll do a linear search instead of a binary search inside each node (I would advise to do a binary search instead), so that can lead to around 10*10 = 100 comparisons.
If you carefully consider the details, the real number might very well come out to 114.

(This is not an Answer to the question asked, but a related discussion.)
Sounds like a textbook question, not a real-life question.
Counting comparisons is likely to be the best way to judge an in-memory tree, but not for a disk-based dataset.
Even so, the "average" number of comparisons (for in-memory) or disk hits (for disk-based) is likely to be the metric to compute.
(Sure, it is good to compute the maximum numbers as a useful exercise for understanding the structures.)
Perhaps the optimal "tree" for in memory searching is a Binary tree, but with 3-way fan out. And keep the tree balanced with 2 or 3 elements in each node.
For disk based searching -- think databases -- the optimal is likely to be a BTree with the size of a block being based on what is efficient to read from disk. Counting comparisons in a poor second when it comes to the overall time taken to fetch a row.


what does worst case big omega(n) means?

If Big-Omega is the lower bound then what does it mean to have a worst case time complexity of Big-Omega(n).
From the book "data structures and algorithms with python" by Michael T. Goodrich:
consider a dynamic array that doubles it size when the element reaches its capacity.
this is from the book:
"we fully explored the append method. In the worst case, it requires
Ω(n) time because the underlying array is resized, but it uses O(1)time in the amortized sense"
The parameterized version, pop(k), removes the element that is at index k < n
of a list, shifting all subsequent elements leftward to fill the gap that results from
the removal. The efficiency of this operation is O(n−k), as the amount of shifting
depends upon the choice of index k. Note well that this
implies that pop(0) is the most expensive call, using Ω(n) time.
how is "Ω(n)" describes the most expensive time?
The number inside the parenthesis is the number of operations you must do to actually carry out the operation, always expressed as a function of the number of items you are dealing with. You never worry about just how hard those operations are, only the total number of them.
If the array is full and has to be resized you need to copy all the elements into the new array. One operation per item in the array, thus an O(n) runtime. However, most of the time you just do one operation for an O(1) runtime.
Common values are:
O(1): One operation only, such as adding it to the list when the list isn't full.
O(log n): This typically occurs when you have a binary search or the like to find your target. Note that the base of the log isn't specified as the difference is just a constant and you always ignore constants.
O(n): One operation per item in your dataset. For example, unsorted search.
O(n log n): Commonly seen in good sort routines where you have to process every item but can divide and conquer as you go.
O(n^2): Usually encountered when you must consider every interaction of two items in your dataset and have no way to organize it. For example a routine I wrote long ago to find near-duplicate pictures. (Exact duplicates would be handled by making a dictionary of hashes and testing whether the hash existed and thus be O(n)--the two passes is a constant and discarded, you wouldn't say O(2n).)
O(n^3): By the time you're getting this high you consider it very carefully. Now you're looking at three-way interactions of items in your dataset.
Higher orders can exist but you need to consider carefully what's it's going to do. I have shipped production code that was O(n^8) but with very heavy pruning of paths and even then it took 12 hours to run. Had the nature of the data not been conductive to such pruning I wouldn't have written it at all--the code would still be running.
You will occasionally encounter even nastier stuff which needs careful consideration of whether it's going to be tolerable or not. For large datasets they're impossible:
O(2^n): Real world example: Attempting to prune paths so as to retain a minimum spanning tree--I computed all possible trees and kept the cheapest. Several experiments showed n never going above 10, I thought I was ok--until a different seed produced n = 22. I rewrote the routine for not-always-perfect answer that was O(n^2) instead.
O(n!): I don't know any examples. It blows up horribly fast.

Which data structure should i use to represent a large amount of records each presents range of items?

I'm looking for software represenation for a very large amount of records ( more than 400K records)
Each record has two keys . one for lower bound and one for upper bound. These number represent a range. Also each record has some piece of information lets call it I . In other words , each record aggregates common item indexs , and has some common description about them.
My software is given an item number , and I have to retrive that info about it.
I thought about AVL , B- Tress or fibonaci . But i'm sure which will be the best for that large amount of record . I would deffinately go for AVL / balanced AVL for a small database.
From a data structure point of view, you search for an interval tree.
The wikipedia article is quite good. What you can do, is to augment a (balanced) binary search tree like AVL or Red-Black-Trees like. Interval trees based on binary search tree have an own section in the classical DS book by Cormen et al..
A good data structure scales well to large amounts of data. The complexity for the major directory operations are O(k + log n) where n is the number of intervals in the tree and k is the number of overlapping intervals in the range. This is usually pretty good. It grows slowly with the number of of interval items, except for cases where a lot or most intervals overlap all others.
If you cannot hold your data in main memory, a B-Tree would be a good choice.
Any database will do what you want just fine.
If you are searching on an index, the increase in look-up speed when going from 2 to 4 records is the same as going from 2 million to 4 million more level to the's an exponential relationship.

Cache oblivious lookahead array

I am trying to understand simipiled cache oblivious lookahead array which is described at here, and from the page 35 of this presentation
Analysis of Insertion into Simplified
Fractal Tree:
Cost to merge 2 arrays of size X is O(X=B) block I/Os. Merge is very
I/O efficient.
Cost per element to merge is O(1/B) since O(X) elements were
Max # of times each element is merged is O(logN).
Average insert cost is O(logN/B)
I can understhand #1,#2 and #3, but I can't understand #4, From the paper, merge can be considered as binary addition carry, for example, (31)B could be presented:
when inserting a new item(plus 1), there should be 5 = log(32) merge(5 carries). But, in this situation, we have to merge 32 elements! In addition, if each time we plus 1, then how many carryies will be performed from 0 to 2^k ? The anwser should be 2^k - 1. In other words, one merge per insertion!
so How does #4 is computed?
While you are right on both that the number of merged elements (and so transfers) is N in worst case and that the number of total merges is also of the same order, the average insertion cost is still logarithmic. It comes from two facts: merges vary in cost, and the number of low-cost merges is much higher than the number of high-cost ones.
It might be easier to see by example.
Let's set B=1 (i.e. 1 element per block, worst case of each merge having a cost) and N=32 (e.g. we insert 32 elements into an initially empty array).
Half of the insertions (16) put an element into the empty subarray of size 1, and so do not cause a merge. Of the remaining insertions, one (the last) needs to merge (move) 32 elements, one (16th) moves 16, two (8th and 24th) move 8 elements, four move 4 elements, and eight move 2 elements. Thus, overall number of element moves is 96, giving the average of 3 moves per insertion.
Hope that helps.
The first log B levels fit in (a single page of) memory, and so any stuff that happens in those levels does not incur an I/O. (This also fixes the problem with rrenaud's analysis that there's O(1) merges per insertion, since you only start paying for them after the first log B merges.)
Once you are merging at least B elements, then Fact 2 kicks in.
Consider the work from an element's point of view. It gets merged O(log N) times. It gets charged O(1/B) each time that happens. It's total cost of insertion is O((log N)/B) (need the extra parens to differentiate from O(log N/B), which would be quite bad insertion performance -- even worse than a B-tree).
The "average" cost is really the amortized cost -- it's the amount you charge to that element for its insertion. A little more formally it's the total work for inserting N elements, then divide by N. An amortized cost of O((log N)/B) really means that inserting N elements is O((N log N)/B) I/Os -- for the whole sequence. This compares quite favorable with B-trees, which for N insertions do a total of O((N log N)/log B) I/Os. Dividing by B is obviously a whole lot better than dividing by log B.
You may complain that the work is lumpy, that you sometimes do an insertion that causes a big cascade of merges. That's ok. You don't charge all the merges to the last insertion. Everyone is paying its own small amount for each merge they participate in. Since (log N)/B will typically be much less than 1, everyone is being charged way less than a single I/O over the course of all of the merges it participates in.
What happens if you don't like amortized analysis, and you say that even though the insertion throughput goes up by a couple of orders of magnitude, you don't like it when a single insertion can cause a huge amount of work? Aha! There are standard ways to deamortize such a data structure, where you do a bit of preemptive merging during each insertion. You get the same I/O complexity (you'll have to take my word for it), but it's pretty standard stuff for people who care about amortized analysis and deamortizing the result.
Full disclosure: I'm one of the authors of the COLA paper. Also, rrenaud was in my algorithms class. Also, I'm a founder of Tokutek.
In general, the amortized number of changed bits per increment is 2 = O(1).
Here is a proof by logic/reasoning.
Here is a "proof" by experimentation.

Inverted Index Evaluation Order

I read somewhere that when you have an inverted index (for instance, you have a sorted list of pages of brutus, a sorted list of pages for caesar, and a sorted list of pages for calpurnia), when you do caesar AND brutus AND calpurnia, if the number of pages for calpurnia and brutus are less than the number of pages for caesar, then you should do caesar AND (brutus and calpurnia), meaning you should evaluate the latter AND first. In general, whenever you have a series of AND, you always evaluate the pair with the lowest number of pages first. What is the reasoning behind this? Why is this efficient?
It is not true for every case of inverted indexes. If you need to sequentially scan the whole inverted indexes, then in would not matter which postings list intersection you do first.
But, assume a scenario when the inverted lists are stored in an indexed relation. Then evaluating the pair with smaller number of document occurrences will be equal to joining relations with higher selectivities, thus increasing the efficiency of the evaluation.
Intuitively, when we intersect smaller lists, we create a stronger filter which is used as a feed to the index to find the matches.
Assume we are interested in evaluating the keyword query a b c, where a, b and c are words in documents. Also assume the number of documents matching are as follows:
a --> 20
b --> 100
c --> 1000
a+b --> 10
a+c --> 15
b+c --> 50
a+b+c --> 5
Note that (a JOIN b) has size 10 and (b JOIN c) has size 50. Thus the first will require 10 accesses to the index on c, while the second requires 50 accesses to the index on a. But using a hash-based or a tree-based index, such accesses to the index do not differ greatly in cost and are usually done in a single I/O.
An important thing to realize is that because of the sorting, which you mentioned already, the inverted lists can be searched for any given document id very efficiently (generally, in logarithmic time), for example using binary search.
To see the effect of that, assume a query caesar AND brutus, and assume that there are occcaesar pages for caesar and occbrutus pages for brutus (i.e. occX denotes the length of the pages list for a term X). Now assume, for the sake of the example, that occcaesar > occbrutus, i.e. caesar occurs more frequently in the content than brutus.
What you do then is to iterate through all pages for brutus first, and search for each of them in the pages list for caesar. If indeed the lists can be searched in logarithmic time, this means you need
occbrutus * log(occcaesar)
computational steps to identify all pages that contain both terms.
If you had done it reversely (i.e. iterating through the caesar list and searching for each of its pages in the brutus list), the smaller number would end up in the logarithm and the greater number would become a factor, so the total time the evaluation takes would be longer.
Having said this, it also important to realize that in practice things are more complicated than this, because (a) the lists are not only sorted but also compressed, which makes search harder, and (b) parts of the lists may be stored on disk rather than in memory, which means the total number of disk accesses is overwhelmingly more important than the total number of computational steps. Hence, the algorithm described above might not apply in its purest form, but the principle is as described.

Data structure for finding nearby keys with similar bitvalues

I have some data, up to a between a million and a billion records, each which is represented by a bitfield, about 64 bits per key. The bits are independent, you can imagine them basically as random bits.
If I have a test key and I want to find all values in my data with the same key, a hash table will spit those out very easily, in O(1).
What algorithm/data structure would efficiently find all records most similar to the query key? Here similar means that most bits are identical, but a minimal number are allowed to be wrong. This is traditionally measured by Hamming distance., which just counts the number of mismatched bits.
There's two ways this query might be made, one might be by specifying a mismatch rate like "give me a list of all existing keys which have less than 6 bits that differ from my query" or by simply best matches, like "give me a list of the 10,000 keys which have the lowest number of differing bits from my query."
You might be temped to run to k-nearest-neighbor algorithms, but here we're talking about independent bits, so it doesn't seem likely that structures like quadtrees are useful.
The problem can be solved by simple brute force testing a hash table for low numbers of differing bits. If we want to find all keys that differ by one bit from our query, for example, we can enumerate all 64 possible keys and test them all. But this explodes quickly, if we wanted to allow two bits of difference, then we'd have to probe 64*63=4032 times. It gets exponentially worse for higher numbers of bits.
So is there another data structure or strategy that makes this kind of query more efficient?
The database/structure can be preprocessed as much as you like, it's the query speed that should be optimized.
What you want is a BK-Tree. It's a tree that's ideally suited to indexing metric spaces (your problem is one), and supports both nearest-neighbour and distance queries. I wrote an article about it a while ago.
BK-Trees are generally described with reference to text and using levenshtein distance to build the tree, but it's straightforward to write one in terms of binary strings and hamming distance.
This sounds like a good fit for an S-Tree, which is like a hierarchical inverted file. Good resources on this topic include the following papers:
Hierarchical Bitmap Index: An Efficient and Scalable Indexing Technique for Set-Valued Attributes.
Improved Methods for Signature-Tree Construction (2000)
Quote from the first one:
The hierarchical bitmap index efficiently supports dif-
ferent classes of queries, including subset, superset and similarity queries.
Our experiments show that the hierarchical bitmap index outperforms
other set indexing techniques significantly.
These papers include references to other research that you might find useful, such as M-Trees.
Create a binary tree (specifically a trie) representing each key in your start set in the following way: The root node is the empty word, moving down the tree to the left appends a 0 and moving down the right appends a 1. The tree will only have as many leaves as your start set has elements, so the size should stay manageable.
Now you can do a recursive traversal of this tree, allowing at most n "deviations" from the query key in each recursive line of execution, until you have found all of the nodes in the start set which are within that number of deviations.
I'd go with an inverted index, like a search engine. You've basically got a fixed vocabulary of 64 words. Then similarity is measured by hamming distance, instead of cosine similarity like a search engine would want to use. Constructing the index will be slow, but you ought to be able to query it with normal search enginey speeds.
The book Introduction to Information Retrieval covers the efficient construction, storage, compression and querying of inverted indexes.
"Near-optimal hashing algorithms for approximate nearest neighbor in high dimensions", from 2008, seems to be the best result as of then. I won't try to summarize since I read it over a year ago and it's hairy. That's from a page on locality-sensitive hashing, along with an implementation of an earlier version of the scheme. For more general pointers, read up on nearest neighbor search.
This kind of question has been asked before: Fastest way to find most similar string to an input?
The database/structure can be
preprocessed as much as you like
Well...IF that is true. Then all you need is a similarity matrix of your hamming distances. Make the matrix sparse by pruning out large distances. It doesn't get any faster and not that much of a memory hog.
Well, you could insert all of the neighbor keys along with the original key. That would mean that you store (64 choose k) times as much data, for k differing bits, and it will require that you decide k beforehand. Though you could always extend k by brute force querying neighbors, and this will automatically query the neighbors of your neighbors that you inserted. This also gives you a time-space tradeoff: for example, if you accept a 64 x data blowup and 64 times slower you can get two bits of distance.
I haven't completely thought this through, but I have an idea of where I'd start.
You could divide the search space up into a number of buckets where each bucket has a bucket key and the keys in the bucket are the keys that are more similar to this bucket key than any other bucket key. To create the bucket keys, you could randomly generate 64 bit keys and discard any that are too close to any previously created bucket key, or you could work out some algorithm that generates keys that are all dissimilar enough. To find the closest key to a test key, first find the bucket key that is closest, and then test each key in the bucket. (Actually, it's possible, but not likely, for the closest key to be in another bucket - do you need to find the closest key, or would a very close key be good enough?)
If you're ok with doing it probabilistically, I think there's a good way to solve question 2. I assume you have 2^30 data and cutoff and you want to find all points within cutoff distance from test.
1. Generate randomly a 20-bit subset S of 64 bits
2. Ask for a list of elements that agree with test on S (about 2^10 elements)
3. Sort that list by Hamming distance from test
4. Discard the part of list after cutoff
You repeat One_Try as much as you need while merging the lists. The more tries you have, the more points you find. For example, if x is within 5 bits, you'll find it in one try with about (2/3)^5 = 13% probability. Therefore if you repeat 100 tries you find all but roughly 10^{-6} of such x. Total time: 100*(1000*log 1000).
The main advantage of this is that you're able to output answers to question 2 as you proceed, since after the first few tries you'll certainly find everything within distance not more than 3 bits, etc.
If you have many computers, you give each of them several tries, since they are perfectly parallelizable: each computer saves some hash tables in advance.
Data structures for large sets described here: Detecting Near-Duplicates for Web Crawling
in memory trie: Judy-arrays at
Assuming you have to visit each row to test its value (or if you index on the bitfield then each index entry), then you can write the actual test quite efficiently using
A xor B
To find the difference bits, then bit-count the result, using a technique like this.
This effectively gives you the hamming distance.
Since this can compile down to tens of instructions per test, this can run pretty fast.
If you are okay with a randomized algorithm (monte carlo in this case), you can use the minhash.
If the data weren't so sparse, a graph with keys as the vertices and edges linking 'adjacent' (Hamming distance = 1) nodes would probably be very efficient time-wise. The space would be very large though, so in your case, I don't think it would be a worthwhile tradeoff.
