Deploying React Router application to Subfolder on Server - reactjs

The Problem:
We have our website and we are trying to deploy a react router application to Routing works fine if the user first navigates to and then navigates around the app from there. However, if someone navigates to directly (or via bookmark) they get a 404 even though /home is one of our routes.
What We tried:
In our package.json we have the "homepage": "/react-app/" set. Using BrowserRouter we set the basename prop to /react-app and the app works when deployed except for 404 when navigating directly to a nested route. We have heard that HashRouter can be useful in this situation, however, when we use HashRouter we are getting instead of
How can we configure this to allow users to navigate directly to nested routes in our React Router application deployed to a the /react-app Subfolder on our server?
React: 17.0.2, React-Router-Dom: 5.2.0

I think the problem must be not connected with React. Your React app is configured right. Check the configuration of your web server. Your webserver must return index.html with React application when the user navigates to any page.


Directing to nested URL with react router from server

I am building an app with django3.2 and React 17 using react-router-dom 6.
My react app is served at
And if I navigate within the app to I get the form, however, if I input the url directly into the browser I am taken to a blank page.
In my django.urls, I have a catch all that should send the path down to my react app, and in local development it works great.
urlpatterns = [
re_path(r'^(?:.*)/?$', homepage),
PROBLEM: In production I am taken to a blank page.
I suspect it has to do with relative paths in production. I've followed these questions:
Django static file serving in conflict with React Router
React router not loading dynamic url in production
And so far have tried:
Adding "homepage": "" to my package.json.
Adding <base href="/" /> to index.html
Adding "homepage": "." to package.json
But so far nothing has worked, and I need this feature, particularly for email verification. Happy to clarify anything or share front end code.

React router not loading dynamic url in production

I have a url with paramenters in my react routes.
I can access the route via {Link} from react router dom as shown below. The page loads upon button click.
However when I refresh the page or try to access the URL via the address bar, I get a blank page and this error message
It works fine locally but the blank page comes up in production. I am hosting the website on heroku.
The best way to handle it is to add a base tag in your index.html.
<base href="/" />
I fixed the problem using the solution in the link below. I initially set my homepage to "." in my package.json and eventually changed it to my app domain

React Routing +URL Rewrite +IIS+ component match

Using URL Rewrite works fine and navigates to index.html. But how to navigate to the exact component. Redirecting to index.html will show my home page. what if i have multiple components and i want to match the exact component as well?
Is it possible to host a react app in IIS and to do URL rewrite?
Is your app in the root directory your the IIS Site? I have http://myserver:5999/abc/123 working (where abc and 123 are my route params).

Code is deployed, but page is blank-Deploy a react app which was created using create react app on nginx and github pages

I tried to deploy my react app which was created using create react app to,
2.github pages
In both instances, only the react app logo and the title is visible in the tab but nothing appears in the body of the page. (The page is blank even though the code is deployed)
Does anyone know why this happens?
This is caused if you have used the Browser Router in your react project.
Both GitHub Pages and nginx serve your app from a non-root folder (i.e. as opposed to from a root folder (i.e. React Router does not consider your app's URL as a match for any of the routes defined in your app.
For example, if you define a route using <Route exact path="/" component={SomeComponent} />, React Router will see that / and /repo-name/ do not match exactly and will, thus, not render the component.
To overcome this error use base name prop in the BrowserRouter and name it according to the non-root folder name.
example:- if your app is served inside a folder named "folder1" in your server, do as follows.
Hope my answer helps someone struggling with the same issue.cheers! #iii #R2B

Nginx 404 on page reload on Cloud Foundry

I've deployed a React application to our internal cloud at my company. It works with Cloud Foundry. The app works really well, but there's one problem. Whenever I refresh the application and the URL isn't pointing to the root, for example, I get a Error 404 from Nginx.
What I'm using:
The App is a simple React application. No special modules installed beside React Router V4. The Code is pretty simple, I'm using the BrowserRouter, as a child the application. There are only 3 components that ar simply routed with <Link To=.../> and <Route path={.../> ... as said, pretty basic.
What I've tried so far:
I have added a Staticfile in the root directory with pushstate: enabled as stated in the Cloud Foundry documentation.
I just found the answer by myself. I'll post it here for future users:
My manifest.yml file had the following content:
path: build/
You simply have to put the Staticfile inside the build/ folder from react and not in the project root. Also be careful, the Staticfile gets deleted everytime you build the project.
Serve index.html for all request and then the react router will manage all the routing.
If you however have endpoints or some backend routes you need to access, just make exception for these routes and serve index.html for everything else.
