Web Api do not support authorization_code grant type:oauth2-resource-server and oauth2-client in single app as web_application_and_resource_server - azure-active-directory

I am trying to configure spring-boot-starter-oauth2-resource-server and spring-boot-starter-oauth2-client in a single app as web_application_and_resource_server. After following these instructions I have the following error:
Error: Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Web Api do not support authorization_code grant type. id = graph.
I am unsure how to configure the properties for the resource server, I tried the properties below:
# Specifies your App Registration's Application ID:
# Specifies your App Registration's secret key:
azure.activedirectory.application-type = web_application_and_resource_server
How does the configuration apply to resource server?
With above configuration I receive an error webapi cant accept authorisation code as a granttype which is true.
Is there any specific configuration required at AZure Ad level?
All APIs are within the spring boot application itself. I just need all APIs to be authenticated using the token.


Delete document from CosmosDB using Azure Data Factory

My Azure Data Factory has private endpoint connection to CosmosDB and authenticates using System Assigned Managed Identity. The goal is to delete document from CosmosDB using https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/cosmos-db/delete-a-document called from web activity.
I created web activity in Data Factory and put the required headers following those documents
DELETE web activity:
I am using Azure Cosmos DB RBAC so my authorization header looks like this:
To get a token I was following this post
but I don't know where can I get the client_secret. I found my ADF in AAD under enterprise application so I guess client_id is application Id but there is no client secret to be found there.
get token web activity:
First obvious question is where can I find this client_secret?
The second one is why is this token needed at all? Why can't it just use managed identity for authenticating the request?
Where can I find this client_secret?
Go to azure active directory -> Inside mange go to app registration(if you not created a app registration create it ) -> Go to registered app -> Certificate & Secretes.
Why is this token needed at all? why can't it just use managed identity for authenticating the request?
Managed identities are a way to simplify the authentication process for applications running in Azure, but they do not apply to all scenarios when calling external APIs that require authentication. In these cases, you need to obtain an access token from Azure AD using a client secret.
I reproduce same thing in my environment. Follow below approach.
Scope : https://cosmos.azure.com/.default
Body: grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=<client_id>&client_secret=<client_secret>&scope=scope : https://cosmos.azure.com/.default
After execution of web1 activity you will get like this bearer token:
Inside Web2 activity provide valid URL as per below syntax:
Add dynamic content at header part as shown in the image:
Authorization: Bearer #{activity('Web1').output.access_token}

SharePoint API: Can't authenticate 'Sites.FullControl.All' in client_credential flow

I've have an App that would like to access SharePoint API.
I've registered it in AD, and gave it the following permissions:
But when I ask it to be authenticated with the following scopes
- https://graph.microsoft.com/User.Read.All
- https://graph.microsoft.com/Group.Read.All
- https://graph.microsoft.com/Sites.Read.All
- https://graph.microsoft.com/Calendars.Read.Shared
- https://graph.microsoft.com/MailboxSettings.Read
- https://graph.microsoft.com/Files.Read.All
- https://graph.microsoft.com/Directory.Read.All
- https://graph.microsoft.com/AuditLog.Read.All
- https://graph.microsoft.com/AuditLog.Read.All
- offline_access
- https://manage.office.com/ActivityFeed.Read
- https://microsoft.sharepoint-df.com/Sites.FullControl.All
- https://microsoft.sharepoint-df.com/Sites.Read.All
- https://microsoft.sharepoint-df.com/User.Read.All
I get this error:
enter code here`The application 'XXX' asked for scope
'Sites.FullControl.All' that doesn't exist on the resource
Contact the app vendor.
What does this mean that it that doesn't exist on the resource?
With all the other scopes (except SharePoint's) it all works fine
Looks like the Sites.FullControl.All has moved to the Graph API section but trying to add it in the Azure portal results in a different error saying that permission is not currently supported (see on screenshot below).
In my test application, I succeeded using AllSites.FullControl (AllSites as a single word, no periods) and then listing all sites on SharePoint Online tenant with MSAL for .NET.
var app = PublicClientApplicationBuilder.Create(MyAppId)
.WithAuthority("https://login.microsoftonline.com/common", false)
return await app
.AcquireTokenInteractive(new string[] { "https://tenantxx.sharepoint.com/.default" })
.WithParentActivityOrWindow(parentWindow) // optional, used to center the browser on the window
API Permissions in the Azure portal:
I ran into this same thing. It took a while but this was my clue: How to Access Sharepoint Online API with v1 Azure AD Application and Client Credentials
Using client secret, I could get a token but it would fail. Using a certificate, I was able to successfully authenticate.

Swaggerbuckle with AAD --Error AADSTS500013: Resource identifier is not provided

I'm trying to use AzureAD to get a token in swagger and test my .netCore2.1 API with it.(using Swashbuckle.AspNetCore 4.0.1)
To do this I completed the following steps
1. Created a Web API project(asp.net Core2.1)
2. Register an Azure AD (AAD) app for the Web API
3. Updated the Web API project to use Azure AD authentication
4. Register an AAD app for the Swagger web site https://localhost:5001/swagger
5. Granted permissions for the Swagger AAD app to access the Web API AAD app
6. Generated a Client Secret for the Swagger AAD app
7. Enabled OAuth2 implicit flow on the Swagger AAD app
8. Added Swagger to the Web API project
When I authenticate, I am getting the following error.
Error AADSTS500013: Resource identifier is not provided .
When I click authorize
I am getting error AADSTS500013: Resource identifier is not provided.
My WebAPI project's startup.cs file goes here
Please help me understand which resource Identifier I am missing here or how to resolve this error.
Or any pointers on how to use Swaggerbuckle with ASP.NET Core webAPI, especially with AAD authenticated WebAPI ?
I copied my webAPI's APPID URI from azure portal. ie Dashboard>>Microsoft - App registrations>>MY_API_APP>>Settings>>Properties>>App ID URI
But I am still getting the same error when I try to authenticate
Error AADSTS500013: Resource identifier is not provided
Usually resource identifier which uniquely identifies your application. You can easily found your resource Identifier Like below:
When logged into the Azure portal, Azure Active Directory > App Registrations > [App Name] > Settings> Properties, then it's the App ID URI
See the screen shot:
In the orignal OAuth 2.0 specification, there is no resource parameter in the authorization request. It use scope parameter. The authorization and token endpoints allow the client to specify the scope of the access request using the "scope" request parameter.
As document explains, when Azure AD implement the OAuth 2.0(1.0 endpoint), the resource is used to specify the access_token you request for which resource. And the Azure AD will issue the token which the scp based on the permission you config on the portal for the resource.
And in the v2.0 endpoint, the Azure AD also use the scope to support the dynamic permission request. More detail you can have a look here.
Usual Reason for Error
Make sure you have configured below steps accordingly.
Like below:
Application Manifest
Reply URI
Request Endpoint
For V1.0 refer this URI https://login.microsoft.com//oauth2/authorize
For V2.0 refer this URI https://login.microsoft.com//oauth2/v2.0/authorize
Application Consent
Need to confirm your application required resource access permission you could refer here
I believe this step can lead you to sort out your problem.
With Azure AD V1.0 app you need set resource to identify which api you want to access during the authentication&access token requests :
Code flow :
Implicit flow :
In Swashbuckle.AspNetCore 4.0.1 , you need to config the resource as parameter if you want to get access token for accessing your web api :
app.UseSwaggerUI(options =>
options.SwaggerEndpoint("/swagger/v1/swagger.json", "MySite API V1");
options.OAuthAppName("Swagger Api Calls");
// add resource
options.OAuthAdditionalQueryStringParams(new Dictionary<string, string>() { { "resource", "f479db30-9b62-431b-98c2-bcaae52203cf" } });
For us Nan Yu's response got us one step closer.
We added the resource in the AdditionalQuerystringParams like so:
options.OAuthAdditionalQueryStringParams(new Dictionary<string, string>() { { "resource", "{ResourceIDHere}" } });
We are now able to get passed the Auth step in Swagger, but trying routes out doesn't seem to pass the token to the api called and so we get a 401 Error.
change { "scope", API_AppID_URI} to { "resource", API_AppID_URI}

Get SharePoint Office 365 data using Client Id

I am accessing SharePoint online list data using the following code but i get the following error.
The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden.
The web forms application is running in Azure and uses Azure authentication. I would like to use the same credentials for authentication
string siteUrl = "[url]";
string aadAppId = "[appid]";
string clientSecret = "[redacted]";
OfficeDevPnP.Core.AuthenticationManager authManager = new OfficeDevPnP.Core.AuthenticationManager();
ClientContext context = authManager.GetAzureADNativeApplicationAuthenticatedContext(siteUrl, aadAppId, appurl, null, AzureEnvironment.Production);
if (context != null)
Web web = context.Web;
I do not want to access the SharePoint using the user credentials.
I have enabled AAD Azure authentication on the web app. The web app authenticates with Azure credentials.
On the CORS setting i have also set the Domain Url to "https://domainname.sharepoint.com";
In the manage permissions section of AAD app I have given the app Permission to read and write sharepoint list and web data.
You example is attempting to retrieve a token as a native client application, which is an app that cannot keep a secret and cannot authenticate by itself. (That's why you'll notice you never use clientSecret.)
If you want to use OfficePnP, you can try one of the AuthenticationManager.GetAzureADAppOnlyAuthenticatedContext methods to authenticate in the app-only context. Note that they all require a certificate for authentication, rather than a secret.

Trying to use Converged Microsoft Account and Azure AD with mod_auth_openidc

After reading the following article:
I tried to implement an OpenID Connect/Oauth code flow per the documentation at:
I'm using mod_auth_openidc as my Relying Party (that I have working with both Google and my own OpenID Provider.
I've registered my app at https://apps.dev.microsoft.com, and gone through all the steps. I get the login screen at microsoft, then the permissions screen and when it redirects back to my site and hits mod_auth_openidc, I get an error that says:
The OpenID Connect Provider returned an error: Error in handling response type.
In my Apache Error logs I get:
oidc_proto_validate_code_response: requested flow is "code" but no "access_token" parameter found in the code response, referer: https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?response_type=code&scope=openid&client_id=xxx&state=yyy&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fdst-dev.mydomain.com%2Foauth2callback&nonce=zzz
oidc_proto_resolve_code_and_validate_response: code response validation failed,
What I'm trying to figure out is where the problem lies. Is there an issue with what Microsoft is sending mod_auth_openidc, or is there a bug or configuration issue on the mod_auth_openidc side?
The example at MS webpages uses a different response mode and response type in the authentication request:
both are supported by mod_auth_openidc so you could apply something similar by including:
OIDCResponseType id_token
OIDCResponseMode form_post
in the Apache configuration or using the associated primitives in the .conf file for Microsoft when using multiple providers.
