removing Buttons when exporting to PDF - commandbutton

I am trying to remove or hide the 4 commandbuttons when exporting to PDF. The way I do it works for the first time exporting but if I export the same file again, I'll get an error referring to this line: Me.CommandButton3.Select even though all buttons are back. Is there a better way of hiding without having to delete them? I dont have printobject under properties as suggested on the internet. I should add, I still have other macros like a publish_date I do not wanna remove.
Also, I realized those commandbuttons arent saved as shapes, so trying to hide shapes didnt work either. But what about linking them to shapes and making the other shapes go into the fore and background when saving to PDF? would that work?!
Another idea was perhaps something like this:
Dim s As Shape
For Each s In ActiveDocument.Shapes
If s.Type = msoFormControl Then
If s.Type = wdButtonControl Then
End If
End If
Next s
It isnt working and I need the buttons back after exporting. Below my code with deleting the buttons, getting them back, but also getting an error with commandbutton 3 not working anymore, which is saving the file as .docm:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Const FilePath As String = "//SRVDC\Arbeitsordner\Intern\Meetings\Finale Versionen\"
Const OrigFileName As String = "20210910_Besprechungsnotizen_00_"
Dim Title As String: Title = "Besprechungsnotizen"
Dim newTitle As String
Dim MyDate As String: MyDate = Format(Date, "YYYYMMDD")
Dim User As String
Dim Version As String
If Split(ActiveDocument.Name, ".")(0) = OrigFileName Then
'file has not been resaved
'file has been saved before so extract data from filename
Dim nameElements As Variant
nameElements = Split(Split(ActiveDocument.Name, ".")(0), "_")
User = nameElements(UBound(nameElements))
Version = nameElements(UBound(nameElements) - 1)
Title = nameElements(UBound(nameElements) - 3)
End If
If User = "" Then
User = InputBox("Wer erstellt? (Name in Firmenkurzform)")
newTitle = MsgBox("Anderer Titel?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2, "Titel")
If newTitle = vbYes Then
Title = InputBox("Wie soll der Titel sein?")
End If
Version = "0"
newVersion = MsgBox("Neue Version?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2, "Neue Version")
If newVersion = vbYes Then
Dim currentUser As String
currentUser = InputBox("Wer bearbeitet? (Name in Firmenkurzform)")
If currentUser = User Then
User = User & currentUser
End If
Version = Format$(Version + 1)
Version = Format$(Version)
End If
End If
ActiveDocument.ExportAsFixedFormat OutputFileName:=FilePath & _
MyDate & "_" & Title & "_i_0" & Version & "_" & User & ".pdf", _
ExportFormat:=wdExportFormatPDF, _
OpenAfterExport:=False, _
OptimizeFor:=wdExportOptimizeForPrint, _
Range:=wdExportAllDocument, _
IncludeDocProps:=True, _
CreateBookmarks:=wdExportCreateWordBookmarks, _
End Sub

Ok I found a solution that works with a few tricks. So I added 4 rectangle shapes and I only wanna make 3 disappear while saving as PDF. It works when I wrap 3 of those shapes behind the text (or buttons) and add
With ActiveDocument
.Shapes(1).WrapFormat.Type = wdWrapFront
ActiveDocument.ExportAsFixedFormat OutputFileName:=FilePath & ...
.Shapes(1).WrapFormat.Type = wdWrapBehind
End With
Somehow it does put those 3 in front of the text and only puts those three behind the text again and leaving the 4th rectangle permanent in front of another text. Just as I want it. Below my entire code:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Const FilePath As String = "//SRVDC\Arbeitsordner\Intern\Meetings\Finale
Const OrigFileName As String = "20210910_Besprechungsnotizen_00_"
Dim Title As String: Title = "Besprechungsnotizen"
Dim newTitle As String
Dim MyDate As String: MyDate = Format(Date, "YYYYMMDD")
Dim User As String
Dim Version As String
If Split(ActiveDocument.Name, ".")(0) = OrigFileName Then
'file has not been resaved
'file has been saved before so extract data from filename
Dim nameElements As Variant
nameElements = Split(Split(ActiveDocument.Name, ".")(0), "_")
User = nameElements(UBound(nameElements))
Version = nameElements(UBound(nameElements) - 1)
Title = nameElements(UBound(nameElements) - 3)
End If
If User = "" Then
User = InputBox("Wer erstellt? (Name in Firmenkurzform)")
newTitle = MsgBox("Anderer Titel?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2, "Titel")
If newTitle = vbYes Then
Title = InputBox("Wie soll der Titel sein?")
End If
Version = "0"
newVersion = MsgBox("Neue Version?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2, "Neue Version")
If newVersion = vbYes Then
Dim currentUser As String
currentUser = InputBox("Wer bearbeitet? (Name in Firmenkurzform)")
If currentUser = User Then
User = User & currentUser
End If
Version = Format$(Version + 1)
Version = Format$(Version)
End If
End If
With ActiveDocument
.Shapes(1).WrapFormat.Type = wdWrapFront
ActiveDocument.ExportAsFixedFormat OutputFileName:=FilePath & _
MyDate & "_" & Title & "_i_0" & Version & "_" & User & ".pdf", _
ExportFormat:=wdExportFormatPDF, _
OpenAfterExport:=False, _
OptimizeFor:=wdExportOptimizeForPrint, _
Range:=wdExportAllDocument, _
IncludeDocProps:=True, _
CreateBookmarks:=wdExportCreateWordBookmarks, _
.Shapes(1).WrapFormat.Type = wdWrapBehind
End With
End Sub


Best way to interpret HTML Response and paste on Worksheet

I have a URL that returns a ton of information that I need to break apart into rows/columns etc.
So far I have been able to get the .responsetext and then use Split to break it down, but I'm wondering best approach for getting this data onto spreadsheet as I'm about to do more "Split" and I feel like there is a better way using perhaps Arrays?
Sub TEstHTML()
Dim URLStr As String
URLStr = "PrivateURL"
'< VBE > Tools > References > Microsoft Scripting Runtime & Microsoft XML, V6.0
Dim table As MSHTML.HTMLTable
Dim tableCells As MSHTML.IHTMLElementCollection
Set xhr = New MSXML2.XMLHTTP60
With xhr
.Open "GET", URLStr, False
If .readyState = 4 And .status = 200 Then
Set doc = New MSHTML.HTMLDocument
doc.body.innerHTML = .responseText
Debug.Print doc.body.innerHTML
Debug.Print "Error" & vbNewLine & "Ready state: " & .readyState & vbNewLine & "HTTP request status: " & .status
End If
End With
Dim SplitArr() As String
SplitArr = Split(doc.body.innerHTML, "{")
Debug.Print SplitArr(1)
End Sub
The page sends back a lot of data formatted like so:
Which the Split function returns:
I need to turn this into Colum Headers ClientCode & ClientName & ContractNumber and then paste the values one SplitArr(i) at a time. Note there are many column headers I'd like this to not be hardcoded ideally, but if needed I can make the column headers and then paste information somehow.
I'm not sure if I'm doing it wrong, or this data is/isn't JSON but this tool works great. I did have to make a function to "clean" the strings though. Here is what I ended up with..
Sub Testing()
Dim URLStr As String
URLStr = "URL"
Set HTMLDoc = New MSHTML.HTMLDocument
Set HTMLDoc = Get_HTMLDocument(URLStr)
Dim HTMLDocStr As String
HTMLDocStr = HTMLDoc.body.innerHTML
HTMLDocStr = ConvertToJsonClear(HTMLDocStr)
Dim SplitArr() As String, Parsed As Dictionary, k, l As Long
SplitArr = Split(HTMLDocStr, "{")
For X = 1 To UBound(SplitArr) Step 1
l = 0
HTMLDocStr = ConvertToJsonClear(SplitArr(X))
Set Parsed = JsonConverter.ParseJson(HTMLDocStr)
For Each k In Parsed.Keys
l = l + 1
If X = 1 Then
Cells(1, l).Value = k
End If
Cells(X + 1, l).Value = Parsed(k)
'Debug.Print k & " = "; Parsed(k)
Next X
End Sub
Public Function ConvertToJsonClear(JSonStr As String) As String
JSonStr = JsonConverter.ConvertToJson(JSonStr)
JSonStr = Replace(JSonStr, "[", "")
JSonStr = Replace(JSonStr, "]", "")
JSonStr = Replace(JSonStr, "\", "")
If Left(JSonStr, 1) = Chr(34) Then
JSonStr = Right(JSonStr, Len(JSonStr) - 1)
End If
If Left(JSonStr, 1) <> "{" Then
JSonStr = "{" & JSonStr
End If
If Right(JSonStr, 3) = "},""" Then
'Debug.Print Right(JSonStr, 3)
JSonStr = Left(JSonStr, Len(JSonStr) - 2) & Chr(34)
End If
If Right(JSonStr, 1) = "," Then
JSonStr = Left(JSonStr, Len(JSonStr) - 1)
End If
ConvertToJsonClear = JSonStr
'Debug.Print ConvertToJsonClear
End Function
I don't have my real data in front of me, but I tackled this a home with a homemade TestStr. The VBA-JSON parser linked in OP Comments by #TimWilliams worked great with a bit of string manipulation. I'll have to play around with real data and perhaps clean it up, but this works for now!
Public Sub JsonTest()
Dim TestStr As String, SplitArr() As String, k, I As Long
TestStr = "{""CC"":""TestA"",""DD"":""RESA"",""ZZ"":""RESAA""},{""CC"":""TestB"",""DD"":""RESB"",""ZZ"":""RESBB""}"
SplitArr = Split(TestStr, "{")
For I = 1 To UBound(SplitArr) Step 1
TestStr = JsonConverter.ConvertToJson("{" & SplitArr(I))
TestStr = Left(TestStr, Len(TestStr) - 1)
TestStr = Right(TestStr, Len(TestStr) - 1)
TestStr = Replace(TestStr, "\", "")
'Debug.Print TestStr
Set Parsed = JsonConverter.ParseJson(TestStr)
For Each k In Parsed.Keys
Debug.Print k & " = " & Parsed(k)
End Sub

Remove delimiters from Join() Function in EXcel VBA

I am a novice programmer and I'm building a form via VBA for excel where the user will input employee's time sheet and their initials via 16 text box's in the form. The text boxes data are stored to a string array. The code is:
Dim initials(15) As String
initials(0) = TB_Initials_1
initials(1) = TB_Initials_2
initials(2) = TB_Initials_3
initials(15) = TB_Initials_15
After using the find function and referencing some data from a one excel sheet, I use
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Value = Join(initials, ".")
to output the following
"" to the active cell in a different excel sheet, (I only entered 2 of the 16 input boxes, hence there's two initials. JS.RS
The trailing .............. is what I want to remove. this will be imported into a Database later via the excel sheet.
How can I remove the xtras ".........'s at the end of the string? I have tried the "Trim()" function, but that does not work in my case. Everything i've tried online does not seem to work either or is referencing items from a work book, not a text box.
Any help is appreciated.
The entire code is below:
Option Explicit
'Variable declaration
Dim startTime(15), endTime(15), ST_Finish_Date As Date
Dim totalmin(15), Total_min, Total_Cost, Rate(15), Line_cost(15), Cost_Per_Part As String
Dim initials(15) As String
Dim i, ii As Integer
Dim Found_ini(15) As Range
Dim Found As Range 'returned value from find
Dim TBtraveller_value As String 'text box traveller value
Dim Found2 As Range 'store part code range
Dim TBDESC As Range ' Returned value from 2nd search
Dim BL_Find_Check As Boolean
Private Sub CB_Write_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Close_Form_Click()
Unload Traveller_Entry
End Sub
'still need to make this for every start / stop time text box.
Private Sub TB_Time_Start_1_BeforeUpdate(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Dim myvar As String
If Not Me.TB_Time_Start_1 Like "??:??" Then
MsgBox "Please use format 'HH:MM'"
Cancel = True
Exit Sub
End If
myvar = Format(Me.TB_Time_Start_1, "hh:mm")
Me.TB_Time_Start_1 = myvar
End Sub
Public Sub travellerNUM_TextBox_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Workbooks("Traveller entryxlsm.xlsm").Activate
TBtraveller_value = travellerNUM_TextBox.Value
If TBtraveller_value = "" Then
MsgBox ("Enter a Shop Traveller Number!")
Exit Sub
TBtraveller_value = travellerNUM_TextBox.Value
Set Found = Sheets("woss").Range("A:A").Find(what:=TBtraveller_value, lookat:=xlWhole)
If Found Is Nothing Then
MsgBox (TBtraveller_value & " Not Found!")
Exit Sub
Part_Code_BOX.Value = Found.Offset(0, 1) 'enters the info into the Part Code Box.
Set Found2 = Found.Offset(0, 1)
End If
If Part_Code_BOX = "" Then
MsgBox ("Traveller number " & TBtraveller_value & " has no part code associated with it." & vbCrLf & "Check Work Order Spread Sheet is FULLY Complete.")
BL_Find_Check = True
Exit Sub
End If
Set TBDESC = Sheets("ProductList").Range("B:B").Find(what:=Found2, lookat:=xlPart)
If TBDESC Is Nothing Then
MsgBox (" Dscription Not Found!")
Desc_Box = TBDESC.Offset(0, 1) 'enters the description into the description Box.
FinishDate_Box = Found.Offset(0, 8) 'enters the finish date into the finish date Box.
Employee = Found.Offset(0, 2) 'enters the Employee name into the employee name Box.
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Sub CB_POST_Click()
On Error Resume Next
startTime(0) = TB_Time_Start_1.Value
startTime(1) = TB_Time_Start_2.Value
startTime(2) = TB_Time_Start_3.Value
startTime(3) = TB_Time_Start_4.Value
startTime(4) = TB_Time_Start_5.Value
startTime(5) = TB_Time_Start_6.Value
startTime(6) = TB_Time_Start_7.Value
startTime(7) = TB_Time_Start_8.Value
startTime(8) = TB_Time_Start_9.Value
startTime(9) = TB_Time_Start_10.Value
startTime(10) = TB_Time_Start_11.Value
startTime(11) = TB_Time_Start_12.Value
startTime(12) = TB_Time_Start_13.Value
startTime(13) = TB_Time_Start_14.Value
startTime(14) = TB_Time_Start_15.Value
startTime(15) = TB_Time_Start_16.Value
endTime(0) = TB_Time_Stop_1.Value
endTime(1) = TB_Time_Stop_2.Value
endTime(2) = TB_Time_Stop_3.Value
endTime(3) = TB_Time_Stop_4.Value
endTime(4) = TB_Time_Stop_5.Value
endTime(5) = TB_Time_Stop_6.Value
endTime(6) = TB_Time_Stop_7.Value
endTime(7) = TB_Time_Stop_8.Value
endTime(8) = TB_Time_Stop_9.Value
endTime(9) = TB_Time_Stop_10.Value
endTime(10) = TB_Time_Stop_11.Value
endTime(11) = TB_Time_Stop_12.Value
endTime(12) = TB_Time_Stop_13.Value
endTime(13) = TB_Time_Stop_14.Value
endTime(14) = TB_Time_Stop_15.Value
endTime(15) = TB_Time_Stop_16.Value
initials(0) = TB_Initials_1
initials(1) = TB_Initials_2
initials(2) = TB_Initials_3
initials(3) = TB_Initials_4
initials(4) = TB_Initials_5
initials(5) = TB_Initials_6
initials(6) = TB_Initials_7
initials(7) = TB_Initials_8
initials(8) = TB_Initials_9
initials(9) = TB_Initials_10
initials(10) = TB_Initials_11
initials(11) = TB_Initials_12
initials(12) = TB_Initials_13
initials(13) = TB_Initials_14
initials(14) = TB_Initials_15
initials(15) = TB_Initials_16
For i = LBound(initials) To UBound(initials)
Set Found_ini(i) = Sheets("rate").Range("B:B").Find(what:=initials(i), lookat:=xlWhole)
Rate(i) = Found_ini(i).Offset(0, 1) 'finds rate for given initials
totalmin(i) = DateDiff("N", startTime(i), endTime(i))
If Found_ini(i) Is Nothing Then
MsgBox (initials(i) & " Not Found! Update Employee Database.")
Exit Sub
'If IsEmpty(Found_ini(i)) = False And IsEmpty(startTime(i)) = True And IsEmpty(endTime(i)) = True Then
'MsgBox "Enter Some Initials, None Found"
Exit Sub
End If
For ii = LBound(totalmin) To UBound(totalmin)
Line_cost(ii) = totalmin(ii) / 60 * Rate(ii)
Total_min = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(totalmin)
Total_Cost = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Line_cost)
Cost_Per_Part = Total_Cost / TextBOX_QTYBUILT
If Total_min = 0 Then
MsgBox (" Enter Some Time!")
ElseIf Total_min < 0 Then
MsgBox ("Time is NEGATIVE. Check Entered Times.")
End If
If BL_Find_Check = False Then
MsgBox "The number of minutes between two Times : " & Total_min & vbNewLine & "total cost: " & Total_Cost _
& vbNewLine & "cost Per Part " & Cost_Per_Part, vbInformation, "Minutes Between Two Times"
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0).Value = FinishDate_Box 'Traveller finish Date
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = TBtraveller_value 'Traveller Number
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Value = Join(initials, ".") 'Traveller Employee Given to
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3).Value = Part_Code_BOX.Value ' part number
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 4).Value = Total_Cost ' traveller total cost
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 5).Value = Cost_Per_Part 'Traveller cost per part
End If
End Sub
Sub create_csv()
Dim FileName As String
Dim PathName As String
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("test")
FileName = "CSV_Output_R1.csv"
PathName = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs FileName:=PathName & "\" & FileName, _
FileFormat:=xlCSV, CreateBackup:=False
End Sub
Thank you,
You can use WorksheetFunction.TextJoin() in Excel2019+ in one string:
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Value = WorksheetFunction.TextJoin(".", True, initials)
A small example for comparison:
Sub test1()
Dim arr(1 To 15)
For i = 1 To 15
arr(i) = IIf(Rnd() > 0.7, "TXT", "")
Debug.Print "With Join(): " & Join(arr, ".")
Debug.Print "With TextJoin(): " & WorksheetFunction.TextJoin(".", True, arr)
End Sub
With Join(): ..TXT........TXT..TXT..
With TextJoin(): TXT.TXT.TXT
Here is a function that I just made to trim empty elements off the end of your array:
Function TrimArray(ByRef StringArray() As String) As String()
'This function removes trailing empty elements from arrays
'Searching from the last element backwards until a non-blank is found
Dim i As Long
For i = UBound(StringArray) To LBound(StringArray) Step -1
If StringArray(i) <> "" Then Exit For
Next i
If i < LBound(StringArray) Then i = LBound(StringArray)
'Creating an array with the correct size to hold the non-blank elements
Dim OutArr() As String
OutArr = StringArray
ReDim Preserve OutArr(LBound(StringArray) To i)
TrimArray = OutArr
End Function
You would use it like so:
Dim Output() As String
Output = TrimArray(initials)
MsgBox Join(Output, ".") & "."
You could build it like this instead of using Join():
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Value = initials(0)
For Counter = 1 To 15
If initials(Counter) <> "" Then
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Value + "." + initials(Counter)
End If
Next Counter

How to get pre-selected combo box value from combo box?

Here as you can see I'm not using combox_click because it is declared above and the current one is another function to be called without clicking, here my question is how do I get the pre-selected value from the combo box without clicking on the box?
Public Sub ComDep_Change()
Dim sQuery As String
Dim oRS As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim rsPR As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim dateFormat As String
Dim sPONO As String
Dim sPOAmt As String
'oRS.Open "po_receiveable", PRCnn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
combVal = ComDep.List(ComDep.ListIndex)
If Not combVal = "ALL_DEPT" And frmMain.OptLatestCN.Value = True Then
'MsgBox ("Works")
dateFormat = "#" + CStr(Day(Now)) + "/" + CStr(Month(Now)) + "/" + CStr(Year(Now) - 3) + "#"
sQuery = "select * from CN_Request_Header where dept = '" & combVal & "' and requestdate >= " & dateFormat & ""
' sQuery = "Select PO_No, PO_Requestor, PO_Req_Dept, PO_Status, PO_Approval_M, PO_Approval_GM, PO_Approval_D, PO_HRApproval, VC_No, TH_Sup_Inv, PO_HR_Rmk, PO_Req_Date, PO_SupplierName, PO_OverallAmt from PR_INFO where PO_Req_Dept = '" & combVal & "'"
' MsgBox ("Result" & sQuery)
rsPR.Open sQuery, PRCnn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
Do While Not rsPR.EOF
Set listitem = frmMain.lvwCreditNote.ListItems.Add
With listitem
.Text = CStr(Trim(rsPR!requestID))
.SubItems(1) = Trim(rsPR!requestID)
.SubItems(2) = Format(CStr(rsPR!requestdate), "dd-mmm-yy")
.SubItems(3) = Trim(rsPR!createby)
.SubItems(4) = Trim(rsPR!dept)
.SubItems(5) = Trim(rsPR!reqstatus)
If IsNull(rsPR!custName) Then
.SubItems(6) = ""
.SubItems(6) = Trim(rsPR!custName)
End If
If IsNull(rsPR!cnamt) Then
.SubItems(7) = "0.00"
.SubItems(7) = Format(rsPR!cnamt, "#,###,##0.00")
End If
You would get the currently SELECTED element in a combobox
by using the SELECTEDINDEX Property
If nothing is selected then you get the value -1 returned to you.
If something is selected it will be in the range 0 to Combox.Count - 1
To get the text for the selected item
You could use something like...
Dim SelIndex as Integer
Dim SelText As String
SelIndex = MyCombobox.SelectedIndex
If (SelIndex >= 0) AND (SelIndex <= MyCombobox.Count - 1) Then
SelText = MyCombobox.List(Index)
'Nothing was selected in the combobox
End If

Adding Outlook Calendar item to a Public Folder from Access 2010

I am trying to add a calendar appointment from Access 2010 to an Outlook public calendar. I have found several ways to do this, but can't seem to get it to work with my code. One thing that may be the problem is that I don't understand what the code is doing when it's setting up the folder to save to. Here is my code that save to my Outlook calendar. How do I get it to save to a public Outlook calendar called janettest?
Private Sub Command60_Click()
' Exit the procedure if appointment has been added to Outlook.
If Me.chkAddedToOutlook = True Then
MsgBox "This appointment has already added to Microsoft Outlook.", vbCritical
Exit Sub
' Use late binding to avoid the "Reference" issue
Dim olApp As Object 'Outlook.Application
Dim olAppt As Object 'olAppointmentItem
Dim dteTempEnd As Date
Dim dteStartDate As Date
Dim dteEndDate As Date
If isAppThere("Outlook.Application") = False Then
' Outlook is not open, create a new instance
Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
' Outlook is already open--use this method
Set olApp = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")
End If
Set olAppt = olApp.CreateItem(1) ' 1 = olAppointmentItem
With olAppt
If Nz(Me.AllDay_YesNo) = True Then
.Alldayevent = True
' Get the Start and the End Dates
dteStartDate = CDate(FormatDateTime(Me.TxtBeginDate, vbShortDate)) ' Begining Date
dteTempEnd = CDate(FormatDateTime(Me.txtEndDate, vbShortDate)) ' End Date
' Add one day to dteEndDate so Outlook will set the number of days correctly
dteEndDate = DateSerial(Year(dteTempEnd + 1), Month(dteTempEnd + 1), Day(dteTempEnd + 1))
.Start = dteStartDate
.End = dteEndDate
.Alldayevent = False
If (Me.TxtBeginDate = Me.txtEndDate) Then
' Set the Start Property Value
.Start = CDate(FormatDateTime(Me.TxtBeginDate, vbShortDate) _
& " " & FormatDateTime(Me.txtStartTime, vbShortTime))
' Set the End Property Value
.End = CDate(FormatDateTime(Me.txtEndDate, vbShortDate) _
& " " & FormatDateTime(Me.txtEndTime, vbShortTime))
' Get the Start and the End Dates
dteStartDate = CDate(FormatDateTime(Me.TxtBeginDate, vbShortDate))
dteEndDate = CDate(FormatDateTime(Me.txtEndDate, vbShortDate))
' Add one day to dteEndDate so Outlook will set the number of days correctly
.Start = dteStartDate
.End = dteEndDate + 1
End If
End If
If Len(Me.Employee & vbNullString) > 0 Then
Dim vname, vname2, vdesc As String
vname = DLookup("FirstName", "tblEmployees", "EmployeeID = " & Me.Employee)
vname2 = DLookup("LastName", "tblEmployees", "EmployeeID = " & Me.Employee)
vdesc = DLookup("Description", "tblCodesWork", "WorkCodeID = " & Me.WorkCode)
.Subject = vname & " " & vname2 & " - " & vdesc
End If
' Save the Appointment Item Properties
End With
' Set chkAddedToOutlook to checked
Me.chkAddedToOutlook = True
' Inform the user
MsgBox "New Outlook Appointment Has Been Added!", vbInformation
End If
' Release Memory
Set olAppt = Nothing
Set olApp = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & Err.Description _
& vbCrLf & "In procedure btnAddApptToOutlook_Click in Module Module1"
Resume ExitHere
End Sub
I found a site that explains this to me. It's:

Saved QueryString into MS SQL DB Now need to convert it into a string/array?

I have saved a really big QueryString into a MS SQL column the string looks something like this:
&s1=Toledo,OH&s2=Chicago,IL&s3=Madison,WI.....and so on...
I would like to be able to do/have something like this in ASP-Classic:
Dim s1,s2,s3,s4....and son on...
.....and son on.....
I would like to be able to call them like I would a QueryString for example a QueryString call would be Request.QueryString("s1") or I can use Do and loop all of the Request.QueryString("s" & i) until the query ="" then I would Exit the Do.
But how would I make all of this happen if I saved it the query.string into a MS DB Column?
Please help,
Thank you...
I keep getting this error: Variable is undefined: 's1', what am I doing wrong here ?
Function qq(s)
qq = """" & s & """"
End Function ' qq
Dim sInp : sInp = objRSConnSAVE("QSTRING")
Dim dicData : Set dicData = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Dim oRE : Set oRE = New RegExp
oRE.Global = True
oRE.Pattern = "&([^=]+)=([^&]*)"
Dim oMTS : Set oMTS = oRE.Execute(sInp)
Dim oMT
For Each oMT In oMTS
dicData(oMT.SubMatches(0)) = oMT.SubMatches(1)
Dim sKey, sValue
For Each sKey In dicData.Keys
sValue = dicData(sKey)
'''// Response.write qq(sKey) & "=>" & qq(sValue)
Response.write "TEST" & s1
'// I even tried Response.write "TEST" & s(1) same error, how do I call it ?
Use a RegExp (instead of Split) and a dictionary (instead of a bunch of scalar variables):
Dim sInp : sInp = "&s1=Toledo,OH&s2=Chicago,IL&s3=Madison,WI"
Dim dicData : Set dicData = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Dim oRE : Set oRE = New RegExp
oRE.Global = True
oRE.Pattern = "&([^=]+)=([^&]*)"
Dim oMTS : Set oMTS = oRE.Execute(sInp)
Dim oMT
For Each oMT In oMTS
dicData(oMT.SubMatches(0)) = oMT.SubMatches(1)
Dim sKey, sValue
For Each sKey In dicData.Keys
sValue = dicData(sKey)
WScript.Echo qq(sKey), "=>", qq(sValue)
"s1" => "Toledo,OH"
"s2" => "Chicago,IL"
"s3" => "Madison,WI"
qq() is a function to double quote a string:
Function qq(s)
qq = """" & s & """"
End Function ' qq
Use dicData("s2") to get Chicago,IL
Why declare s1, s2, etc.?
Create a variable to be used as an array, and use the Split function on the string by the ampersand (&), and then when you need to reference an individual row, split it again on the equal sign (=).
For example:
arMyArray = Split(YourQueryString, "&")
for i = 0 to uBound(arMyArray)
key = Split(arMyArray(i), "=")(0)
cityAndState = Split(arMyArray(i), "=")(1)
