I have encountered a concurrency problem even after using the serializable isolation level in the spring transaction. My use-case is that the user will provide config to be updated in the database in the below format.
{A1: [B1, B2, B3]}
I have to save this in the entities below.
A {
List<B> bList;
B {
A a;
Boolean isDeleted;
When there are concurrent requests to save config, more B's are getting inserted than expected. Please refer to the scenario below.
Initial enitites in database: A1 -> []
Transaction 1 - given config {A1: [B2]}
Reads A1 -> []
Insert B2
Transaction 2 - given config {A1: [B3]}
Reads A1 -> []
Insert B3
Final in database: A1 -> [B2, B3] when expected is either A1 -> [B2, B3-deleted] or A1 -> [B2-deleted, B3].
I am not able to find a proper solution to this problem even after a lot of research.
According to this article (https://sqlperformance.com/2014/04/t-sql-queries/the-serializable-isolation-level), this situation is always possible when using SQL Server as the order of operations is one of the valid serializations.
This is best handled by introducing a version column for optimistic locking. There is no need for using the SERIALIZABLE isolation level. Just use
A {
long version;
List<B> bList;
and make sure you use LockModeType.OPTIMISTIC_FORCE_INCREMENT when loading the A. This way, the "serialization" will be based on a lock of your so called "aggregate root" which is A.
By doing so, one transaction will succeed and the other will fail because at the end of each transaction, the version column would be incremented only if the value didn't change in the meantime. If it changes in the meantime, it will rollback one of the two transactions and you will see an OptimisticLockException.
While integration testing, I am attempting to test the execution of a stored procedure. To do so, I need to perform the following steps:
Insert some setup data
Execute the stored procedure
Find the data in the downstream repo that is written to by the stored proc
I am able to complete all of this successfully, however, after completion of the test only the rows written by the stored procedure are rolled back. Those rows inserted via the JdbcAggregateTemplate are not rolled back. Obviously I can delete them manually at the end of the test declaration, but I feel like I must be missing something here with my configuration (perhaps in the #Transactional or #Rollback annotations.
class JobServiceIntegrationTest #Autowired constructor(
private val repo: JobExecutorService,
private val template: JdbcAggregateTemplate,
private val generatedDataRepo: GeneratedDataRepo,
) {
inner class ExecuteMyStoredProc {
fun `job is executed`() {
// arrange
val supportingData = supportingData()
// act
// this data does not get rolled back but I would like it to
val expected = template.insert(supportingData)
// this data does get rolled back
val actual = generatedDataRepo.findAll().first()
assertEquals(expected.supportingDataId, actual.supportingDataId)
fun supportingData() : SupportingData {
If this was all done as part of a physical database transaction, I would anticipate the inner transactions are all rolled back when the outer transaction rolls back. Obviously this is not that, but that's the behavior I'm hoping to emulate.
I've made plenty of integration tests and all of them roll back as I expect, but typically I'm just applying some business logic and writing to a database, nothing as involved as this. The only unique situations about this test from my other tests is that I'm executing a stored proc (and the stored proc contains transactions).
I'm writing this data to a SQL Server DB, and I'm using Spring JDBC with Kotlin.
Making my comment into an answer since it seemed to have solved the problem:
I suspect the transaction in the SP commits the earlier changes. Could you post the code for a simple SP that causes the problems you describe, so I can play around with it?
I am building a Redis cache to store product data for eg
Key - value pairs as
key -> testKey
value [json] ->
"testA" : "A",
"testB" : "B",
"testC" : "C"
Problem i am struggling with is if i get two requests to update this value for key.
request1 to change -> "testB" = "Bx"
request2 to change -> "testC" = "Cx"
How to handle inconsistancy.
As based on my understanding one request will read above data and update only testB value and another request will update testC value because these are running in parallel and any new request is not waiting for last update in cache to propagate.
How do we maintain data consistancy with Redis ?.
I can think of locking using transaction DB in front but that will reduce latency of real time data.
It based on what data structure you selected in Redis.
In your case Hash will be a good way to store all fields in your values. And use HSET command to update target fields, which can guarantee your update requests will only update a single field. And all Redis commands will be execute senquentially, so you will not have concurrency issues.
Also you can use String to store raw json data, and serialize/deserialize for each query and update. In this case you will need to consider concurrency because your read and update will not be atomic operation.(maybe a distribute lock can be the solution).
My application is experiencing lock contentions on one of our heavily-trafficked tables in our SQL Server database. I have been advised by our DBA team to follow other teams' configuration, which have their default transaction isolation level set to READ_UNCOMMITTED. They then, supposedly, set the isolation level back to READ_COMMITTED for their inserts and updates. I've fought against doing this for a while, as it feels like a cop-out, and I've seen warnings all over the place against using READ_UNCOMMITTED. However, my hands are now being tied.
I'm using Spring Boot, with HikariCP and using Spring Data repositories to interact with my SQL Server database. I'm allowing Spring to auto-configure my DataSource from my application.properties, and have very little other configuration.
I have managed to set my default transaction isolation level as follows in my app properties:
I've been able to verify that this is working by querying the transaction log, taking the SPID from the transaction entry, and running the following query, which now returns "ReadUncommitted":
SELECT CASE transaction_isolation_level
WHEN 0 THEN 'Unspecified'
WHEN 1 THEN 'ReadUncommitted'
WHEN 2 THEN 'ReadCommitted'
WHEN 3 THEN 'Repeatable'
WHEN 4 THEN 'Serializable'
FROM sys.dm_exec_sessions
where session_id = ##SPID
However, in one of my services, I'm attempting to overwrite the isolation level back to READ_COMMITTED, but it is not taking effect.
Given the following:
Selections from application.properties
#EntityScan(basePackages = "my.project.model")
public class JpaConfig {
//DataSource configured by Spring from application.properties
public class MyService {
#Autowired private MyRepository myRepository;
#Transactional(isolation = Isolation.READ_COMMITTED)
public void myMethod() {
//Logic and call to myRepository.save()
public interface MyRepository extends JpaRepository<MyClass, Long> {
What am I missing? I do not have a custom TransactionManager, as I'm allowing #EnableTransactionManagement to configure that for me, as I've found no indication anywhere that I should be providing my own custom implementation so far.
I have verified that the transaction rollback is properly occurring if an exception is thrown, but I can't figure out why the #Transactional annotation isn't overwriting the isolation level like I'd expect.
For what it's worth, the root problem we're trying to solve are the lock contentions on our SQL Server database. From what I understand, in SQL Server, even SELECTs put a lock on a table (or row?). The DBAs' first suggestion was to add the WITH (NOLOCK) hint to my queries. I can't figure out for the life of me how to cleanly do this without scrapping the use of JPA entirely and using native queries. So, their solution was to use READ_UNCOMMITTED by default, setting READ_COMMITTED explicitly on our write transactions.
from the source code of hikari
final int level = Integer.parseInt(transactionIsolationName);
switch (level) {
case Connection.TRANSACTION_NONE:
case SQL_SERVER_SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION_LEVEL: // a specific isolation level for SQL server only
return level;
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
As you see above you have to give numeric value of transaction level like
All level numeric values listed:
This property controls the default transaction isolation level of connections returned from the pool. If this property is not specified, the default transaction isolation level defined by the JDBC driver is used. Only use this property if you have specific isolation requirements that are common for all queries. The value of this property is the constant name from the Connection class such as TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED, TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ, etc. Default: driver default
ref: https://github.com/brettwooldridge/HikariCP
Make sure you set in your application.properties
Thanks for the detail you provided in your question. It really helped in clarifying my scenario and you already provided the answer to use the NOLOCK option.
I was able to figure out how to apply the option using a custom dialect and some query adjustments to force the dialect logic to always be used.
We are querying from a sql server database that is a read-only replica of our production database.
In our case certain tables used for looking up user characteristics are totally deleted and recreated. This ripples into a large amount of locking on the sql server replica during the replication process.
We are seeing outliers with worst case query times into the minutes (should be < 10 millisecond). We think this is most likely locking related.
I was able to get the WITH (NOLOCK) to be emitted properly with the following approach:
Create a custom Dialect.
public class ReadOnlySqlServerDialect extends SQLServer2012Dialect {
public String appendLockHint(LockOptions lockOptions, String tableName) {
// in our case the entire db is a replica and we never do any writes
return tableName + " WITH (NOLOCK)";
Configure hibernate.dialect to point at ReadOnlySqlServerDialect.class.getName()
Force Queries to use LockModeType.PESSIMISTIC_READ as this bypasses a shield within hibernate and assures that the ReadOnlySqlServerDialect.appendLockHint() method is always called.
return entityMgr.createNamedQuery(UserLog.FIND_BY_EMAIL, UserLog.class)
.setParameter("email", email)
Resulting in SQL generated like this:
select userlog0_.EMAIL, userlog0_.NAME as email0_18_ from APP.USER_LOG userlog0_ WITH (NOLOCK)
static void clean() throws Exception {
final UserTransaction tx = InitialContext.doLookup("UserTransaction");
try {
final DataSource ds = InitialContext.doLookup(Databases.ADMIN);
Connection connection1 = ds.getConnection();
Connection connection2 = ds.getConnection();
PreparedStatement st1 = connection1.prepareStatement("XXX delete records XXX"); // delete data
PreparedStatement st2 = connection2.prepareStatement("XXX insert records XXX"); // insert new data that is same primary as deleted data above
} finally {
if (tx.getStatus() == Status.STATUS_ACTIVE) {
I have a web app, the DAO taking DataSource as the object to create individual connection to perform database operations.
So I have a UserTransaction, inside there are two DAO object doing separated action, first one is doing deletion and second one is doing insertion. The deletion is to delete some records to allow insertion to take place because insertion will insert same primary key's data.
I take out the DAO layer and translate the logic into the code above. There is one thing I couldn't understand, based on the code above, the insertion operation should fail, because the code (inside the UserTransaction) take two different connections, they don't know each other, and the first deletion haven't committed obviously, so second statement (insertion) should fail (due to unique constraint), because two database operation not in same connection, second connection is not able to detect uncommitted changes. But amazingly, it doesn't fail, and both statement can work perfectly.
Can anyone help explain this? Any configuration can be done to achieve this result? Or whether my understanding is wrong?
Since your application is running in weblogic server, the java-EE-container is managing the transaction and the connection for you. If you call DataSource#getConnection multiple times in a java-ee transaction, you will get multiple Connection instances joining the same transaction. Usually those connections connect to database with the identical session. Using oracle you can check that with the following snippet in a #Stateless ejb:
private DataSource ds;
#Schedule(hour="*", minute="*", second="42")
public void testDatasource() throws SQLException {
try ( Connection con1 = ds.getConnection();
Connection con2 = ds.getConnection();
) {
String sessId1 = null, sessId2 = null;
try (ResultSet rs1 = con1.createStatement().executeQuery("select userenv('SESSIONID') from dual") ){
if ( rs1.next() ) sessId1 = rs1.getString(1);
try (ResultSet rs2 = con2.createStatement().executeQuery("select userenv('SESSIONID') from dual") ){
if ( rs2.next() ) sessId2 = rs2.getString(1);
LOG.log( Level.INFO," con1={0}, con2={1}, sessId1={2}, sessId2={3}"
, new Object[]{ con1, con2, sessId1, sessId2}
This results in the following log-Message:
Note that you get different Connection instances with same session-ID.
For more details see eg this question
The only way to do this properly is to use a transaction manager and two phase commit XA drivers for all databases involved in this transaction.
My guess is that you have autocommit enabled on the connections. This is the default when creating a new connection, as is documented here
will most likely print true.
You could try
and see if that changes the behavior.
In addition to that, it's not really defined what happens if you call close() on a connection and haven't issued a commit or rollback statement beforehand. Therefore it is strongly recommended to either issue one of the two before closing the connection, see https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/sql/Connection.html#close()
If autocommit is false, the it's probably due to the undefined behavior of close. What happens if you switch the statements? :
You could also try the "correct" way of doing it:
If that doesn't fail, then something is wrong with your setup for UserTransactions.
Depending on your database this is quite a normal case.
An object implementing UserTransaction interface represents a "logical transaction". It doesn't always map to a real, "physical" transaction that a database engine respects.
For example, there are situations that cause implicit commits (as well as implicit starts) of transactions. In case of Oracle (can't vouch for other DBs), closing a connection is one of them.
From Oracle's docs:
"If the auto-commit mode is disabled and you close the connection
without explicitly committing or rolling back your last changes, then
an implicit COMMIT operation is run".
But there can be other possible reasons for implicit commits: select for update, various locking statements, DDLs, and so on. They are database-specific.
So, back to our code.
The first transaction is committed by closing a connection.
Then another transaction is implicitly started by the DML on the second connection. It inserts non-conflicting changes and the second connection.close() commits them without PK violation. tx.commit() won't even get a chance to commit anything (and how could it? the connection is already closed).
The bottom line: "logical" transaction managers don't always give you the full picture.
Sometimes transactions are started and committed without an explicit reason. And sometimes they are even ignored by a DB.
PS: I assumed you used Oracle, but the said holds true for other databases as well. For example, MySQL's list of implicit commit reasons.
If auto-commit mode is disabled and you close the connection
without explicitly committing or rolling back your last changes,
then an implicit COMMIT operation is executed.
Please check below link for details:
I am getting lost on the following regarding the Datastore :
It is recommended to denormalize data as the Datastore does not support join queries. This means that the same information is copied in several entities
Denormalization means that whenever you have to update
data, it must be updated in different entities
But there is a limit of 1 write / second in a single entity group.
The problem I have is therefore the following :
In order to update records, I open a transaction then
Update all the required entities. The entities to be updated are within the same entity group but relate to different kinds
I am getting a "resource contention" exception
==> It seems therefore that the only way to update denormalized data is outside of a transaction. But doing this is really bad as some entities could be updated whereas other entities wouldn't.
Am I the only one having this problem ? How did you solve it ?
The (simplified version of the ) code is as follows :
Objectify ofy=ObjectifyService.beginTransaction();
try {
Key<Party> partyKey=new Key<Party>(realEstateKey, Party.class, partyDTO.getId());
//-- 1 - We update the party
Party party=ofy.get(partyKey);
//-- 2 - We update the kinds which have Party as embedded field, all in the same entity group
//2.1 Invoices
Query<Invoice> q1=ofy.query(Invoice.class).ancestor(realEstateKey).filter("partyKey", partyKey);
for (Invoice invoice: q1) {
Query<Payment> q2=ofy.query(Payment.class).ancestor(realEstateKey).filter("partyKey", partyKey);
for (Payment payment: q2) {
return (RPCResults.SUCCESS);
catch (Exception e) {
final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(InternalServiceImpl.class.getName());
log.severe("Problem while updating party : " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
return (RPCResults.FAILURE) ;
finally {
if (ofy.getTxn().isActive()) {
return (RPCResults.FAILURE) ;
This is happening because multiple requests to update the same entity group are occurring in a short period of time, not because you are updating many entities in the same entity group at once.
Since you have not shown your code, I can assume one of two things are happening:
The method you describe above is not actually using a transaction and you are running put_multi() with many entities of the same entity group. (If I had to guess, it'd be this.)
You have a high-traffic site and many other updates are simultaneously occurring at the same time.
Just in case someones gets in the same issue.
The problem was in the party.update(partyDTO) where under some specific conditions, I was initiating another transaction.
What I learned today is that :
--> Inside a transaction, you are allowed to include multiple puts even getting over the 1 entity / second
--> However, you should take care not initiating another transaction within your transaction