Class symbol introduction due to EVALFILE - eval

Class names are available in scope after EVALFILE, while the documentation may have stated otherwise.
The documentation for EVALFILE states:
Slurps the specified file and evaluates it. Behaves the same way as EVAL with regard to Blob decoding, scoping, the $lang parameter and the $check parameter. Evaluates to the value produced by the final statement in the file when $check is not True.
The documentation for EVAL states:
since the set of symbols in a lexical scope is immutable after compile time, an EVAL can never introduce symbols into the surrounding scope.
My input file is:
class SomeClass {
method a () { "In SomeClass method a"; };
sub some-routine () {
"Some routine";
> my $f = EVALFILE("/tmp/eval-bug.raku");
> $f()
Some routine
> some-routine()
===SORRY!=== Error while compiling:
Undeclared routine:
some-routine used at line 1
The above three executions comply with the documentation, but the following does not:
> SomeClass.a()
In SomeClass method a
So does symbol mean only a routine name and not a class name? Or is this a bug?

since the set of symbols in a lexical scope is immutable after compile time, an EVAL can never introduce symbols into the surrounding scope
The key words here are "lexical scope". Classes, however, are not lexically scoped by default (unlike routines), but rather package scoped. This means that they introduce a global name by default. If you instead write:
my class SomeClass {
method a () { "In SomeClass method a"; };
Then this declares a lexically scoped class, no global name will be introduced, and thus it will not be installed anywhere that persists beyond the EVALFILE.
To me at least the documentation seems correct; it explicitly mentions lexical scope, and the words "surrounding scope" also carry the implication of textual (thus lexical) scoping. However, it could gain a mention that package-scoped things declared in the EVALFILE will be installed globally.

Looks to me it's a combination of 2 things: 1. subroutine some-routine isn't exported, and 2. problems with scoping in the REPL.
The first can be fixed in two ways:
our sub some-routine() {
sub some-routine() is export {
The second is, in the current state of the REPL, not really fixable (and I have tried, but all of my fixes introduced problems in other situations). The REPL is currently implemented as doing an EVAL on every line you enter, while attempts are made to share elements of any previous EVAL with the next. In the current state of the runtime, it is impossible to do that sharing completely, which is the cause of many of the issues that people report about the REPL.
Work on the RakuAST branch also implies having the state of an interpreter to be more "objectified" if you will, allowing for a better state sharing between EVALs, and thus a better REPL. But that will take at least another few months before that lands in Rakudo.


Should const be outside function components in React.js?

Some of my code got a review comment saying something like "move const outside the function to avoid redeclaration". This was a normal function component, something like this:
export default function someComponent() {
const someString = 'A string';
I was confused about the idea of this causing a redeclaration, because it does not, I know that the record that holds the variables and constants belong to the scope, so it's not exactly that.
But then i remembered that typescript does not allows you to have a const inside a class, not sure about the reason or is this is related. But then ts added the readonly modifier in ts v2, so the confusion remains.
Should const be outside function components, or not?
I would love to know more opinions.
There are 2 sides to the coin. Firstly, in terms of clean code and readability, I strongly prefer local declarations like in your example. I would love using more nested functions as well.
However, in JavaScript, every time the function executes, the local definitions will be redeclared, even if they are constants or functions. So it's a trade-off. If the function is called many times, this becomes an overhead.
I think it would not be hard for a compiler like TypeScript's tsc or some other pre-processor to extract those definitions at compile time to have best of both worlds. But it's likely that they do not do this to remain fully compatible. I am not aware of such tools but would be interested if there are some.

eval in function scope (accessing function args)

abstract ABSGene
type NuGene <: Genetic.ABSGene
function mutate_copy{T<:ABSGene}(gene::T)
all_fields_except_score = filter(x->x != :score, names(T))
all_fields_except_score = map(x->("mutate_copy(gene.$x)"),all_fields_except_score)
ng = NuGene()
mutated_ng = mutate_copy(ng)
results in:
ERROR: gene not defined
in mutate_copy at none:4
If I just look at it as a string (prior to running parse and eval) it looks fine:
However, eval doesn't seem to know about gene that has been passed into the mutate_copy function.
How do I access the gene argument that's been passed into the mutate copy?
I tried this:
function mutate_copy{T<:ABSGene}(gene::T)
all_fields_except_score = filter(x->x != :score, names(T))
all_fields_except_score = map(x-> ("mutate_copy($gene.$x)"),all_fields_except_score)
But that expands the gene in the string which is not what I want.
Don't use eval! In almost all cases, unless you really know what you're doing, you shouldn't be using eval. And in this case, eval simply won't work because it operates in the global (or module) scope and doesn't have access to the variables local to the function (like the argument gene).
While the code you posted isn't quite enough for a minimal working example, I can take a few guesses as to what you want to do here.
Instead of map(x->("mutate_copy(gene.$x)"),all_fields_except_score), you can dynamically look up the field name:
map(x->mutate_copy(gene.(x)), all_fields_except_score)
This is a special syntax that may eventually be replaced by getfield(gene, x). Either one will work right now, though.
And then instead of eval(parse("$(T)("*join(all_fields_except_score,",")*")")), call T directly and "splat" the field values:
I think the field order should be stable through all those transforms, but it looks a pretty fragile (you're depending on the score being the last field, and all constructors to have their arguments in the same order as their fields). It looks like you're trying to perform a deepcopy sort of operation, but leaving the score field uninitialized. You could alternatively use Base's deepcopy and then recursively set the scores to zero.

Verifying data types/structs in a parser

I'm writing a recursive descent parser, and I'm at the point where I'm unsure how to validate everything. I'm not even sure if I should be doing this at the stage of the parser. What I mean is, I could have some syntax i.e:
int x = 5
int x = 5
And that would be valid, so would the parser check if x has already been defined? If so, would I use a hashmap? And what kind of information would I need to store, like how can I handle the scope of a variable, since x could be defined in a function in a local and global scope:
int x = 5;
void main() {
int x = 2;
And finally, when I store to the hashmap, how can I differentiate the types? For example, I could have a variable called foo, and a struct also called foo. So when I put foo in a hashmap, it will probably cause some errors. I'm thinking I could prefix it like storing this as the hashmaps key for a struct struct_xyz where xyz is the name of the struct, and for variables int_xyz?
Thanks :)
I'm going to assume that regardless of which approach you choose, your parser will be constructing some kind of abstract syntax tree. You now have two options. Either, the parser could populate the tree with identifier nodes that store the name of the variable or function that they are referencing. This leaves the issue of scope resolution to a later pass, as advocated in many compiler textbooks.
The other option is to have the parser immediately look the identifier up in a symbol table that it builds as it goes, and store a pointer to the symbol in the abstract syntax tree node instead. This approach tends to work well if your language doesn't allow implicit forward-references to names that haven't been declared yet.
I recently implemented the latter approach in a compiler that I'm working on, and I've been very pleased with the result so far. I will briefly describe my solution below.
Symbols are stored in a structure that looks something like this:
typedef struct symbol {
char *name;
Type *type;
Scope *scope; // Points to the scope in which the symbol was defined.
} Symbol;
So what is this Scope thing? The language I'm compiling is lexically scoped, and each function definition, block, etc, introduces a new scope. Scopes form a stack where the bottom element is the global scope. Here's the structure:
typedef struct scope {
struct scope *parent;
Symbol *buckets;
size_t nbuckets;
} Scope;
The buckets and nbuckets fields are a hash map of identifiers (strings) to Symbol pointers. By following the parent pointers, one can walk the scope stack while searching for an identifier.
With the data structures in place, it's easy to write a parser that resolves names in accordance with the rules of lexical scoping.
Upon encountering a statement or declaration that introduces a new scope (such as a function declaration or a block statement), the parser pushes a new Scope onto the stack. The new scope's parent field points to the old scope.
When the parser sees an identifier, it tries to look it up in the current scope. If the lookup fails in the current scope, it continues recursively in the parent scope, etc. If no corresponding Symbol can be found, an error is raised. If the lookup is successful, the parser creates an AST node with a pointer to the symbol.
Finally, when a variable or function declaration is encountered, it is bound in the current scope.
Some languages use more than one namespace. For instance, in Erlang, functions and variables occupy different namespaces, requiring awkward syntax like fun foo:bar/1 to get at the value of a function. This is easily implemented in the model I outlined above by keeping several Scope stacks - one for each namespace.
If we define "scope" or "context" as mapping from variable names to types (and possibly some more information, such as scope depth), then its natural implementation is either hashmap or some sort of search tree. Upon reaching any variable definition, compiler should insert the name with corresponding type into this data structure. When some sort of 'end scope' operator is encountered, we must already have enough information to 'backtrack' changes in this mapping to its previous state.
For hashmap implementation, for each variable definition we can store previous mapping for this name, and restore this mapping when we have reached the 'end of scope' operator. We should keep a stack of stacks of this changes (one stack for each currently open scope), and backtrack topmost stack of changes in the end of each scope.
One drawback of this approach is that we must either complete compilation in one pass, or store mapping for each identifier in program somewhere, as we can't inspect any scope more than once, or in order other than order of appearance in the source file (or AST).
For tree-based implemetation, this can be easily achieved with so called persistent trees. We just maintain a stack of trees, one for each scope, pushing as we 'open' some scope, and poping when the scope is ended.
The 'depth of scope' is enough for choose what to do in the situation where then new variable name conflicts with one already in mapping. Just check for old depth < new depth and overwrite on success, or report error on failure.
To differentiate between function and variable names you can use separate (yet similar or same) mappings for those objects. If some context permits only function or only variable name, you already know where to look. If both are permited in some context, perform lookup in both structures, and report "ambiguity error" if name corresponds to a function and a variable at the same time.
The best way is to use a class, where you define structures like HashMap, that lets you to do controls about the type and or the existence of a variable. This class should have static methods that interface with the grammar rules written in the parser.

Define private function in a mathematica package

I'm not sure I got how to define private functions right.
When I'm writing a package mathematica, I just do this:
myPublicFunction::usage="myPublicFunction blahblahblah";
myPrivateFunction[input_]:= ... ;
myPublicFunction[input_]:= ... ;
Is this the correct way or am I missing something?
Yep, that's a correct way. It may pay off to understand some of the internal package mechanics. Mathematica contexts are similar to namespaces in other languages. They can be nested. Every symbol belongs to some context. At any given moment, some context is "current". Whenever a new symbol is created, the system must decide to which context the symbol will belong. This happens at parse-time. The fundamental quantity (variable) here is $ContextPath. It is basically the search path for symbols. It is a list of contexts, and whenever the system sees a new symbol, it tests if the symbol with the same short name (that is, the name of the symbol proper, without the context) exists in some context on the $ContextPath. If it does exist, then the given occurrence of the symbol will be associated with that existing one. If it does not, then the symbol is created in a current context. Note that this is a dynamic thing - if you change the $ContextPath at any moment, the next symbol occurrence can be associated with a different symbol.
Anyways, what BeginPackage does is that it simply replaces the current value of $ContextPath with just {youPublicPackageContext, "System'"}, plus possibly additional contexts that you publicly import through the second optional argument of BeginPackage. Therefore, all symbols that are in the "public" section, are parsed into the public context, if they are not in "System'" or other contexts that you import. And what EndPackage does is to restore the value of the $ContextPath to what it was before you started loading the package. So, technically the usage message is not the only way to make a symbol public in your main context - you could just as well simply type a symbol with a semicolon, like myFunction; (this practice is discouraged, I just mentioned it to clarify the mechanism). Now, what happens when you enter Begin["'Private'"] is that the current context becomes YourContext'Private' (a sub-context). The $ContextPath is not changed. Therefore, any symbol entered there, which does not exist in your public package or other imported packages (that is, contexts currently on the $ContextPath), automatically is parsed into the 'Private' subcontext.
What really makes these symbols private is that whenever you import your package into some other context (package), only the main package is added to the $ContextPath, but not its sub-packages. Technically, you can break encapsulation by manually adding YourPackage'Private' to the $ContextPath (say, PrependTo[$ContextPath, YourPackage'Private']), and then all your private functions and other symbols will become public in that particular context where you do the import. Again, this practice is discouraged, but it explains the mechanics. The bottom line is that the notion of private or public can be entirely understood when we know how symbols are parsed, and what are the manipulations with $ContextPath and $Context (another system variable giving the value of the current context), that are performed by commands such as Begin and BeginPackage. To put it another way, one could, in principle, emulate the actions of BeginPackage,Begin, End and EndPackage with a user-defined code. There are just a few principles operating here (which I tried to outline above), and the mechanism itself is in fact very much exposed to the user, so that if, in some rare cases, one may want some other behavior, one can make some "custom" manipulations with $ContextPath and Context, to ensure some non-standard way of symbol parsing and therefore, control package-scale encapsulation in some "non-standard" way. I am not encouraging this, just mentioning to emphasize that the mechanism is in fact much simpler and much more controllable than it may seem on the surface.

Naming convention in Objective C /C , start with "_"?

Something I see ppl define the variable like this:
b2World *_world;
b2Body *_body;
CCSprite *_ball;
instead of
b2World *world;
b2Body *body;
CCSprite *ball;
I familiar with the second one, but not the first one. So, I checked the Wikipedia about naming convention:
Names beginning with double underscore
or an underscore and a capital letter
are reserved for implementation
(compiler, standard library) and
should not be used (e.g. __reserved or
So, is that any special meaning which is start with "_"?
The code I saw which using "_" to begin is here:
The wiki page.
There's a long-standing convention among some Objective-C developers to prefix instance variables with an underscore. It can be helpful in several ways: one, it makes it easier to spot instance variables in a .m file; two, it relieves developers of having to come up with creative names for method parameters to avoid colliding with instance variable names; and three, as others have noted, it indicates that the instance variables are private, and therefore shouldn't be accessed willy nilly throughout the code.
In fact, I'd argue for avoiding accessing instance variables directly in methods other than accessors (getters and setters), -dealloc, and -init.... Not that you should never, ever use them anywhere else, but you should at least give it some thought before using an instance variable directly in other methods.
It's really really helpful, but most people don't know why, and that's a shame.
Apple uses underscores to separate the way other objects access a particular object's variables, and the way a particular object access its own variables.
Now this may sound a little bit strange, but imagine the following: You probably all recognize the following compiler warning
#property (nonatomic, retain, readonly) UITableView *tableView;
- (NSInteger)numberOfSectionsInTableView:(UITableView *)tableView {
return [self loadSomethingElseForTableView:tableView];
This will result in a compiler warning, because it does not know wether you reference to the local variable "tableView", or the instance variable.
Therefore, Apple recommends you to add the following to the top of your #implementation.
#synthesize tableView = _tableView;
Now, when you reference to _tableView, the compiler knows that you mean the instance variable, and not the local one.
Also, this makes it a lot easier to understand the Garbage Collection in Obj-C, and to prevent making common mistakes.
For example, when doing the following:
#property (nonatomic, retain, readonly) NSString *title;
- (id)initWithTitle:(NSString *)title {
if ((self = [super init])) {
self.title = title; // Is not possible, since it's read only.
title = title; // Is not possible, since it's the same (local) variable.
// Changing the method to initWithTitle:(NSString *)aTitle;
title = aTitle;
return self;
Now, since you do not use the default setter (actually, you can't, because it's read-only) you need to retain the variable yourself.
This is a lot easier to remember when you give every instance variable a prefix (so you know you need to retain it yourself).
So, basically, it's important to understand the difference between self.variable and (_)variable. (that is: self.variable maps to [self setVariable:...] and variable maps directly to your pointer.
Furthermore, when you add it as a private variable, like this:
#interface TSSomeObject : NSObject {
NSString *_privateTitle;
The underscore prefix isn't really necessary, unless you may encounter local variables that have the same name. Besides that, again, it's also an easy way to remind you that it's a local pointer and that you need to retain (and release) the variable when you assign it to your object.
What is wrong is to create a property with a underscore prefix, like this:
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *_title;
That's really wrong, and I'm not even gonna explain why ;)
So yes! You should really use underscore prefixes, it makes your code a lot easier to read, and to interpret by the compiler! In Xcode 4, Apple even added these #synthesizes to the default templates.
Usually they're used for variables that shouldn't be accessed outside the current file/module/namespace/whatever, in languages that don't support restricting access with something like a private keyword
Both by convention and recommendation in the above document, you should prefix ivars with an underscore.
Admittedly, it is in reference to explicitly set ivars for properties.
But the usage is the same, to indicate the usage of an ivar wherever it is seen.
I am however open to the possibility, that in that context, the use of an underscore prefixed ivar could signal to the user that they are doing something wrong. Meanwhile a postfixed underscore could be used for pure ivars that are meant to be accessed directly.
This blog has some good thoughts from an experienced practitioner and it recommends using prefixed underscores.
Wether you choose to use prefixed underscores to decorate your own ivars, there is at least some evidence that some kind of decoration will help you avoid bugs. And prefix'd underscores are the most common decoration.
Apple reserves names beginning with underscore for its own private ivars and methods. In Objective-C on any Apple platform, it is recommended that you do not prefix your identifiers with an underscore.
