Create a final product through CodeBlocks with C Language - c

I am a newbie programmer (more specifically a student) which use CodeBlocks to many exercises (as much as I can). At the moment I am following this steps to create my own programs (File->New->Project->Console Application). This modality has served to learn C language, but I want create a software which any user could use (for now at Windows). Is it possible create some portable through various computers? I was exploring the another option I have on IDE but I don't understand so much, therefore I am very lost.
I googled about different projects which I can do with language C, but...sincerely, I got even more confused. Therefore, what's the next step, to make a more robust program in C?

Make a HelloWorld program.
Run it in codeblocks.
Now go to the folder containing that file. You will find three files there.
The last file HelloWorld is the executable. You can share it to other windows OS to run it.
C is a portable language so its viable. Do look into makefile as you intend to create a program that uses GUI, network etc. (RECOMMENDED)
Or you might want to create platform specific ones. For example, creating a debian package from your executable


Run C programs from sublime 2.02

I want to compile and run C/C++ programs with sublimetext 2 itself.I dont want to use terminal to do so. What do I need to do for this??I am compeletely new to this so a lot of answers to similar questions did not help me as most of them were for windows.
sublime text 2 build system for C programming language should show you how to setup your build environment. Note: you need gcc etc. installed
Edit: you should although run your programm in a Terminal because SublimeText2 is an Editor and can not recieve user input for your programm. so you better just build it with ST2 and run it in Terminal or you just forget about ST2 and make your own Bash script that manages compiling and runs the programm.
I would use sublime text as an editor (which is what IDEs are). Then you'll need to have a Makefile for your program. And build it by typing make in a terminal (or by configuring your editor to run that command). BTW, you can type m a k e enter once in your day (and later use up in the same terminal, to reapeat the latest command).
Learning how to write simple Makefile-s is a reusable skill (see here for "why?"). See this and that and many other examples. Don't attach yourself to one particular editor (even if you may like one more than others; my preference goes to emacs).
You'll learn a big lot by studying (and improving) the source code of some free software. Look at sourceforge, github, etc.. to find some free software interesting to you, then download its source code, build it, and study it.
The tips and advices I gave here are still valid today, with a recent Ubuntu (e.g. 14.x)
BTW, your question looks like you might be confused; Sublime Text is an editor (perhaps glorified as an IDE). It does not compile anything. The C or C++ compiler on Ubuntu is GCC (using gcc command for compiling C code, and g++ command for compiling C++ code) or perhaps Clang/LLVM (using clang command for C code, and clang++ command for C++ code). That compiler is often started by make, and IDEs on Linux are often running make -or directly the compiler- command for you. You'll better be able to run these commands yourself.

C code compilation

i want to compile a 'c' code and create an executable from my application. as of now i do it by specifying the path of my compilation .exe (c++) present in the bin folder of my Dev-Cpp folder.
it works fine but i need to pack the compiler along with the application so i wanted to know what files and folders are needed so that i can compile it directly from the application.
what are the files needed exactly i.e. headers,the compilation application, libs and what else...
any help?
If you're asking how to create and distribute a project which is able to build upon an existing compiler for its functionality, there are packages you can find which are just the compiler portion without the IDE. Minimalist GNU for Windows is such a package:
(In fact, when the people who put together Dev-C++ wrote their integrated development environment, they get the actual compilation functionality from MinGW...which they bundled into their package for good measure. So if you were going to write an IDE of your own, you would start from the MinGW distribution...not by trying to hand-pick files out of Dev-C++.)
One issue to be sensitive to is licensing. While there are not generally any legal issues out of the box regarding distributing executables built with a system like MinGW, when you go as far as to include the compiler in your own "product", it might be tricky. Dev-C++ is under the same license as MinGW (GPL) but I'd imagine there'd be issues if it were not.
If you only need a subset of the full functionality (let's say you only compile C and not C++) there will be a lot of header files and such that you could cut out. But you have to trade off the difficulty of maintaining this sort of optimization vs. just having your program ask users to install MinGW and then tell your program where they installed it. It might take up more space and lead installation to be a two-step process...but frees you from a large number of concerns.
So that's what I would suggest: Have a setting in your program (much like Dev-C++ does) which lets people specify where the MinGW binaries are installed on their system. But let them install it independently.

How do I setup a C environment on Windows (and maybe Linux compatible, too)

Short version of question: How do I get started with C programming? Note that I am not asking for a tutorial on learning C language (I can learn that easy enough). I need to setup the environment (I hope I'm asking this question clearly). Here's what I mean:
For my math thesis, I need to write a program in C on Gentoo Linux, using a library called CVODE/SUNDIALS. There is nobody (it seems) in my department who can help me set this up - my professor has left the computer work 100% to me because I have some programming background and he's a math geek. But my experience is with scripting languages (think VBA) and not full, powerful programming languages where you have to link the compiler and libraries, etc. like C.
There is no development environment on the Linux cluster - or at least not that's friendly, and has a debugger - that I've found. So, what I need to figure out how to setup a C programming environment with CVODE library on my PC (Win 7 x64, at little to no cost.
I have found plenty of tutorials on programming in C. I looked up Eclipse, which I have a little bit of experience with, as a development environment, but it's instructions say you need to install a compiler, too.
What I would like is someone to tell me, in simple language that I can understand (which might be the most difficult part of this question) the big picture of what I need and what to do (and maybe even links to where I can find what I need) to set up a C environment with CVODE. If the information is Windows/Gentoo Linux cross platform, even better.
Thank you.
P.S. I did search the site and saw lots of "How do I setup" quesitons, but no C one. Because I know someone will yell at me for that. Also, I don't want to have a convo about whether to use C#, C++, Java, etc. That just complicates the issue - and I need to get this done.
Edit: I have learned a little more since this question and now realize that I left out a key part of the question. The CVODE library and Linux cluster at school use MPI - parallel programming - which is not available on your average, run-of-the-mill PC. So all development must be done directly on the cluster.
Linux: Simple way is to install gcc or g++.
You can write your code in your plain text editor (nano, vim, gedit, kwrite, etc)
Save your file in .c or .cpp extention and type in terminal
gcc filename.c
g++ filename.cpp
You said that you want to write c code on Gentoo Linux, as i understand you're not familiar with Linux? The best choice in this case is to:
Install virtualbox in your windows machine (, it's a free software that let you emulate in your desktop another systems like Linux...
Install Gentoo linux on virtualbox, there are a lot of tutorials on the net, for example this video:
When you install Gentoo Linux on virtualbox you have all you need to develop C (gcc compiler, gdb debugger...)
Now you can download your library, and decompress it
In general all (Good) Linux libraries come with a 'README' file that contain all instructions for installing the library.
I think you need to do this:
make install
You can now play with C and you new library, like this:
suppose you create a new file test_lib_ CVODE.c you can compile it like this:
gcc -Wall test_lib_ CVODE.c -o test_lib_ CVODE -lcvode
I assume that the installed library is named
If you have any questions, you can always get help here.
I think you should use Code::Block in Linux, it is very similar to Window's Code::Block and it is very easy to debug and other things.
These were all useful answers. I tried pursuing each of them at least a little bit. However, the only reasonable solution seems to be to use emacs on a terminal window. This is because I'm using MPI - yes, I know I didn't mention that in the OP - which can only be done on a cluster.
I am new to this environment and was not aware of the MPI or the affect it would have on my attempt to develop.
I believe I can do better than this if I can figure out X/Windows using Cygwin. But I am a long way from that.
Thanks all for your effort and sorry I can't really award a best answer (I guess).

c exec embeded in webpage

Does anyone know for a tool that allows a c executable to be run in the browser? I'm looking for a javascript, java, or flash solution because I don't have privileges to run c executables on the server.
The executables are basic input and output programs.
Looking at your comments, I hear you mention students and running simple programs. As a suggestion, you might want to look into CodePad. This will let you interpret simple C programs. Note that everything needs to be in one place, so you'll have to combine C and header files.
Here is a sample:
Here's another one I found:
When you run the program, at the bottom there is a link for input. You can use it to run the program with given input as entered.
You could use this as a basis for solving the problem:
Emscripten is an LLVM-to-JavaScript compiler. It takes LLVM bitcode (which can be generated from C/C++, using llvm-gcc or clang, or any other language that can be converted into LLVM) and compiles that into JavaScript, which can be run on the web (or anywhere else JavaScript can run).
Using Emscripten, you can
Compile C and C++ code into JavaScript and run that on the web
Run code in languages like Python as well, by compiling CPython from C to JavaScript and interpreting code in that on the web

Compiling open source projects

I have been trying to compile open source projects since past few months with no success. I just don't know how to go about the entire thing. Readings over the internet have not helped much.
Some come with ./Configure and a Makefile while others with only a Makefile. How to use them to generate executables (or they have some other purpose ).
My machine currently has:
Windows XP,
Mingw Compiler for C/C++,
Do I need any other software?
Thanks for the response. Currently I am trying to compile "Null Httpd". It comes only with a makefile.
In my command line prompt I type
/directoryContainingMakeFile/mingw32-make Makefile
I get
"Nothing to be done for 'Makefile'"
:(? Am I doing it the right way?
./configure is the first thing to run, if it exists -- it checks if your system has the requirements for the project, and also allows you to set project specific settings or simply set the default values.
Next, the command make (though some projects require automake, or cmake, which are similar but more powerful utilities) takes those configurations and builds from the source code into the executable. Make isn't a compiler in itself though -- its simply used to specify how to build the project. Most projects in C use gcc, probably with many standard libraries to be linked in, in which case this should run on top of cygwin perfectly well. If it has other dependencies however, you are on your own for the most part (this gets complicated very quickly -- if this happens, its usually a less time-consuming effort to work in the OS the source was made to compile on).
After this, you should find the binaries you require in the same directory :)
