Multi Level Dropdown Menu - React - reactjs

#the_previ answer worked, but I needed some more CSS to be how I wanted.
This would be my CSS that was added with makeStyles from materialUI (It can be an external CSS file too).
dropdownIcon: {
background: "url(/images/down-chevron.png) no-repeat",
backgroundSize: "20px",
backgroundPosition: "left",
paddingLeft: "30px",
This would be the result:
I know menus, are a really common problem, but I couldn't find a way to do it.
I have a component, with the lib react-multilevel-dropdown, that actually does exactly what I want to.
<Dropdown position="right" title="Todos os departamentos">
<Dropdown.Item>Item 1</Dropdown.Item>
Item 2
<Dropdown.Submenu position="right">
<Dropdown.Item>Subitem 1</Dropdown.Item>
<Dropdown.Item>Subitem 2</Dropdown.Item>
<Dropdown.Item>Item 3</Dropdown.Item>
This would be my component right now, and I need to add an Icon on the beginning of the title, title prop only accepts strings. (it's not mandatory to be this lib, anything functioning just like it but with an icon would be great)

A possible solution using this library is to add the icon with CSS as a background image like this:
.dropdown-main {
background: url("your-icon.svg") no-repeat;


How to set material ui datagrid column sort icon as always be visible?

Here is codesandbox. I am trying to have the ability to sort by the first name and last name The default Datagrid only shows the sort icon when hovering. Is there a way I can set it to be always visible? Thanks for the help!
you can use .MuiDataGrid-iconButtonContainer. however Material-UI doesn't provided default icon for unsorted list. I have forked your demo and updated it. added icon for unsorted list too. please check codesandbox
This is what I did:
const StyledDataGrid = styled(DataGrid)(() => ({
'& .MuiDataGrid-iconButtonContainer': {
marginLeft: '2px',
visibility: 'visible !important',
width: 'auto !important',
I created a styled component which adds some custom styling to DataGrid. Specifically to always show the icon and take up width for it. Using !important is not recommended, but doesn't harm in this case.
I must add, this only works with using custom sort icons, like so:
If you don't want to use custom icons, I'm sure it's doable, you just need to play with CSS bit more.
Add the below code in .scss file. (.MuiDataGrid-sortIcon is pre-defined class of Mui Datagrid). Hope it helps!
.MuiDataGrid-sortIcon {
opacity: inherit !important;
You can use the sx prop in DataGrid like so:
'.MuiDataGrid-iconButtonContainer': {
visibility: 'visible',
'.MuiDataGrid-sortIcon': {
opacity: 'inherit !important',
In my case, I had to style both the iconButtonContainer and sortIcon make sure it's always visible.

How can I make a background image repeat using React gatsby-background-image?

Following the instructions in the gatsby-background-image documentation, I'm able to add a full width background image to a component by including the following in my component
<BackgroundImage fluid={backgroundImage.node.childImageSharp.fluid}>
This results in the following "stretched" background:
However, I do not want my image to be the full width of the component. Instead, I would like my background image to repeat within my component to achieve the following:
I see that styling of the background image is supported, but I'm not sure how correctly style the background image to make it repeat. Any help would be much appreciated!
Just add the style object as shown in the Styling & Passed Through Styles section.
<BackgroundImage fluid={backgroundImage.node.childImageSharp.fluid}
style={{ backgroundRepeat: 'repeat', backgroundSize: '200' }}>

React css How can I use hover css in React

I want to make hover in Picture Component
I can't find it no matter how hard I try.
Please tell me the name of the css that uses the following guest house used by React.
<Picture style={{marginLeft: "0px", marginRight: "0px", }} />
you could use radium for doing this inline
or just use normal css or a library like styled-components and move away from inline styles

Material-UI Drawer: How to position drawer in a specific div

I am using Material-UI React Drawer. Is there a way I can have the drawer confined to a specific section of my page instead of occupying the entire window? I have tried giving the root component an absolute position instead of fixed but this does not change the placement of the drawer.
<div className="confirmation-drawer">
onClose={toggleDrawer('top', false)}>
<!-- Drawer content goes here -->
I need the drawer inside the .confirmation-drawer div and not the entire page. Any help would be highly appreciated.
The code below worked for me. It uses the preferred one-off styling method in the MUI docs. Transitions work without any additional tweaks. Of course make sure you have a 'relative' element up in the DOM tree.
'& .MuiDrawer-root': {
position: 'absolute'
'& .MuiPaper-root': {
position: 'absolute'
what #Jon Deavers said is true, though there is a workaround. you can find the z-index of the drawer overlay (1300 in may case) and set a higher z-index to the component you wish to be on top. then just set paddings inside the drawer so all it's content is visible.
as i said its merely a workaround but i hope it helps somebody.
try this:
import {styled, Drawer as MuiDrawer} from '#mui/material'
const Drawer = styled(MuiDrawer)({
position: "relative", //imp
width: 240, //drawer width
"& .MuiDrawer-paper": {
width: 240, //drawer width
position: "absolute", //imp
transition: "none !important"
If you want transitions then use collapse.
<Collapse orientation='horizontal' in={open} >
<Box> ... </Box>
The Drawer component is a nav menu component that is designed to overlay the application and not to be nested inside a container. It will always appear over your other content.
If you are looking to have a dynamic element in which you can hide information and other interactive components you may want to take a look at the Accordion component from MUI.
That will allow you to have a small "drawer"-like element that other components can be hidden inside of.

What is the MUI Box component for?

Try as I might, I cannot wrap my head around the description given here.
The Box component serves as a wrapper component for most of the CSS utility needs.
What are 'the' CSS utility needs?
What is the use case for this component? What problem does it solve? How do you use it?
I find the MUI docs very limited and hard to understand. I have googled, but generally only found fairly lightweight blog posts on how to use material UI. In addition to help understanding this component, I would really appreciate any good resources (something like a better version of their own documentation, if such a thing exists).
(Background, I generally understand React, JS, CSS, HTML etc, with less strength in the latter two).
EDIT: This was written in the MUI v4 days. In MUI v5, all MUI components allow you to define CSS styles via the sx prop, not just Box; but Box also accepts styling props at top-level, as well as within sx.
The other answers don't really explain the motivation for using Box.
Box renders a <div> you can apply CSS styles to directly via React props, for the sake of convenience, since alternatives like separate CSS files, CSS-in-JS, or inline styles can be more typing and hassle to use.
For example, consider this component that uses JSS:
import * as React from 'react'
import { makeStyles } from '#material-ui/styles'
const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
root: {
display: 'flex',
flexDirection: 'column',
alignItems: 'center',
padding: theme.spacing(1),
const Example = ({children, ...props}) => {
const classes = useStyles(props);
return (
<div className={classes.root}>
It's much shorter to do this with Box by passing the props you want to it:
import * as React from 'react'
import Box from '#material-ui/core/Box'
const Example = ({children}) => (
<Box display="flex" flexDirection="column" alignItems="stretch" padding={1}>
Notice also how padding={1} is a shorthand for theme.spacing(1). Box provides various conveniences for working with Material-UI themes like this.
In larger files it can be more of a hassle to jump back and forth from the rendered elements to the styles than if the styles are right there on the element.
Cases where you wouldn't want to use Box (MUI v4):
You want the enclosing component to be able to override styles by passing classes (makeStyles enables this. <Example classNames={{ root: 'alert' }} /> would work in the makeStyles example, but not the Box example.)
You need to use nontrivial selectors (example JSS selectors: $root > li > a, $root .third-party-class-name)
A Box is basically a div* on steroid. Box allows you to apply dynamic styles to an otherwise normal div very quickly like inline styles (but it's not inline styles). Besides that, it also has a first-class integration with MUI theme:
bgcolor: 'primary.main',
color: 'text.secondary',
border: 4,
borderRadius: 2,
px: 2,
fontWeight: 'fontWeightBold',
zIndex: 'tooltip',
boxShadow: 8,
If you need to do the above with a normal div, you have to get the theme object using useTheme hook and create an inline styles which is not a good practice if abused everywhere:
backgroundColor: theme.palette.primary.main,
color: theme.palette.text.secondary,
border: '4px solid black',
borderRadius: theme.shape.borderRadius * 2,
padding: `0 ${theme.spacing(2)}`,
fontWeight: theme.typography.fontWeightBold,
zIndex: theme.zIndex.tooltip,
boxShadow: theme.shadows[8],
Box among other components like Typography or Stack also supports system properties that lets you pass the style values to the top-level props, which resulted in even shorter code. Internally, the system properties are gathered and merged with the sx prop so they are the same thing (See this answer for more detail)
Because Box leverages sx prop, you can also use sx features like adding responsive values:
xs: 'none',
sm: 'block',
sm: 30,
md: 50,
lg: 100,
Or creating nested styles:
'& > :not(:last-child)': {
mr: 2 // maginRight: theme.spacing(2)
':hover': {
bgcolor: 'green'
When to use Box?
When you want to create a styled div quickly when prototyping.
When you want to create a one-off inline styles that is not really reusable anywhere else. This is convenient when you want to fix something that is a bit off in a specific part of your layout.
When you want to add dynamic or responsive styles and make your code easier to understand at the same time because everything is defined in one place, plus the fact that sx syntax is highly compact.
When you want to reference multiple MUI theme properties because many sx properties are theme-aware out-of-the-box.
When not to use Box?
When you don't need to styles anything. Just use a normal div then.
When you are using it in a highly reusable components like list item, grid item or table cell. This is because sx prop has the slowest performance (2x slower than the second slowest approach)
When you're using other MUI components. In v5, all components from MUI has sx support so using Box as a wrapper or root component is unnecessary if you just want to style other MUI components.
*: By default a Box is a div, but you can override the root component of it. For example: <Box component='span'>
A Box is just that, a box. It's an element wrapped around its content which by itself contains no styling rules nor has any default effects on the visual output. But it's a place to put styling rules as needed. It doesn't offer any real functionality, just a placeholder for controlling the styles in the hierarchical markup structure.
Structurally it results in a <div>.
I often think of it as semantically similar to the JSX empty element:
Some elements here
In that it's used to group things. But it results in a <div> and can include some Material UI capabilities:
<Box className={classes.someStyling}>
Some elements here
The Box component in Material UI it has a lot of useful stuff
The most important thing is that box element has been built in with material-ui/system functionalities by default that mean you can apply system functionalities to what you need if you use it as wrapper
Like this example:
<Box bgcolor="primary.main" color="primary.contrastText" p={2}>
and of course you can add css class to it as you like or not
the other good useful thing that it offer it can be warp in other components and be very helpful to apply system functionalities to it
Like this example:
<Typography component="div" variant="body1">
<Box color="primary.main">primary.main</Box>
Both of examples above i took them from documentation
you can find them in this link :here
and you can find what i mean by material ui system functionalities:here
Note: you can add any of material ui system functionalities to any component like docs here but i recommend you to warp what u need with box component it make life a lot easier
