React adding "build" to end of base url - reactjs

I'm creating a basic React app using create-react-app.
When I cd into the root folder and run npm run start or yarn start, the project url is http://localhost:3000/build.
Why is it adding build to the end of the url and how can I make the server load http://localhost:3000/ instead?

Under the package.json in your project folder root (the one that spawned into existence after you created the app using the create-react-app) there are scripts defined.
There you can see what gets executed when you run npm run start or yarn start -> the "react-scripts start"
BTW, you can just npm start - no need to npm run start since it's the 1st script ;)
So where are these react scripts and what gets called?
Well, in the same root folder there you'd be your npm modules folder named node_modules. And in it after a shitload of scrolling surely there is a react-scripts subfolder and in it a folder named scripts and in it a file named start.js. This is what actually gets run.
This chunk
const urls = prepareUrls(
paths.publicUrlOrPath.slice(0, -1)
I believe, determines URLs and since it glues together those parts the one coming after a port is interesting:
paths.publicUrlOrPath.slice(0, -1)
the paths object is defined in (looking from the same app root path I have been using as a reference from the start)
In this file this piece of code IMHO determines the path you are after:
const publicUrlOrPath = getPublicUrlOrPath(
process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development',
So you have fiddled with process.env.PUBLIC_URL either in Node or maybe at OS level, I am not sys admin ;)
Anyhow, I can give you a "get out of jail for free" card:
In the package.json file (yes, the aforementioned one in the project root) after "name":"app" or whatever your app is named add another line:
"homepage": "",
This will force the require(resolveApp('package.json')).homepage, to come into play and use that instead as the final part of your URL.


trying to figure out best process for local npm package generate and install

I have a React app which holds the code for a custom component that will be leveraged as a shared component in other apps. I've implemented a rollup.config.ts which outputs the following dist directory for the component:
I'm creating developer documentation for the update process. Seems best to have developers test the updated npm package on a local copy of a consuming app before pushing the updated npm package code to the repo. Looks like npm install supports local directories and packages.
Looks like this ^^^ approach requires the defined package path to have a valid package.json. So how would you typically configure this? The following rollup.config.ts encounters an error and writes it to the log, although the specific error does not appear clear in the log file:
output: [
I'm assuming that the output config above (or similar) is required, since the url above says that package.json is required in the dist folder for npm install via local directory. What's the best way to automate inclusion of package.json into the dist folder?
Also, let's say that the shared npm package is named "user-manager" and that's how it's installed in my local ConsumerApp. What would be a good way to test the package updates via local consumer app?For example, should the documentation say something like:
Copy "dist" folder from user-manager project to top-level of
local ConsumerApp
Rename "dist" folder to "user-management"
Open git bash to that "user-management" directory and "npm install user-management"
Test app
If success then roll back ConsumerApp changes and push code updates from user-manager project

Issues deploying react under custom root path "/app" with create-react-app and react-router

I'm deploying an app on a host that has the following setup:
I need to deploy under a custom root path /app for my React app that will sit under this umbrella. I'm using react-router v5 and create-react-app.
When I build the app (I'm using vercel's serve), I get a blank page. When I go to localhost:5000/app/, nothing shows up.
I did all the suggestions from here and here, but still can't get my app to load.
I'm also confused: what's the difference between using react-router's basename and CRA's homepage field? Should I be using both, or one or the other?
EDIT: Potentially found the problem. Setting homepage=/app also changes the paths for my JS bundle, which it wasn't recognizing (hence the blank page). I manually added a app folder inside my build dir, like so: build/app/static and it worked. Shouldn't CRA do this automatically?
My setup
<Router basename={process.env.PUBLIC_URL}>
scripts: {
"build-prod": "GENERATE_SOURCEMAP=false REACT_APP_ENVIRONMENT=production react-app-rewired build",
"homepage": "/app",
Command to serve the prod build locally
> npm run build-prod && serve -s build -l tcp://
The project was built assuming it is hosted at /app/.
You can control this with the homepage field in your package.json.
The build folder is ready to be deployed.
Find out more about deployment here:
I navigate to and get a blank page (no network calls).
What I tried
set homepage: "/app" in package.json source
set the basename for react-router source
The CRA docs shows an example using the full path of the website. That didn't work either:
"homepage": "",
I got it working, although it's a workaround.
As Mohit's comment mentions, the homepage field makes it so all the assets are pre-pended by that sub-path defined in homepage. I was getting a blank screen because it couldn't find the new path to my JS bundle, aka it went from serving /build/static/js/.. to /build/app/static/js/...
Solution (workaround)
Create a new folder called app (or whatever your new root path is called) under your build directory.
Move your /build/static folder to build/app/static.
This is what it looks like with Dockerfile:
RUN pwd
RUN echo $(ls -1 $pwd)
RUN echo $(ls -1 ./build)
RUN mkdir -p ./build/app
RUN mv ./build/static ./build/app # now it should be /build/app/static
RUN echo $(ls -1 ./build)
You can take out the pwd and echo lines, I added it so I could see it working.
I don't know why CRA doesn't do this by default. It might be because I'm using react-app-rewired, which messes around with CRA's webpack config?

Change path in asset-manifest.json

I've grabbed this example ReactJS project > to experiment with Azure devops. When I build the project locally and use npm start in the build folder the app works fine. This is the path for a file http://localhost:3000/static/js/0.chunk.js`.
But on my Azure environment the server is looking for Notice that the `/pokedex/ folder has been added to the path. I'm unsure why this is happening.
I can reproduce it locally by running serve in the build folder instead of npm start: http://localhost:5000/pokedex/static/js/2.a7ba4e0c.chunk.js
I've tried adding npm start to my tasks in the release pipeline but that's also causing errors. So I think the fastest way is to figure out why when using serve the /pokedex/ folder gets added to the routes?
I fixed the issue by replacing the homepage value in my package.json from "homepage": "", to "homepage": "./", now when I run serve the paths to the files are correct.

react-scripts Invalid Host header

I created an app with react-create-app, I just dev it using npm start, that seems to do react-scripts start according to my package.json
Whenever I add a proxy to my package.json, I get this error message :
Invalid Host header
I get the idea, it's a security issue. What I don't get is how to fix it. I read several issues on github and QA here on the subject, the fix is easy enough, but I still don't get where to put it
in the end, I will add a whitelist of hosts. I think I saw it's possible.
but where do I put this config to start :
devServer: {
disableHostCheck: true
Another way to disable the host check would be to set the following environment variable: DANGEROUSLY_DISABLE_HOST_CHECK=true
That can be done by e.g. adding that line to .env file in the root of the project. Note that this is not a secure solution and should not be used in production.
You can manage it without changing stuff inside node_modules or by ejecting your project by using an npm package called react-app-rewired.
It basically has an option to override your default hardcoded settings for webpack that are inside a create-react-app boilerplate setup.
You put a config-overrides.js inside your root folder and change the scripts inside your package.json to match react-app-rewired instead of the react-scripts. This way you can override all the webpack config that's hard coded inside a react project by writing it down inside a config-overrides.js file.
The syntax is inside this link. There's also an article about it which can be found here.
I never found out where to put the webpack.config.js. It didn't work in the app root directory where I suppose it should go, it didn't do anything for me, I just ended up modifying where react-scripts invokes webpack-dev-server and then put the disableHostCheck to true directly before invoking.
Basically I changed the following line :
const serverConfig = createDevServerConfig(
to :
var serverConfig = createDevServerConfig(
serverConfig.disableHostCheck = true;
that's really not good practice (modify the code and disableHostCheck), but now I know I can actually modify settings, I'll just go for a whitelist, may be one day I'll understand why it doesn't care about my webpack.config.js ^^
Install react-app-rewired:
npm install react-app-rewired --save-dev
change package.json script to
"start": "set PORT=80&&react-app-rewired start",
then add a file named .env.development, add this line:
then add config-overrides.js file (you can override some webpack settings there but don't have to - still, file have to be created)
finally you type npm start, then browser will open and navigate to and renders normally without the Invalid Host Header error.

Why is create-react-app's build directory in .gitignore?

This is clearly something I'm misunderstanding but I'm desperately struggling to find an answer.
I've been teaching myself React with create-react-app, I've run "npm run build" to spit out my finished project, and I have the project pushed to a private bitbucket repo.
My expectation would be to then SSH to my server, and git clone the /build directory in order to make this project live. Obviously that is possible (if I removed /build from .gitignore), but since the /build directory is in .gitignore this clearly isn't the intended/desired behaviour.
So, my question is - what is? How does one publish a completed build to server without pulling from git (and obviously without FTP)?
The build directory is in .gitignore as it can be generated from the existing files.
To minimize upload/download time only essential items should be kept in the git repo. Anything that can be generated need not be in the repo (The build directory in this case).
If you are working on a server that has node (AWS, Heroku etc) you can git clone the entire repo on the server and then run npm run build there (after npm install). Then you can do something like
npm install -g serve
serve -s build
The serve module serves static files and you pass the build folder as a parameter.
If you are working on a more old style server like Apache static hosting with cPanel etc then you will need to upload the entire build directory containing static files and index.html.
