For certain Idp only Acs URL sends the 500 error and unfortunately nothing is logged or returned so as to understand what exactly is happening - saml-2.0

I am using Sustainsys.Saml2 library in Asp net core 2
Whenver my client hits the request throught their IDP(let it be SP initiated or Idp initiated) it gives them 500 error.
We are clue less what exactly failing.
Is there any way by which we can log /see the exception thrown at our ACS URL https://localhost:5000/KM/Acs
Client's Idp is not accessible outside their corporate network.
On the other hand we tested same code with 3 different Idp and it works perfectly.

The Sustainsys.Saml2 library logs errors to the Asp.Net Core logging framework, check those logs.


TAI for MS Azure with Websphere Application Server setup for Idp initiated flow not working

I am trying to setup saml sso configuration for my application which is deployed in websphere.
Idp- Azure AD
SP - Websphere application server when my target application deployed
Done TAI configuration as per the Ibm document . But when I hit the test button from idp I could see the saml response in network tab. but i couldn't login to my application and also didn't get any trace related to saml in log files also however i have enabled logs for saml in Troubleshoot. My doubt is sometimes am getting trace which are related to TAI during server stop. For each request should i be getting TAI trace ? and why my saml response not getting intercepted in TAI. How exactly the interception happen with saml response and how do we get to know that saml response got validated.
[15/4/21 16:18:42:855 IST] 00000096 TrustAssociat A SECJ0121I: Trust Association Init class loaded successfully
acs url -> https://localhost:/browserTest (which is my actual target application url)
metadata and signing certificates also imported correctly.
Thanks for your help.
The acs URL has format like this:
https://<hostname>:<sslport>/samlsps/<any URI pattern string>
if you want to use your application URL
as acs URL, this UR must be able to accept HTTP POST.

ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR after authentication is done

I'm trying to use ITfoxtec.Identity.Saml2.MvcCore on a .NET Core 3.1 web application using an in-house IdP.
It works great on our test server (Windows Server 2012, hosted in the IIS) but I can't get it to work on any other server.
This is what happens:
The initial call to the website is correctly identified as a non authenticated call and the user is being sent to the IdP where the user logs in as usual. The SAML-token is then posted back to the web applications assertion consumer service where everything seems like it does what its supposed to, saml2AuthnResponse.Status has statuscode Saml2StatusCodes.Success and the logfile says "AuthenticationScheme: saml2 signed in". Then it reads the ReturnUrl-parameter and log something like "Executing RedirectResult" but then it just stops. Nothing in the logfile, nothing in the IIS-logs. The user is met by the message
This site can’t be reached
In short, every controller that has the [Authorize]-attribute gives the ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR-error. When I remove all [Authorize]-attributes the application works great, although without authentication.
I've also tried the example TestWebAppCore-application from ITfoxtec.Identity.Saml2's github-page and it gives the same error. It works on our 2012 test-server but nowhere else.
Any ideas that I can try?
I think you need to trace the calls to see the actual http request and responses send between the browser and server. I usually use Fiddler for tracing the requests/response. Remember to enable Fiddler for https tracing.
My first thought is that the problem can have something to do with cookies. But it is only a guess...
You might be on to something, we disabled http/2 on the server and was greeted instead by this message:
Bad Request - Request Too Long
HTTP Error 400. The size of the request headers is too long.
It uses 5 cookie-chunks for the SAML-data for a total of 19941 bytes which is a bit to much. I've tried to make the application save the sessiondata in classic session objects instead but I cant seem to get it to work.
This is what I added to StartUp.cs:
In ConfigureService:
services.AddSession(options =>
options.Cookie.IsEssential = true
services.Configure<CookiePolicyOptions>(options =>
options.CheckConsentNeeded = context => false;
options.MinimumSameSitePolicy = SameSiteMode.None;
In Configure:
But it still fills up the header with cookies. What am I doing wrong? Is there a another way to make the session cookies smaller?


My client site is broadcasting from api broadcasts from localhost:44376 on the same machine. opens but when I click login it leads to http://localhost:44376/account/login site but 500
Internal Server Error
I am getting an UNAUTHORIZED_CLIENT error.
Probably you changed the appsettings endpoints to 10.0.x from localhost after running dbmigrator causing your client still registered with localhost:4200 redirect uri.
That's why you're getting UNAUTHORIZED_CLIENT error. I assume you are at the beginning of the project; you can delete your db and run db migrator again with your updated settings.
You can also check application logs for exact error messages; identityserver errors are logged detailed in log file.
This usually happens when CORS URL defined in the ClientCorsOrign database table is not valid. eg https:/// is valid while https:/// is not valid. So to accurate identitify cause of this error, open Logs in Identity api, in my case the CORS url was invalid..

Sustainsys.Saml2 SLO Logout RequestDenied status error

I need help in implementing Single Logout.I'm able to implement SSO service successfully.But SLO service is not working.
I got RequestDenied status code after performing logout on my OWIN based MVC application.
ID="idb2d655f7174f465696a433c75a717b46" IssueInstant="2019-08-03T02:16:03Z" Version="2.0"
<saml2:NameID Format="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress"></saml2:NameID>
<LogoutResponse Destination="" ID="S0e6a2f99-2517-4326-a8ce-2ede2dfe1bfa" InResponseTo="idb2d655f7174f465696a433c75a717b46" IssueInstant="2019-08-03T02:16:04.933Z" Version="2.0" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol" xmlns:ns2="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion" xmlns:ns4="" xmlns:ns3="">
<StatusCode Value="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:Requester">
<StatusCode Value="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:RequestDenied" />
<StatusMessage>Identity Provider could not process the logout message received.</StatusMessage>
Here is Owin log
Sustainsys.Saml2.Owin.Saml2AuthenticationMiddleware Error: 0 : Error in Saml2 for /Saml2/Logout
Sustainsys.Saml2.Exceptions.UnsuccessfulSamlOperationException: Idp returned status "Requester", indicating that the single logout failed. The local session has been successfully terminated.
at Sustainsys.Saml2.WebSso.LogoutCommand.HandleResponse(UnbindResult unbindResult, StoredRequestState storedRequestState, IOptions options, Uri returnUrl)
at Sustainsys.Saml2.WebSso.LogoutCommand.Run(HttpRequestData request, String returnPath, IOptions options)
at Sustainsys.Saml2.Owin.Saml2AuthenticationHandler.d__4.MoveNext()
Thank you in advance.
The Idp returns an error. You should check the logs on the Idp to get more information on why.
It might also be worth using SAML dev tools for Chrome to check the actual messages, there might be more status codes embedded in the response.
One reason that this might occur is if you have a long lived session in your application that extends beyond the life time of the Idp session. With owin based applications where the external login session is typically swapped to an application login session this might happen - the session life time limit is lost in the swap done in ExternalLoginCallback.

Siteminder: 'Unable to process SMSESSION cookie' for only GET requests

I have integrated siteminder with my spring application which runs on Tomcat and the front end is developed on AngularJS.
The problem is that after 20 minutes of logging in I am getting error in webagent.log saying 'Unable to process SMSESSION cookie'.
Interesting point is that it is happening only for GET requests and apache is throwing 302 for these requests, trying to redirect to SSO login page.
However, for POST requests, I am getting 200 with proper response.
When user is redirected to SSO login page, SSO again redirects to the application without asking to enter login credentials again. And again application works fine for next 20 minutes until GET requests starts failing again.
Does anyone know root-cause/solution of this issue?
Do you have different rules created for GET and POST requests.. What is the idle and maximum timeout value set for the rules.
If you are in a position to enable debug on the webagent, that will tell you exactly why the request is being rejected although from the sound of it, it seems to be an obvious case of session timing out.
