What is the default spring AOP aspect for all methods all packages and functions? - spring-aop

Help me with below spring aop expression , not sure what is wrong here
#Before("execution( (..)") is not working

From the question topic the requirement here is to advice the execution of all the public methods of beans across the application. Following pointcut expression would achieve the same.
execution(public * *(..))
Please be aware that the above expressoin is for sure to have undesired results. This is because the scope of this expression is for all the spring application context managed beans , which includes the framework beans as well.
A better approach would be to target only the beans from your application , an example would be
execution(* com.xyz.service..*.*(..))
This pointcut targets execution of any method defined in the service package or one of its sub-packages
Both examples are taken from the Spring reference documentation - AOP pointcut examples
Recommended reading.
Aspect Oriented Programming with Spring
Writing good pointcuts


External Service through Component Bindings in Camel (Similar To Mule binding interface)

I'm new in Apache Camel world and currently looking to understand how to use camel endpoints to Java interface methods. As per my requirement, I want to use an external service while the component(bean or transform or a process) is still processing the message. In Mule world - this is how it is implemented -
<component class="org.mule.examples.bindings.InvokerComponent">
<binding interface="org.mule.examples.bindings.HelloInterface"
Here in this example - The binding causes the sayHello method in HelloInterface to call out to the external HelloWeb service when sayHello is called when InvokerComponent is in execution.
Currently, I'm reading about camel CXF-RS but not sure if this is way to implement this type of use case in Camel. Can anyone please help me or guide me to implement this? Any code example will be great. Thank you so much!!
It’s quite an old unanswered question so sharing some ideas. You can use aggregator EIP for this situation.
The Aggregator from the EIP patterns allows you to combine a number of messages together into a single message.
How to use Aggregator EIP using Spring and Apache Camel?

What is the CamelContext in apache?

I searched in web but did not find any explanation that what is the exactly CamelContext? where and how to use ?
I gone through below links also but not satisfied with explanation.
There are many comparision for CamelContext with others, but what I am looking for is the what is it? I want some conceptual explanation.
Please help me to understand this.
It's roughly an instance of a Camel environment, or at least it's a reference to it. Most apps would only have one CamelContext, but you can have several if needed. Looking at the referenced document, it shows how the context has a lifecycle.
In most cases, the context will start and stop along with the application.
After seeing the videos in YouTube, I knew about the Apache camel framework,
and from that I got the answer that camelcontext is nothing but context of the 'apache camel framework' framework.
As many framework have context like Spring have an applicationcontext, Ninja have a context, same the 'Apache camel framework' have a context and that is called 'camelcontext'.
So, it is the run-time system of Apache Camel (framework) and it connects its different concepts such as routes, components or endpoints.
Reference :
Basic Apache Camel Tutorial

XSD Restrictions for bottom-up JAX-WS

We are using Spring and CXF to provide SOAP Web Services. The WSDL is being generated from Java Code.
Is there a way to define validation rules in Java code that would be applied to generated XSD?
For example, support for some of JSR 303 annotations would be great. In such case this code:
#Pattern(regexp = "[0-9]+/[0-9]+")
private String phone;
would evaluate to such XSD:
<restriction base="string">
<pattern value="[0-9]+/[0-9]+"></pattern>
I was looking for such JAXB extension: https://github.com/whummer/jaxb-facets
Unfortunately, it's not an extension to JAXB but a fork, so it completely replaces JAXB implementation from JDK.
The intention of this project was to be integrated into JDK, but it did not happen as you can see in this ticket: https://github.com/javaee/jaxb-v2/issues/917
There is also another project addressing a similar issue: https://github.com/krasa/krasa-jaxb-tools, but this one is also not supported anymore.

can i have aspectj for Camel Component(marshal and unMarshal)?

i tried to have aspectj for camel processor, but it is not working. My pointcut is below:
#Around("execution(* org.apache.camel.processor.UnmarshalProcessor.*(..))")
Will it possible to do aspect for camel processor?? if yes, help.
Yes, you can if you put the library on the inpath in a compile-time weaving scenario, creating modified versions of the 3rd party class files and using them during runtime.
In a load-time weaving scenario you can also do it dynamically if the weaving agent is loaded before the Camel classes, which should usually be the case.
As a work-around you can change the pointcut type from execution() to call(), intercepting the callers in your own code rather than the callee in the 3rd party library.
So you have at least three options, all of which work with AspectJ (not in an "AOP lite" variant like Spring AOP though).

Spring AOP - exclude specific aspects?

I'm using Spring 3.0.5, and was wondering if it's possible, to somehow exclude aspect classes from being loaded that have been annotated with the #Aspect stereotype, but at the same time, include other aspect annotated classes? It seems to be an all or nothing if you're going the annotation route(which I am) I've tried looking at the and but can;t seem to find anything that hints at this.
The reason for this is that I have a central core library which contains aspects, but I may not want to include these aspects in every project I create using this central library.
This is a long time for an answer...
If you are using AspectJ annotations with Spring AOP and not AspectJ runtime or compile-time weaving then you're in luck. Spring will only pick up #Aspect annotated classes if they're annotated with something like #Component as well. Spring does not consider #Aspect a candidate for component scanning. If you're using XML configuration, simply remove that bean from your config.
I would suggest NOT using component scanning that would hit a core library. For example, if your app is com.example.myapp1 and your core library is com.example.corelibrary.* make sure your component scanning is looking at com.example.myapp1 ONLY and not com.example.
It is not safe to component scan outside of your app's base package because of this exact reason. Pull in the individual aspects with an XML config for the bean.
