React useState hook not updating with axios call - reactjs

I am aware this is a common question as I have spent the last two hours going through every answer and trying to get my state to update but nothing is working.
I am fetching text from a cms however on first load the state is undefined and my app crashes. However if I comment the line out, load the page and uncomment the line the correct values are displayed.
Here is some of the code I have tried.
The data i am hoping to get
import react, {useEffect, useState} from 'react'
import axios from 'axios'
const [carouselTitle, setCarouselTitle] = useState([])
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
const fetchData = async () => {
await axios('api').then(
response => {
console logging the data works fine but when i console log the state it does not work.
useEffect(() => {
const fetchData = async () => {
const res = await axios('api');
const carouselTitleAlt = await;
setCarouselTitle({ carouselTitleAlt });
}, []);
Again console logging the const inside the useEffect displays the correct information but logging the state does not work.
Appreciate your responses or better ways of displaying the data.

setState is asynchronous :
It means that you cannot expect to console.log the new state value the line after you called setCarouselTitle.
To log the new value, you could use another useEffect, with carouselTitle in the dependencies array, where you console.log(carouselTitle) :
useEffect(() => {
}, [carouselTitle]);
That said, your component should behave correctly, it will be refreshed when the state is updated.
In the JSX you should check that carouselTitle is not undefined (meaning that the request failed or is still pending) :
{carouselTitle && <H1>{carouselTitle[0].id}}

First of all, if you pass an empty array for initial data to useState, you can't get any item in that array in here:
Because component returns first item of an array that has nothing. I prefer to you do it like this:
<h1>{carouselTitle.length > 0 && carouselTitle[0].id}</h1>
And also based on this and official documentation, setState (and also setSomthing() using useState()) is asynchronous.
So state data doesn't show immediately after setting that.

You should trigger useEffect for run fetch function


How can I stop a function mutate from executing in ReactJS?

I am trying to stop this mutate function from executing. ater I call mutate() in List.js when I check the network in my browser I can see that the mutate always executing. I need this to execute once.
This is my List.js which I output the data.
import React, {useEffect} from 'react';
import ListItem from './ListItem'
import FetchData from './FetchData';
function List() {
const {
} = FetchData();
//this needs to stop using interval how?
return (
{loading && <div>Loading</div>}
{!loading && (
{ => (<ListItem key={} id={} name={} complete={item.complete} />))}
export default List
And this is the FetchData.js where the mutate came.
import { useEffect, useState} from 'react';
import axios from 'axios';
const FetchData = () => {
const [data, setData] = useState({});
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true);
const fetchData = async () => {
try {
const { data: response } = await axios.get(
{ crossDomain: true }
} catch (error) {
const mutate = () => fetchData();
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
return {
export default FetchData;
I cant stop mutate from executing, I need it to stop using interval how?
This is the image of the app. enter image description here
Not sure what you're trying to do with this mutate function, but I can explain the issue:
Because mutate() is just declared inside your component instead of in a useEffect, it's going to get called any time the component renders & re-renders.
So what happens here, in order (kinda), is:
your component renders with data being empty {};
your component has a useEffect() to fetch the data, so that gets fired when it first renders. Which is good.
At the same time, mutate() gets called, which also does the same exact fetch call as in the use effect. Bad.
You now have two concurrent API calls being sent off.
Some time later, one of the two API calls responds first. Doesn't matter which for our purposes.
On that response, we call setData(...) and change the state data value.
Because the data changed, the component rerenders. Which is good.
Because our component rerenders, the mutate() gets called AGAIN. Oh no. we're now fetching data again, will again setData(...), data state value gets changed, and our component rerenders again.... We're stuck in a loop.
On top of all of that, your component has an extra rerender in there when the 2nd of the two fetchData() calls gets returned. Which doesn't matter because it's all broken anyway.
If you get rid of the mutate(), this works fine? I think?
I have no clue what the purpose of the mutate is, other than to cause ridiculous behavior, so I can't advise on how to solve this. Lol.

My custom React hook method "useFetch" is running 8 times when called

Hope anyone is able to help me with a custom react hook.
My custom react hook "useFetch" is running 8 times when called.
Can anyone see, why it is running 8 times when the custom "useFetch" hook is called?
I am a bit new to React, but it seems like I am using useEffect method wrong. Or maybe I need to use another method.
UseFetch hook method:
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
export const useFetch = function (
options = {
IsPending: true,
data = {}
) {
// load data
const [loadData, setLoadData] = useState(null);
// pending
const [isPending, setIsPending] = useState(false);
// error
const [isError, setIsError] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
// method
const fetchData = async function () {
// try
try {
// set pending
// response
const response = await fetch(data.url, data);
// handle errors
if (response.status !== 200 && response.status !== 201) {
// throw new error with returned error messages
throw new Error(`Unable to fetch. ${response.statusText}`);
// convert to json
const json = await response.json();
// set load data
// set error
// set pending
// catch errors
} catch (err) {
// set error
setIsError(`Error fetching data: ${err.message}`);
// set pending
// invoke fetch data method
}, []);
// return
return {
export default useFetch;
Everytime you change a state in a hook, the component that has the hook in it will rerender, making it call the function again.
So let's start counting the renders/rerenders by the change of state:
Component mounted
(depending if it's successful or not you might get more state changes, and therefore rerenders, and therefore hook being called again)
So 4 is not 8, so why are you getting 8?
I presume you are using React18, and React18 on development and StrictMode will call your useEffect hooks twice on mount: React Hooks: useEffect() is called twice even if an empty array is used as an argument
What can you do to avoid this?
First of all, check on the network tab how many times you are actually fetching the data, I presume is not more than 2.
But even so you probably don't want to fetch the data 2 times, even though this behaviour won't be on production and will only be on development. For this we can use the useEffect cleanup function + a ref.
const hasDataFetched = useRef(false);
useEffect(() => {
// check if data has been fetched
if (!hasDataFetched.current) {
const fetchData = async function () {
// fetch data logic in here
// cleanup function
return () => {
// set has data fetched to true
hasDataFetched.current = true;
}, []);
Or as you suggested, we can also add data to the dependency array. Adding a variable to a dependency array means the useEffect will only be triggered again, when the value of the variable inside the dependency array has changed.
(Noting that data is the argument you pass to the useFetch hook and not the actual data you get from the fetch, maybe think about renaming this property to something more clear).
useEffect(() => {
// check if data has been fetched
const fetchData = async function () {
// fetch data logic in here
}, [data]);
This will make it so, that only if loadData has not been fetched, then it will fetch it. This will make it so that you only have 4 rerenders and 1 fetch.
(There is a good guide on useEffect on the React18 Docs:
Every time you change the state within the hook, the parent component that calls the hooks will re-render, which will cause the hook to run again. Now, the empty array in your useEffect dependency should be preventing the logic of the hook from getting called again, but the hook itself will run.

useState setter not updating state when called in useEffect

Pretty much what it says on the title. When I console.log(repos) it returns an empty array. Why is the repos state not updating?
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import axios from "axios";
export default () => {
const [repos, setRepos] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
(async () => {
try {
let repo_lists = await axios.get(
// { params: { sort: "created" } }
} catch (err) {
"Something went wrong while fetching GitHub Api./nPlease use the link below to view my git repos instead ",
}, []);
return (
<div className="content">
<h2>View my recent git repos:</h2>
Answer is very simple. Your useState is updating .. believe me. The reason why you don't see it when you console.log() is because SetRespos is an asynchronous function.
Basically when you declare a function to update you useState value, react will use it as an async function
const [example, setExample] = useState('');
useEffect(() => {
console.log('I'm coming first'); // This will be executed first
console.log(example); // This will come after this
}, [])
The output will be :
I'm coming first
// Blank Line
But still your useState will update after this. If you want to see that do this :
useEffect(() => {
console.log(respose); // This will give you the value
}, [respos])
I'm using a separate useEffect to console.log() the value. In the [] (dependency array) we pass respos which simply means that the useEffect will run every time the value of respos changes.
Read more about useStates and useEffects in react's documentation
State updates are async. You will only see them reflected on the next render. If you console log the state immediately after calling setState it will always log the current state, not the future state.
You can log the state in an effect every time it changes and you will see it changing:
useEffect(() => console.log(repos), [repos]);
This effect will be called after the state update has been applied.

React: Stop hook from being called every re-rendering?

Somewhat new to React and hooks in React. I have a component that calls a communications hook inside of which a call to an API is made with AXIOS and then the JSON response is fed back to the component. The issue I'm having is the component is calling the hook like six times in a row, four of which of course come back with undefined data and then another two times which returns the expected JSON (the same both of those two times).
I did a quick console.log to double check if it was indeed the component calling the hook mulitple times or it was happening inside the hook, and it is the component.
How do I go about only have the hook called only once on demand and not multiple times like it is? Here's the part in question (not including the rest of the code in the widget because it doesn't pertain):
export default function TestWidget() {
//Fetch data from communicator
const getJSONData = useCommunicatorAPI('');
//Breakdown passed data
const {lastName, alertList, warningList} = getJSONData;
return (
<h1 id="welcomeTitle">Welcome {lastName}!</h1>
export const useCommunicatorAPI = (requestAPI, requestData) => {
const [{ data, loading, error }, refetch] = useAxios('', []);
console.log("data in Communicator:", data);
return {data};
I would use the useEffect hook to do this on mount and whenever any dependencies of the request change (like if the url changed).
Here is what you will want to look at for useEffect
Here is what it might look like:
const [jsonData, setJsonData] = React.useState({})
const url = ...whatver the url is
React.useEffect(() => {
const doFetch = async () => {
const jsonData = await useAxios(url, []);;
}, [url])
...use jsonData from the useState
With the above example, the fetch will happen on mount and if the url changes.
Why not just use the hook directly?
export default function TestWidget() {
const [{ data, loading, error }, refetch] =
useAxios('', []);
return (<h1 id="welcomeTitle">Welcome {lastName}!</h1>);
the empty array [] makes the hook fire once when called
Try creating a function with async/await where you fetch the data.
Here can you learn about it:

How to do fetch with React Hooks; ESLint enforcing `exhaustive-deps` rule, which causes infinite loop

I'm pretty new to React hooks in general, and very new to useSelector and useDispatch in react-redux, but I'm having trouble executing a simple get request when my component loads. I want the get to happen only once (when the component initially loads). I thought I knew how to do that, but I'm running into an ESLint issue that's preventing me from doing what I understand to be legal code.
I have this hook where I'm trying to abstract my state code:
export const useState = () => {
const dispatch = useDispatch();
const data = useSelector((state) =>;
return {
data: data,
get: (props) => dispatch(actionCreators.get(props))
Behind the above function, there's a network request that happens via redux-saga and axios, and has been running in production code for some time. So far, so good. Now I want to use it in a functional component, so I wrote this:
import * as React from 'react';
import { useState } from './my-state-file';
export default () => {
const myState = useState();
() => {
return () => {};
return <div>hello, world</div>;
What I expected to happen was that because my useEffect has an empty array as the second argument, it would only execute once, so the get would happen when the component loaded, and that's it.
However, I have ESLint running on save in Atom, and every time I save, it changes that second [] argument to be [myState], the result of which is:
import * as React from 'react';
import { useState } from './my-state-file';
export default () => {
const myState = useState();
() => {
return () => {};
return <div>hello, world</div>;
If I load this component, then the get runs every single render, which of course is the exact opposite of what I want to have happen. I opened this file in a text editor that does not have ESLint running on save, so when I was able to save useEffect with a blank [], it worked.
So I'm befuddled. My guess is the pattern I'm using above is not correct, but I have no idea what the "right" pattern is.
Any help is appreciated.
Based on Robert Cooper's answer, and the linked article from Dan Abramov, I did some more experimenting. I'm not all the way there yet, but I managed to get things working.
The big change was that I needed to add a useCallback around my dispatch functions, like so:
export const useState = () => {
const dispatch = useDispatch();
const data = useSelector((state) =>;
const get = React.useCallback((props) => dispatch({type: 'MY_ACTION', payload:props}), [
return {
data: data,
get: get,
I must admit, I don't fully understand why I need useCallback there, but it works.
Anyway, then my component looks like this:
import * as React from 'react';
import { useState } from './my-state-file';
export default () => {
const {get, data} = useState();
() => {
return () => {};
return <div>{do something with data...}</div>;
The real code is a bit more complex, and I'm hoping to abstract the useEffect call out of the component altogether and put it into either the useState custom hook, or another hook imported from the same my-state-file file.
I believe the problem you're encountering is that the value of myState in your dependency array isn't the same value or has a different JavaScript object reference on every render. The way to get around this would be to pass a memoized or cached version of myState as a dependency to your useEffect.
You could try using useMemo to return a memoized version of your state return by your custom useState. This might look something like this:
export const useState = () => {
const dispatch = useDispatch();
const data = useSelector((state) =>;
return useMemo(() => ({
data: data,
get: (props) => dispatch(actionCreators.get(props))
}), [props]);
Here's what Dan Abramov has to say regarding infinite loops in useEffect methods:
Question: Why do I sometimes get an infinite refetching loop?
This can happen if you’re doing data fetching in an effect without the second dependencies argument. Without it, effects run after every render — and setting the state will trigger the effects again. An infinite loop may also happen if you specify a value that always changes in the dependency array. You can tell which one by removing them one by one. However, removing a dependency you use (or blindly specifying []) is usually the wrong fix. Instead, fix the problem at its source. For example, functions can cause this problem, and putting them inside effects, hoisting them out, or wrapping them with useCallback helps. To avoid recreating objects, useMemo can serve a similar purpose.
Full article here:
