Search for a list of 7000 images names - file

I have 192000 images and I want to search for list of 7000 images names. and copy only these images. Is there any way to do it by coding or any way?
note: I use windows 10

I don't really understand the question but if you open the folder where are your images with the folder explorer, and you search the name of the wanted image, you can cut and paste all the images you have with the good name in an other folder.
I don't know if it's the answer you want sorry... But I hope it will help you

If you are storing the image file names in text file (one image file name per line) below vbs code can be useful
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
sourceFolderPath = "C:\Selenium\images\"
targetFolderPath = "C:\Selenium\copied_images\"
Set oFile = oFSO.OpenTextFile("C:\Selenium\images\names.txt")
arr = Split(oFile.ReadAll(), vbNewLine)
For i = 0 To UBound(arr)
Filename = sourceFolderPath + arr(i)
If (oFSO.FileExists(Filename)) Then
oFSO.CopyFile Filename, targetFolderPath
End If
set oFile = Nothing
set oFSO = Nothing


Open the latest file

I have an Access form with the drawing number D-A1ER-1378-1601-0 listed which is also stored in a file folder.
I use the code below to open the pdf drawing, which works fine.
Public Sub OpenDWG()
Dim strFile As String
Dim PathPDF As String
On Error GoTo Failure
PathPDF = DLookup("[FilePath]", "[SettingsDrawingFilePathTbl]", "ID = 4")
strFile = PathPDF & "\" & Screen.ActiveControl & ".pdf"
If Len(Dir(strFile)) Then
FollowHyperlink strFile
MsgBox "No Document found for this Drawing Number, check Engineering Drawing Search File path in the Settings Tab and / drawing download files"
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
How do I adjust the strfile name
strFile = PathPDF & "\" & Screen.ActiveControl & ".pdf"
to get the form to open only the most recent file when a new version of the drawing is dropped into the folder. ie D-A1ER-1378-1601-0(2) will be the newest revision.
I would like to add a comment, but I don't have enough points ot comment.
I think that you can use the Dir function to get all files beginning with the same characters, or with wild cards, etc. I'll have to look into how exactly to do this. You could populate an array with these, and use code to scan the array to determine the latest file. Or you could populate a temporary table amd then use the table contents as the course to a combo box to have the user select the desired file, sorted with the latest one on top.
If I get a chance, I'll conjure up some sample code an post it.

Visual Basic Drag and Drop Window

I have found this code which allows me to drag and drop files onto to script icon and put them in a specified directory:
Const MyDestinationFolder = "C:\Temp\"
Const OverwriteExisting = True
Dim objFile,objFolder
Dim Arg
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If WScript.Arguments.Count > 0 Then
For Each Arg in Wscript.Arguments
Arg = Trim(Arg)
If InStr(Arg,".") Then
' Assume a File
Set objFile = objFSO.GetFile(Arg)
' Copy file to the Dest Folder using the same name
objFile.Copy MyDestinationFolder & objFile.Name,OverwriteExisting
'Assume a Folder
Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(Arg)
' Copy Folder to the Dest Folder
objFolder.Copy MyDestinationFolder, OverwriteExisting
End If
End If
However I would like to make a script that runs and has a simple rectangle that says, drag and drop here. If this is at all possible, that would be great. Thanks!
You can add a GUI to VBScript programs by using "HTML Applications (HTAs)". Start your research here:
Introduction to HTML Applications (HTAs)
Extreme Makeover: Wrap Your Scripts Up in a GUI Interface
A Scriptomatic You Can Call Your Own
HTML Application
HTML Applications (HTAs)
Scripting Eye for the GUI Guy
and - of course
stackoverflow questions tagged hta
After second thoughts on "Drag & Drop", I found:
this claim and that .HTA (not tested)

Saving Files From Folder Into SQL Database In Windows Forms VB EF

I'm really struggling with this and any help would be greatly appreciated.
I need a bit of code that goes through each file in a folder and saves it into a database so that it can later be pulled out and displayed. I haven't got to the displaying part yet lol, still trying to get the files in the database.
What I have so far is giving me an error
Value of type '1-dimensional array of Byte' cannot be converted to 'String'.
All the fields in the database are nvarchar(MAX)
Dim dir As New System.IO.DirectoryInfo("C:\Users\Will\Desktop\SUBARU")
For Each f As System.IO.FileInfo In dir.GetFiles("*.*")
Using db As New FileStoreAppDBEntities
Dim NewFile As New StoredFile
NewFile.FileName = f.Name
NewFile.FileSize = f.Length
'got trouble here
Dim ImageData As Byte() = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(f.FullName)
NewFile.FileContent = ImageData
NewFile.FileType = f.Extension
End Using
Perhaps i'm doing this all wrong?
Many thanks for your help.
This seems to do it!
For Each f As System.IO.FileInfo In dir.GetFiles("*.*")
Using db As New FileStoreAppDBEntities
Dim NewFile As New StoredFile
NewFile.FileName = f.Name
NewFile.FileSize = f.Length
Dim filename As String = f.FullName
NewFile.FileContent = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(filename)
NewFile.FileType = f.Extension.ToLower
End Using
Not sure on the performance though, i think this might put the file in memory then send it instead of streaming?
And to retrieve the file:
Using db As New FileStoreAppDBEntities
Dim IDofFile As Integer = 31
Dim getFile = (From files In db.StoredFiles Where files.FileID = IDofFile Select files).SingleOrDefault
'getFile.FileName eg. mydocument.txt
System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes("C:\LocationToSaveTo\" & getFile.FileName, getFile.FileContent)
End Using
Getting an error for very large files System.OutOfMemoryException
Working perfectly for the smaller files though...
Perhaps chunking the file up would be possible?
Are your files text files? If so you should not read them as binary data but as text data. Something like this (sorry it's C# but it should be easy to convert to VB.NET):
using(StreamReader textFile = new StreamReader(path))
NewFile.FileContent = textFile.ReadToEnd();
If the files are binary files then you don't want to store them as strings in the database but probably as varbinary.
This seems to do it!
For Each f As System.IO.FileInfo In dir.GetFiles("*.*")
Using db As New FileStoreAppDBEntities
Dim NewFile As New StoredFile
NewFile.FileName = f.Name
NewFile.FileSize = f.Length
Dim filename As String = f.FullName
NewFile.FileContent = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(filename)
NewFile.FileType = f.Extension.ToLower
End Using
Not sure on the performance though, i think this might put the file in memory then send it instead of streaming?
And to retrieve the file:
Using db As New FileStoreAppDBEntities
Dim IDofFile As Integer = 31
Dim getFile = (From files In db.StoredFiles Where files.FileID = IDofFile Select files).SingleOrDefault
'getFile.FileName eg. mydocument.txt
System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes("C:\LocationToSaveTo\" & getFile.FileName, getFile.FileContent)
End Using
Getting an error for very large files System.OutOfMemoryException Working perfectly for the smaller files though...

Excel - VBA Question. Need to access data from all excel files in a directory without opening the files

So I have a "master" excel file that I need to populate with data from excel files in a directory. I just need to access each file and copy one line from the second sheet in each workbook and paste that into my master file without opening the excel files.
I'm not an expert at this but I can handle some intermediate macros. The most important thing I need is to be able to access each file one by one without opening them. I really need this so any help is appreciated! Thanks!
So I've been trying to use the dir function to run through the directory with a loop, but I don't know how to move on from the first file. I saw this on a site, but for me the loop won't stop and it only accesses the first file in the directory.
Folder = "\\Drcs8570168\shasad\Test"
wbname = Dir(Folder & "\" & "*.xls")
Do While wbname <> ""
i = i + 1
ReDim Preserve wblist(1 To i)
wblist(i) = wbname
wbname = Dir(FolderName & "\" & "*.xls")
How does wbname move down the list of files?
You dont have to open the files (ADO may be an option, as is creating links with code, or using ExecuteExcel4Macro) but typically opening files with code is the most flexible and easiest approach.
Copy a range from a closed workbook (ADO)
Links method
But why don't you want to open the files - is this really a hard constraint?
My code in Macro to loop through all sheets that are placed between two named sheets and copy their data to a consolidated file pulls all data from all sheets in each workbook in a folder together (by opening the files in the background).
It could easily be tailored to just row X of sheet 2 if you are happy with this process
I just want to point out: You don't strictly need VBA to get values from a closed workbook. You can use a formula such as:
You can implement this approach in VBA as well:
Dim rngDestinationCell As Range
Dim rngSourceCell As Range
Dim xlsPath As String
Dim xlsFilename As String
Dim sourceSheetName As String
Set rngDestinationCell = Cells(3,1) ' or Range("A3")
Set rngSourceCell = Cells(3,1)
xlsPath = "C:\MyPath"
xlsFilename = "MyBook.xls"
sourceSheetName = "Sheet1"
rngDestinationCell.Formula = "=" _
& "'" & xlsPath & "\[" & xlsFilename & "]" & sourceSheetName & "'!" _
& rngSourceCell.Address
The other answers present fine solutions as well, perhaps more elegant than this.
brettdj and paulsm4 answers are giving much information but I still wanted to add my 2 cents.
As iDevlop answered in this thread ( Copy data from another Workbook through VBA ), you can also use GetInfoFromClosedFile().
Some bits from my class-wrapper for Excel:
Dim wb As Excel.Workbook
Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Set xlApp = New Excel.Application
xlApp.DisplayAlerts = False ''# prevents dialog boxes
xlApp.ScreenUpdating = False ''# prevents showing up
xlApp.EnableEvents = False ''# prevents all internal events even being fired
''# start your "reading from the files"-loop here
Set wb = xlApp.Workbooks.Add(sFilename) '' better than open, because it can read from files that are in use
''# read the cells you need...
''# [....]
wb.Close SaveChanges:=False ''# clean up workbook
''# end your "reading from the files"-loop here
''# after your're done with all files, properly clean up:
Set xlApp = Nothing
Good luck!
At the start of your macro add
Application.ScreenUpdating = false
then at the end
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
and you won't see any files open as the macro performs its function.

How to open certain excel folders in a file with a common name using vba

My problem is that I need to open some excel files using VBA (for excel 2007) and extract the data. All the files I want to open are called "profit for January.xlsx", "profit for February.xlsx", and so on with only the month name changing, so I think I want to open a file called "profit for*". There is another file in the folder called "total revenue.xlsx" that I do not want to open.
If possible, I need the code to extract the data from the files in the folder, wherever the folder may be because I am sending this code to my colleagues to put into their own folders, which have the same file name formats etc but different paths.
I have the code to extract the data, which works, but it either imports all the data in the folder or none at all!
Any help on this would be much appreciated as I am an intern trying to get his foot in the door, and this would be quite a big break for me!
Further Information
So far I have the code below (I haven't included the dim's because I felt they may be unnecessary?), which I have drawn from other websites. I'm also finding that, in trying to open all the files in the folder, it is trying to open itself! If anyone could suggest how to improve this, I would be very grateful. I haven't been using VBA for very long, and have been finding this assignment quite tough!
The error box that comes up sometimes says that I need an 'object' for the variable sfilename, and I'm not sure how to do that without messing up another part of the code.
sub import data ()
ChDir ThisWorkbook.Path
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set sfolder = objFSO.GetFolder(ThisWorkbook.Path)
For Each sfilename In sfolder.Files
If sfilename <> "Total Revenue.xlsx" Then
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
sfilename *'open the file*
Set sfilename = ActiveWorkbook *'set the file name as sfilename, so the single piece of code will work with the copy-loop*
b = Sheets.Count *'for the data-import loop*
Call ImportData *'call in the loop*
sfilename.Close *'close the file*
End If
end sub
So far I have the code below (I haven't included the dim's because I felt they may be unnecessary?), which I have drawn from other websites. I'm also finding that, in trying to open all the files in the folder, it is trying to open itself! If anyone could suggest how to improve this, I would be very grateful. I haven't been using VBA for very long, and have been finding this assignment quite tough!
The error box that comes up sometimes says that I need an 'object' for the variable sfilename, and I'm not sure how to do that without messing up another part of the code.
Many thanks and kindest regards,
sub import data ()
ChDir ThisWorkbook.Path
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set sfolder = objFSO.GetFolder(ThisWorkbook.Path)
For Each sfilename In sfolder.Files
If sfilename <> "Total Revenue.xlsx" Then
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
sfilename *'open the file*
Set sfilename = ActiveWorkbook *'set the file name as sfilename, so the single piece of code will work with the copy-loop*
b = Sheets.Count *'for the data-import loop*
Call ImportData *'call in the loop*
sfilename.Close *'close the file*
End If
end sub
What are you using at the moment? For each file in folder?
Possibilities include
For i=1 to 12
Sub import_data()
sPath = ThisWorkbook.Path
sTemplate = "\profit for qqq.xls"
For i = 1 To 12
sFileName = Replace(sTemplate, "qqq", MonthName(i))
''Just checking
If Dir(sPath & sFileName) <> "" Then
Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
sPath & sFileName
'open the file*
Set sFileName = ActiveWorkbook
'set the file name as sfilename, so the single
'piece of code will work with the copy-loop*
b = Sheets.Count
'*'for the data-import loop*
''Call ImportData
'*'call in the loop*
'*'close the file*
End If
End Sub
