Update/Add Array Value PostgreSQL - arrays

My table:
CREATE TABLE public.invoice (
id bigint NOT NULL,
json_data jsonb NOT NULL
My Data:
INSERT INTO public.invoice (id,json_data) VALUES
(1,'{"Id": 1, "Items": ["2", "3", "1"], "Invoice": "CR000012"}');
Todo List:
Need to add to "Items" a new value i.e "5". (output of items ["2", "3", "1","5"])
Need to update items value 2 to 9. (output of items ["9", "3", "1","5"])
I have tried below but this will replace the array values not update or add
UPDATE invoice SET json_data = jsonb_set(json_data, '{invoice }', '"4"') where Id ='1'

I recommend you to use this aproach, you should point element with index of array.
In your case, your code should look something like this,
1. Add to Items a new value i.e "5
UPDATE invoice SET json_data = jsonb_set(json_data, {Items,0}, json_data->'Items' || '"5"', TRUE) where Id =1
2. Update Items value 2 to 9.
UPDATE invoice SET json_data = jsonb_set(json_data, {Items,0}, '"9"') where Id =1
You can check PostgreSQL, JSON Functions and Operators from here.


Postgresql update jsonb keys recursively

Having the following datamodel:
create table test
id int primary key,
js jsonb
insert into test values (1, '{"id": "total", "price": 400, "breakdown": [{"id": "product1", "price": 400}] }');
insert into test values (2, '{"id": "total", "price": 1000, "breakdown": [{"id": "product1", "price": 400}, {"id": "product2", "price": 600}]}');
I need to update all the price keys to a new name cost.
It is easy to do that on the static field, using:
update test
set js = jsonb_set(js #- '{price}', '{cost}', js #> '{price}');
1 {"id": "total", "cost": 1000, "breakdown": [{"id": "product1", "price": 400}]}
2 {"id": "total", "cost": 2000, "breakdown": [{"id": "product1", "price": 400}, {"id": "product2", "price": 600}]}
But I also need to do this inside the breakdown array.
How can I do this without knowing the number of items in the breakdown array?
In other words, how can I apply a function in place on every element from a jsonb array.
Thank you!
SOLUTION 1 : clean but heavy
First you create an aggregate function simlilar to jsonb_set :
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION jsonb_set(x jsonb, y jsonb, _path text[], _key text, _val jsonb, create_missing boolean DEFAULT True)
SELECT jsonb_set(COALESCE(x, y), COALESCE(_path, '{}' :: text[]) || _key, COALESCE(_val, 'null' :: jsonb), create_missing) ;
$$ ;
DROP AGGREGATE IF EXISTS jsonb_set_agg (jsonb, text[], text, jsonb, boolean) CASCADE ;
CREATE AGGREGATE jsonb_set_agg (jsonb, text[], text, jsonb, boolean)
sfunc = jsonb_set
, stype = jsonb
) ;
Then, you call the aggregate function while iterating on the jsonb array elements :
WITH list AS (
SELECT id, jsonb_set_agg(js #- '{breakdown,' || ind || ',price}', '{breakdown,' || ind || ',cost}', js #> '{breakdown,' || ind || ',price}', true) AS js
FROM test
CROSS JOIN LATERAL generate_series(0, jsonb_array_length(js->'{breakdown}') - 1) AS ind
UPDATE test AS t
SET js = jsonb_set(l.js #- '{price}', '{cost}', l.js #> '{price}')
FROM list AS l
WHERE t.id = l.id ;
SOLUTION 2 : quick and dirty
You simply convert jsonb to string and replace the substring 'price' by 'cost' :
SET js = replace(js :: text, 'price', 'cost') :: jsonb
In the general case, this solution will replace the substring 'price' even in the jsonb string values and in the jsonb keys which include the substring 'price'. In order to reduce the risk, you can replace the substring '"price" :' by '"cost" :' but the risk still exists.
This query is sample and easy for change field:
You can see my query structure in: dbfiddle
update test u_t
set js = tmp.new_js
from (
select t.id,
(t.js || jsonb_build_object('cost', t.js ->> 'price')) - 'price'
jsonb_build_object('breakdown', jsonb_agg(
(b.value || jsonb_build_object('cost', b.value ->> 'price')) - 'price')) as new_js
from test t
cross join jsonb_array_elements(t.js -> 'breakdown') b
group by t.id) tmp
where u_t.id = tmp.id;
Another way to replace jsonb key in all jsonb objets into a jsonb array:
My query disaggregate the jsonb array. For each object, if price key exist, remove the price key from jsonb object, add the new cost key with the old price's value, then create a new jsonb array with the modified objects. Finally replace the old jsonb array with the new one.
WITH cte AS (SELECT id, jsonb_agg(CASE WHEN item ? 'price'
THEN jsonb_set(item - 'price', '{"cost"}', item -> 'price')
ELSE item END) AS cost_array
FROM test
CROSS JOIN jsonb_array_elements(js -> 'breakdown') WITH ORDINALITY arr(item, index)
SET js = jsonb_set(js, '{breakdown}', cte.cost_array, false)
FROM cte
WHERE cte.id = test.id;

How to update jsonb sub element postgres?

Table name: the_table
Column name: the_column
I want to update from this:
old_json: {"aa": {"bb": {"asd": "asd", "qqq": "aqaq", "the_key": "the_value"}"}}
modified json: {"aa": {"bb": {"asd": "asd", "qqq": "aqaq", "the_key": "the_NEW_value"}"}}
In my case I have to update many similar rows like above.
if I do like that update the_table set the_column = jsonb_set(the_column, '{aa}', '"the_value"') then result be like : {"aa": "the_value"}
Then I tried update the_table set the_column = jsonb_set(the_column, '{aa: {bb: {the_key}}}', '"the_value"') but it's does't work
So how to update jsonb correctly?
The second parameter of jsonb_set() is an text array which contains the keys as path to your values:
UPDATE the_table
SET the_column = jsonb_set(the_column, '{aa, bb, the_key}', '"the_NEW_value"');

Query JSON Key:Value Pairs in AWS Athena

I have received a data set from a client that is loaded in AWS S3. The data contains unnamed JSON key:value pairs. This isn't my area of expertise, so I was looking for a little help.
The structure of JSON data that I've typically worked with in the past looks similar to this:
{ "name":"John", "age":30, "car":null }
The data that I have received from my client is formatted as such:
"answer_id": "cc006",
"answer": {
"101086": 1,
"101087": 2,
"101089": 2,
"101090": 7,
"101091": 5,
"101092": 3,
"101125": 2
This is survey data, where the key on the left is a numeric customer identifier, and the value on the right is their response to a survey question, i.e. customer "101125" answered the survey with a value of "2". I need to be able to query the JSON data using Athena such that my result set looks similar to:
Cross joining the unnested children against the parent node isn't an issue. What I can't figure out is how to select all of the keys from the array "answer" without specifying that actual key name. Similarly, I want to be able to select all of the values as well.
Is it possible to create a virtual table in Athena that would allow for these results, or do I need to convert the JSON to a format this looks more similar to the following:
"answer_id": "cc006",
"answer": [
{ "key": "101086", "value": 1 },
{ "key": "101087", "value": 2 },
{ "key": "101089", "value": 2 },
{ "key": "101090", "value": 7 },
{ "key": "101091", "value": 5 },
{ "key": "101092", "value": 3 },
{ "key": "101125", "value": 2 }
EDIT 6/4/2020
I was able to use the code that Theon provided below along with the following table structure:
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE answer_example (
answer_id string,
answer string
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.openx.data.jsonserde.JsonSerDe'
LOCATION 's3://mybucket/'
That allowed me to use the following query to generate the results that I needed.
CAST(json_extract(answer, '$') AS MAP(VARCHAR, VARCHAR)) as answer
element_at(answer, key) AS value
CROSS JOIN UNNEST (map_keys(answer)) AS answer (key)
EDIT 6/5/2020
Taking additional advice from Theon's response below, the following DDL and Query simplify this quite a bit.
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE answer_example (
answer_id string,
answer map<string,string>
ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.openx.data.jsonserde.JsonSerDe'
LOCATION 's3://mybucket/'
element_at(answer, key) AS value
CROSS JOIN UNNEST (map_keys(answer)) AS answer (key)
Cross joining with the keys of the answer property and then picking the corresponding value. Something like this:
WITH data AS (
'cc006' AS answer_id,
ARRAY['101086', '101087', '101089', '101090', '101091', '101092', '101125'],
ARRAY[1, 2, 2, 7, 5, 3, 2]
) AS answers
element_at(answers, key) AS value
FROM data
CROSS JOIN UNNEST (map_keys(answers)) AS answer (key)
You could probably do something with transform_keys to create rows of the key value pairs, but the SQL above does the trick.

update value in list Postgres jsonb

I am trying to update json
[{"id": "1", "name": "myconf", "icons": "small", "theme": "light", "textsize": "large"},
{"id": 2, "name": "myconf2", "theme": "dark"}, {"name": "firstconf", "theme": "dark", "textsize": "large"},
{"id": 3, "name": "firstconxsf", "theme": "dassrk", "textsize": "lassrge"}]
and this is the table containing that json column :
adding new field is easy I am using:
SET DATA = DATA || '{"name":"firstconxsf", "theme":"dassrk", "textsize":"lassrge"}'
WHERE id = 9;
But how to update single with where id = 1 or 2
Click: step-by-step demo:db<>fiddle
UPDATE users -- 4
SET data = s.updated
jsonb_agg( -- 3
CASE -- 2
WHEN ((elem ->> 'id')::int IN (1,2)) THEN
elem || '{"name":"abc", "icon":"HUGE"}'
ELSE elem
) AS updated
jsonb_array_elements(data) elem -- 1
) s;
Expand array elements into one row each
If element has relevant id, update with || operator; if not, keep the original one
Reaggregate the array after updating the JSON data
Execute the UPDATE statement.

How to delete array element in JSONB column based on nested key value?

How can I remove an object from an array, based on the value of one of the object's keys?
The array is nested within a parent object.
Here's a sample structure:
"foo1": [ { "bar1": 123, "bar2": 456 }, { "bar1": 789, "bar2": 42 } ],
"foo2": [ "some other stuff" ]
Can I remove an array element based on the value of bar1?
I can query based on the bar1 value using: columnname #> '{ "foo1": [ { "bar1": 123 } ]}', but I've had no luck finding a way to remove { "bar1": 123, "bar2": 456 } from foo1 while keeping everything else intact.
Running PostgreSQL 9.6
Assuming that you want to search for a specific object with an inner object of a certain value, and that this specific object can appear anywhere in the array, you need to unpack the document and each of the arrays, test the inner sub-documents for containment and delete as appropriate, then re-assemble the array and the JSON document (untested):
SELECT id, jsonb_build_object(key, jarray)
SELECT foo.id, foo.key, jsonb_build_array(bar.value) AS jarray
FROM ( SELECT id, key, value
FROM my_table, jsonb_each(jdoc) ) foo,
jsonb_array_elements(foo.value) AS bar (value)
WHERE NOT bar.value #> '{"bar1": 123}'::jsonb
GROUP BY 1, 2 ) x
Now, this may seem a little dense, so picked apart you get:
SELECT id, key, value
FROM my_table, jsonb_each(jdoc)
This uses a lateral join on your table to take the JSON document jdoc and turn it into a set of rows foo(id, key, value) where the value contains the array. The id is the primary key of your table.
Then we get:
SELECT foo.id, foo.key, jsonb_build_array(bar.value) AS jarray
FROM foo, -- abbreviated from above
jsonb_array_elements(foo.value) AS bar (value)
WHERE NOT bar.value #> '{"bar1": 123}'::jsonb
This uses another lateral join to unpack the arrays into bar(value) rows. These objects can now be searched with the containment operator to remove the objects from the result set: WHERE NOT bar.value #> '{"bar1": 123}'::jsonb. In the select list the arrays are re-assembled by id and key but now without the offending sub-documents.
Finally, in the main query the JSON documents are re-assembled:
SELECT id, jsonb_build_object(key, jarray)
FROM x -- from above
The important thing to understand is that PostgreSQL JSON functions only operate on the level of the JSON document that you can explicitly indicate. Usually that is the top level of the document, unless you have an explicit path to some level in the document (like {foo1, 0, bar1}, but you don't have that). At that level of operation you can then unpack to do your processing such as removing objects.
