clang to create output directory - c

I want clang to create a new directory for output files.
For example:
/usr/bin/clang -std=gnu17 -g /path/to/file/test2.c -o /path/to/file/build
Obviously, I keep getting errno=2 (no such file or directory):
ld: can't open output file for writing: /path/to/file/build, errno=2 for architecture x86_64
Is there any way to force a compiler to create a new directory for output files?

I know that you want to use clang itself for creating the directory
but there are other ways
you can use mkdir before you use clang
like that
mkdir path/yourfolder | /usr/bin/clang -std=gnu17 -g /path/to/file/test2.c -o /path/to/file/build


Script to create a static library from all .c file in my working directory

I am trying to write a script that create a static library call libwork.a in the working directory from all the .c files in the directory:
gcc -c *.c | ar cr libwork.a *.o
But as I run my script, it only creates the object files. The libwork.a does not get created. I tried both sourcing and executing my script but it still only creates object files only.
Why is it not creating the archive?
You are piping the messages printed by gcc (most surely none) to ar (which does not read anything). This is nonesense, ar should run after gcc.
The file listing generated by "*.o" is passed before "gcc" finished.
The solution is to remove that pipe and simply run the commands one after the other.
#!/bin/sh -e
gcc -c *.c
ar cr libwork.a *.o
Note the "-e". This tells the shell to abort if one of the commands fails, so if gcc fails ar will not execute.
Also, have a look at this one:
gcc -Wall -pedantic -Werror -Wextra -c *.c
ar -rc libwork.a *.o
ranlib libwork.a

Why can't gcc find the include path using -I option?

here's my project tree
but when I run gcc -I./source/include ./bin/main.exe ./source/*.c it gave me No such file or directory error.
How can I let gcc know where's the include directory?
You need to run gcc with the -o option to set the output location.
gcc -I./source/include -o ./bin/main.exe ./source/*.c

Dynamic linker gives "cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" after using -L option

I have a project struct of a lib like this:
In this struct I had compile my project with those 4 commands:
(creating lib object)
gcc -fPIC -O3 -DNDEBUG -g -Wall -Isrc/main/include -c -o "target/.objs/ode.o" src/main/c/ode.c
(creating lib)
gcc -shared target/.objs/ode.o -lm -o "target/"
(creating test object)
gcc -fPIC -O3 -DNDEBUG -g -Wall -Isrc/main/include -c -Isrc/test/include -o target/.objs/test.o src/test/c/test_ode.c
(creating test)
gcc -L./target -lode target/.objs/test.o -o target/test/test.out
Then I tryed to run target/test/test.out and got this error.
target/test/test.out: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
In my understand, -L option includes a folder for link, and after the second command I can find a file at target/
So what am I doing wrong?
You have created an executable dynamically linked against a library in an arbitrary directory. At runtime, the dynamic linker cannot find the library (it doesn't exist in any of the standard search paths) and so gives you the error.
To run the program, you could set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH="`pwd`/target" target/test/test.out
You could also trying linking with -rpath (I've not tried this):
gcc -L./target -Wl,-rpath,./target -lode target/.objs/test.o -o target/test/test.out
(The above should "hardcode" the additional dynamic library search path in the executable. If you later move the library you will get an error again. I'm not sure if the path stored in the executable will be relative or absolute; if it's relative, you'll need to keep the executable and library at the same path relative to each other).

How do I add my own header file directory to Mac Terminal gcc?

I'm trying to compile a C program (myProgram.c) that includes a custom .h file that is in a specified directory. How can I add the directory to gcc so that I can build myProgram.c anytime using just a command like gcc myProgram (with no flags and what not)
You can do this by altering the C_INCLUDE_PATH environment variable, e.g.
You can add that to your .bashrc or .bash_profile or whatever to always have the environment variable set properly. Here's a reference on how you can do the same for libraries and C++.
had to use a whole set of flags to get this working on El Capitan:
export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/include
export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include/snappy-c.h"
export CFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include/snappy-c.h"
export CXXFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include/snappy-c.h"
export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/lib"
Makefiles would be helpful in this situation, they ease the compilation of multiple file projects.
Assuming you are using these same files and they are in the same directory
A sample makefile could look like
all: main.o custom.o
gcc main.o custom.o -o myExecutable
main.o: main.c
gcc -c main.c
custom.o: custom.c custom.h
gcc -c custom.c
rm -f *.o myExecutable
Or something similar, the general format is
name: dependency
So by running make all from the commandline you would be instructing the compiler to compile your source code into object files, and then link those object files together into an executable.
Make should be easily available on any modern system. For more information on basic makefiles and usage refer to this simple tutorial:

Makefile to compile c/h?

I need to compile an old application whose tarball only contains *.c and *h, ie. no Makefile. The root directory contains the application, and a sub-directory contains a library the application needs.
My make/Makefile knowledge isn't great, and I was wondering what the easiest way would be to compile this application + library.
Thank you.
Edit: Using this script...
# cat compile.bash
cd mylib
for cfile in *.c; do
ofile=$(echo "$cfile" | sed 's#.c$')
gcc -shared -c "$cfile" -o "$ofile"
cd ..
gcc *.c -I mylib -L mylib -mylib -o myapp
... I notice that each *.c file in mylib/ is compiled into a *.so file instead of compiling each into an object file and building a single .so file, and I get tons of warnings and errors, eg.
unzip.c: In function âunzipâ:
unzip.c:991: warning: format not a string literal and no format arguments
gcc: unrecognized option '-mylib'
file_util.c: In function âfile_moveâ:
file_util.c:98: error: âerrnoâ undeclared (first use in this function)
I don't know how to compile the library, and then compile the application without error/warning.
No need to use a for loop or generate intermediate object files:
(cd mylib && gcc -shared -fPIC -o *.c) && \
gcc -Imylib -o app *.c mylib/
Compile the library:
cd libfoo
for cfile in *.c; do
ofile=$(echo "$cfile" | sed 's#.c$')
gcc -shared -c "$cfile" -o "$ofile"
After this, you should have a file in libfoo/. Then, compile the program (Don't forget to cd back):
gcc *.c -I libfoo -L libfoo -lfoo -o application
The easiest is probably to get an IDE to do the build for you. Netbeans for one will create a Makefile so you can then build the project independently of the IDE.
