Prevent navigation until React form is validated - reactjs

I'm trying to implement a validation functionality in React wherein the user will fill in a form, and then the user can navigate to other tabs of the application.
What i want to do is disabling the navigation until certain parts of the form has been filled, if the user attempts to change the tabs without filling said fields, a message will appear directly on the page to alert the user that the fields are required.
My current approach is to capture the event prior to the page switch, check for the form's validity, and then decide whether or not the user can navigate based on said.
The problem is I have no idea which event to capture or how to prevent user's navigation, can someone help me?
Here's what i've tried so far:
componentWillUnmount() {
handleValidation = () => {
if (this.invalidForm()) {
this.setState({ showValidation: true });
preventNavigation = () => {
return (
///Form information...
{this.state.showValidation && (
You must provide all required information
I've thought that by using location.reload in componentWillUnmount(), the page would be reloaded before the navigation (hence, making the user stay in the old page), but what really happens is that it navigates to the other tab, then proceeds to reload there.


How can I restrict double click on a button in my React js application?

I have a button(Material-UI) in my ReactJs application. Now, the scenario is when a user clicks(too many times thou!) and call an API to insert my form data there are multiple clicks triggering which tends to insert twice, thrice or n times(depends on user clicks).
So, I basically want a proper way to accept a single click(despite of user clicking a button n times).
Can anyone suggest me a proper way of doing it.
Note: I have tried out disabling and enbaling of button on click, as well as setTimeout to call API only on single click, but it does not work. Still on production I am having issues.
So I want a proper way for implementing single click on button (let user click multiple times the button)
Set a state variable on button click and disable the button based on the variable. So that the user will not be able to click again. And also, you can enable the button on API response.
[disableButton, setDisableButton] = useState(false);
const submitFunction = () => {
apiCall().then(resp => {
setDisableButton(false) // enable button on api success response
// code on success response
.catch((error) => {
<button onClick={() => submitFunction()} disabled={disableButton}>Submit</button>

How should I show editable data after it has been submitted with a form so that I can reuse a form components?

If I was making a website where the user submits some data using a form and then the user is redirected to a page with a unique URL where they can view this data, what is the best way to display this data to user in a way in which they can make updates to it?
To give some context I am using react and right now I am showing the same form again on the view data page, but as the forms have slightly different display options, such as some fields being disabled and some extra buttons I am repeating the same form in two seperate components which seems to go against the react way of doing things.
The way I would personally do it is have all your form elements in a single component and use it for the create and edit page, then just pass a "isCreating" or "isEditing" prop, or something similar. In that component, you can then conditionally disable your inputs.
const SomeForm = ({ isEditing }) => {
const onSubmit = () => {
if (isEditing) {
// Make request to update endpoint
} else {
// Make request to create endpoint
return (
<form onSubmit={onSubmit}>
<input disabled={isEditing} />
<input />
Create Page Usage
<MyForm />
Edit Page Usage
<MyForm isEditing />
Note that if you're doing a ton of conditional logic/rendering based on whether you're creating or editing a form, it might be better to split it into two separate form components. If you're simply disabling some inputs on the edit page and doing different submit logic, then I think this is fine.

How to detect if the React app is actually being viewed

So I have created an app that shows data in realtime obtaining it from devices.
However, I want to make my server not obtain data when nobody is viewing the app.
So essentially I need some way to determine whether the app is currently being viewed, regardless of if it's desktop or mobile, this includes tab is on focus where the app is opened and that is what the user is currently viewing, and there is nothing on top of the browser, so browser opened on the correct tab, but user has explorer on top of it doing something entirely different, this for my case should be false, and for mobile, the same thing including if device is locked (screen off).
The reason for trying to do that, is to reduce the load on the devices, so that data is being requested, only when there is someone to view it.
From what I have researched I found out about the focus and blur events, but I was unable to make it work, and I don't even know if that is the correct approach, but what I have tried is:
Adding event listeners to the window in the App component:
function App() {
useEffect(() => {
window.addEventListener("focus", () => { console.log("viewed")});
window.addEventListener("blur", () => { console.log("hidden")});
Adding them as props to the App component within index.js:
<App onFocus={() => {console.log("viewed")}} onBlur={() => {console.log("hidden")}}/>
Neither had any kind of effect, I didn't get either of the console outputs.
Is that even the correct approach?
I would add a socket connection to the app. Then the server would be able to know if there are at least X persons connected and act accordingly.
I would suggest you to try socket for this kind of connection tested, but since you also wanna reduce the load for the user, testing if the user is focused in the browser is the way to go.
To achieve it, I won't add this code inside the React component because of the nature of React as all of its components are rendered inside the <div id="root"></div>, other parts of the html page will still be unaffected by this mechanism. So what you probably want to do is to add the code in the index.html and use window.userFocused to pass the value into React from the index
Edit: added focus/blur script
window.addEventListener("focus", function(event)
console.log("window is focused");
window.userFocused = true;
}, false);
window.addEventListener("blur", function(event)
console.log("window is blurred");
window.userFocused = false;
}, false);
So I ended up solving it with pretty much the same code as initiallywith a few slight modifications, I still used an useEffect hook:
const onFocusFunction = () => {
// do whatever when focus is gained
const onBlurFunction = () => {
// do whatever when focus is lost
useEffect(() => {
window.addEventListener("focus", onFocusFunction);
window.addEventListener("blur", onBlurFunction);
return () => {
window.removeEventListener("focus", onFocusFunction);
window.removeEventListener("blur", onBlurFunction);
}, []);
The best way is to use document.
document.onvisibilitychange = () => {

Show warning on leaving without saving

I'm working on a React page which has a card component which opens on clicking a button. I'm trying to show a warning if the user tries to close the card without saving the changes. The card doesn't have a close button, it closes when clicking anywhere on the screen outside of the card.
I've built a similar warning modal by checking if the route has changed, however since in this case the card component is part of the same page I cannot apply the same logic.
onHide={(e) => this.setState({ showSidebar: false})}
// when={?}
So basically you want to know when the form is dirty and data is not saved so the guard would pop up. As far as I can see you are not using any library for handling this kind of behavior in forms so you need to build custom. I also don't see that you are using something as Redux so you need to lift state up and keep the isDirty value in the state of the component that is shown in the snippet.
//This code goes in the snippet that you pasted
Pass the isDirtyHandler and isDirty as prop for check into the <FormComponent/> and inside the component make the following check
//This goes in <FormComponent/>
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
if( !== && !this.props.isDirty) {
//whole logic for submitting the form
and just in the guard you are checking if form is dirty

reactjs -- handle checkbox (multiple) click events

I know there are some similar topics but none seems to be in the same direction of what I'm trying to do, thus a new thread.
I have a component that displays a list of keys, each with a checkbox attached to the string. In addition, I have a button that supposedly calls an API with all keys selected and delete these keys.
Several things I'm trying to achieve:
checking a check box enables the delete button
click the delete button should send a POST to API, the list should then reload
Since the list is reloaded, all checkbox should be unselected, thus the delete button is once again disabled
there's another button outside of this function that checks for the length of the list as well, which I don't know how to associate with this list if I fetch the list in the component.
I'm facing the problem which I don't know how to make the button and the checkboxes associate to each other. I tried using state with a checked state, which is a boolean, but that's only one boolean and cannot record several keys. I think using an array would work? Then again I'm not sure how to properly append or remove the key checked.
my code looks like
class AppList extends Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
checked: [],
apps: []
this.handleChecked = this.handleChecked.bind(this);
componentDidMount() {
fetch("some_url", {
method: 'post',
body: JSON.stringify({"user": "some_email"}),
headers: {'Content-Type': ' application/json'}
.then(res => res.json())
(result) => {
this.setState({apps: JSON.parse(result)});
(error) => {
console.log("error", error);
handleDeleteKey = (event) => {
// fetch(I'll worry about this later)
this.setState({checked: false});
handleChecked () {
this.setState({checked: !this.state.checked});
render () {
const apps = =>
<input type="checkbox" onChange={this.handleChecked} />
{` ${app}`}
return (
<h4>Client Key List:</h4>
{this.state.apps.length > 0 ? <ul>{apps}</ul> : <p>No Key</p>}
{this.state.apps.length > 0 ? <button className="api-instruction-button" onClick={this.handleDeleteKey}>Delete Selected Key(s)</button> : null}
export default AppList;
I feel like my design is completely wrong but I don't know how to fix it. It seems like there are so many states to be passed around and nothing is the outermost, almost a cyclic dependency.
Anyone had any experience dealing with this problem? It seems like it's a common user action but I can't figure it out.
EDIT: after digging it a bit more, it seems like I need to call componentDidMount outside of the AppList. It should be in the component that uses AppList, let's call it MainApp.
MainApp calls componentDidMount which is the same as the one in AppList. The one in AppList gets removed, and the keys are passed to AppList as props.
I have trouble handling the clicking event. It seems like the component is always updating, so if I want to append the clicked key to the array, it wouldn't work. The same call will be made again and again.
Since there's another button in MainApp that requires the list of keys, I can't just pass the call into AppList. However, updating in AppList should update the MainApp as well. How does it work? I'm so confused
This recreation should contain all functions I have so far, but I can't get them to work together.
Again my task is simply:
I have a list of strings, each with a checkbox
checking the checkbox selects the specific string
There's a button that I can click to delete these entries in my db by calling an API
Is refreshing the MainApp needed in this case? Otherwise I need to delete the strings in frontend so they don't display after the delete button is pressed
Here's what I believe you were going for:
The only problem that made yours not work properly was you were just getting a little jumbled with where to put everything.
The MainApp.js will only contain the apps and a method for deleting them in the backend. Other than those two methods, nothing else really concerns the MainApp.js file.
The AppList.js will contain all the methods that update its own checked state, the delete button itself, and a method to clear the checked state on delete.
First, MainApp.js will load and remount with a backend api pull and populate its apps state. Once it's finished that, it will pass it on to AppList.js. From there, AppList.js will render that list as a multi-select field onscreen. The user can then select or deselect any of the options. As an option is selected, its index is pushed to the checked state and organized in ascending order.
(ordering the array isn't that necessary, but I figured it would help if you wanted to retool it sometime down the road)
When one or more option is selected, a delete button will appear. When the user clicks the delete button, AppList.js will call the delete function passed to it from MainApp.js, then it will clear the current checked state.
