Remove the part of image, js and css url - arrays

I need to remove the part of image, css and js urls so that I would keep everything that goes after "."
For example,
I would like to have only "svg" in another column
Here is the link to the file

Try below formula (see your sheet)-
=ArrayFormula(TRIM(RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE(A2:A,".",REPT(" ",100)),100)))
You can also use REGEXEXTRACT() like


In ReactJs, I am having a basic issue?

Any link I use in Reactjs is showing comment. I'm using VSCode Editor. I'm new to can be silly...sorry for that.
I'm sharing two images here.In the tag, src="{link...}" should be shown like this. But in my case (sharing another snapshot including error) it is only consider it as comment and it is not loading any images.
This is my code image...I am stuck with it...I want my code to work like the above code in image (1) shared
Thanks in advance...
You have to use back ticks instead of single or double quotes.
So it's
<img src={`${var}`}
instead of
<img src={'${var}'}
It's a javascript feature called template string. You can find more info about it here:
It is happening because in src you are using single quotes ,
That's not how it should be done in React.
Use template strings which looks like this ` inside the src ,

React markdown image alignment with Contentful markdown

I'm using Contentful for storing content for articles and React markdown for parsing and it works very well. But i don't know what what exat to do when it comes to alignment of images like two images side by side.
Is there there a way to see in the markdown how many images are renderad? Then i could do alignment based on how many images there is in the markdown
You could style images using the next-sibling selector.
Perhaps something like this:
img + img { /* styles for any image directly after another image */ }
You can insert some HTML (which is not the ideal solution) in the markdown like <img='img' class='align-left' /> you can also have a separate field of type asset list and you get these image separately and add them to your HTML

Drupal 7. How do I change the CSS of the node when I click "Read More?"

I'm creating a custom theme (as a n00b). Basically, I display content on the main page as small div blocks.
my node.tpl.php looks something like this:
<div class="content-block">
default node.tpl.php stuff here
This works OK on the front page. However, when I click "Read More," to take me to the full article page, /node/[nodeId], obviously, it still shows as the little CSS content-block div.
I'd like to show the full article using a different CSS class. What's the best way to do this?
Yes, there are some best ways to accomplish that.
First of all I am not sure, whether you are using separate front page tpl or not. If not then please try to use page--front.tpl.php. Where you can provide your desired format to create the proper front page. Why this is needed, cause you won't need to modify the node.tpl.php file. So inside this front tpl file you can put your desired code.
<div class="content-block">
default node.tpl.php stuff here
Also you can use the Panel module to create a front page. So you won't be needed to modify the nope tpl file. Always try to avoid modifying tpl file. Panel module makes it easier.
Secondly, you should not touch the node.tpl.php file. Once you will modify the file, you won't be able to re-define as default. So keep that as it is and revert back it to the default file. Now if you send some article link, it won't break.
So this is it. If this helps you, then please like :)
Keep Drupalizing :)

Image not showing in angularjs, mobile

Image not showing in ng-repeat, getting all data from indexeddb and binding to page everything show up expect img in blackberry 10 webworks
<img data-ng-src='{{item.Picture}}' width="100px;" height="100px;"/>
Botanical_name:"Cladothamnus pyroliflorus",
Common_name:"Himalayan Cotoneaster ",
Picture: "images/Fplants/Cladothamnus pyroliflorus.png",
This wouldn't seem like an issue with IndexedDB.
For non-Angular directive attributes, such as src you want to interpolate as in the code below:
<img src='{{item.Picture}}' width="100px;" height="100px;"/>
For Angular directive attributes, there's no need for such interpolation:
<img data-ng-src='item.Picture' width="100px;" height="100px;"/>
As your data is going to be undefined on bootstrap, you want to use the latter approach. It prevents the browser from trying to load undefined as an image source.
Also, please note vaibhav's comment above. Without a leading slash, you'll load the images directory as relative to the current. While that may be what you're going for, it's probably going to make your code more reusable to include the leading slash regardless.
Update: If you're in an ng-repeat, note that your scope is not the scope in which the ng-repeat directive appears but it's own, brand new scope. Perhaps try out $parent.item.Picture
I'm having the same problem, it occurs with the image filename having spaces in between , maybe we could write a directive the removes the space from the filename as I'm calling the image via other variable such as title..
app.config(['$routeProvider','$compileProvider',function($routeProvider, $compileProvider){ $compileProvider.imgSrcSanitizationWhitelist('img/');

Cakephp images from css using themes

im using themes in an app im doing, and need a global css/img/js folder
i have tried using app/webroot as this folder, but cant get any css from a theme to show the images.
I have a setup like :: /app/views/themed/my_theme/webroot/css/file.css
With some css that looks like:
background-image: url('../img/file.jpg');
if i have the image in /app/views/themed/my_theme/webroot/img/file.jpg everything works 100% but when i put the image in /app/webroot/img/file.jpg it will not show. i have tried all sorts of combinations for the
i have also tried using a plugin dir like app/plugins/my_plugin/webroot/img/file.jpg but the various paths ive tried will not show the image either.
any ideas how i can get the image to show? i dont mind if its for webroot/ or in plugins/xyz/, just as long as i can use the same image in many different themes with out having to duplicate the images
when the image is in /webroot/img i can use the full path like url(http://locahost/my_app/img/file.jpg) and it works.
things that dont work
In your CSS file
background-image: url('/img/file.jpg');
This will use the root area to find the image in /app/webroot/img/file.jpg
CSS has urls for images relative to the path it is placed in.
CSS files from my_theme are linked like in the browser. So if you want to use an image from app/webroot/img in your theme's CSS, use url(../../../img/image.png)
I have not tried that but the cookbook says:
If you want to keep your theme assets
inside app/webroot it is recommended
that you rename app/webroot/themed to
