Copy phone memory by adb - adb

When I want to copy my phone data to my PC using these commands:
Terminal 1
$BUSYBOX nc -l -p 5555 -e $BUSYBOX dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0
Terminal 2
nc 5555 | pv -i 0.5 > $HOME/mmcblk0.raw
I get info that:
1|ASUS_I001_1:/ # /system/xbin/busybox nc -l -p 5555 -e /system/xbin/busybox d>
dd: can't open '/dev/block/mmcblk0': **No such file or directory**


Bash - Read portnumbers of certain service(s) into array

I'm searching for port numbers with grep (in a bash script)
portstr=$(lsof -i -P -n | grep LISTEN | grep sshd)
portstr now looks something like this
sshd 673 root 3u IPv4 14229 0t0 TCP *:22 (LISTEN)
sshd 673 root 4u IPv6 14231 0t0 TCP *:22 (LISTEN)
now I want to extract the numbers between the colon (:) and the following blank space, to get something like this
thank you
I tried this
var="[a1] [b1] [123] [Text text] [0x0]"
while [[ $var =~ $regex ]]; do
from here. But nothing really worked out.
You might use awk by setting the field separator to either 1 or more spaces or a colon using [[:space:]]+|
Check if the first field is sshd, the last field is (LISTEN) and then print the second last field:
portstr=$(lsof -i -P -n | awk -F"[[:space:]]+|:" '$1=="sshd" && $NF == "(LISTEN)" {print $(NF-1)}')
echo "$portstr"
For the output of lsof -i -P -n being:
sshd 673 root 3u IPv4 14229 0t0 TCP *:22 (LISTEN)
sshd 673 root 4u IPv6 14231 0t0 TCP *:22 (LISTEN)
The output of the command:
Reading this page you can put the output of the command into an array:
portarray=( $(lsof -i -P -n | awk -F"[[:space:]]+|:" '$1=="sshd" && $NF == "(LISTEN)" {print $(NF-1)}') )
for port in "${portarray[#]}"
echo "$port"

Gnuplot: How to plot bash array without dumping it to a file

I am trying to plot a bash array using gnuplot without dumping the array to a temporary file.
Let's say:
myarray=$(seq 1 5)
I tried the following:
myarray=$(seq 1 5)
gnuplot -p <<< "plot $myarray"
I got the following error:
line 0: warning: Cannot find or open file "1"
line 0: No data in plot
gnuplot> 2
line 0: invalid command
gnuplot> 3
line 0: invalid command
gnuplot> 4
line 0: invalid command
gnuplot> 5''
line 0: invalid command
Why it doesn't interpret the array as a data block?
Any help is appreciated.
bash array
myarray=$(seq 1 5)
The myarray is not a bash array, it is a normal variable.
The easiest is to put the data to stdin and plot <cat.
seq 5 | gnuplot -p -e 'plot "<cat" w l'
Or with your variable and with using a here-string:
<<<"$myarray" gnuplot -p -e 'plot "<cat" w l'
Or with your variable with redirection with echo or printf:
printf "%s\n" "$myarray" | gnuplot -p -e 'plot "<cat" w l'
And if you want to plot an actual array, just print it on separate lines and then pipe to gnuplot
array=($(seq 5))
printf "%s\n" "${array[#]}" | gnuplot -p -e 'plot "<cat" w l'
gnuplot -p -e 'plot "/dev/stdin"'
( seq 5 10; seq 7 12 ) | gnuplot -p -e 'plot "/dev/stdin"'
gnuplot -p -e 'plot "/dev/stdin" with steps' < <( seq 5 10; seq 7 12 )
More tunned plot
gnuplot -p -e "set terminal wxt 0 enhanced;set grid;
set label \"Test demo with random values\" at 0.5,0 center;
set yrange [ \"-1\" : \"80\" ] ; set timefmt \"%s\";
plot \"/dev/stdin\" using 1:2 title \"RND%30+40\" with impulse;" < <(
paste <(
seq 2300 2400
) <(
for ((i=101;i--;)){ echo $[RANDOM%30+40];}
Please note that this is still one line, you could Copy'n paste into any terminal console.

How to convert binary to bytes in bash

How to convert the following go code to bash
data, _ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString("nJpGBA==")
[156 154 70 4]
I got up to here
echo nJpGBA== |base64 -d
Not a exact match, but:
echo nJpGBA== |base64 -d | od -A n -t u1
Output: 156 154 70 4
Note leading space and multiple spaces between.
Other solution. Assign it to an array:
val_array=( $(echo nJpGBA== |base64 -d | od -A n -t u1) )
echo "${val_array[#]}"
Output: 156 154 70 4
The command od dumps any binary files, by default in octal values. Here it reads from stdin, as no file is given.
-A n suppresses the output of byte addresses
-t u1 prints one byte unsigned decimals

I can see file size but not able to open the file

I can file size in MBs but when I am trying to open the file I can't ... saying can't find file.
while read line; do echo $line # or whaterver you want to do with the $line variable
cat $line | grep "PROCEDURE" > result3.txt
chmod 777 result3.txt
done < xreflist.txt;
To be able to find the file size, you need permission to read the directory.
To be able to open the file, you need permission to read the file.
It is perfectly possible to be able to do the one without the other.
$ mkdir junk
$ cd junk
$ echo "Hello World" > no-permission
$ chmod 0 no-permission
$ ls -la
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 3 jonathanleffler staff 96 Dec 29 11:34 .
drwxr-xr-x 18 jonathanleffler staff 576 Dec 29 11:34 ..
---------- 1 jonathanleffler staff 12 Dec 29 11:34 no-permission
$ cat ./no-permission
cat: ./no-permission: Permission denied
$ rm -f ./no-permission
$ cd ..
$ rmdir junk

Delete lines in a file containing argument passed on command line

I'm trying to delete specific lines based on the argument passed in.
My data.txt file contains
Cpu 500 64 6
Monitor 22 42 50
Game 32 64 128
My contains
sed'/$myvar/d' data.txt > temp.txt
mv temp.txt > data.txt
but it just prints every line in temp.txt to data.txt....however
sed '/64/d' data.txt > temp.txt
will do the correct data transfer (but I don't want to hardcode 64), I feel like there's some kind of syntax error with the argument. Any input please
It's because of the single quotes, change them to double quotes. Variables inside single quotes are not interpolated, so you are sending the literal string $myvar to sed, instead of the value of $myvar.
sed '/$myvar/d' data.txt
sed "/$myvar/d" data.txt
Note: You will run into issues when $myvar contains regular expression meta characters or forward slashes as pointed out in this response from Ed Morton. If you are not in complete control of your input you will need to find another avenue to accomplish this.
Assuming this is undesirable behavior:
$ cat file
Cpu 500 64 6
Monitor 22 42 50
Game 32 64 128
$ myvar=6
$ sed "/$myvar/d" file
Monitor 22 42 50
$ myvar=/
$ sed "/$myvar/d" file
sed: -e expression #1, char 3: unknown command: `/'
$ myvar=.
$ sed "/$myvar/d" file
Try this instead:
$ myvar=6
$ awk -v myvar="$myvar" '{for (i=1; i<=NF;i++) if ($i == myvar) next }1' file
Monitor 22 42 50
Game 32 64 128
$ myvar=/
$ awk -v myvar="$myvar" '{for (i=1; i<=NF;i++) if ($i == myvar) next }1' file
Cpu 500 64 6
Monitor 22 42 50
Game 32 64 128
$ myvar=.
$ awk -v myvar="$myvar" '{for (i=1; i<=NF;i++) if ($i == myvar) next }1' file
Cpu 500 64 6
Monitor 22 42 50
Game 32 64 128
and if you think you can just escape the /s and use sed, you can't because you might be adding a 2nd backslash to one already present:
$ foo='\/'
$ myvar=${foo//\//\\\/}
$ sed "/$myvar/d" file
sed: -e expression #1, char 5: unknown command: `/'
$ awk -v myvar="$myvar" '{for (i=1; i<=NF;i++) if ($i == myvar) next }1' file
Cpu 500 64 6
Monitor 22 42 50
Game 32 64 128
This is simply NOT a job you can in general do with sed due to it's syntax and it's restriction of only allowing REs in it's search.
You can also use awk to do the same,
awk '!/'$myvar'/' data.txt > temp.txt && mv temp.txt data.txt
Use -i option in addition to what #SeanBright proposed. Then you won't need > temp.txt and mv temp.txt data.txt.
sed -i "/$myvar/d" data.txt
