I created two scripts, one to delete shortcuts from a folder whenever the system boots up using Run registry and the other to add REG key to Run registry. The problem is whenever I bootup my device it keeps opening the folder location specified in the DELETE Script. Any solution for this guys ? I will share the commands that I used below.
DELETE script :
del /s /q "%Appdata%/Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\*.*"
xcopy /s "%~dp0delete.bat" "C:\Program Files\perma\"
REG ADD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v Delete /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "C:\Program Files\perma\delete.bat" /f
I need to create a batch file to do a few things for a class I'm in. Everything needed to run works but I cannot find a simple answer as to why change directory (CD) is not working for me. I can't figure it out.
My code is as follows:
#echo off
title NewUser
: creating a folder called "Scripts" on C:\
: add local user named: "MaxLocal" password: "student"
: create directory at the root of F:\ named "Files_for_Max"
: create ACE for user "MaxLocal" to "Files_for_Max" with: Read, read & Execute, List folder contents
: Re-establish inheritence to sub folders and files
: copies cmd.exe from C:\Windows\System32 folder to "Files_for_Max"
: add "MaxLocal" to management group created in Assignment 3
: produces ICACLS report for "Files_for_Max" called "icaclsReport.txt" in "Scripts"
: moves this .bat file to "Scripts"
mkdir "C:\Scripts"
net user MaxLocal student /add
mkdir "F:\Files_for_Max"
icacls "F:\Files_for_Max" /grant MaxLocal:(OI)(CI)RX
copy "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe" "F:\Files_for_Max"
net localgroup Management MaxLocal /add
icacls F:\Files_for_Max /save C:\Scripts\icaclsReport.txt /t
move "F:\NewUser.bat" "C:\Scripts"
So it's the last line specifically. MOVE works great but I'm not allowed to use it for whatever reason. I have tried a ton of ways of how to do it with CD to no conclusion. I need to take this NewUser.bat file on F and move it to the newly created scripts folder. Yes I have tried the /D command but perhaps I didn't have the correct spacing or used quotes when unneeded?
Any ideas?
cd /d "C:\Scripts"
This changes the current working directory to C:\Scripts.
If you want to instead move the Batch file itself:
copy "%~f0" "C:\Scripts"
(goto) 2>nul & del "%~f0"
This copies itself (%~f0) into C:\Scripts, then deletes itself, effectively a move command.
If you want you could do this:
copy "%~f0" "C:\Scripts"
start "C:\Scripts\~nx0"
(goto) 2>nul & del "%~f0"
Which also starts the copied Batch file, then it deletes itself.
You could have used cd before the copy command, which may correspond to how you need to use it before the move command.
cd C:\Windows\system32
copy cmd.exe F:\Files_for_Max
The batch file asks "copy what where" so we have copy for copy, cmd.exe for what, and F:\Files_for_Max for where.
cd F:\
move NewUser.bat C:\Scripts
Should be the way it can work. So first you're moving into the directory F:\ before asking it to move the specified file, much like what I have in the copy command.
my bat file:
#echo off
set targetfolder=%1
cd /d %1
del .
my delete.reg file
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell\Run Batch script]
#="Delete all"
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell\Run Batch script\command]
#=C:\delete.bat \"%V\"
The option is in the context menu but if I click Im getting this error:
This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Please install a program or, if one is already installed, create an association in the Default Programs control panel.
You don't really need a batch file, you should be able to run a command directly from the registry key.
SET "SKEY=HKCU\Software\Classes\"
SET "EKEY=\shell\DeleteAll"
REG ADD %SKEY%Folder%EKEY% /VE /D "Delete &All Files" /F>NUL
"%%COMSPEC%% /C PUSHD %%L && DEL *.*" /F>NUL
Right-click on a folder and select 'Delete All Files' to delete all normal files within that folder. (Be careful this will be catastrophic if you select the wrong folder)
I have a follow bat command which will delete unnecessary files when i give respective file extension
REM Change the path and the extension...
DEL /s /f /q "C:\Users\dell\Desktop\test\*.pdf"
DEL /s /f /q "C:\Users\dell\Desktop\test\*.csv"
ECHO Are you sure ? Press a key to continue.
I am in need to insert specific sub-folder to delete along with files. Assume specific sub-folder name may be abc
Can any body help me on this how to insert "delete specific sub-folder"
Use the RD command to remove a (sub)directory. Since a directory may not be empty, you may want to add the /S switch to remove the entire directory tree. And since you are also going to use the command in a batch script, you may need the /Q switch as well, to avoid the confirmation prompt.
So add a command like this to your script:
RD /S /Q "C:\Users\dell\Desktop\test\Specific\Subfolder"
I try in my batch file o delete folder(BR) with many files and subdirectories, I try the following:
if exist C:\BR (
rmdir "C:\BR" /S /q
but sometimes I get an error that a specific folder is not empty.these folder contains files of CSS.
what the problem??
rd /s /q DIRNAME
rmdir /s /q DIRNAME
The files that you can't delete are in use.
Close whatever program is holding them open, probably your browser, and try again.
Let me guess, your trying to delete your %TMP% folder.
EDIT: To answer zipi's question.
It will delete every file and folder that it can. So, if c:\tmp\dir2\dir3\open.txt is open, c:\tmp\emptyDir is an empty directory, and you do this:
c:\>dir c:\tmp /b /s
c:\>rd /q /s c:\tmp
c:\>dir /s /b c:\tmp
You will have deleted:
And removed:
But still have the directories...
...an the file:
If instead, a.txt was open, you'd only have:
On win7 I use a simple bat file to go around the problem:
call :rmdir "my_directory_01"
call :rmdir "my_directory_02"
goto :EOF
if exist %1 rmdir /s /q %1
if exist %1 goto :rmdir
goto :EOF
I had a similar problem. Tried lots of different solutions, but ultimately only the following worked:
rmdir c:\<directory> /s /q
Previously using other methods in CMD I was getting the following:
The directory is not empty.
I had the same issue and the solution is very silly. Please use /Q first and the /S to resolve your issue. so command should be something like:
IF EXIST %build_folder% RD /Q /S %build_folder%
Please let me know if this solves your issue.
To remove directory in command line, you have to remove all of files and subsolders it cointainst at the first place. The problem may occur if some of those items are read-only. /f will try to force delete them.
if exists C:\BR (del "C:\BR" /f /s /q)
Here you have MS docs of the DEL command: http://www.microsoft.com/resources/documentation/windows/xp/all/proddocs/en-us/del.mspx?mfr=true
This worked for me
you will need to go to any drive where the folder is. Then right click on drive > properties > Check Scan disk or scan drive and for windows8 scan and repair
then go back to your folder and delete it
Batch - Getting "The directory is not empty" on rmdir command
In my case the failure to remove a directory using rd /Q /S and getting Directory not empty was down to file permissions. The batch job was doing a backup and removing oldest backup folder at the end to keep latest 10 backups. The normal user account only had read and execute permission on certain files in the sub folders. Running the batch file containing the rd commands under Task Scheduler with a tick in the option "run with highest privileges" enabled directory's to be removed.
You could achieve something similar as a one off if you run your batch file under cmd and choose run as administrator. In Windows 7 type CMD in the Search programs and files box, then right click on cmd.exe at the top of the popup window and click Run as Administrator. Then find and run your batch file in the cmd "black background" window.
I am trying to create a folder on a remote machine by running the batch file from teamcity and then copy source into that folder but it seems to be not doing.
Using following code to create and copy
SET dirTempBackup=\\server1\BackupStorage\temp\test
SET Current=\\server1\web\BuildEnvironment\test
ECHO Starting to copy files.
IF NOT EXIST "%dirTempBackup%" MKDIR "%dirTempBackup%"
IF NOT EXIST "!Current!" (
ECHO ERROR! Not found: !Current!
) ELSE (
ECHO Copying: !Current!
SET Destination=%dirTempBackup%\!Current:~0,1!
REM Directory.
XCOPY "!Current!" "!Destination!" /v /c /i /g /h /q /r /y /e
using the temp directory as compressing it later and then deleeting it at the end. Teamcity is generating Access is denied. and Copy failing due to Invalid path. Have checked teamcity user has full rights on that folder.
checking the permissions on both source and destination fixed the problem.