state not changing on onChange event in react? - reactjs

This is my code:
function AddPost() {
const [file, setFile] = useState({})
const handleChange = (event) => {
return (
<TextField type='file' onChange={handleChange} label='image' variant='outlined' />
I am not getting file info. on console, while i am selecting a file . Instead of that I am getting empty object why ?

You need to use a useEffect to besure you are doing your action after a state is updated. Here is an example :
import React, { Component } from "react";
import { render } from "react-dom";
const App = () => {
const [num, setNum] = React.useState(0);
const handleClick = () => {
console.log('num =', num);
// Note the dependency array below
React.useEffect(() => console.log('num (useEffect) = ', num), [num]);
return (
<button onClick={handleClick}>Click</button>
render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));
and here is repro on Stackblitz.
Here, on click, num will be 0 in the function, but it will be set to 1 in the useEffect.

Just the file is not updated yet (whitin onChange) , so you see the initial state

The state update is performed asynchronously and only visible in the next render call.
In the next render call, file will be updated to the new value and then your (also new) function handleChange will use that value.
This means in your current code the log will always be off by one (empty object, file 1, file 2 etc.) when uploading one file after each other.
The behavior is described in the documentation of the useState hook.
To fix the log, simply write
const newFile =[0];


Value isn't be updated async in React useState (React)

I want to change State with child elements in React. However, when I click once, it is not immediately updated. Click twice, it shows the correct answer.
How to update async?
export default function Example() {
const onClick = async () => {
console.log('a', test)
// should be 'b', but console log 'a'
const [test, setTest] = useState('a')
return (
<ClickExample setTest={setTest} onClick={onClick} />
export default function ClickExample() {
const next = useCallback(
(alphabet: string) => {
[onClick, setTest],
return <SelectButton onClick={() => next('b')} />
You can receive the value to be updated as an argument from the onClick callback. It'll be something like this:
export default function Example() {
const [test, setTest] = useState('a')
const handleClick = (newValue) => {
return (
<ClickExample onClick={handleClick} />
export default function ClickExample({ onClick }) {
return <SelectButton onClick={() => onClick('b')} />
NOTE: You should avoid using useCallback() when it is not necessary. Read more over the web but this article from Kent C. Dodds is a good start. As a rule of thumb: Never use useCallback()/useMemo() unless you REALLY want to improve performance after needing that improvement.
In the first render, the value of test is equal to'a'. So when the console.log is executed, it has already captured 'a' as the value of test state. (See closures and stale closures).
One way to fix this would be to create a handleClick function in the parent component which receives the new value of test as its input and set the state and log the new value(which will be updated in the next render) using its argument.
// ClickExample
const handleClick = (alphabet) => {
console.log('a', alphabet);

REACT: How to set the state in the child and access it in the parent, receiving undefined

I am building this project to try and improve my understanding of react :), so I am a n00b and therefore still learning the ropes of extracting components, states, props etc =)
I have a child Component DescriptionDiv, its parent component is PlusContent and finally the parent component is PlusContentHolder. The user types some input into the DescriptionDiv which then, using a props/callback passes the user input to the PlusContent.
My question/problem is: after setting useState() in the PlusContent component, I am after a button click in the PlusContentHolder component, returned with an undefined in the console.log.
How come I cannot read the useState() in the next parent component, the PlusContentHolder?
I know that useState() is async so you cannot straight up call the value of the state in the PlusContent component, but shouldn't the state value be available in the PlusContentHolder component?
below is my code for the DescriptionDiv
import './DescriptionDiv.css';
const DescriptionDiv = props => {
const onDescriptionChangeHandler = (event) => {
return (
<div className='description'>
<input onChange={onDescriptionChangeHandler} type='text'></input>
export default DescriptionDiv;
Next the code for the PlusContent comp
import React, { useState } from "react";
import DescriptionDiv from "./div/DescriptionDiv";
import ImgDiv from "./div/ImgDiv";
import "./PlusContent.css";
import OrientationDiv from "./div/OrientationDiv";
const PlusContent = (props) => {
const [classes, setClasses] = useState("half");
const [content, setContent] = useState();
const [plusContent, setPlusContent] = useState({
orientation: "left",
img: "",
description: "",
const onOrientationChangeHandler = (orientationContent) => {
if (orientationContent == "left") {
setClasses("half left");
if (orientationContent == "right") {
setClasses("half right");
if (orientationContent == "center") {
setClasses("half center");
const onDescriptionContentHandler = (descriptionContent) => {
const onImageChangeHandler = (imageContent) => {
/> {/*
<AltDiv altPointer={onAltDivContentHandler} />
<TitleDiv titlePointer={onTitleDivContentHandler} /> */}
<DescriptionDiv descriptionPointer={onDescriptionContentHandler} />
return (
<div className={classes}>
<ImgDiv imageChangeExecutor={onImageChangeHandler} />
export default PlusContent;
and lastly the PlusContentHolder
import PlusContent from "../PlusContent";
import React, { useState } from "react";
const PlusContentHolder = (props) => {
const onClickHandler = (t) => {
const descriptionInfoHandler = (x) => {
console.log(x) // this console.log(x) returns and undefined
return (
{ => (
<button onClick={onClickHandler}>Generate Plus Content</button>
export default PlusContentHolder;
The reason why the descriptionInfoHandler() function call prints undefined in its console.log() statement when you click the button, is because you never provide an argument to it when you call it from the onClickHandler function.
I think that it will print the description when you type it, however. And I believe the problem is that you need to save the state in the PlusContentHolder module as well.
I would probably add a const [content, setContent] = useState() in the PlusContentHolder component, and make sure to call setContent(x) in the descriptionInfoHandler function in PlusContentHolder.
Otherwise, the state will not be present in the PlusContentHolder component when you click the button.
You need to only maintain a single state in the PlusContentHolder for orientation.
Here's a sample implementation of your use case
import React, { useState } from 'react';
const PlusContentHolder = () => {
const [orientatation, setOrientation] = useState('');
const orientationInfoHandler = (x) => {
const generateOrientation = () => {
console.log('orientatation', orientatation);
return (
<PlusContent orientationInfo={orientationInfoHandler} />
<button onClick={generateOrientation}>generate</button>
const PlusContent = ({ orientationInfo }) => {
const onDescriptionContentHandler = (value) => {
// your custom implementation here,
return <DescriptionDiv descriptionPointer={onDescriptionContentHandler} />;
const DescriptionDiv = ({ descriptionPointer }) => {
const handleChange = (e) => {
return <input type="text" onChange={handleChange} />;
I would suggest to maintain the orientation in redux so that its easier to update from the application.
SetState functions do not return anything. In the code below, you're passing undefined to props.descriptionInfo
const onDescriptionContentHandler = (descriptionContent) => {
This shows a misunderstanding of the use of state. Make sure you're reading about "lifting state" in the docs.
You're also declaring needless functions, e.g. onDescriptionContentHandler in your PlusContent. The PlusContent component could just pass the descriptionInfoHandler from PlusContentHolder prop directly down to DescriptionDiv, since onDescriptionContentHandler doesn't do anything except invoke descriptionInfoHandler.
You may want to consider restructuring your app so plusContent state is maintained in PlusContentHolder, and pass that state down as props. That state would get updated when DescriptionDiv invokes descriptionInfoHandler. It'd subsequently pass the updated state down as props to PlusContent.
See my suggested flowchart.

useState not updating[NOT AN ASYNC ISSUE]

I'm new to react hooks so I'm practicing with showing and hiding a div when checking and unckecking a checkbox input. The problem is that the state updates on the main file where I have the function that handles it but in the file where I actually have the div it does not update so it does not hide or display.
File that handles the change of the state:
import {react, useState} from "react";
export const Checker = () => {
const [checked, setChecked] = useState(true)
const clickHandler = () => {
return {checked, clickHandler, setChecked}
File where the checkbox is located:
import React from "react";
import { Extras, Wrapper } from "./extras.styles";
import { Checker } from "../hooks/useCheckboxes";
const Extra = () => {
const {checked, setChecked, clickHandler} = Checker()
return <>
<input type= 'checkbox' onClick={clickHandler} checked = {checked} onChange={e => setChecked(}></input>
export default Extra;
File that contains the div i want to display and hide dynamically:
import house from '../../icons/house.png'
import { Wrapper } from "./foto.styles";
import { Checker } from "../hooks/useCheckboxes";
import { Inside, Middle} from "./foto.styles";
const Home = () => {
const {checked} = Checker()
return <>
{checked && <House src={house}/>}
export default Home;
Some issues are:
Checker looks like you want it to be a custom hook, not a React component, so it should be called useChecker or something like that, not Checker
You have both a change handler and a click handler. You should only have one. If you want the new state to come from the checkbox, you should use If you want the new state to flip the old state, use the clickHandler you defined in Checker.
You only need a fragment when enclosing multiple elements. If you only have one, you don't need a fragment.
Because state setters don't update the variable immediately, your console.log(checked) won't display the new value, but the old value - if you want to log the new value when it changes, use useEffect with a dependency array of [checked] instead.
const Extra = () => {
const { checked, clickHandler } = useChecker()
return (
<input type='checkbox'checked={checked} onChange={clickHandler} />
use it like that
const {checked, clickHandler, setChecked} = Checker()
Or if you want to be able to make custom names then you need to use an array instead of an object.
the function return value.
return [checked, clickHandler, setChecked]
the function call
const [checked, setChecked, clickHandler] = Checker()
and for convention follow react hooks naming rules by renaming the function to useChecker() instead of Checker()

State update faster than alert display

import React from 'react';
const Comp2 = () => {
const [count, setCount] = React.useState(0);
const handleIncrease = () => {
setCount((x) => x + 1);
const checkCurrentCount = () => {
setTimeout(() => {
alert(`Ok the current count is: ${count}`);
}, 2000);
return (
<button onClick={handleIncrease}>+</button>
<button onClick={checkCurrentCount}>check count</button>
If the count number already change, but the alert shows the past number. How to encounter this problem? the setTimeout just simulation of the problem..
You can fix this issue with help of useRef hook.
useRef returns a mutable ref object whose .current property is initialized to the passed argument (initialValue). The returned object will persist for the full lifetime of the component.
View the solution on code sandbox
You need clearTimeout and setTimeout again

How can I update a hook from one component and have it update another component as a result?

I'm trying to create a hook with a state and use that as the common source for multiple components.
What I've tried:
import React, {useState} from 'react';
* Example of Hook that holds state, which should update other components when it changes
const useExternalHookAsState = () => {
const [message, setMessage] = useState('nothing yet');
const updateMessage = (newMessage) => {
console.log('message should be update to..', newMessage);
return [message, updateMessage];
* Example component for updating the state
const MessageUpdater = () =>
const [message, updateMessage] = useExternalHookAsState();
return (
<input type="text" value={message} onChange={(e) => updateMessage(} />
* Expecting the message to be updated in here as well when the updateMessage is triggered, but that doens't happen
const App = () =>
const [message] = useExternalHookAsState();
useEffect(()=> {
console.log('effect on message tirggered');
}, [message]);
return (
<p>message is.. {message}</p>
<MessageUpdater />
export default App;
Expected behavior: I was expecting that the new {message} will be updated in the App component but that just stays the same as 'nothing yet', and useEffect on the message doens't get triggered.
Am I using hooks in a wrong way? How can I achieve this behavior?
Your message inside App is not updated because you use useExternalHookAsState twice. The first time inside the MessageHandler, and the second time in App component. And they have different states. This way you only use setMessage in the child component of MessageHandler, which causes only that child component to be updated. And the App is not updated.
To solve this problem, raise the state and state management to the component in which you want to receive its updates. In your case, this is App. And then, through props, just pass the value and setter to the MessageHandler component.
The behavior you wanted to achieve is shown below:
import React, {useState, useEffect} from "react";
const useExternalHookAsState = () => {
const [message, setMessage] = useState('nothing yet');
const updateMessage = (newMessage) => {
console.log('message should be update to..', newMessage);
return [message, updateMessage];
const MessageUpdater = ({message, onUpdate}) => {
return (
<input type="text" value={message} onChange={(e) => onUpdate(}/>
const App = () => {
const [message, updateMessage] = useExternalHookAsState();
useEffect(() => {
console.log('effect on message tirggered');
}, [message]);
return (
<p>message is.. {message}</p>
<MessageUpdater message={message} onUpdate={updateMessage}/>
export default App;
Though the answer from xom9ikk is right (calling a hook twice will result in each hook having a different state, so one hook can't hold a global state as I've assumed), I have chosen to use the context approach as this doesn't require passing props and results in more clean code when working with a larger codebase.
The end example result that I've used is:
import React, {useState, useEffect, useContext} from 'react';
* Initializing Context
const MessageContext = React.createContext();
* Creating provider with default state
* - holds the state for the message used everywhere in the App
* - takes children parameter because it needs to render the children of the context
* - updateMessage can be used from any child of provider and will update the global state
const MessageProvider = ({children}) => {
const [message, setMessage] = useState('nothing yet');
const updateMessage = (newMessage) => {
return (
<MessageContext.Provider value={[message, updateMessage]}>
* Example component for updating the state
const MessageUpdater = () =>
const [message, updateMessage] = useContext(MessageContext);
return (
<p>message in message updater is.. {message}</p>
<input type="text" value={message} onChange={(e) => updateMessage(} />
* Example of component that displays the message
* (all child components can use the message in the same way, without passing props)
const App = () =>
const [message] = useContext(MessageContext);
useEffect(()=> {
console.log('effect on message tirggered');
}, [message]);
return (
<p>Message in app is.. {message}</p>
<MessageUpdater />
* Wrapps the App with the provider that holds the global message state and update function
const AppContext = () =>
return (
<App />
export default AppContext;
