Trigger scroll to roll down to bottom automatically in Mendix Native Mobile App - mobile

I’m working on a Native Mobile App, which is being built inside the Mendix Platform. And I'm trying to figure out how to trigger a scroll-to-bottom behavior automatically.
My situation is:
I have a form with a lot of fields, and some with conditional visibility. Which means that they will appear if the user selects some specific options, in radio-buttons.
But some of them will be out of the visible area when the user clicks the related radio-button, and the field becomes visible (as it is located at the bottom of the form).
I trying to find a way to force the scroll to the bottom when these new fields become visible (from the user click in radio-button above).
Any suggestion on how to achieve this?

In the Mendix market place there is a native widget that seems to be able to do what you need to achieve:
The last update was in May this year for Mendix 9.1 and there is a version for Mendix 8.17 as well.
Hope this provides a solution.


Make annotation on graph created by echart

I'm using reactJs to develop the frontend, is it possible to make annotations on graphs created by echart? For example, I can left-click anywhere on a line chart to make a quick note of that point or I can a range on a graph and make a note of that range.
If I understand you correctly, you want to build an interface that allows users to left-click somewhere on the chart and add their own annotations (rather simply coding in annotations as a developer, and having them be static)?
In broad strokes, here's how I would build this:
Register click event handlers on the chart, so you can detect where the user clicked.
Build custom UI in react that can overlay on the chart, provide text input and "add"/"cancel" buttons, using the information from the click event to figure out where to draw it and to what element the annotation should be attached to.
When the user clicks "add", make a call to the showTip API (see docs) to a tooltip in the right location (from step 1) with the text the user provided.
(It looks like there is a github issue where folks are asking for this feature to be built-in - and some discussion of how to build it yourself, and a simple example that illustrates how to do step 3 above which you might find useful)

Material UI next simple dialog add new contact

I am using the material-ui next branch and using the following example as reference for building a dialog.
I wanted to know the best way to let the user enter a new contact as per material guidelines ie how to handle the UI for click of add contact button present in the bottom of the dialog. Would it be to hide this dialog and show a new dialog instead which shows a form letting the user enter a new contact.
I'm mostly looking for suggestions on design.
There's a lot of good information on the material design guidelines and best practices for managing components in React.
With that said, a good solution for your situation is to handle all the account management within the one modal. Here's an idea for a structure that's very similar to what Google does:
DialogContainer as the parent component to handle logic and contain the next two components.
AccountList to render each user as well as the 'add account' button.
AccountCreation component that renders the input to add another account.

Ionic - Drag element from one view to another

I'm using the Ionic Framework to build a hybrid app and its heavily dependant on drag and drop features. Using the 'sidemenu' template I have created one main view, and two side menus.
The main view will use the Ionic Calendar to display data. The two side menus will be used as views where data will initial be stored in list form. I need to be able to drag elements from side menu and into the main screen, where they can then be dropped on the calendar.
All the events work perfect when in calendar view (ie. onClickItem, onClickTime, etc). The drag and drop call backs work fine too, when remaining in the side menu display area. However, when I try to drag the element out of the side menu area and into the calendar, only the onDragStop event is recognized and not the onClickTime event from the calendar.
I realize I'm trying to fuse a few things together here in a not so usual way. I can't even find anyone else making posts about the same thing. Maybe I'm making the wrong searches.
Any help, advice, or direction would be appreciated.

Best practice to handle extjs refresh page

I wrote an ExtJS application like this:
the sub menu is dynamic added by clicking the button on the left.
The question is :
as the sub panel is created dynamically, so if I refresh the whole page, the panel will go away.
What I expected is it could still display the same content before refresh pages.
So, my question is how to handle this in ExtJS?
Do I need to record the current panel information into Ext.App?
ExtJS is a framework to build Web Applications that run inside the browser.
With Web Applications, just like normal applications, you don't close the program and start it anew (like a browser refresh does) just because someone wants to switch to a different toolbar or look at different data. You work with multiple panels, switch between them, and/or open windows.
You could for instance generate multiple panels inside a container with card layout, and bring to front the panel that you want to show right now.
If you have a license that allows you to use Sencha Architect, there is a nice "navigation" sample available in Architect from where you can start and look at how it's done.

Making a basic navigation for iOS with two buttons on both sides of the title

I am working on codenameone, and trying to make the first UI.
A basic UI with a title and two buttons on two sides of the "title" to go to two different pages.
I was trying to do that with "Form" component but then it only gives one button by default, which is just taking me to the previous screen.
Not sure how to do this, any link or tip is a nice help.
Use addCommand(new Command("X")) or in the GUI builder just click the commands property in the form. It will automatically use the menu for Android.
The back button is added automatically for iOS apps for back navigation which you will probably need. You can disable it in the state machine code and have room for two commands in the title.
