Access Azure AD user from js - azure-active-directory

We are implementing SSO with Azure AD for our SPA Angular application. We have successfully implemented SSO referring the documentation. But we have a requirement if the user is already logged in to AD, user need not to be redirected to the login page. User should automatically be redirected to the landing page. How can we implement this with Auth0?
I'm in thought of using a js libray like MSAL. But the issue is that the app is not hosted in Azure. Is there a way to figure out whether there is a active directory instance for a given domain.

If a valid session exists after already logging in with Azure AD you will not be asked to login again if your using MSAL.


How to setup external identity provider for MSAL js react spa?

I am trying to authenticate using msal js for my react application (Azure AD B2C). Microsoft authentication works perfectly. But I need to add more external identity providers such as Google to my authentication.
I have followed the steps given in the official documentation
When I Run user flow I am able to sign in google but the user is not authenticated.
screen when user sign into google
This is the screen that is given.
And the other thing is only if use Run user flow in Azure AD B2C I am able to do this.
If I normally use the sign in button it only shows microsoft authentication.
What am I missing ?
Can someone please help on this if possible ?
Issues may arise as a result of previous Microsoft configuration under App registrations. Verify below three configurations once whether those are mapped to google identify provider or not
Client ID and Client secret and Authorized redirect URIs
here I found one blog relates to Google Identity Provider with Azure AD B2C configuration and implementation.

Selected user account does not exist in tenant 'Microsoft' and cannot access the application '71dada86-21db-493b-93e4-1a902601f30f' in that tenant

I am working on web based application where I want to redirect the user to our application signup page when non-Azure AD user(Guest user) is trying to sign in through Azure AD SSO sign in page. Is there way to customize the Azure AD SSO sign in page and redirect the user except company branding. Or is it possible to build form based authentication page and integrate with Azure AD without using B2C?
We already have set the post_log_in_redirect_uri and post_log_out_redirect_uri and working as expected on login/logout.

Authentication with App Service using Azure B2C not working

I'm trying to integrate Azure AD B2C with my App Service using the Authentication / Authorization menu in the portal (also called EasyAuth).
This is what I did:
Registered the application in Azure B2C
Recorded the App ID
Defined user flows (just Sign In)
Set up identity provider (Azure AD)
Tested the user flow, with Redirect URI pointing to, to see the result - works fine
Enabled Authentication / Authorization in the App Service in the Portal
Configured Azure AD authentication with the App ID from above and the link to the endpoint metadata
But now, when I access the App Service, I'm redirected to a "Logging in..." page which immediately goes to the page, with no JWT data, no login page, and no opportunity to enter my credentials.
Just an empty jwt page.
I couldn't find anything in the docs that can explain this.
What am I missing?

Azure AD to authenticate users to public facing webapp

I have a nodejs webapp with login, signup pages (text fields to enter username, passwd and "Login" button). Other pages in the UI and Backend APIs should be accessible only to authenticated users.
What options do i have if i want to authenticate users using Azure AD (Clicking the "Login" button on the UI should authenticate against Azure AD)? Would the flow be different If i want to authenticate both internal (associates with AD credentials) and external users (end customers not in our AD)
What options do i have if i want to authenticate users using Azure AD
(Clicking the "Login" button on the UI should authenticate against
Azure AD)?
In the B2C, you could use the direct sign-in by the username or the identity provider.
Would the flow be different If i want to authenticate both internal
(associates with AD credentials) and external users (end customers not
in our AD)
There is no difference. If you don't set up direct sign-in, all the user will see the first page for the user to choose the provider, and then will redirect to the related provider login page.
You have to create a B2C directory and create a web app there, then you can create Signin or Sign Up Policy. Once you are able to create that, open it and select the web app you have created and a redirect url to which you want your user to redirect to afetr successful login. Now hit the Run Now button at the bottom of the policy page. You should see a login page. If you are using it for the 1st time, you have to sign up otherwise you can signin directly. That will do for you.
There is no diff if you are signing in a user who has the ad credentials or not. They still have to signup in the b2c directory for the 1st time as the user profile they have is for the Azure AD directory and not for Azure AD B2C.
There is one thing to consider in min, what type of Authentication you want to follow, OpenId or EasyAuth.
You can test these things out and that should solve your problem. If you still face any challenge, you can let me know here.

Not being prompted for OAuth consent when logging into web application

I am writing a SPA web app that is registered as an app in Azure AD. Everything was working fine most of the week; however, when I went to work on it today, I wasn't getting the expected results.
I deleted and recreated the app registration, hoping it would fix the issue, but it made things worse. When I navigate to the URL, I'm redirected to log in to Azure AD. That part works fine. Since I just created the app registration, I would expect to be taken to a page to consent to the application, but instead I'm redirected back to my application.
I check the app registration in Azure, and it does not have me listed as a user of the application.
Because of all of this, I can't acquire tokens to call external APIs (which I have registered in my app registration).
I'm not sure why I am running into this all of the sudden. Any thoughts on why the OAuth consent is being by-passed? I'm starting to wonder if MSFT is having services issues or not, but more than likely, the problem is on my end.
Suggestions on how to troubleshoot are also welcomed!
There's two things you can do to give consent that will likely fix your app. From what it sounds like your app isn't consenting before ADAL.js you use acquireToken (which is a silent call and can't consent).
Go into the Azure Portal > Azure AD > the app you registered, then at the top hit Grant Permissions. This is the equivalent of admin consent and will consent for all users in your tenant.
Run your app and hit login. When you get redirected to the Azure AD sign in page, add to the url &prompt=consent, hit enter and reload the page w/ that parameter and sign in. This will force the consent screen and consent for the current user. You can also append on the prompt=admin_consent if you're signing in w/ an admin account.
