How to pass data from stencil component to other component in react - reactjs

I have created one search component using stencil and I'm integrating this stencil codebase with my react application via cdn link. I'm displaying the search component(which was created in stencil) as below in my react codebase :
<custom-search placeholder="Search"></custom-search>
The search component contains a search icon. I need to pass the text in search input field to my react code on click of this icon. How can this be achieved?

Unfortunately I haven't integrate Stencil JS component with React, but passing string data to web component should be working without too much hassle. Do you know if your React app can properly recognize your custom-search component? If not, then you might want to take a look at a link to Stencil JS official document of integrating Stencil JS component to React and make sure component get properly loaded and integrated.
If you know for sure you load the component then not sure why your placeholder is not set within your component - it is just a string after all. Maybe post the custom-search component code, as there might be issue with that (i.e. component lifecycle event you are using might not be doing what you expect to do)

Could you clarify the actual problem, please? :)
Does the component not get rendered, or are you unable to achieve communication from custom-search to the React app?
If the latter is the case, you might want to implement a Custom Event on the Stencil component, to communicate changes back to the consuming app.
As #tomokat mentioned, you should follow the official Stencil React integration docs. This is required, since React cannot handle Custom Events natively, and requires some help from the dev.
Edit: Sorry, I got confused by the first answer. Your title is quite clear, though. If you can show some example code of the component and the React integration, we could probably help in a better way.


A way to precompile a single react component for a react native webview

As the title suggests I am looking for a way to precompile a single or set of normal react components to plain html/js so I can inject this into my webview.
Since I am open to any solution I will give you some background on what I am trying to achieve. We are building a react native app and need to use Leafleft maps by customer requirement. Since Leaflet is not available for react native straight away we are looking for a way to implement it. Currently we are looking at compiling the leaflet react code to normal html/js and inject this into a webview. If there are other/ better ways by all means suggest them!
Thanks for your time 😄

What's the difference between React App and React Component

We will be doing our first project using React.
It will not be a Single Page App, but a Multiple Page App.
What I'm trying to figure out at the moment is : what's the difference between a component and an app.
If I only use components, can I still use Redux to have some state management on the current page ? Or do I need an app for this ?
Thanks for the information you can bring !
There is no special object called "React App". React Components build an "React App" by coming together.
But React Components are formed like tree structure. That means each component have a parent component so you can create a React Component that named "App" and can put another components inside it.
You don't need redux for state management in React Components.
I hope the answers have helped.
Your app may contains a single component and still it will be a react App. If you are using multiple components in a page you can still use react-redux. Redux is basically a container for your states and let suppose you need some state from one component to be consumed in another, Redux provide you a mechanism to make the communication efficient and predictable.
You can also look at the React Context APIs as an alternate to Redux.
An app is simply a component that holds the root of the work you are trying to do. For example an App may have the navigation menu, testimonials, adverts, content, login avitar etc.
If you are making a single App per page (For example a testimonial) then you would still have a SPA. For example, adding testimonials, searching, editing.
You should only use Redux if you are using a SPA with lots of different parts with data in common. If you are making a one-app-per-page and there is no cross over in data then you can simply using Reacts State/Props to hold your data.
Redux is good, but it forces you into a complex path your should try to avoid. If you find yourself wanting data from different domains (customers address and a list of testimonials) then you should use Redux.
If this is a new applications (green) then I strongly recommend you build the whole thing within a SPA using React-Router to control components. you can use frameworks like Next.JS to ensure the site remains small in size (dynamically loading script only when required).

Difference between react and API Endpoint

I'm fairly new to react; just learning it. From what I understand react gives you ability to render data more dynamically. But couldn't this be achieved using flask rest api endpoints? Kind of making AJAX calls and rendering it's response dynamically?
What's the difference?
I'm currently trying to develop a full stack application. Trying to choose what I should use for frontend, typically on a normal day I tend to use pure HTML/CS/JS to accomplish most of my front-end task without having to use JS libraries such as react to render data dynamically, I want to improve my ways around handling front-end stuff hence wanted to learn more about react and how it can benefit me; before actually diving in it.
What can help is; if someone can lay it out for me; describing work scenario using reactjs and how I can be benefiting from using the js library.
In my opinion, React is all about how effectively you can render your dom elements.
Rendering DOM (Painting your webpage with your HTML elements) is considered to be one of the costliest operation. And if you consider using other libraries( apart from react), there is a chance that your HTML will be rendered even if it doesnt change.
Here comes the power of React. React uses the concept of Virtual DOM which helps in rendering HTML to browser only when there is a change. For example, if you have a list of items being displayed, and if one list item changed because of some action, React will trigger a change to render only that element(of course we write very minimal code for this).
So if you use React as your front end library, you can easily benefit fast rendering of HTML and stopping unnecessary rendering of your DOM

React-Redux-Form nested component testing

I am using React-Redux-Form and React-Bootstrap on client side of application.
I'm stuck on how to testing my components. I have made a small project on github with one of my components named LoginModal:
To start testing, I am following this tutorial
But when I try to .find() button in my rendered component, the result is an array of length zero. So I can't simulate its behaviour. I try find it (button) several different way but unsuccessful. Please, your suggestion.
This issue is with the rendering of Modal component that is part of #react-bootstrap. There is a discussion about it on
The alternative is to use ReactModal from react-modal. Testing it is described on

Issue with UI event when rendering component inside a web component shadow DOM

I'm facing some issues when rendering a React component into the shadow DOM of a webcomponent.
I wrote a small piece of code to turn a React component into a webcomponent, but I want to render the
React component inside the shadow DOM of the webcomponent. But in that case, it seems that React is not able to catch UI events (click, keyPress, etc ...) anymore.
Let's take an example, let say that I have a first webcomponent <awesome-timer /> that render the React component inside the webcomponent node, and another webcomponent <less-awesome-timer /> that render the React component inside the shadow DOM of the webcomponent.
Both webcomponents use the same React component. However the one rendered inside the shadow DOM does not work, because click events on the button of the timer component does not trigger the bound function.
I guess React is not designed to handle such case, but I'd love to get more details about it.
The code of the example is available here :
Does anyone have an idea about it ?
I know this is kinda late but, I believe your issue when you pass any attributes to a web component they instantly become strings Because that's all you can pass to a web component. Now of course you can convert or cast them back to there original data type, except functions because once stringified they loose there scoping, lexical and all.
Now to your main question, you are were trying to pass you child element through the Main web components slot. Now you have to remember that once you pass anything to a web component you now have to use the webs components methods and return types to manage whatever you pass. So yes passing react into a web component will not work they you expect.
You will need to go back to whatever tool you use to build your web component and deal with the slot logic there. Since this is a very old post as are web components. You might not have had access to the modern web component build tool's we have today. I found Stenicl allows you to build and manage your web components in Typescript.
A good option is to change your pattern a little bit and just return web components from your react app.
Or you can use another really cool to call Lit-HTML or Lit-element. I believe they may have combined there core libraries. Anyway these tool will allow you to combine Reactjs and web components where lit-html gives you access to methods simial to Reactjs's life cycle methods. Anyway some good stuff to check out if your stuck at this point.
