File-not found exception while adding multi-Image - codenameone

Hi, it shows an error while saving the theme file after add multi-image.

In the File menu uncheck the "XML Team Mode". I guess there's a problem with saving that file to the filesystem but without the team mode it doesn't really matter.


Every action I take, Visual Studio opens up the 'save file as' dialog

Whenever I try to debug and/or run in VS2015, a 'save file as' dialogue opens up. not knowing what to do my first thought is to exit and reopen, but when I try to save the project first, again the dialogue appears! when I try to cooperate and save it under that file name a message appears saying this file already exists and when I try to replace it an error dialogue appears saying the file is being used by another process.
I have tried:
open VS prompt --> devenv /ResetSettings
run as administrator
clearing ReSharper cache
Nothing worked.
Help would be very much appreciated
Update: after clearing ReSharper cache it seemed like the issue was solved, but it wasn't. I can't point out when exactly it happens. it feels like this happens randomly.
Problem solved by closing Google drive.
I deleted the file that I was being asked to save it and resaved it (created it) or something and it worked. The file was Form1.cs.

JxBrowser 6.12: Saved file does not appear

Environment: Windows, Java-Application with JxBrowser control (Swing)
Since 6.12 we have the issue that a saved file does not appear in the target directory. The dialog opens, path can be choosen, but after hitting the save button, nothing happens.
There are no error messages.
This worked without problems with 6.8.
The file that should be saved is served by our java backend.
Any ideas?
I have the same problem. It seems that the location set by the method setDestinationFile() in class DownloadItem does not take effect and the file is always saved to the default location.
This problem does not appear in 6.11.1 version.
Hope my answer would help and looking forward to a solution.

theme.res file does not open anymore, codename one themes

Themes.res file is not opening.
What do i do ?
However, the app is working.
The exception that I am getting on the console while opening the file is:
at com.codename1.ui.util.Resources.createImage(
at com.codename1.ui.util.EditableResources.createImage(
at com.codename1.ui.util.Resources.loadFont(
at com.codename1.ui.util.EditableResources.loadFont(
at com.codename1.ui.util.EditableResources.openFileWithXMLSupport(
at com.codename1.designer.ResourceEditorView$LoadResourceFileAction.exectute(
at Source)
Is there any way I can recover this file / data ?
First verify that the file isn't a 0 size file, if it got corrupted to that level you will need to restore from backup. This hasn't happened for us in years as far as I know but its always a risk.
Next make sure you didn't remove/rename any ttf fonts that might be used by the theme, this is a common cause for failures in the designer.
Next we need to see the actual error and to do that we need to run the designer from command line using:
java -jar ~/.codenameone/designer_1.jar
(code for Mac/Linux replace ~ with your home directory and reverse the slashes for Windows).
Now try to open the resource file and see if you get an exception in the console. Assuming you do we will know more about it and might be able to help you recover your data.
We are currently migrating to new XML based format which should become the default soon.

Installshield The specified File key not found in the File table

I've packaged my WinForms app with the Visual Studio Installshield Limited Edition wizard.
When installing the app, I get this error during installation.
Error 2715. The specified File key ('myappname.xml_serializa') not found in the File table
Any ideas from anyone? I'm completely loss on this one.
In your installer project directory, open the *.isl file and search for the text in your error message, myappname.xml_serializa. It will most likely be in there quite a few times. Either remove it or correct all instances of it.
I had a similar problem recently and found out that it didn't find the key because I was not adding the .primaryoutput file on the section Specify Application Data -> Files. Check if you are adding all the necessary files for your setup before creating the installer. The installer will be created even if it doesn't have all the files, but it won't execute properly.
Hope this helps
Changing the *.isl file resolved our issue. I found that we had changed the .NET framework of a project and when we removed the project output from the Installshield using the prompt it did not update this file so when we added the output again it now contained two outputs. OUTPUT and OUTPUT1. Hope this helps
This is what worked for me: The project in my case was readonly as it was connected to TFS. If you are working offline, make sure you make the project files writable. (Uncheck Read Only at the folder level)
This worked for me:
In your setup project double-click Project Assistant.
Click on Application Files.
Select file(s) with the file extension that was reported in the error message(s).
Click on Delete.
Repeat for any files as needed.
Go back to setup project in Solution Explorer.
Click on Rebuild

An Error Occurred While Downloading A Required File

I'm not sure if this is the right forum or not, since I have no idea what's causing this problem. I have a WPF application that was compiled into a setup project. After building the setup project, there are two files: setup.exe and [Program Name].msi. I put both files in the same directory in an ASP.NET website, served via IIS 7.5. Everything was working fine for about a week, until I started getting the error:
"An error occured while downloading a
required file. You may retry
downloading the file or cancel setup."
This happens when I click on a link on my website for the setup.exe file. After seeing this error, there's a tab labeled "Details" which I can click to display the message:
"An error occurred trying to download
'[website url for the .msi file]'. See
the setup log file located at
sequence].tmp\install.log' for more
I looked at this file, but it just restates that there was a problem downloading the .msi file. Can anyone offer me some suggestions? I'm really stumped on this, and have no idea where to go...
Many thanks for the help!
EDIT: This appears to be a problem with the computer that I'm downloading the program to. I tried downloading and installing the program on a different computer, and everything worked fine. Apparently, I must have changed some setting on my computer to cause this, although I'm not sure what that is...
So you're trying to download these files directly? Could the server be preventing the download of the .msi file type? How is the download taking place? Is it user initiated?
I was experiencing the same issue this morning and I finally figured out that it caused by either one (or both) of the following settings in IIS:
Compression: I had compression enabled for both static and dynamic files
Output Caching: I had bit Enable cache and Enable Kernel Cache enabled
I cleared all of the above check boxes and after that the setup.exe downloaded the MSI without a problem!
You connection was interrupted just try the preview command you type and also check your connection
