Close File stored in Map in Rust - file

I store opened files in a map: HashMap<u32, File>. Sometimes functions read_to_file and write_to_file are called. They get the file from the map and make the corresponding procedure. In order to avoid conflicts in writing and reading from the same file, I need to close the file. How can I do it?

According to the Rust documentation std::fs::File is:
A reference to an open file on the filesystem.
If you are storing Files in a map then they are, by definition, open. They close automatically when the variable is dropped (goes out of scope).
Instead, you may consider storing a Path in the map, and open the file on demand. If you need to store open files for some reason, then you can wrap them in an Arc<Mutex> (or an `Rc if your application is single-threaded), to prevent simultaneous access.


Is using fs::rename to move files between different file systems atomic?

On Linux, if we move (rename) a file from one file system to another like this:
fs::rename("/src/a", "/dest/a")?;
is it possible the file /dest/a to become visible/available to other potential readers (processes that scan /dest/ for example) before the whole file data (contents) is fully copied to the destination file system?
From the docs
This will not work if the new name is on a different mount point.
So you shouldn't be using fs::rename to move between mount points. It's a simple filesystem rename and is not actually moving any data (which is why you can fs::rename a 2-terabyte file fairly quickly), so it only works if the source and destination are on the same filesystem.
If the source and destination are on the same mount point, then the answer is no. It's not possible for someone to read it before it's fully available, since, again, no data is actually transferred: it's just a single operation of "this pointer now points here and this one doesn't exist anymore".

How do I get the disk addresses of files in C/C++?

When a file is saved into a drive, its contents are written & then indexed. I want to get the indexes and to access the raw contents of the files.
Any idea on the method how to do it, especially for ex4 & btrfs?
UPDATE: I want to get the addresses of the extents of a file. The information about the addresses must be stored somewhere onto the disk. I want to retrieve this info, in order to map the physical location of the file contents. Any methods in order to achieve that?
UPDATE: Hello, all! Thanks for your replies. What I want is a function/command which returns me a list of extent addresses. debugfs seems the function/command with the most-relevant functionality.
It depends of the filesystem you are using. If you are running Linux you can use debufs to seek the file in the filesystem.
I have to say that all FSs are mounted through a VFS, a virtual filesystem that is like a simplified interface with the standard operations (open, close, read...). What is the meaning of that? No filesystem nor its contents(files, dirs) are opened directly from disk, when you open something, you move it to the main memory(your RAM) you do your operations and when you close something it returns to the disk drive.
Now, the question is: Can I get the absolute address in a FS? Yes, if you open your whole filesystem like open ("/dev/sdaX", 0_RDONLY); so you get the address relative to your filesystem using lseek in C for example.
And then... Can I get the same in the whole drive? No, that is because you cannot open the whole drive as a file descriptor. Remember /dev/sdaXin UNIX? Partitions and its can be opened like files because they have a virtual interface running on them.
Your last answer: Can I read really raw contents? All files are read as they appear on disk, the only thing that changes is the descriptor used by the OS and some data about how is indexed, all this as a "file header".
I hope all your questions are answered.
The current solution/workaround is to call these functions with popen:
filefrag -e /path/to/file
hdparm --fibmap /path/to/filename
Then one should simply parse the stringoutputs of these programs. It is not a real solution (i.e.: outputs at C/C++ level), but I'll accept it for now.

How would I know that file is opened and it is saved after some writing operation using C code?

I have a set of configuration files (10 or more), and if user opens any of these file using any editor (e.g vim,vi,geany,qt,leafpad..). How would I come to know that which file is opened and if some writing process is done, then it is saved or not (using C code).
For the 1st part of your question, please refer e.g. to How to check if a file has been opened by another application in C++?
One way described there is to use a system tool like lsof and call this via a system() call.
For the 2nd part, about knowing whether a file has been modified, you will have to create a backup file to check against. Most editors already do that, but their naming scheme is different, so you might want to take care of that yourself. How to do that? Just automatically create a (hidden) file .mylogfile.txt if it does not exist by simply copying mylogfile.txt. If .mylogfile.txt exists, is having an older timestamp than mylogfile.txt, and differs in size and/or hash-value (using e.g. md5sum) your file was modified.
But before re-implementing this, take a look at How do I make my program watch for file modification in C++?

Using rename to safely overwrite a shared file in Linux

Here is the setup: I have a shared file (lets call it status.csv) that is read by many processes (lets call them consumers) in a read-only fashion. I have one producer that periodically updates status.csv by creating a temp file, writing data to it and using the C function discussed here:
to rename the temp file (effectively overwrite) to status.csv so that the consumers can process the new data. It want to try and guarantee (as much as possible in the Linux world) that the consumers won't get a malformed/corrupted/half-old/half-new status.csv file (I want them to get either all of the old data or all of the new). I can't seem to guarantee this by reading the description of rename: it seems to guarantee that the rename action itself is atomic but I want to know if a consumer already has the status.csv file open, he will continue to read the same file as it was when it was opened, even if the file is renamed/overwritten by the producer in the middle of this reading operation.
I attempted to prototype this thinking that the consumers will get some type of error or a half old/half new file but it seems to always be in the state it was when it was open by the consumer even if renamed/overwritten multiple times.
BTW, these processes are running on the same machine (RHEL 6).
In Linux and similar systems, if a process has a file open and the file is deleted, the file itself remains undeleted until all processes close it. All that happens immediately is that the directory entry is deleted so that it cannot be opened again.
The same thing happens if rename is used to replace an open file. The old file descriptor still keeps the old file open. However, new opens will see the new file.
Therefore, for your consumers to see the new file, they must close and reopen the file.
Note: your consumers can discover if the file has been replaced by using the stat(2) call. If either the st_dev or st_ino entries (or both) have changed, then the file has been replaced and must be closed and reopened. This is how tail -F works.

Detecting file deletion after fopen

im working in a code that detects changes in a file (a log file) then its process the changes with the help of fseek and ftell. but if the file get deleted and changed (with logrotate) the program stops but not dies, because it not detect more changes (even if the file is recreated). fseek dont show errors and eiter ftell.
how i can detect that file deletion? maybe a way to reopen the file with other FILE *var and comparing file descriptor. but how i can do that. ?
When a file gets deleted, it is not necessarily erased from your disk. In your case the program still has a handle to the old file. The old file handle will not get you any information about its deletion or replacement with another file.
An easy way to detect file deletion and recreation is using stat(2) and fstat(2). They give you a struct stat which contains the inode for the file. When a file is recreated (and still open) the files (old open and recreated) are different and thus the inodes are different. The inode field is st_ino. Yes, you need to poll this unless you wish to use Linux-features like inotify.
You can periodically close the file and open it again, that way you will open the newly created one. Files actually get deleted when there is no handle to the file (open file descriptor is a handle), you are still holding the old file.
On windows, you could set callbacks on the modifications of the FS. Here are details:
