How can I apply NOW() along with Exposed DAO - kotlin-exposed

I have such a table.
object AsdTable : IntIdTable("asd") {
val created_date = timestamp("created_date")
val code = varchar("code", 64)
And I'd like to build sql insert statement like INSERT INTO asd(created_date, code) VALUES(NOW(), ??)
Kotlin code is
transaction { {
createdDate = ?
code = "oook"
How this can be achieved?

I managed to make it work via defaultExpression:
object AsdTable : IntIdTable("asd") {
val created_date = timestamp("created_date").defaultExpression(CurrentTimestamp())
val code = varchar("code", 64)
transaction { {
code = "OK"
NOW() or CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() is generated within INSERT statement.


Salesforce REST API Create an order class with Wrapper Not working

anyone can solve this issue as im getting Error - Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void productMAp(String) from the type CreateOrders
Order ord = new Order(
AccountId = oderWrap.AccountId,
EffectiveDate = EffectiveDate,
Status = oderWrap.Status,
PriceBook2Id = PricebookList[0].id,
contractid = contractMap.get(oderWrap.AccountId).id,
ShippingStreet = contractMap.get(oderWrap.AccountId).Account.ShippingStreet,
ShippingCity = contractMap.get(oderWrap.AccountId).Account.ShippingCity,
ShippingpostalCode = contractMap.get(oderWrap.AccountId).Account.ShippingpostalCode,
ShippingCountry = contractMap.get(oderWrap.AccountId).Account.ShippingCountry,
ShippingState = contractMap.get(oderWrap.AccountId).Account.ShippingState
for(OrderWrapper.OrderLineItems oderLineItem : oderWrap.OrderLineItems){
product2 pro = productMAp(oderLineItem.LineItemCode);
PricebookEntry pbe = PricebookEntryMAp(;
insert ord ;
for(OrderItem poLine : OrderItemList) {
poLine.orderid =poLine.order.Id;
insert OrderItemList;
Hard to say, what's the type of "productMap"?
Did you mean to use productMap.get(oderLineItem.LineItemCode)?

Why I am getting "Too many DML Statements" error when performing Update operation in LWC salesforce?

Note: Class is auraenabled(cacheable =true)
List<ABC> obj1 = new List<ABC>();
for (ABC A1 : [SELECT ID,field1, field2, field3, (SELECT Id, Name,ParentId,CreatedDate FROM Attachments WHERE Name LIKE 'something' ORDER BY CreatedDate DESC Limit 1) FROM ABC WHERE field5ID = 'field5ID' ORDER BY field1]) {
if(!A1.Attachments.isEmpty()) {
for (Attachment Att : A1.Attachments) {
if(A1.field2 = true){
A1.field2 = false;
Obj1.add(A1) ;
if(Obj1.size() > 0){

Kotlin Exposed SQL query on Table with compound primary key and select all which are contained in a given List of DTO Objects

considering the following pseudo code:
object EntityTable : Table("ENTITY") {
val uid = uuid("uid")
val idCluster = integer("id_cluster")
val idDataSchema = integer("id_data_schema")
val value = varchar("value", 1024)
override val primaryKey = PrimaryKey(uid, idCluster, idDataSchema, name = "ENTITY_PK")
var toBeFound = listOf(
EntityDTO(uid = UUID.fromString("4..9"), idCluster = 1, idDataSchema = 1),
EntityDTO(uid = UUID.fromString("7..3"), idCluster = 1, idDataSchema = 2),
EntityDTO(uid = UUID.fromString("6..2"), idCluster = 2, idDataSchema = 1)
fun selectManyEntity() : List<EntityDTO> {
val entityDTOs = transaction {
val queryResultRows = {
(EntityTable.uid, EntityTable.idCluster, EntityTable.idDataSchema) // <-- every row for which the compound key combination of all three
inList {
(it.uid, it.idCluster, it.idDataSchema) // <-- has an element in 'toBeFound` list with the same compound key combination
} { resultRow -> Fillers().newEntityDTO(resultRow) }.toList()
return entityDTOs
how do I have to write the query that it selects
all rows of EntityTable for which the compound primary key of (id, idCluster, idDataSchema)
is also contained in the given List supposed that every EntityDTO in the List<>
also has fields id, idCluster, idDataSchema) ???
if it helps: EntityDTO has hash() and equals() overloaded for exactly these three fields.
The only way is to make a compound expression like:
fun EntityDTO.searchExpression() = {
(EntityTable.uid eq uid) and (EntityTable.idCluster eq idCluster) and (EntityTable.idDataSchema eq idDataSchema)
val fullSearchExpression = { it.searchExpression() }.compoundOr()
val queryResultRows =

Making Snowflake Javascript based procedure query faster

I have a stored procedure that I just converted to Snowflake Javascript from PL/SQL. It inserts about 100 records a minute. The total record count is about 700. Because it is so difficult to know where a problem is in Snowflake, I insert log statements as the overall functionality progresses. I also push messages to an array that gets returned at the bottom. However, I do the insert into log table type things in PL/SQL and it barely makes a performance difference. I'll admit that my progress loading slows down the process, but am doubtful that it's the primary contributor.
The script makes a table that, given a date, shows the fiscal quarter that it corresponds to. This is helpful for other queries not shown. I have a simple loop that goes from the beginning of the first quarter to the end of the last and puts the corresponding quarter in the lookup table.
It took 9 minutes to run as written, but in Oracle, takes less than a second.
I'd like to know how to make this run faster:
create or replace procedure periodic_load()
RETURNS varchar
LANGUAGE javascript
execute as owner
var result = "";
var messages = new Array();
try {
Constants shared between functions
var COMMA_CHAR=",";
var CONSOLE_LOG_USED = true;
var IS_SNOWFLAKE = false;
Execute Snowflake SQL or simulate the execution thereof
#parmam sqlTextIn,binds...
sqlTextIn: String of the sql command to run.
binds: zero or more parameters to bind to the execution of the command.
function execute_with_log() {
var result = null;
var argumentsArray = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments);
var sqlTextIn = argumentsArray[0];
messages.push('###'+'EXECUTE_WITH_LOG argument count: '+arguments.length);
messages.push('###'+ "EXECUTE_WITH_LOG(BP2)");
console.log('SKIPPING SNOWFLAKE SQL: '+sqlTextIn);
} else {
messages.push('###'+ " EXECUTE_WITH_LOG(BP3)");
var statementResult;
var logMessage = sqlTextIn;
if(argumentsArray.length==1) {
messages.push('###'+ " EXECUTE_WITH_LOG(BP4)");
messages.push('###'+" ** NO BIND PARAMETERS DETECTED **");
} else {
messages.push('###'+ " EXECUTE_WITH_LOG(BP5)");
for(var bindParmCounter = 1; bindParmCounter < argumentsArray.length; bindParmCounter++) {
messages.push('###'+" ,"+argumentsArray[bindParmCounter]);
messages.push('###'+ " EXECUTE_WITH_LOG(BP6)");
if(argumentsArray.length===1) {
messages.push('###'+ " EXECUTE_WITH_LOG(BP7)");
statement = snowflake.createStatement( { sqlText: sqlTextIn });
} else {
messages.push('###'+ " EXECUTE_WITH_LOG(BP8)");
var bindsIn = argumentsArray.slice(1,argumentsArray.length);
for(var bindParmCounter = 0; bindParmCounter < bindsIn.length; bindParmCounter++) {
messages.push('###bindsIn['+bindParmCounter+"] type ="+bindsIn[bindParmCounter].getName());
statement = snowflake.createStatement(
sqlText: sqlTextIn,
binds: bindsIn
messages.push('###'+ " EXECUTE_WITH_LOG(BP9) sqlTextIn="+sqlTextIn);
result = statement.execute();
messages.push('###'+ " After execute BP10 =");
messages.push('###'+ " After commit BP11 =");
return result;
function commit() {
messages.push('###'+ " commit");
statement = snowflake.createStatement(
sqlText: 'commit'
return messages;
function log_message(severity,message) {
messages.push('###'+"log_message(severity,message): severity="+severity+" message="+message);
var result = null;
console.log(severity+": "+message);
messages.push('###'+severity+": "+message);
} else {
var record = {'severity': severity,'date_time': {value: 'current_timestamp::timestamp_ntz',useQuote:false},message:message};
try {
var escapeStep1=message.replaceAll(SINGLE_QUOTE_CHAR,ESCAPED_SINGLE_QUOTE_CHAR);
var escapeStep2=escapeStep1.replaceAll(DOUBLE_QUOTE_CHAR,ESCAPED_DOUBLE_QUOTE_CHAR);
var quotedSeverity = SINGLE_QUOTE_CHAR+severity+SINGLE_QUOTE_CHAR;
var sql_command = "insert into LOG_MESSAGES(severity,date_time,message) values("+quotedSeverity+",current_timestamp::timestamp_ntz,"+quotedValue+")";
statement = snowflake.createStatement( { sqlText: sql_command});
var sql_command = "commit";
statement = snowflake.createStatement( { sqlText: sql_command});
} catch(error) {
messages.push('###'+'FAILURE: '+error);
return result;
function truncate_table(tableName) {
var result = execute_with_log("truncate table "+tableName);
messages.push('###'+'I','End truncate_table()');
return result;
function fql() {
messages.push('###'+"begin fql()");
log_message('I','Begin fql()');
var table_name='fiscal_quarter_list';
"insert into fiscal_quarter_list (fiscal_quarter_id,fiscal_quarter_name,fiscal_year,start_date,end_date,last_mod_date_stamp) ("
+" select fiscal_quarter_id,fiscal_quarter_name,fiscal_year,min(start_date) start_date,max(end_date) end_date,current_date from cdw_fiscal_periods cfp"
+" where (cfp.start_date >= add_months(sysdate(),-24) and sysdate() >= cfp.end_date ) or "
+" (cfp.start_date <= sysdate() and sysdate() < cfp.end_date) "
+" group by fiscal_quarter_id,fiscal_quarter_name,fiscal_year "
+" order by fiscal_quarter_id desc "
+" fetch first 8 rows only "
log_message('I','End fql()');
Function to increment a Date object by one standard day
Sourced from
function addDaysInJs(dateIn, days) {
var result = new Date(dateIn);
result.setDate(result.getDate() + days);
return result;
function dtfq() {
tableName = 'date_to_fiscal_quarter';
var firstDate;
var runningDate;
log_message('I','Begin dtfq');
var result = null;
var resultSet = execute_with_log(" SELECT FISCAL_QUARTER_ID, FISCAL_QUARTER_NAME,try_to_date(START_DATE) as START_DATE, try_to_date(END_DATE) as END_DATE"
log_message('D','resultSet ='+resultSet);
log_message('D','resultSet typeof='+typeof resultSet);
while( {
messages.push('###'+"bp1 dtfq() loop start_date="+resultSet.getColumnValue("START_DATE")+" end_date="+resultSet.getColumnValue("END_DATE"));
firstDate = resultSet.getColumnValue("START_DATE");
lastDate = resultSet.getColumnValue("END_DATE");
runningDate=new Date(firstDate);
lastDate = new Date(lastDate);
log_message('D','Start date='+firstDate);
while (runningDate <= lastDate) {
var fiscalQuarterId=resultSet.getColumnValue("FISCAL_QUARTER_ID")
var fiscalQuarterName=resultSet.getColumnValue("FISCAL_QUARTER_NAME")
messages.push('###'+"bp2 dtfq() runningDate="+runningDate+' fiscalQuarterId='+fiscalQuarterId+' fiscalQuarterName='+fiscalQuarterName);
log_message('D','Fiscal quarter id='+fiscalQuarterId);
execute_with_log(" insert into sc_hub_date_to_fiscal_quarter(date_stamp,) "
+" values(try_to_date(?)) "
execute_with_log(" insert into sc_hub_date_to_fiscal_quarter(date_stamp,fiscal_quarter_id,fiscal_quarter_name) "
+" values(?,?,?)"
runningDate = addDaysInJs(runningDate, 1);
log_message('I','End dtfq Success');
return result;
Execute Snowflake SQL or simulate the execution thereof
#parmam sqlTextIn,binds...
sqlTextIn: String of the sql command to run.
binds: zero or more parameters to bind to the execution of the command.
function execute() {
var result = null;
var argumentsArray = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments);
var sqlTextIn = argumentsArray[0];
console.log('SKIPPING SNOWFLAKE SQL: '+sqlTextIn);
messages.push('###'+'SKIPPING SNOWFLAKE SQL: '+sqlTextIn);
} else {
messages.push('###'+'USING SNOWFLAKE SQL: '+sqlTextIn);
var statementResult;
if(argumentsArray.length>2) {
messages.push('###'+'Has bind arguments: ');
var bindsIn = argumentsArray.slice(2,argumentsArray.length);
statement = snowflake.createStatement(
sqlText: sqlTextIn,
binds: bindsIn
} else {
messages.push('###'+'Has no bind arguments: ');
statement = snowflake.createStatement( { sqlText: sqlTextIn });
result = statement.execute();
messages.push('###'+'statement.execute succeeded');
return result;
String.prototype.replaceAll = function(target, replacement) {
return this.split(target).join(replacement);
Object.prototype.getName = function() {
var funcNameRegex = /function (.{1,})\(/;
var results = (funcNameRegex).exec((this).constructor.toString());
return (results && results.length > 1) ? results[1] : "";
} catch(error) {
} finally {
result = messages.join("\n");
return result;
call periodic_load()
The use-case isn't entirely stated here, but it appears that your stored procedure merely generates (explodes) and inserts a series of dates into a table, for each date range encountered in a source table input row.
This can be achieved with SQL (with recursive CTEs) directly, which would run far more efficiently than a linear stored procedure iteration:
create table destination_table (fiscal_quarter_id integer, fiscal_quarter_name string, date_stamp date);
insert into destination_table
with source_table(fiscal_quarter_id, fiscal_quarter_name, start_date, end_date) as (
select 1, 'Q1', '2020-01-01'::date, '2020-03-31'::date union all
select 2, 'Q2', '2020-04-01'::date, '2020-06-30'::date union all
select 3, 'Q3', '2020-07-01'::date, '2020-09-30'::date union all
select 4, 'Q4', '2020-10-01'::date, '2020-12-31'::date
), recursive_expand as (
fiscal_quarter_id, fiscal_quarter_name, start_date, end_date,
start_date as date_stamp
from source_table
union all
fiscal_quarter_id, fiscal_quarter_name, start_date, end_date,
dateadd(day, 1, date_stamp)::date date_stamp
from recursive_expand
where date_stamp < end_date
select fiscal_quarter_id, fiscal_quarter_name, date_stamp
from recursive_expand
order by date_stamp asc;
The example inserts 366 rows into the destination_table (2020 being a leap year) covering dates of all four quarters.
#Greg Pavlik's comment covers why the stored procedure is slow due to executing whole statements (each independently submitted, compiled, planned, executed, and returned from the snowflake query processing service adds a lot of overhead). If you'd still like to proceed with the stored procedures API for your use-case, an idea is to make two specific changes:
Store all generated data rows into an array instead of inserting them directly, like so (this is only practical for a few hundred rows, not beyond, due to memory constraints):
function dtfq() {
var all_rows = [];
// … iteration and other logic here …
all_rows.push([fiscalQuarterId, fiscalQuarterName, runningDate]);
// … iteration and other logic ends here (minus inserts) …
return all_rows;
Insert the list of n rows generated using a single generated INSERT statement with n value containers. An example of such code can be seen in this answer.

How to test contentdocumentlink trigger for Salesforce Prod deployment

I am trying to deploy a trigger to prod on salesforce. I was hoping someone could help me with an example of tests for this trigger.
Here is my trigger. It does its purpose, which is to update a bool field when a new contentNote (or anything of content type) that then has collateral effects through process builder.
trigger NewNote on ContentDocumentLink (before insert) {
Set<Id> setParentId = new Set<Id>();
List<Client_Relationships__c> crlst = new List<Client_Relationships__c>();
for (ContentDocumentLink cdl : ) {
crlst = [select Id , newNote__c from Client_Relationships__c where Id IN :setParentId];
For(Client_Relationships__c e : crlst)
e.newNote__c = True;
update crlst;
The trigger you wrote can be more efficient by omitting the SOQL query as seen below:
trigger NewNote on ContentDocumentLink (before insert) {
List<Client_Relationships__c> crlst = new List<Client_Relationships__c>();
for (ContentDocumentLink cdl : ) {
if(cdl.LinkedEntityId.getSObjectType().getDescribe().getName() == 'Client_Relationships__c'){
new Client_Relationships__c(
Id = cdl.LinkedEntityId,
newNote__c = true
update crlst;
The best practice would be to add your code to a handler or utility class and to only have one trigger per object. The name of this trigger could be changed to "ContentDocumentLinkTrigger" if you adopt that practice.
The test class for that trigger is below. I could not test the compilation because I don't have the same custom object.
private class ContentDocumentLinkTriggerTest {
static void setupTest() {
insert new ContentVersion(
Title = 'Test_Document.txt',
VersionData = Blob.valueOf('This is my file body.'),
SharingPrivacy = 'N',
SharingOption = 'A',
Origin = 'H',
PathOnClient = '/Test_Document.txt'
List<Client_Relationships__c> relationships = new List<Client_Relationships__c>();
for(Integer i = 0; i < 300; i++){
new Client_Relationships__c(
//add required field names and values
insert relationships;
static testMethod void testInsertTrigger() {
//prepare data
List<ContentVersion> contentVersions = new List<ContentVersion>([
SELECT Id, ContentDocumentId FROM ContentVersion
System.assertNotEquals(0, contentVersions.size(), 'ContentVersion records should have been retrieved');
List<Client_Relationships__c> relationships = getAllClientRelationships();
System.assertNotEquals(0, relationships.size(), 'Client Relationship records should have been retrieved.');
List<ContentDocumentLink> documentLinks = new List<ContentDocumentLink>();
for(Integer i = 0; i < 252; i++){
new ContentDocumentLink(
ContentDocumentId = contentVersions[0].ContentDocumentId,
LinkedEntityId = relationships[i].Id,
ShareType = 'I'
//test functionality
insert documentLinks;
//assert expected results
List<Client_Relationships__c> relationshipsAfterProcessing = getAllClientRelationships();
for(Client_Relationships__c relationship : relationshipsAfterProcessing){
System.assert(relationship.newNote__c, 'The newNote__c field value should be true.');
private static List<Client_Relationships__c> getAllClientRelationships(){
return new List<Client_Relationships__c>([
SELECT Id, newNote__c FROM Client_Relationship__c
For setting up test data, it is helpful to have a utility class that centralizes the creation of well-formed records. This is extremely useful when your code base gets large and a validation rule affects the insertion of new data in many test classes. With a centralized method, the inserted data only needs to be altered once.
