how to find parent component of props - reactjs

how does one track the source of a component’s props that were set in another component?
I am working with only two or sometimes three components, but imagining a large application with many components, I am not sure how I would find the parent component where the props were defined and passed into the child component (assuming I am viewing the child component).
I would appreciate your help.

To track the origin of props I suggest using browser extension: React Developer Tools. It offers a great interface to track, see and manipulate props from inside your developer tools.

What you're describing is known as "Prop Drilling" or passing down props through multiple levels of components. To avoid this, there are two options I would suggest. React's Context api or Redux. Personally I like both but I would lean more towards context as it requires less code but some of the features of Redux-Saga's middleware makes it easier to respond to multiple events.


React design patterns using redux

I am developing using Presentational & Container design pattern.
Here I have one question.
If all components are connected to the global store, there is no need to divide the components into Presentational components and Container components.
Is there any reason to divide them?
The reason I inquire about this is that if you develop using the Presontational Component & Container Component design pattern, you have to pass props from the parent component to the child component, and I think this is a part that can lower development productivity and cause errors...
So I would like to connect all the components to the global store and use them.
What other problems are there in this case? For example, performance...
"Presentational components" and "Container components" are a pretty old concept that stems from the pre-hooks area. It was nice do have presentational components that could be tested purely on their own - but with the rise of hooks, React components generally house a lot more logic and in most cases, this is fine.
Redux is still a good way of generally moving most logic outside of components - even without a distinction between "presentational" and "container" components. See the Style Guide on this topic
I'd generally recommend reading the Redux Style Guide and if you are still using old-style Redux with connect and reducers, also read why Redux Toolkit is how to use Redux today
If all components are connected to the global store, there is no need to divide the components into Presentational components and Container components.
First off, any component can be connected to the store (as in, the redux context is available), but you don't need to access state or dispatch actions in every component. So I'd define "connected component" as one that actually uses state or actions.
Is there any reason to divide them?
I'd recommend to simply read state or dispatch actions if and where you need to.
This design pattern from the early redux days is honestly not super helpful and got watered down a bit with hooks and function components (quicker to throw in a useSelector than setting up a connect()ed component).
In some cases you can separate abstract UI logic from global state. As #pailhead pointed out in a comment above, there could be a UserStatus component that defines two different colors for logged in vs. logged out - without being connected to redux. Instead a <UserStatusIndicator> is connected to redux and passes props.isLoggedIn, which is read from state.user.isLoggedIn, to the <UserStatus> component. Imagine the UserStatus component is also reused in an admin panel list that shows the current status of all users in the system - so it's rendered 50 times but independent from redux.
you have to pass props from the parent component to the child
Definitely don't do excessive prop drilling, connect these children to redux instead.

Should container get value from props?

I have an app structure like this with redux:
| — dashboard container
| — — dashboard component
| — setting container
| — — setting component
Consider the two containers, if I need to get translation text from the store which way should I used?
(1) Connect to redux store on router and pass down to containers by props
(2) Each of the container connect to redux store individually
As Dan Abramov, author of redux says in this issue
Both approaches of passing props down to children or connecting them to the store are appropriate, however having nested connect() components is actually going to give you more performance. The downside is they're slightly more coupled to the application and slightly harder to test, but that may not be a big issue.
He has also articulated a nice rule of thumb to follow on reddit
I do it this way:
Start by using one container and several presentational components
As presentational component tree grows, “middle” components start to pass too many props down
At this point, I wrap some leaf components into containers so that “middle” components don’t need to accept and pass down props that are completely unrelated to them
He has even tweeted regarding this:
Try to keep your presentation components separate. Create container components by connecting them when it’s convenient.Whenever you feel like you’re duplicating code in parent components to provide data for same kinds of children, time to extract a container.
So in simple words:
You can use connect() at any level. Doing so makes the component smart, since it knows where its props come from. A dumb component just has props, and they could come from anywhere. A smart component is coupled to redux; a dumb component is not.
if the translations are dispatched from router then use connect if they are not fetched or updated by dispatching an action and will never update passing them is better.

React-redux connect: root component connect vs multiple connects [duplicate]

I am new to react and redux. I have a scenario where there are nested components like this.
A > B > C > D
There is a property used in A component and it will be used in D component. So, I have two approaches:
Get state from redux store in component A and then pass it along as props to all it's child components even though it will be used only in D component.
I should connect to redux store in component D and fetch that property from there.
What is the correct approach?
As Dan Abramov, author of redux says in this issue
Both approaches of passing props down to children or connecting them
to the store are appropriate, however having nested connect()
components is actually going to give you more performance. The
downside is they're slightly more coupled to the application and
slightly harder to test, but that may not be a big issue.
He has also articulated a nice rule of thumb to follow on reddit
I do it this way:
Start by using one container and several presentational components
As presentational component tree grows, “middle” components start to pass too many props down
At this point, I wrap some leaf components into containers so that “middle” components don’t need to accept and pass down props that are
completely unrelated to them
He has even tweeted regarding this:
Try to keep your presentation components separate. Create container
components by connecting them when it’s convenient.Whenever you feel like you’re duplicating code in parent components to provide data for same kinds of children, time to extract a container.
So in simple words:
You can use connect() at any level. Doing so makes the component smart, since it knows where its props come from. A dumb component just has props, and they could come from anywhere. A smart component is coupled to redux; a dumb component is not.
UPDATE: react-redux v7 and above
The same concept applies to useSelectors too. You can receive data in a container component and pass on to your presentational components, if multiple of its children make use of the same data
If however the data used by the children is different, you can choose to use useSelector individually within the child component. This will make sure that only those components re-render which actually need to
I would suggest if you are already using redux in your app then set the property in the redux store and fetch it in the component D.
But if the work flow is really simple and all the data is fetched from a single source per view, you can avoid redux as it is for complex state management.

Communicate between React components without a parent

I was looking on how to communicate between 2 ReactJS components that doesn't share a parent, so it our just the root components on the page.
With some help of the internet, I've found our that Redux is the library that should be used, so that events are delegated to a store.
But where does this fit in the story if I want to create a simple component that's reusable, for example a button that's controllable from within other components?
Each button must have it's own unique events, but I don't see on how to do it practically.
Am I missing something here?
Yes, Redux (or any state management library) is the way to go. In Redux, for instance, you've got two types of components: dumb components and high order components. High order components are used to connect with Redux state (see react-redux). So you can implement your button as a dumb component, which does not depend on Redux in any way, and connect to Redux in the root component

Where should be the line to separate stateful and stateless component in React?

React encourages the use of stateless components as much as possible and have a stateful parent component managing them.
I understand that this can make the stateless components more reusable, and easy to manage.
However, to the extreme, we can always put the state at the top level component, like App.js, and pass down information and callbacks through a long props chain. And if using Flux, the actions can always be dispatched in it too (executed through callbacks).
So I'm wondering what's line to separate stateful and stateless components? And if using Flux, where should the Actions to be dispatched?
--- Add an example ---
Say I have a google docs like web app that have a tool bar and displayed content. I imagine we will have the component structure.
<Toolbar />
<Content />
The tool bar has buttons that will affect the display content, say the bold text button.
So should the App pass down onButtonPressed callback props to Toolbar and dispatch Actions in itself, or should let the Toolbar to do it itself?
Should the App pass down contentString props to Content, or let Content itself listen to Store changes?
From my point of view, a simple application could use the pattern of Flux in that way :
Children emit actions.
The application listens to stores and propagates processed data to his children.
With that approach, you have the stateless component, but with a good code organisation without the callback props. But both of your propositions are also correct, it's a decision that you make regarding the size and needs of your application.
If the component that you build will be used outside of your application, don't use flux as much as possible and let the developer choose the wanted approach for his needs.
It's a good question, and it is being solved differently even between different Flux implementations.
I prefer having my state in one high-level component, that sees the "big picrure", and propagate data using props to all the low-level ones. In a good React app, most of the components shouldn't "care" where the data is coming from.
Having a one good structured model instead of several fragmented ones also proves itself to be beneficial so far. (by the way, that can be achieved even using several stores, the high-level component could listen to all of them, and virtually "hold" this big model).
Regarding actions - I prefer having all my "dumb" visualization/ui/display components work with callback props. That way it is easier to re-use them, and it is a good separation of concerns.
In richer components that hold a bit of business logic, I call Reflux actions directly. Usually those are also container components themselves to aforementioned "dumb" ui controllers.
So bottom line - data should flow from as high as possible, actions can be fired from lower components, but always check whether you can achieve the same result with callback props.
To your question - the Toolbar is a complex enough component to have ToolbarActions of its own and call them directly. But the Content component should definitely get its data from above. It's also easier to reason the data flow that way, when the app gets complicated.
Hope that helps. The whole Flux thing is still an art in progress...
