How to horizontally align a CheckBox inside a popup? - wpf

Question: The following XAML is not hotizontally aligning the CheckBox to center. Setting HorizontalAlignment="Center" as StackPanel's attribute did not make any difference, either. How can we align it to center?
NOTE: I have uploaded a simple test app sample here if anyone wants to test it. This link will expire in 30 days from today July 21, 2021.
<Button x:Name="btnTest" Content="Test" Click="btnTest_Click"/>
<Popup Name="MyPopup" Placement="Mouse">
<StackPanel Background="Bisque">
<Button Click="Hide_Click" Margin="10">Hide Popup</Button>
<CheckBox x:Name="chkWebSpeechDefault" HorizontalAlignment="Center">
<ScaleTransform ScaleX=".5" ScaleY=".5"/>
<TextBlock Text="Set default" FontSize="20"/>
Code Behind [Not specifically relevant to the question]:
private void btnTest_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
MyPopup.IsOpen = true;
Display of the above XAML:
As you can noticed the checkbox is not horizontally aligned to center.
I removed the TextBlock and added Content="Set default" attribute to CheckBox. But it still is aligned to the left. I would like it to be aligned as shown below:

You use a RenderTransform in the Popup for the CheckBox to scale it to half its size.
<CheckBox x:Name="chkWebSpeechDefault" Content="Set default" HorizontalAlignment="Center">
<ScaleTransform ScaleX=".5" ScaleY=".5"/>
Render transformations are applied before rendering, but after the layout phase (Measure and Arrange). This means that the originally scaled CheckBox (which spans almost the full width of the popup) will in fact be aligned horizontally, but it is barely visible. After that, the CheckBox will be transformed (only for rendering), but its position and size in the layout is still the same as the original, only the scaled rendered image is put in this imaginary bounding box at the top left. That is why it appears not to be centered. You can experiment with this by assigning a large width, e.g. 500, to the Popup, then you will see the centering.
Now, the solution to the issue is to use a different transformation, a LayoutTransform.
<ScaleTransform ScaleX=".5" ScaleY=".5"/>
This transformation is applied before the Measure and Arrange steps, so the layout calculation will consider the real size after scaling and the horizontal alignment is applied to the scaled control.
The black line at the bottom using LayoutTransform seems to be a rendering artifact.
<CheckBox x:Name="chkWebSpeechDefault" Content="Set default" HorizontalAlignment="Center" UseLayoutRounding="True">
Enabling layout rounding by setting UseLayoutRounding to true solves the issue.
There are a few related posts on these kind of issues, SnapsToDevicePixels does not work for me.


MahApps slider margin

I am trying to make simple video Player with MahApps. I have a little problem with layout of flyout. I want to put slider into flyout and make its width equal to flyout width.
<Controls:Flyout Padding="0" Name="mediaStatus" Height="auto" CloseButtonVisibility="Collapsed" IsOpen="False" Position="Bottom">
<Slider Padding="0" Margin="0" Style="{DynamicResource FlatSlider}"></Slider>
With this code I'm getting something like this:
What can I do to delete this margin on the left of the slider.
You must also set TitleVisibility="Collapsed". The title/header is still visible on the left side (with some margin which produces this black space).

Animating from a point other than the left side

I have an animation problem that I'm not sure how to Google or find a solution for. I'm trying to basically create a wrapping Marquee. I do this by having the following within a canvas:
|---Section A---|---Section B---|Section C---|
The animation begins with the left side of section B on the right side of the screen, and ends when the right side of section B hits the left side of the screen. Sections A and C are a mirror image of Section B, which creates the "wrap around" effect. When the animation ends, I move everything to the right the exact width of Section B. To the user, nothing appears to have happened .. it's all just wrapping around.
The problem is this ... some of the items in the marquee can be hidden, or can change size. So if you hide an item, the item is hidden from all three sections. Since things are being hidden in Section A, and all the sections are sized dynamically, the entire marquee moves to the left.
Is there any way to "anchor" the animation at a spot, say, in the middle of Section B, so that when items are hidden in section A, it doesn't slide sections B and C over? Instead, I want Section A to move right to fill in the space.
Edit: Let me rephrase ... because this is confusing.
I have a canvas, which contains a stackpanel, which contains three more stack panels. These three stack panels are actually copies of the same information, which gives the illusion of a marquee that wraps around when I animate. When items are added/removed in the marquee, those items in the stack panel change, which adjusts the overall size of the stack panel, which adjusts the size of the canvas. What I'd like to know, is if I can "anchor" a specific location within the stackpanel. Can I "anchor" on the first item in the 2nd stackpanel copy?
To answer what APPEARS to be the primary question:
Is there a way to animation the position of a canvas using something
other than the Canvas.Left property
Set the RenderTransform property of the Canvas to a TranslateTransform and animate the TranslateTransform.X Property:
<Canvas x:Name="myCanvas" RenderTransformOrigin="0.5,0.5">
<TranslateTransform X="0"/>
Then in code:
EDIT: The second parameter of this method call should be of type DoubleAnimation, not Duration. I must have been sleeping at my desk when I typed this. Sorry.
(TranslateTransform)MyCanvas.RenderTransform.BeginAnimation(TranslateTransform.XProperty, new Duration(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3)));
I hope this helps.
My other answer is becoming obsolete as you elaborate on your desired behavior, so forgive me for posting a second. Based on my latter comments on the above answer, consider the following example:
<Canvas x:Name="LayoutRoot">
<Grid x:Name="MarqueePanels">
<Rectangle Grid.Column="0" Height="{Binding ElementName=PrimaryMarquee, Path=ActualHeight}" Width="{Binding ElementName=PrimaryMarquee, Path=ActualWidth}">
<VisualBrush Visual="{Binding ElementName=PrimaryMarquee}"/>
<StackPanel Grid.Column="1" x:Name="PrimaryMarquee">
<TextBlock Text="Marquee Item 1"/>
<TextBlock Text="Marquee Item 2"/>
<TextBlock Text="Marquee Item 3"/>
<Rectangle Grid.Column="2" Height="{Binding ElementName=PrimaryMarquee, Path=ActualHeight}" Width="{Binding ElementName=PrimaryMarquee, Path=ActualWidth}">
<VisualBrush Visual="{Binding ElementName=PrimaryMarquee}"/>
As I mentioned above, setting the Visibility of any of the TextBox elements to Hidden will not cause the StackPanel parent to resize, however using Visibility.Collapsed WILL force an Arrange pass of the parent panel. So if you truly NEED to use a StackPanel to contain the visual elements, then I recommend based on your comments above using Visibility.Hidden in lieu of Visibility.Collapsed.
Also notice the use of VisualBrush to replicate the Marquee content. This will simplify the code, and ensure that all 3 visuals always match (with the exception of whatever positioning or transformation you apply to the Rectangle objects that house the VisualBrush).
Additionally, I should say that I personally would use a Canvas in lieu of the StackPanel, as the Canvas is much better suited for absolute positioning of child elements, hence the reason for your question.
Craig, I truly hope this helps. I (like most people on here) will try to help however I can. Good luck!
Got it.
I set the margin to -(theControl.ActualWidth / 2). All my code shifts everything back by that same amount to compensate.
Then I have an event handler for SizeChanged on the control, where I set this value. If the size of the control changes, the margin is update, and everything focuses on the middle of the control. If you have a specific point within the control that you want to center animation on, then use that point instead of the halfway point described above.

How do I configure a TextBox control to automatically resize itself vertically when text no longer fits on one line?

How do I configure a TextBox control to automatically resize itself vertically when text no longer fits on one line?
For example, in the following XAML:
<DockPanel LastChildFill="True" Margin="0,0,0,0">
<Border Name="dataGridHeader"
DataContext="{Binding Descriptor.Filter}"
Style="{StaticResource ChamelionBorder}">
BorderBrush="{DynamicResource {ComponentResourceKey TypeInTargetAssembly=dc:NavigationPane,
ResourceId={x:Static dc:NavigationPaneColors.NavPaneTitleBorder}}}">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
Foreground="{DynamicResource {ComponentResourceKey
ResourceId={x:Static dc:NavigationPaneColors.NavPaneTitleForeground}}}"/>
<StackPanel Margin="5,0" Orientation="Horizontal"
Visibility="{Binding IsFilterEnabled, FallbackValue=Collapsed, Mode=OneWay, Converter={StaticResource BooleanToVisibility}}"
IsEnabled="{Binding IsFilterEnabled, FallbackValue=false}" >
<TextBlock />
Padding="0, 0, 0, 0"
Text="{Binding QueryString}"
Foreground="{DynamicResource {ComponentResourceKey
ResourceId={x:Static dc:NavigationPaneColors.NavPaneTitleForeground}}}">
The TextBox control named "VerticallyExpandMe" needs to automatically expand vertically when the text bound to it does not fit on one line. With AcceptsReturn set to true, TextBox expands vertically if I press enter within it, but I want it do do this automatically.
Although Andre Luus's suggestion is basically correct, it won't actually work here, because your layout will defeat text wrapping. I'll explain why.
Fundamentally, the problem is this: text wrapping only does anything when an element's width is constrained, but your TextBox has unconstrained width because it's a descendant of a horizontal StackPanel. (Well, two horizontal stack panels. Possibly more, depending on the context from which you took your example.) Since the width is unconstrained, the TextBox has no idea when it is supposed to start wrapping, and so it will never wrap, even if you enable wrapping. You need to do two things: constrain its width and enable wrapping.
Here's a more detailed explanation.
Your example contains a lot of detail irrelevant to the problem. Here's a version I've trimmed down somewhat to make it easier to explain what's wrong:
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBlock Name="DataGridTitle" />
<TextBlock />
Text="{Binding QueryString}"
So I've removed your containing DockPanel and the two nested Border elements inside of that, because they're neither part of the problem nor relevant to the solution. So I'm starting at the pair of nested StackPanel elements in your example. And I've also removed most of the attributes because most of them are also not relevant to the layout.
This looks a bit weird - having two nested horizontal stack panels like this looks redundant, but it does actually make sense in your original if you need to make the nested one visible or invisible at runtime. But it makes it easier to see the problem.
(The empty TextBlock tag is also weird, but that's exactly as it appears in your original. That doesn't appear to be doing anything useful.)
And here's the problem: your TextBox is inside some horizontal StackPanel elements, meaning its width is unconstrained - you have inadvertently told the text box that it is free to grow to any width, regardless of how much space is actually available.
A StackPanel will always perform layout that is unconstrained in the direction of stacking. So when it comes to lay out that TextBox, it'll pass in a horizontal size of double.PositiveInfinity to the TextBox. So the TextBox will always think it has more space than it needs. Moreover, when a child of a StackPanel asks for more space than is actually available, the StackPanel lies, and pretends to give it that much space, but then crops it.
(This is the price you pay for the extreme simplicity of StackPanel - it's simple to the point of being bone-headed, because it will happily construct layouts that don't actually fit. You should only use StackPanel if either you really do have unlimited space because you're inside a ScrollViewer, or you are certain that you have sufficiently few items that you're not going to run out of space, or if you don't care about items running off the end of the panel when they get too large and you don't want the layout system to try to do anything more clever than simply cropping the content.)
So turning on text wrapping won't help here, because the StackPanel will always pretend that there's more than enough space for the text.
You need a different layout structure. Stack panels are the wrong thing to use because they will not impose the layout constraint you need to get text wrapping to kick in.
Here's a simple example that does roughly what you want:
<Grid VerticalAlignment="Top">
Text="{Binding QueryString}"
If you create a brand new WPF application and paste that in as the content of the main window, you should find it does what you want - the TextBox starts out one line tall, fills the available width, and if you type text in, it'll grow one line at a time as you add more text.
Of course, layout behaviour is always sensitive to context, so it may not be enough to just throw that into the middle of your existing application. That will work if pasted into a fixed-size space (e.g. as the body of a window), but will not work correctly if you paste it into a context where width is unconstrained. (E.g., inside a ScrollViewer, or inside a horizontal StackPanel.)
So if this doesn't work for you, it'll be because of other things wrong elsewhere in your layout - possibly yet more StackPanel elements elsewhere. From the look of your example, it's probably worth spending some time thinking about what you really need in your layout and simplifying it - the presence of negative margins, and elements that don't appear to do anything like that empty TextBlock are usually indicative of an over-complicated layout. And unnecessary complexity in a layout makes it much hard to achieve the effects you're looking for.
Alternatively, you could constrain your TextBlock's Width by binding it to a parent's ActualWidth, for example:
<TextBlock Width="{Binding ElementName=*ParentElement*, Path=ActualWidth}"
Height="Auto" />
This will force it to resize its height automatically too.
Use MaxWidth and TextWrapping="WrapWithOverflow".
I'm using another simple approach that allows me not to change the document layout.
The main idea is not to set the control Width before it starts changing. For TextBoxes, I handle the SizeChanged event:
<TextBox TextWrapping="Wrap" SizeChanged="TextBox_SizeChanged" />
private void TextBox_SizeChanged(object sender, SizeChangedEventArgs e)
FrameworkElement box = (FrameworkElement)sender;
if (e.PreviousSize.Width == 0 || box.Width < e.PreviousSize.Width)
box.Width = e.PreviousSize.Width;
You can use this class which extends TextBlock. It does auto-shrinking and takes MaxHeight / MaxWidth into consideration:
public class TextBlockAutoShrink : TextBlock
private double _defaultMargin = 6;
private Typeface _typeface;
static TextBlockAutoShrink()
TextBlock.TextProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(TextBlockAutoShrink), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(new PropertyChangedCallback(TextPropertyChanged)));
public TextBlockAutoShrink() : base()
_typeface = new Typeface(this.FontFamily, this.FontStyle, this.FontWeight, this.FontStretch, this.FontFamily);
base.DataContextChanged += new DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler(TextBlockAutoShrink_DataContextChanged);
private static void TextPropertyChanged(DependencyObject sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)
var t = sender as TextBlockAutoShrink;
if (t != null)
void TextBlockAutoShrink_DataContextChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
protected override void OnRenderSizeChanged(SizeChangedInfo sizeInfo)
private void FitSize()
FrameworkElement parent = this.Parent as FrameworkElement;
if (parent != null)
var targetWidthSize = this.FontSize;
var targetHeightSize = this.FontSize;
var maxWidth = double.IsInfinity(this.MaxWidth) ? parent.ActualWidth : this.MaxWidth;
var maxHeight = double.IsInfinity(this.MaxHeight) ? parent.ActualHeight : this.MaxHeight;
if (this.ActualWidth > maxWidth)
targetWidthSize = (double)(this.FontSize * (maxWidth / (this.ActualWidth + _defaultMargin)));
if (this.ActualHeight > maxHeight)
var ratio = maxHeight / (this.ActualHeight);
// Normalize due to Height miscalculation. We do it step by step repeatedly until the requested height is reached. Once the fontsize is changed, this event is re-raised
// And the ActualHeight is lowered a bit more until it doesnt enter the enclosing If block.
ratio = (1 - ratio > 0.04) ? Math.Sqrt(ratio) : ratio;
targetHeightSize = (double)(this.FontSize * ratio);
this.FontSize = Math.Min(targetWidthSize, targetHeightSize);

In XAML how to say: default width and height for e.g. TextBox

So I'm coming at WPF from a HTML perspective.
I just want to put a TextBox on my Window like this:
<TextBox Name="theName" />
Turns out that the TextBox is then HUGE, covers the whole window. (!)
Ok, that's not what I want, but I don't want to define the EXACT size either since I know Height and Width should be flexible, so I try:
<TextBox Name="theName" Width="Auto" Height="Auto"/>
Same thing. So I try:
<TextBox Name="theName"
Same thing. So I just hard code the sizes:
<TextBox Name="theName" Width="100" Height="20"/>
Which I know is not a good programming practice in WPF.
So, what how do you tell TextBox to "display default sizes for the font size being used"?
You can take Bryan's example even a bit further. By specifying a specific alignment that isn't stretch and further constrain the TextBox so that it won't expand beyond a certain size. eg:
<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot">
<TextBox HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Text="TextBox" TextWrapping="Wrap"
MinWidth="15" MinHeight="20" MaxWidth="500" MaxHeight="50"/>
You can take it even further by setting up rows/columns inside the Grid and constraining them in various fashions. As you're coming from an HTML background, think of it like using a table to control layout. Remember that you can also nest other container objects (i.e. StackPanels, WrapPanels, other Grids, etc...).
The challenge with XAML and the WPF/Silverlight controls is that they a very flexible, so you've got to get a handle on all the options and how they affect layout.
Good luck. I'm going through this exact same thing now.
Use a different container.
The Grid always streches its child controls to fill the grid cell.
You could use e.g. a stackpanel which only streches its controls in one direction.
In addition to using a different panel as Stefan mentioned you could just give the TextBox an alignment that isn't Stretch. e.g.
<TextBox Name="theName" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>
The sizes in WPF aren't pixels, they are "device independent pixels" that are 1/96 of an inch - so in today's normal DPI setup they map 1:1 to pixels.
But, if you run the program in high DPI mode the TextBox will grow with the DPI (and the font).
So setting an hard-coded size isn't that bad.
Other than that you can only use HorizontalAlignment and VerticalAlignment that are not "Stretch", this will size the TextBox to content - but then an empty TextBox will be tiny.
You can set VerticalAlignment to "Center", "Top" or "Bottom" to get automatic height of about one line (maybe backed up by a MinHeight setting to avoid problems really tiny fonts) and then set the Width so the TextBox width does not change as the user types into it.

Reset Expander to default collapse behavior

I'm using an expander inside a Resizer (a ContentControl with a resize gripper), and it expands/collapses properly when the control initially comes up. Once I resize it, the Expander won't properly collapse, as documented below. I ran Snoop on my application, and I don't see any heights set on Expander or its constituents.
How would I go about convincing Expander to collapse properly again? Or modifying Resizer to not make Expander sad would work as well.
Expander documentation says:
"For an Expander to work correctly, do not specify a Height on the Expander control when the ExpandDirection property is set to Down or Up. Similarly, do not specify a Width on the Expander control when the ExpandDirection property is set to Left or Right. When you set a size on the Expander control in the direction that the expanded content is displayed, the area that is defined by the size parameter is displayed with a border around it. This area displays even when the window is collapsed. To set the size of the expanded window, set size dimensions on the content of the Expander control or the ScrollViewer that encloses the content."
I resolved the problem by moving the Resizer inside the Expander, but I've run into the Expander issue elsewhere, so would still like an answer if someone has it.
I haven't had a chance to mock up this particular issue since then, but I recently discovered that setting Height or Width to Double.NaN resets it to its default free-spirited behavior.
Ironically, this was from reading the code of the Resizer control I was using in the first place.
Answering this a bit late (2+ years), but, hey, better late than never, right?
Anyway, I ran into this exact problem and was able to solve it with some code-behind to save and reset column widths.
I have a 3 columned Grid, with some content in the first column, the GridSplitter in the second column, and the Expander in the third column. It looks like what is happening is that after the GridSplitter is moved the width of the column containing the Expander is altered from Auto to a fixed size. This causes the Expander to no longer collapse as expected.
So, I added a private variable and two event handlers:
private GridLength _columnWidth;
private void Expander_Expanded (object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// restore column fixed size saved in Collapse event
Column2.Width = _columnWidth;
private void Expander_Collapsed (object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// save current column width so we can restore when expander is expanded
_columnWidth = Column2.Width;
// reset column width to auto so the expander will collapse properly
Column2.Width = GridLength.Auto;
When the Expander is collapsed I save Column2's fixed width (which was altered from Auto auto-magically in the background somewhere) then reset the width to Auto.
Then, when the expander is expanded, I restore the column back to the fixed width so it expands to the same width it was before it was collapsed.
Here's the XAML for reference:
<ColumnDefinition Width="2*" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
<ColumnDefinition x:Name="Column2" Width="Auto" />
<ScrollViewer Grid.Column="0" VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto">
<!-- some content goes here -->
<GridSplitter HorizontalAlignment="Right" VerticalAlignment="Stretch"
Grid.Column="1" ResizeBehavior="PreviousAndNext" Width="5"
Background="Black" />
<Expander Grid.Column="2" ExpandDirection="Left"
IsExpanded="True" Style="{StaticResource LeftExpander}"
Expanded="Expander_Expanded" Collapsed="Expander_Collapsed">
<TextBox TextWrapping="Wrap" Height="Auto" Margin="0 5 5 5" />
