C Makefile commands - c

I was trying to build a C project which has a rather unfamiliar way to define namespaces, eg. in file root.h
#define eval CRYPTO_NAMESPACE(eval)
And in the Makefile the following appears (rule for make all):
gcc -O3 -g -march=native -mtune=native -Wall -I. -Isubroutines -DKAT -DKATNUM='cat KATNUM' "-DCRYPTO_NAMESPACE(x)=x" "-D_CRYPTO_NAMESPACE(x)=_##x" -o kat nist/kat_kem.c nist/rng.c benes.c bm.c controlbits.c decrypt.c encrypt.c gf.c operations.c pk_gen.c root.c sk_gen.c synd.c transpose.c util.c -I${PWD}/subroutines -L${PWD}/libs/ -lXKCP -lcrypto -ldl
What do these options do:
I know that -DXXX=YYY is the same as #define XXX YYY. Now, why is it in double-quotes? Why it looks like a macro (may be it is)? Lastly, what does _##x mean?

The macro in the header:
#define eval CRYPTO_NAMESPACE(eval)
Replaces every token eval with CRYPTO_NAMESPACE(eval). So if the code contains
void eval(char *expr) {
the preprocessor output - without any other definition - would be
void CRYPTO_NAMESPACE(eval)(char *expr) {
The -D parameters effectively add two more definitions:
#define _CRYPTO_NAMESPACE(x) _##x
In our example, the first define causes the normal result to be re-written one more time:
void eval(char *expr) {
so we're back where we started. A different definition could be used to change the compiled name of the function. This definition makes the header definition a no-op.
The second macro uses the token concatenation operator ##. It adds a prefix underscore _ to the macro argument. E.g. if the code contained something like:
void _CRYPTO_NAMESPACE(foo)(int x) {
then the result is
void _foo(int x) {
At a higher level, these macros allow names of things (in the first case anything named eval and in the second, any name at all) to be transformed uniformly throughout the program. This is a fairly standard workaround for name collisions in big C programs. If you have two source code bases that have both defined the same public function name, macros like this can be used to add a prefix or suffix that changes one or both names in the compiled code without modifying either original code. This is an important capability for long-term configuration management where manually editing externally furnished code bases isn't a serious option.
A wild guess is that this treatment is given to eval because the likelihood of some other chunk of C also defining a function named eval is extremely high.


Use preprocessor to "remove" prefix from function in C

I write a framework with lot of function that are named like that :
and everything else have ICE_ prefix (typename, define etc...)
And with preprocessor I would like to remove ICE_ to reduce function name lenght when the user know there is no conflict with other libs.
But the only working way I found was to write every function, type etc... by hand like that :
#define ModuleType_FunctionUse ICE_ModuleType_FunctionUse
Any Idea on how to easly do that ?
You could automatically create a new header file with a name like use_namespace_ICE.h for your clients to use. This file would have the required list of #defines, and can be generated using the utilities nm or dumpbin applied to your library.
For example, if foo.c is:
void ICE_ModuleType_FunctionUse(void) { /* code */ }
cc -c -o foo.o foo.c
nm foo.o | grep ' T _ICE_' | sed 's/.* T _ICE_\(.*\)/#define \1 ICE_\1/'
#define ModuleType_FunctionUse ICE_ModuleType_FunctionUse
As the comments tell you, there is no way, or no easy way, to shorten identifiers once written in your source code. However, you can reduce the typing for things that still need to be written:
#define ModuleType_FunctionUse ICE_ModuleType_FunctionUse
This defines that the short name will be replaced with the longer name.

What is the glibc GLRO macro?

I'm currently trying to understand how the glibc startup routines (__libc_start_main) process Elf Auxiliary vector types (auxv_t).
Browsing through the source code for glibc, I find references to some function named GLRO. In trying to track down the definition for this function, the closest I can find is
#define GLRO(x) _##x
When I search for "##x", all I find is other similar "#define" directives, which leaves me confused. What does this definition mean? Is "##x" some kind of compiler directive?
Kerrek SB's answer provides what it does, but not the macro's purpose. So here it is:
"The GLRO() macro is used to access global or local read-only data, see sysdeps/generic/ldsodefs.h."
Source: http://cygwin.com/ml/libc-help/2012-03/msg00006.html
This is a preprocessor macro.
You can see for yourself what it does by running the preprocessor. Just make a sample file, like this:
// foo.c
#include <some_glibc_header.h>
Now run the preprocessor:
gcc -E foo.c
You'll see that the macro creates a new token by putting an underscore in front of the given token; in our example we obtain _hello. The ## preprocessor operator concatenates tokens.
#define GLRO(x) _##x
## is the token pasting operator and it concatenates its two operands.
e.g., a ## b yields ab and _ ## x yields _x.
So for example:
GLRO(my_symbol) = 0;
would result in:
_my_symbol = 0;

Conditional compilation: compile once if macro is present at least once

I'm writing a C program and would like to write a function so that, if a certain macro is used at least once, the function is compiled in the object file exactly once.
I was thinking of something in these lines:
...some code here... \
#include "myfunction.h"
(adding my function code in myfunction.h, with suitable include guards in order to prevent multiple inclusion), or
...some code here... \
my function code
But neither works, because #define and #include are not allowed in macro-expanded code. Any suggestions?
Let the linker do the job it's meant to.
Place the function into its own source file and then build that into a library, say liboptional.a.
When it comes time to create the executable, use that library, for example:
gcc -o execfile file1.o file2.o -loptional
At the time the linker sees the -l optional, it will use the objects within that library to satisfy undefined references. Hence, if you're used the function in file1.o or file2.o, it will be included.

#define scope in multiple files

I have a main file like so:
#define MAIN_A
#include <stdio.h>
#include "shared.h"
extern int i;
int main() {
printf("i is: %d\n", i);
return 0;
I want to use the define in shared.h like this:
#if defined(MAIN_A)
# define A
So I can declare a variable according to whether the main file is present or not, like this:
#include "shared.h"
#if defined(A)
int i = 1;
int i = 0;
I build it using a makefile which looks like this:
all : a
a : main_a.o shared.o
gcc -o $# $^
%.o : %.c
gcc -c $<
However this prints
i is: 0
Now my question is: Why is it that the define seems to be lost when I compile the shared module? I know the main module is compiled first, so the define should have been resolved by the time shared.c is compiled.
One suspicion I have is that the preprocessor might get run at the start of each module build and not just at the start of the project. If this is correct is there a way of compiling more than a single module at a time to use the preprocessor as I attempt above?
Preprocessor is run for each file before it is compiled, i.e. once for main_a.c and then again independently for shared.c. When shared.c is compiled MAIN_A is undefined.
Preprocessor can't be used the way you're attempting, i.e. remembering state across compilation units.
What you can do is define a name (for example MAIN_A) using the -Dcompiler option in your Makefile and test this name using preprocessor the same way you're doing it now. This way the definition takes place on the project level (in the Makefile) rather than on a compilation unit level (in a .c file).
Let me do the preprocessor's work here and expand all your macros. In main.c, MAIN_A is defined, so A is defined. Nothing depends on A in main.c, and i is extern.
In shared.c, MAIN_A and thereby A are undefined, and i is 0.
In short, the preprocessor cannot transport information between compilation units. That's good practice, because otherwise programs would quickly become unreadable and you would have to recompile all compilation units when one unit changes (because symbols might have changed). Resolve the issue by setting i explicitly in main:
int main() {
i = 1;
It is more verbose, but is also much clearer to the reader. If you want to encapsulate, define a function InitializeShared. If you truly want to compile some code as a single compilation unit, make one of the files a header file and #include it into the other.
Yes you are right, they are completely separate compilation units.
MAIN_A is only defined in main_a.c
One thought that comes to mind is to cat the files together to make one compilation unit?
Global define A
gcc main_a.c shared.c -DA
Defines almost work the same as any variable. If you want to share a variable across modules, you put it in a header. Same goes for #defines.
However, it is strange to use the #ifdef as you are always going to have main.c. You don't want to change the code each time you compile. Instead, use the method described by Adam Zalcman

gcc check if file is main (#if __BASE_FILE__ == __FILE__)

In ruby there's very common idiom to check if current file is "main" file:
if __FILE__ == $0
# do something here (usually run unit tests)
I'd like to do something similar in C after reading gcc documentation I've figured that it should work like this:
#if __FILE__ == __BASE_FILE__
// Do stuff
the only problem is after I try this:
$ gcc src/bitmap_index.c -std=c99 -lm && ./a.out
src/bitmap_index.c:173:1: error: token ""src/bitmap_index.c"" is not valid in preprocessor expressions
Am I using #if wrong?
As summary for future guests:
You cannot compare string using #if
BASE_FILE is the name of file that is being compiled (that Is actually what I wanted).
Best way to do this is to set flag during compilation with -D
in gcc you can use:
#if __INCLUDE_LEVEL__ == 0
to check if your inside the __BASE_FILE__
Yes, you are misusing #if. It only works on integer constant expressions. But even if you were using if, comparing pointers for equality is never a valid way to compare strings in C.
It seems you can't.
Alternatively, it works perfectly fine on a regular if condition, and gcc can optimize this nicely.
if (!strcmp(__BASE_FILE__, __FILE__)) {
// works.
but you can't define new main functions or use other preprocessor tricks. but you could short-circuit main by using static methods, but that's harsh and dirty.
But maybe you shouldn't do it. in Ruby/python, this works because usage of files is done at runtime. in C, all files are to be compiled to be used.
Keep in mind that most build system will build one file at a time, building them as object files, and rebuilding them only when necessary. So
__BASE_FILE__ and __FILE__
will be equals most of the time in sources files, if not always. And i would strongly discourage you to do this in header files.
It's easier to just put your tests in separate files, only linking them when needed.
Yup, as others say, you're misusing it since you can't compare strings that way in C, and especially not in the preprocessor.
The file that defines int main(int argc, char* argv[]) is the main file. There can be only one such function in an executable.
In addition to what others have said (you can't have the C preprocessor compare strings), be careful with __BASE_FILE__ because it may not correspond to your definition of "main" file. __BASE_FILE__ is the name of the file being compiled, so it's always equal to __FILE__ in source files, and only differs in headers and other included files.
In particular, __BASE_FILE__ is not the name of the file which contains the main() function.
