What is the best way to represent data lineage in an image processing pipeline? - database

I am trying to determine the best way to represent data lineage for image processing. I have a images stored in S3 and I want to process them and then place them back in S3. I would then want to be able to run a query so I can see all the images and processes before and after in a chain. For example:
Image1 -ProcessA-> Image2 -ProcessB-> Image3
I would expect a search for the "lineage" of Image2 would yield the above information.
I know this looks like a cookie-cutter case for a graph database but I am not super familiar with them, especially for a production workflow. I have been fighting with how to implement this model in a relational database, but feel like I am just trying to put the square peg in the round hole.
Is a graph DB the only option? Which flavor would you suggest?
Is there a way to make this work in a relational model that I have not considered?

You are correct when you say this is a cookie-cutter case for a graph database, and any of the available graph database products will likely be able to meet your requirements. You can also solve this problem using a relational database but, as you indicated, it would be like putting a square peg in round hole.
Disclosure: I work for Objectivity, maker of the InfiniteGraph product.
I have solved similar data lineage problems using InfiniteGraph. The basic idea is to separate your data from your metadata. The "lineage" information is metadata. Let's put that in the graph database. The lineage information will include objects (nodes) that contain the metadata for images and the workflow process steps that consume images as input and generated images or other information as output.
We might define an ImageMD type in Infinite graph to contain the metadata for an image, including a URI that defines where the image data is currently stored, and the size and format of the image. We might define the ProcessMD type to describe an application that operates on image. It's attributes might include the name and version of the application as well as it deployment timestamp and host location where it is running.
You are going to end up with an environment that looks something like the following diagram.
Then, given an image, you can track its lineage backward to see its history and forward to see how it or it derivative components were evolved or used.
This is the basis for the Objectivity, Inc. application Metadata Connect.


Neo4J: Binary File storage and Text Search "stack"

I have a project I would like to work on which I feel is a beautiful case for Neo4j. But there are aspects about implementing this that I do not understand enough to succinctly list my questions. So instead, I'll let the scenario speak for itself:
Scenario: In simplicity, I want to build an application that will allow Users who will receive files of various types such as docs, excel, word, images, audio clips and even videos - although not so much videos, and allow them to upload and categorize these.
With each file they will enter in any and all associations. Examples:
If Joe authors a PDF, Joe is associated with the PDF.
If a DOC says that Sally is Mary's mother, Sally is associated with Mary.
If Bill sent an email to Jane, Bill is associated with Jane (and the email).
If company X sends an invoice (Excel grid) to company Y, X is associated with Y.
and so on...
So the basic goal at this point would be to:
Have users load in files as they receive them.
Enter the associations that each file contains.
Review associations holistically, in order to predict or take some action.
Generate a report of the interested associations including the files that the associations are based on.
The value for this project is in the associations, which in reality would grow much more complex then the above examples and should produce interesting conclusions. However. if the User is asked "How did you come to that conclusion", they need to be able to produce a summary of the associations as well as any files that these associations are based on - ie the PDF or EXCEL or whatever.
Initial thoughts...
I also should also add that this applicatoin would be hosted internally, and probably used by approx 50 Users so I probably don't need super-duper, fastest, scalable, high availability possible solution. The data being loaded could get rather large though, maybe up to a terabyte in a year? (Not the associations but the actual files)
Wouldn't it be great if Neo4J just did all of this! Obviously it should handle the graph aspects of this very nicely, but I figure that the file storage and text search is going to need another player added to the mix.
Some combinations of solutions I know of would be:
Store EVERYTHING including files as binary in Neo4J.
Would be wrestling Neo4J for something its not built for.
How would I search text?
Store only associations and meta data in Neo4J and uploaded file on File system.
How would I do text searches on files that are stored on file server?
Store only associations and meta data in Neo4J and uploaded file in Postgres.
Not so confident of having all my files inside DB. Feel more comfortable having all my files accessible in folders.
Everyone says its great to put your files in DB. Everyone says its not great to put your files in DB.
Get to the bloody questions..
Can anyone suggest a good "stack" that would suit the above?
Please give a basic outline on how you would implement your suggestion, ie:
Have the application store the data into Neo4J, then use triggers to update Postgres.
Or have the files loaded into Postgres and triggers update Neo4J.
Or Have the application load data to Nea4J and then application loads data into Postgres.
How you would tie these together is probably what I am really trying to grasp.
Thank you very much for any input on this.
p.s. What a ramble! If you feel the need to edit my question or title to simplify, go for it! :)
Here's my recommendations:
Never store binary files in the database. Store in filesystem or a service like AWS S3 instead and reference the file in your data model.
I would store the file first in S3 and a reference to it in your primary database (Neo4j?)
If you want to be able to search for any word in a document I would recommend using a full text search engine like Elastic Search. Elastic Search can scan multiple document formats like PDF using Tika.
You can probably also use Elastic/Tika to search for relationships in the document and surface them in order to update your graph.
Suggested Stack:
AWS S3 or some other redundant filesystem to avoid data loss
Bonus: See this SO question/answer for best practices on indexing files in multiple formats using ES.

Detecting color of an image stored in the database

So what I want to do is store images inside a database and not on the file system. And after storing them, i want to detect whether the image is coloured or black& white, crop the image to a size i specify later, etc.
Also, I don't want to get the image manipulation done via the overlying application like Java, C# or PhP as my database may be indirectly accessed without using any overlying application.
For storing images, I checked the following DBMS's:
Oracle Multimedia(formerly Intermedia) but couldn't really find an image manipulation documentation, also the installation of different modules is rather confusing.
IBM DB2 and even though the image extenders have been discontinued, I have found a suitable third party image processing library, ImageMagick. From whatever I have read this is the most suitable database with the extension for my requirement, but i am a bit skeptical about its usefulness as its pretty old (http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/data/library/techarticle/dm-0504stolze/ <- This was written in 2005)
SQL server with Filestream where I can store images as BLOB, but i am again not sure about how can I fulfill my requirements.
MongoDB with GridFS, and this also helps in storing images but not exactly manipulating.
I am now lost and require a direction where I can proceed so that I am not stuck anymore at choosing a suitable DB. Any alternative DBMS or method to do the things I want are more than welcome.
In software world (and not only there) people are making things that does one thing, but they try to make it in such a way, that this one thing will be done perfectly. It does not make sense much sense to create a database that no only store information, but also be an image editor, video clips enhancer and a text reader.
It is better to make it just a database and if it is so much in need, create 3 other programs for each of this task.
Therefore you will not find a database which will fulfill your requirements, store images in your database if you want so and then calculate your color, resize them on the application layer. If you need to do this often - then store them in database, precalculate and preresize things you need and store them in database as well. Then query based on precalculated values.

Is it possible to store graphs hbase? if so how do you model the database to support a graph structure?

I have been playing around with using graphs to analyze big data. Its been working great and really fun but I'm wondering what to do as the data gets bigger and bigger?
Let me know if there's any other solution but I thought of trying Hbase because it scales horizontally and I can get hadoop to run analytics on the graph(most of my code is already written in java), but I'm unsure how to structure a graph on a nosql database? I know each node can be an entry in the database but I'm not sure how to model edges and add properties to them(like name of nodes, attributes, pagerank, weights on edges,etc..).
Seeing how hbase/hadoop is modeled after big tables and map reduce I suspect there is a way to do this but not sure how. Any suggestions?
Also, does this make sense what I'm trying to do? or is it there better solutions for big data graphs?
You can store an adjacency list in HBase/Accumulo in a column oriented fashion. I'm more familiar with Accumulo (HBase terminology might be slightly different) so you might use a schema similar to:
SrcNode(RowKey) EdgeType(CF):DestNode(CFQ) Edge/Node Properties(Value)
Where CF=ColumnFamily and CFQ=ColumnFamilyQualifier
You might also store node/vertex properties as separate rows using something like:
Node(RowKey) PropertyType(CF):PropertyValue(CFQ) PropertyValue(Value)
The PropertyValue could be either in the CFQ or the Value
From a graph processing perspective as mentioned by #Arnon Rotem-Gal-Oz you could look at Apache Giraph which is an implementation of Google Pregel. Pregel is the method Google use for large graph processing.
Using HBase/Accumulo as input to giraph has been submitted recently (7 Mar 2012) as a new feature request to Giraph: HBase/Accumulo Input and Output formats (GIRAPH-153)
You can store the graph in HBase as adjacency list so for example, each raw would have columns for general properties (name, pagerank etc.) and a list of keys of adjacent nodes (if it a directed graph than just the nodes you can get to from this node or an additional column with the direction of each)
Take a look at apache Giraph (you can also read a little more about it here) while this isn't about HBase it is about handling graphs in Hadoop.
Also you may want to look at Hadoop 0.23 (and up) as the YARN engine (aka map/reduce2) is more open to non-map/reduce algorithms
I would not use HBase in the way "Binary Nerd" recommended it as HBase does not perform very well when handling multiple column families.
Best performance is achieved with a single column family (a second one should only be used if you very often only access the content of one column family and the data stored in the other column family is very large)
There are graph databases build on top of HBase you could try and/or study.
Apache S2Graph
provides REST API for storing, querying the graph data represented by edge and vertices. There you can find a presentation, where the construction of row/column keys is explained. Analysis of operations' performance that influenced or is influenced by the design are also given.
can use other storage backends besides HBase, and has integration with analytics frameworks. It is also designed with big data sets in mind.

Designing a generic unstructured data store

The project I have been given is to store and retrieve unstructured data from a third-party. This could be HR information – User, Pictures, CV, Voice mail etc or factory related stuff – Work items, parts lists, time sheets etc. Basically almost any type of data.
Some of these items may be linked so a User many have a picture for example. I don’t need to examine the content of the data as my storage solution will receive the data as XML and send it out as XML. It’s down to the recipient to convert the XML back into a picture or sound file etc. The recipient may request all Users so I need to be able to find User records and their related “child” items such as pictures etc, or the recipient may just want pictures etc.
My database is MS SQL and I have to stick with that. My question is, are there any patterns or existing solutions for handling unstructured data in this way.
I’ve done a bit of Googling and have found some sites that talk about this kind of problem but they are more interested in drilling into the data to allow searches on their content. I don’t need to know the content just what type it is (picture, User, Job Sheet etc).
To those who have given their comments:
The problem I face is the linking of objects together. A User object may be added to the data store then at a later date the users picture may be added. When the User is requested I will need to return the both the User object and it associated Picture. The user may update their picture so you can see I need to keep relationships between objects. That is what I was trying to get across in the second paragraph. The problem I have is that my solution must be very generic as I should be able to store anything and link these objects by the end users requirements. EG: User, Pictures and emails or Work items, Parts list etc. I see that Microsoft has developed ZEntity which looks like it may be useful but I don’t need to drill into the data contents so it’s probably over kill for what I need.
I have been using Microsoft Zentity since version 1, and whilst it is excellent a storing huge amounts of structured data and allowing (relatively) simple access to the data, if your data structure is likely to change then recreating the 'data model' (and the regression testing) would probably remove the benefits of using such a system.
Another point worth noting is that Zentity requires filestream storage so you would need to have the correct version of SQL Server installed (2008 I think) and filestream storage enabled.
Since you deal with XML, it's not an unstructured data. Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or later has XML column type that you can use.
Now, if you don't need to access XML nodes and you think you will never need to, go with the plain varbinary(max). For your information, storing XML content in an XML-type column let you not only to retrieve XML nodes directly through database queries, but also validate XML data against schemas, which may be useful to ensure that the content you store is valid.
Don't forget to use FILESTREAMs (SQL Server 2008 or later), if your XML data grows in size (2MB+). This is probably your case, since voice-mail or pictures can easily be larger than 2 MB, especially when they are Base64-encoded inside an XML file.
Since your data is quite freeform and changable, your best bet is to put it on a plain old file system not a relational database. By all means store some meta-information in SQL where it makes sense to search through structed data relationships but if your main data content is not structured with data relationships then you're doing yourself a disservice using an SQL database.
The filesystem is blindingly fast to lookup files and stream them, especially if this is an intranet application. All you need to do is share a folder and apply sensible file permissions and a large chunk of unnecessary development disappears. If you need to deliver this over the web, consider using WebDAV with IIS.
A reasonably clever file and directory naming convension with a small piece of software you write to help people get to the right path will hands down, always beat any SQL database for both access speed and sequential data streaming. Filesystem paths and file names will always beat any clever SQL index for data location speed. And plain old files are the ultimate unstructured, flexible data store.
Use SQL for what it's good for. Use files for what they are good for. Best tools for the job and all that...
You don't really need any pattern for this implementation. Store all your data in a BLOB entry. Read from it when required and then send it out again.
Yo would probably need to investigate other infrastructure aspects like periodically cleaning up the db to remove expired entries.
Maybe i'm not understanding the problem clearly.
So am I right if I say that all you need to store is a blob of xml with whatever binary information contained within? Why can't you have a users table and then a linked(foreign key) table with userobjects in, linked by userId?

How important is a database in managing information?

I have been hired to help write an application that manages certain information for the end user. It is intended to manage a few megabytes of information, but also manage scanned images in full resolution. Should this project use a database, and why or why not?
Any question "Should I use a certain tool?" comes down to asking exactly what you want to do. You should ask yourself - "Do I want to write my own storage for this data?"
Most web based applications are written against a database because most databases support many "free" features - you can have multiple webservers. You can use standard tools to edit, verify and backup your data. You can have a robust storage solution with transactions.
The database won't help you much in dealing with the image data itself, but anything that manages a bunch of images is going to have meta-data about the images that you'll be dealing with. Depending on the meta-data and what you want to do with it, a database can be quite helpful indeed with that.
And just because the database doesn't help you much with the image data, that doesn't mean you can't store the images in the database. You would store them in a BLOB column of a SQL database.
If the amount of data is small, or installed on many client machines, you might not want the overhead of a database.
Is it intended to be installed on many users machines? Adding the overhead of ensuring you can run whatever database engine you choose on a client installed app is not optimal. Since the amount of data is small, I think XML would be adequate here. You could Base64 encode the images and store them as CDATA.
Will the application be run on a server? If you have concurrent users, then databases have concepts for handling these scenarios (transactions), and that can be helpful. And the scanned image data would be appropriate for a BLOB.
You shouldn't store images in the database, as is the general consensus here.
The file system is just much better at storing images than your database is.
You should use a database to store meta information about those images, such as a title, description, etc, and just store a URL or path to the images.
When it comes to storing images in a database I try to avoid it. In your case from what I can gather of your question there is a possibilty for a subsantial number of fairly large images, so I would probably strong oppose it.
If this is a web application I would use a database for quick searching and indexing of images using keywords and other parameters. Then have a column pointing to the location of the image in a filesystem if possible with some kind of folder structure to help further decrease the image load time.
If you need greater security due to the directory being available (network share) and the application is local then you should probably bite the bullet and store the images in the database.
My gut reaction is "why not?" A database is going to provide a framework for storing information, with all of the input/output/optimization functions provided in a documented format. You can go with a server-side solution, or a local database such as SQLite or the local version of SQL Server. Either way you have a robust, documented data management framework.
This post should give you most of the opinions you need about storing images in the database. Do you also mean 'should I use a database for the other information?' or are you just asking about the images?
A database is meant to manage large volumes of data, and are supposed to give you fast access to read and write that data in spite of the size. Put simply, they manage scale for data - scale that you don't want to deal with. If you have only a few users (hundreds?), you could just as easily manage the data on disk (say XML?) and keep the data in memory. The images should clearly not go in to the database so the question is how much data, or for how many users are you maintaining this database instance?
If you want to have a structured way to store and retrieve information, a database is most definitely the way to go. It makes your application flexible and more powerful, and lets you focus on the actual application rather than incidentals like trying to write your own storage system.
For individual applications, SQLite is great. It fits right in an app as a file; no need for a whole DRBMS juggernaut.
There are a lot of factors to this. But, being a database weenie, I would err on the side of having a database. It just makes life easier when things changes. and things will change.
Depending on the images, you might store them on the file system or actually blob them and put them in the database (Not supported in all DBMS's). If the files are very small, then I would blob them. If they are big, then I would keep them on he file system and manage them yourself.
There are so many free or cheap DBMS's out there that there really is no excuse not to use one. I'm a SQL Server guy, but f your application is that simple, then the free version of mysql should do the job. In fact, it has some pretty cool stuff in there.
Our CMS stores all of the check images we process. It uses a database for metadata and lets the file system handle the scanned images.
A simple database like SQLite sounds appropriate - it will let you store file metadata in a consistent, transactional way. Then store the path to each image in the database and let the file system do what it does best - manage files.
SQL Server 2008 has a new data type built for in-database files, but before that BLOB was the way to store files inside the database. On a small scale that would work too.
